Weekly Post 18/01/15 -24/01/15



  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I just did a 40-hour fast, which is a new "record" for me. It didn't feel much different from a regular 24-hour or whatever, so that's good to know. That wasn't a goal, it just worked out that way with sleeping and whatnot.

    So, back from vacation and switching from 5:2 to 6:1 weekly. Doing 16:8 daily. What's new for me is carb-cycling (also known as backloading), where you eat TDEE+~20% post-lifting and then fast down the accumulated surplus once a week so you end up flat for the week.

    So accurate banking becomes crucial.

    After my first week of this, my bodyfat was down a bit and my weight was up a little, so that's ideal and what's supposed to happen. Hopefully that was real and not a fluke of cycles. We'll see.

    Good luck!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    We'll have to go pester him on his page haha. @orlcam is in demand!

    Fast day numero uno of this week! Hope everyone is having a great week! How's everyone doing? Is fasting feeling good during the week or are you still struggling?

    Diddo about @orlcam.

    Pulled off my fast day yesterday, kept my calories in the 500s. o:) Finally feel back on track. Aiming to get back to my last low, about 3 more pounds to go! (hey another rhyme).
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited January 2015
    We'll have to go pester him on his page haha. @orlcam is in demand!

    I did just that last week ;-). He promised me, he was still reading the group posts. I told him, we are here for him through his highs and lows, if he feels the need for support.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    First fast today after 4 very indulgent high carb high alcohol days. Ended with a Man-Fast of 670cals. I'm OK with that as I'm still recovering from the carb load ;-)
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »

    Pulled off my fast day yesterday, kept my calories in the 500s. o:) Finally feel back on track. Aiming to get back to my last low, about 3 more pounds to go! (hey another rhyme).

    I'm with you snaps! I track my "lowest" low of the week on MFP so I keep getting encouraged to get back to it the next week, but haven't seen that number from the middle of December again haha. I have been averaging 295 and my previous "lowest" was 290, so a nice little chunk to go haha.
    flumi_f wrote: »
    We'll have to go pester him on his page haha. @orlcam is in demand!

    I did just that last week ;-). He promised me, he was still reading the group posts. I told him, we are here for him through his highs and lows, if he feels the need for support.

    The group posts are no joke! It's a mountain if you get behind a few days. "Office" days for me with no meetings means I can check in regularly but back-to-back meeting days means I'll get backed up lol.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    So, back from vacation and switching from 5:2 to 6:1 weekly. Doing 16:8 daily. What's new for me is carb-cycling (also known as backloading), where you eat TDEE+~20% post-lifting and then fast down the accumulated surplus once a week so you end up flat for the week.

    Are you in maintenance mode? Would love to know how the 16:8 works for you. We had some discussion about the value of it awhile back. I would love to do it regularly but it is a bit hard with a husband and child. Maybe in another 12 years when DS is out of the house.

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Fast day numero uno of this week! Hope everyone is having a great week! How's everyone doing? Is fasting feeling good during the week or are you still struggling?

    I think I am struggling a bit because January is still a bit busy for us. Anniversary and my husband's birthday is this month (yes I know it is HIS birthday and not mine ;) ). Looking forward to February when the temptations are not there and I can really just focus on getting back into the 5:2 rhythm.

    I am doing a fast day today and it is going well. Once I learned I won't die eating only 500 cals the fasts became much easier. Just tell my mind to shut up when it starts complaining. Now the TDEE days are the hard part. I really have to work hard to resist rewarding myself for being so good on my fast days. No matter what, still think 5:2 is THE BEST.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    We'll have to go pester him on his page haha. @orlcam is in demand!

    I did just that last week ;-). He promised me, he was still reading the group posts. I told him, we are here for him through his highs and lows, if he feels the need for support.

    We just need to say "boots" and @orlcam will appear. LOL

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    You think, I should replace my snowshoe profile pic, jkinght :p

    I am close to goal, jknight and still have to watch myself on non fast days. Let's just say, eating at least my TDEE has never been my problem....guess how I got fat.... The BBC doc on constant cravers etc, was interesting, but I still have to solve my weight and eating issues myself :o Work work work.....
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    You think, I should replace my snowshoe profile pic, jkinght :p

    I am close to goal, jknight and still have to watch myself on non fast days. Let's just say, eating at least my TDEE has never been my problem....guess how I got fat.... The BBC doc on constant cravers etc, was interesting, but I still have to solve my weight and eating issues myself :o Work work work.....

    Oh, @flumi_f, you are always doing what you can to help the members of this group. So glad to know you. :heart:

    I didn't come up as a constant craver but it seems to me that is what I am. If I would only eat when I was hungry, I wouldn't need to be working on my weight. I would be out buying beautiful clothes to wear. Ha! But as you say work, work, work. I will say all of this persistence is good for us. It not only strengthens our resolve in areas of eating but in other areas of life as well. Who knows who I would be if I didn't have to work so hard?
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited January 2015
    @jknight001 - I totally agree. We are a sum of our experience. And being overweight for 44 out of 45 years is a big part of me and who I am. I meet up with a group about once a month to lay cards. (Therapeutic card laying, not fortune telling). Yes I'm a scientist and still believe in the power of what I don't see but feel. Working on my innerself and it's quirks has played a major role in my success with my weightloss this time around.

