Daily check-in: Something catchy that rhymes with January!

katro111 Posts: 632 Member
I couldn't think of anything cool to name this thread, so umm... HAPPY 2015!!

Today was deadlifts:
3@140, 3@160, 5@180lbs

5-sec paused squats - 3x10 @‌ 125lbs
Side planks - 3x30seconds per side
Bent over 1-arm rows - 3x10 @ 35lbs


  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice thread title. :wink: Honestly, it amused me when I first saw it.

    Went to gym tonight after 8 and it was rather empty so got things done fast. Workout B accomplished and some cardio.

    Squat - 5x5 @ 135 - It was tough but I did it. The big plates even, which do look kind of cool. It didn't feel heavy till I actually got down into the squat but made it though all 5 sets. Even caught a head nod from a guy after one of them.

    OHP - 5x5 @ 50 - It looked so tiny after the squat with those 2.5 plates, hehe. De-load so was easy enough.

    Deadlift - 4x5, 5x5 @ 145 - Decided to go down and do 145 after my miscalculation last time and oops. I almost fell back on that first set somehow. Ended up unsteady on my heels while holding up the weight longer than usual to get together. So, I put it down and moved the bar back to a good spot again, took a breather and did a do-over.

    120 Leg press, just for fun.

    Might do 145 again next time just to be sure on the deadlift and most others are getting de-loads, even squat. It's doable but I'm not quite ready to full on fail at that so I'm going to bump it down and work back up a little while I do that on OHP and bench.

    Now to think of some goals for 2015.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm going to not-lift for a few days, but i've been working on my left shoulder and it was better enough today for me to try planks again. oooghf.

    also been pvc-pipe rolling my quads because of tightness plus some kind of groin pull thing. OW.
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    @canadian--I am going to start doing Joe Defranco's Limber 11 youtu.be/FSSDLDhbacc to help with my hip flexibility for squats. Some of these routines might help your groin pull thing.

    Todays workout:

    Squats 5x5 @ 67.5 lbs (better form; lowering the bar slightly decreased my forward lean).
    Bench 5x5 @ 52.5
    Row 5x5 @ 52.5

    Bicep curl 5x8 @ 30 lbs
    Tricep kickback 5x8 @ 16 lbs
    Tricep extension 5x8 @ 15 lbs
    Third World Squat 5x8 (hip flexibility)
    Chinup Walk the Plank 5x8

  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I wasn't really feeling it today. It felt a bit like a chore.

    squats 5,6,5,6,5 @ 112lb
    ohp 5,5,5,5,5 @ 46lb (this was a deload but still difficult).
    deadlift 5 @ 150.5lb (going to deload this next time).

    I also added some core and abs exercises before my stretches, using the suggestions at the top of this forum.

    Not really sure where I'm heading with my weights at the moment :\
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Last night I decided I was going to skip my workout and then I did it anyway... a little odd but I will take it.
    Squat 145 lbs 5x5
    OHP 70 lbs 5/5/4/3/1 That was really heavy.
    DL 195 lbs 1x5 Glad I got it, I really didn't want to have to deload those guys

    I went back to clean up (aka rerack the bar and weights from DL's) and pushed out 10 OHP with just the bar just to add some volume after my lack luster OHP performance.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    First time to the free weight section :)

    Squats 5x5 @ 45 lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 45
    Row 5x5 @‌ 45

    All were challenging, but not hard. I am pretty happy with that. I was nervous, but figured out the power rack without too much fiddling! Thank you YouTube!

  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Squat-warm-up at 5 X 45, 5X5 90 lbs
    Bench 5X5 @ 75 lbs-this is starting to get hard
    Row 2X5, 3X3 @ 80 lbs-I always feel like I'm doing this one wrong :/

    I was an accidental a-hole at the gym today. I saw the empty squat rack(yes, singular, our gym only has one) w/ no weight set-up or towel or anything and hopped on over. Turns out this one guy was using it-he went over to help his lady friend(I dunno if they were together, or just friends) with some of her workout when I came in, so I didn't see him. Felt really dumb afterwards. :(
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    here, this'll make you feel better . . . i'm starting a gym "gaffes thread". for confessional/penance-y purposes.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Happy 2015 all xxxx

    First lift of the new year - have been a little slack with too much wine and chocolate this holiday season lol

    Squat 5x5 @‌ 155lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 85lbs
    Row 5x5 @‌ 90lbs

    Loved it!

    Can't wait to catch up in this group xx
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    First workout of 2015! Garage Built Body Day 1!

    3 rounds of 50 seconds work/10s rest 9well, was more of a 45/15 if I'M honest with myself)
    - Double rack KB squat x 20lbs 23 / 4 --> regressed to 20lbs goblet x 15 / 23 (still goblet)
    - Push-ups 16 / 15 / 14
    - Recline Rows 18 / 14 / 16
    - Double KB RDL (20lbs) 21 / 24 / 23 (those were really easy...)
    - Plank jacks 37 / 0 (just held the plank) / 35

    Then did 8 rounds of 20/10
    - Sit-outs (77 total)
    - Hollow rocks (61 total)

    My abs hurt soooo bad at the end xD

    Finished with 95x5x5 of barbell squats, messing around with feet and bar position. So far my strongest stance seems to be relatively narrow (might be less than shoulder width) with toes pointed out and a high bar. I also get the best depth from there. We'll see if that holds as I go up in weight. Thinking of going with a 10lbs increment per session, drop to 3 reps, then repeat weight at 5 reps. Will slow to 5lbs per once I hit 135. I think that's reasonable.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Deadlift - 4x5, 5x5 @ 145 - Decided to go down and do 145 after my miscalculation last time and oops. I almost fell back on that first set somehow. Ended up unsteady on my heels while holding up the weight longer than usual to get together. So, I put it down and moved the bar back to a good spot again, took a breather and did a do-over.

    I'm *pretty* sure you're only supposed to do 1 set of 5 on the deadlifts. Or was that just ICF? You must get really hungry on the days you do these O_o

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    1st workout in 2015, 2nd workout since my accident and was able to make progress. I decided on 70 lbs. for squats, tried 50 again then 65 and was just too light, but then once I set them up for 85 next time I couldn't resist doing couple of sets, so 85 will be my weight next time unless I go up another 5, we will see. Deadlifts were easy at 70 but that is where I started again, definitely going up on them next time. OHP was no problem at 50. Overall I am satisfied that I am not hurting myself and am making good progress. I can increase curls next time too, increased reverse curl today.

    Workout B (Fri)

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 5 - 50

    squats 5 X 2 - 50

    squats 5 X 1 - 65

    squats 5 X 5 - 70

    squats 5 x 2 - 85

    Deadlifts 3 x 5 - 70

    Overhand Curls 5 x 5 - 50

    Leg Extensions 5 x 5 - 50

    Reverse Curls 5 x 5 - 55

    Dumbbell Skis 5 x 10 - 40
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Bench day.
    3@80, 3@90, 5@100lbs

    OHP - 3x10 @‌ 60lbs
    Curl bar skull crushers - 3x10 @‌ 40lbs
    Tricep kickbacks - 3x10 @‌ 20lbs

    I can already feel DOMS!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've generally been feeling rather lazy since I got home from Hawaii. Sleeping in much later than usual and not very motivated to do anything at all besides wander the Internet and watch bad television. I'm kind of a grump, to be honest. Was actually looking forward to getting the gym today, despite said laziness.

    First workout of 2015 - StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    Squats - 5x5 @ 115 lbs.
    - Knees don't appear to be caving, so I'm pleased there. I feel like I'm getting as low as I can at the moment, even if it's not quite below parallel. I figure this will come if I continue to push myself, and it's not like I'm doing quarter- or half-squats. I'm also going to be working on flexibility this year, so that should also help.
    - These weren't easy, but not terrible either. But they *did* bother my left arm in the bicep and wrist areas. I think it's probably time to get back on the massage table for a few sessions.

    Bench Press -- 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - What the hell? These were weirdly hard. Considering I just deloaded from 82.5 (after my third failure at that weight), I don't know why these didn't feel easy peasy, but they sure didn't.
    - I played with my grip a little bit and was trying to pay more attention to keeping my elbows in check, so maybe they just didn't feel natural because of that? Who knows. But I had to have a stern talking to with myself after about set three to remind myself to get my head in the game.
    - Bottom line: MEH.