    Last week the cards showed me quite clearly, that I still have certain issues and where they lie. As the weight was always just a symptom for what was wounded in my soul, I wasn't too surprised. Those last 3-4kg have been so stubborn, there was bound to be a reason, that lies deeper. Working on it though with lots of positive affirmations, reprogramming my subconscience. When I lose those last few, I will know, that I rewrote, what is on my 'harddisk' ;)

    Until then...I will fake it 'til I make it and go wear my boots :p
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    Are you in maintenance mode? Would love to know how the 16:8 works for you.

    Yup, maintenance and recomp. I'd dabbled with 16:8 (leangains) actually last summer before I did 5:2 but didn't have a strong reason to continue, as I hadn't done enough research. Also wasn't really tracking calories, so I'd be way off eating who-knows-what and not getting anywhere. With the more recent studies and more reading, I think I should've started with 16:8 (or even 20:4) as a daily default. It makes it much easier to avoid snacking and mindless eating problems.

    Then once you're used to 16:8, it's a small stretch to go another 8 hours on your fast and BOOM, there's your 24 right there.

    So my new IMO, best practices:
    16:8 for daily default eating, at TDEE (or above on lifting days)
    5:2 weekly for cutting
    6:1 weekly for maintenance
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks @fiesty_bucket. Sounds like a great plan for you. Hoping to try 16:8 one day. I think I would benefit from it for the reason you said. When one only eats in an 8 hour window, the food choices are better.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    @jknight001 - I totally agree. We are a sum of our experience. And being overweight for 44 out of 45 years is a big part of me and who I am. I meet up with a group about once a month to lay cards. (Therapeutic card laying, not fortune telling). Yes I'm a scientist and still believe in the power of what I don't see but feel. Working on my innerself and it's quirks has played a major role in my success with my weightloss this time around.

    Last week the cards showed me quite clearly, that I still have certain issues and where they lie. As the weight was always just a symptom for what was wounded in my soul, I wasn't too surprised. Those last 3-4kg have been so stubborn, there was bound to be a reason, that lies deeper. Working on it though with lots of positive affirmations, reprogramming my subconscience. When I lose those last few, I will know, that I rewrote, what is on my 'harddisk' ;)

    Until then...I will fake it 'til I make it and go wear my boots :p

    Yes, life is always full of things to workout. You have a lot of courage to face your weaknesses. A lot of evil in the world starts as a way to avoid the wounded soul. We will cheer with you when those last 3-4kg go knowing that your healing was the cause of the loss. Until then, you add so much to the lives around you that you already have a lot going for you. It is just a matter of time before the last puzzle pieces fall in place. And, yes, keep wearing those boots. They are part of the reprogramming process.
  • boolz
    boolz Posts: 61 Member
    I did my very first fast day yesterday, and it was easier than I thought. I had a bowl of oat bran and blueberries at around 2pm, blackened chicken and asparagus for dinner, and some custard for dessert. I was, coincidentally a little under the weather, but seemed to have normal energy, slept ok. Weird thing (or maybe normal?) : I'm less hungry than usual today.

    Anyway, so far so good!
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Fast day for me and I'm checking in quickly.
    I was a little miffed to find the burrito I had was actually about 550 not the 340 I had planned for.
    I'm not too upset as I made the same mistake last week and managed to shed weight.

    I have yet to really incorporate daily activity into the mix. This was going to be my week to go hardcore!
    I'm using everything as an excuse and just need to do it. I'm really not a fan of the short winter days and usually get most of my activity by snowboarding 1-3 times a week. The lack of snow has really hurt my plan!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member

    I'm with you snaps! I track my "lowest" low of the week on MFP so I keep getting encouraged to get back to it the next week, but haven't seen that number from the middle of December again haha. I have been averaging 295 and my previous "lowest" was 290, so a nice little chunk to go haha.

    I haven't seen my lowest since November!! :#

  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »

    Oh, @flumi_f, you are always doing what you can to help the members of this group. So glad to know you. :heart:

    Diddo, @flumi_f your the best. Thanks for keeping with us even though your close to goal!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Whoa, thanks for all the support!

    I'm here...lurking...making sure I don't miss any new body shots (hint, hint). I've been a bad boy...still trying to set this ship back on course. I had a few days of semi fasting but have blown them up by going way over my TDEE the next. Going to hit the market tomorrow, haven't been since before Xmas (boy I hate shopping) so all the stuff in my pantry/freezer that I've been avoiding since July "got et" (nothing like stale microwave popcorn and frostbitten rib-eyes). Lots of takeout too (smack!) Just a huge dose of hedonistic anarchy...wait, I'm possessed, that's it! ...I blame el Diablo! I think I'll exorcise him this weekend with a final box of buttermilk drops. Then I'll lock myself in my bedroom a la "Trainspotting" style...pray for me.

    ...again, thank you for all the notes of encouragement (you know who you are), you make me want to be a better man (for those of you who haven't seen "As Good as It Gets", that sounded really original huh?)

    I have read (skimmed?) every post since we've set up this new group, but I haven't really jumped into the fray as it pertains to giving advice...I just don't feel right preaching what I'm currently not practicing. I know one thing...at least in my case, I won't be taking any weeks off in the future. Even if I'm on a cruise and buffets lurk around every corner, I'll somehow manage to pull of at least one 30 hour fast each week. It's just too hard (for me) to get back on track...I wasn't ready for that challenge (got cocky).

    Maybe I've been looking at these (our) "cyber" relationships as, in a sense, vapor. But, I'm starting to realize how "real" they can be, yep...sounds crazy maybe, or dare I say unmanly...I'm developing emotional ties with some of you. Uh, no...I'm not going to be asking you to prom.

    Great Group,
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Too old for the prom, orlcam...you and me both ;-)

    Keep lurking for as long as you need to.