    Rows -- 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - Also decided to deload here because my form has just been feeling off, and I kind of like when my bench and rows are the same. Makes it possible to just use the same bar. (I know, how lazy is that?) Though today I didn't since all the other benches were in use. So I had to unload about 250 lbs. off another bar and then load up my puny little 70 lbs. Anywho, I digress...
    - These felt pretty good, actually! (You know you're in trouble when OHP or Rows are the best lift of the day!) I took a peek at the video on the app and realized that I was getting way too low in my stance on these. So I stood up a bit, kept my back parallel to the ground, and was definitely pleased with how much better, easier, and more engaging these felt. Imagine that!


    Bicep curls: 3x12 @ 12.5 lbs. / Skullcrushers: 3x10 @ 30 lbs. (Alternating sets)
    - I'm always at failure by the time I get to the 11th and 12th reps in my third set of curls. Any suggestions on how to improve here? I feel like I've been using 12.5 lbs. forever. (And that's 12.5 lbs. in each hand, not total.)
    - Oof! Skull crushers were just hard today.

    Plank: Um, yeah. Made it a whole 35 seconds. Big fat :stuck_out_tongue:

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    First time to the free weight section :)

    Squats 5x5 @ 45 lbs
    Bench 5x5 @ 45
    Row 5x5 @‌ 45

    All were challenging, but not hard. I am pretty happy with that. I was nervous, but figured out the power rack without too much fiddling! Thank you YouTube!

    Great job! And welcome! :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Deadlift - 4x5, 5x5 @ 145 - Decided to go down and do 145 after my miscalculation last time and oops. I almost fell back on that first set somehow. Ended up unsteady on my heels while holding up the weight longer than usual to get together. So, I put it down and moved the bar back to a good spot again, took a breather and did a do-over.

    I'm *pretty* sure you're only supposed to do 1 set of 5 on the deadlifts. Or was that just ICF? You must get really hungry on the days you do these O_o

    I usually only do one but I messed up and almost fell backwards. So, I repositioned it and tried again. Wasn't going to let 145 lbs defeat me when I'd already lifted 155 before. Though I've done 2 sets before cause all that effort of getting set up seems like a lot for 1 set. And mine is nothing compared to all the stuff you do. :wink:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    krokador wrote: »
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Deadlift - 4x5, 5x5 @ 145 - Decided to go down and do 145 after my miscalculation last time and oops. I almost fell back on that first set somehow. Ended up unsteady on my heels while holding up the weight longer than usual to get together. So, I put it down and moved the bar back to a good spot again, took a breather and did a do-over.

    I'm *pretty* sure you're only supposed to do 1 set of 5 on the deadlifts. Or was that just ICF? You must get really hungry on the days you do these O_o

    I usually only do one but I messed up and almost fell backwards. So, I repositioned it and tried again. Wasn't going to let 145 lbs defeat me when I'd already lifted 155 before. Though I've done 2 sets before cause all that effort of getting set up seems like a lot for 1 set. And mine is nothing compared to all the stuff you do. :wink:

    Oh, the way you wrote it I thought you'd done 4 sets of 5 at 145 and then 5 more at 150!

    I think Ima do a video of how I setup for deadlifts for you guys. It really isn't that much of a struggle IMO! Lol
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    I've generally been feeling rather lazy since I got home from Hawaii. Sleeping in much later than usual and not very motivated to do anything at all besides wander the Internet and watch bad television. I'm kind of a grump, to be honest. Was actually looking forward to getting the gym today, despite said laziness.

    First workout of 2015 - StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    Squats - 5x5 @ 115 lbs.
    - Knees don't appear to be caving, so I'm pleased there. I feel like I'm getting as low as I can at the moment, even if it's not quite below parallel. I figure this will come if I continue to push myself, and it's not like I'm doing quarter- or half-squats. I'm also going to be working on flexibility this year, so that should also help.
    - These weren't easy, but not terrible either. But they *did* bother my left arm in the bicep and wrist areas. I think it's probably time to get back on the massage table for a few sessions.

    Bench Press -- 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - What the hell? These were weirdly hard. Considering I just deloaded from 82.5 (after my third failure at that weight), I don't know why these didn't feel easy peasy, but they sure didn't.
    - I played with my grip a little bit and was trying to pay more attention to keeping my elbows in check, so maybe they just didn't feel natural because of that? Who knows. But I had to have a stern talking to with myself after about set three to remind myself to get my head in the game.
    - Bottom line: MEH.

    Rows -- 5x5 @ 70 lbs.
    - Also decided to deload here because my form has just been feeling off, and I kind of like when my bench and rows are the same. Makes it possible to just use the same bar. (I know, how lazy is that?) Though today I didn't since all the other benches were in use. So I had to unload about 250 lbs. off another bar and then load up my puny little 70 lbs. Anywho, I digress...
    - These felt pretty good, actually! (You know you're in trouble when OHP or Rows are the best lift of the day!) I took a peek at the video on the app and realized that I was getting way too low in my stance on these. So I stood up a bit, kept my back parallel to the ground, and was definitely pleased with how much better, easier, and more engaging these felt. Imagine that!


    Bicep curls: 3x12 @ 12.5 lbs. / Skullcrushers: 3x10 @ 30 lbs. (Alternating sets)
    - I'm always at failure by the time I get to the 11th and 12th reps in my third set of curls. Any suggestions on how to improve here? I feel like I've been using 12.5 lbs. forever. (And that's 12.5 lbs. in each hand, not total.)
    - Oof! Skull crushers were just hard today.

    Plank: Um, yeah. Made it a whole 35 seconds. Big fat :stuck_out_tongue:


    I noticed today that low bar squats are a lot more straining on the shoulders and wrists than high bar (and that was with 50% of my max, so easy peasy weight). Maybe you could play around with that (it's also easier to hit depth with a high bar squat. On the downside you move a lil less weight tho)

    And curls don't progress fast. Biceps are tiny muscles. I barely ever do 'em myself (and I still have some definition there!) The only thing I could say is to go up in weight but down in reps, sort of in a reverse pyramid, maybe? You'll still get hypertrophy with 6-8 reps ;) (and keep in mind you did rows just before. Those pre-exhaust the muscle a bit!)
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    krokador wrote: »
    crabada wrote: »

    Bicep curls: 3x12 @ 12.5 lbs. / Skullcrushers: 3x10 @ 30 lbs. (Alternating sets)
    - I'm always at failure by the time I get to the 11th and 12th reps in my third set of curls. Any suggestions on how to improve here? I feel like I've been using 12.5 lbs. forever. (And that's 12.5 lbs. in each hand, not total.)
    - Oof! Skull crushers were just hard today.

    Plank: Um, yeah. Made it a whole 35 seconds. Big fat :stuck_out_tongue:


    I noticed today that low bar squats are a lot more straining on the shoulders and wrists than high bar (and that was with 50% of my max, so easy peasy weight). Maybe you could play around with that (it's also easier to hit depth with a high bar squat. On the downside you move a lil less weight tho)

    And curls don't progress fast. Biceps are tiny muscles. I barely ever do 'em myself (and I still have some definition there!) The only thing I could say is to go up in weight but down in reps, sort of in a reverse pyramid, maybe? You'll still get hypertrophy with 6-8 reps ;) (and keep in mind you did rows just before. Those pre-exhaust the muscle a bit!)

    You might try different grips with the bicep curls ie hammer curls or Zottman curls to progress in weights. Your plank at 35 seconds is good to start with. Last year I followed a progression over one month and eventually got up to 5 minutes. It's hard when you first start but it does gradually get easier.

    One more thing regarding squats. I agree with krokador about the position of the bar for these. I have been working on both squat depth and forward lean. I have found that lowering the bar slightly has improved my forward lean so be aware of this if you raise the bar. Am doing the third world squat for squat depth. I definitely overdid it yesterday though cause I am sore in hip, groin, and lower back...glad it's a non-lifting day for me today :-)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    My first workout of the new year and post vacation (1 week off) felt really weak. I still getting used to using my power cage at home instead of gym equipment. Much more setting up and moving stuff around. SL app recommended a 20% deload so I tried to squat 130 & I failed. My knees buckled and I thought that I was going down! Got the bar back into the rack and did some more warm ups with just the bar. Wow, I need to practice failing, I think. I did OHP @45, 5x5, deadlift @ 95 5x5. Did some burpees to warm up, bicep curls 2x5@45. I tried hip thrusters (I think that's what they are called) with the bar. Felt awkward so I need to work on that some more.