Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    jlkermode wrote: »
    Hello! What a fun idea- would love to find my twin to help motivate me to lose those last few lbs! (*)
    29 yrs old
    Highest weight: 164 lbs
    Current weight: 140 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs

    Currently I am just starting my second wk of the strong curves weight training program. I'm also an aspiring runner! Looking forward to connecting!


    Hey Jamie! We are super close! :)

    27 yrs old
    Highest: 155lb
    Current: 139lb
    Goal weight: 129lb

    I just posted a thread in the main Support message board section about losing 10lbs by April 1st (10 weeks from now) with details about where I'm at... I'd love to connect with you! :)
  • sassafras0604
    sassafras0604 Posts: 1 Member
    New to groups, posting, etc. It would be great to meets others to help with motivation, encouragment, etc!

    Age: 31
    HW: 175
    GW: 140

    I'm very active - soccer, field hockey, boot camp and eat fairly well but portion sizes and one too many 'bad' snacks have caught up with me! I'd like to get back to 140ish in time for my vacation in April. Hoping this helps keep me accountable!
  • ckextrame
    ckextrame Posts: 1 Member
    tlell wrote: »

    Age: 20

    HW: 148
    LW: 128
    CW: 140
    GW: 125
    height: 5'5"

    I'm love yoga and am getting into the gym and strength training. I'm also a vegetarian.

    Hopefully I have a twin out there!

    My twin!
    Height: 5'5''
    Age 18
    Hw: 150
    Lw: 120
    Cw: 132
    Gw: 125

    Hoping to get back into strength training and yoga at the gym this spring, although not a vegetarian.
  • Hey all!

    26 years old.
    HW: 130 lbs
    LW: 105 lbs
    CW: 121 lbs
    GW: 106-110 lbs

    Hoping to reach my goal weight by June 24th -- my birthday! Should be doable. :smile:

    I'm currently doing Kayla Itsines BBG workout. It has some pretty fantastic transformation results.
  • murmurblur
    murmurblur Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Age: 35
    Mother of 4
    High: 170
    Low: 130
    Goal: 145
    Current: 168


    Feel free to add me if we're a match!
  • Fatimahasnain
    Fatimahasnain Posts: 91 Member
    Age: 26 (27 in march)
    Heaviest weight: 138lbs
    Current weight: 130lbs
    Goal weight: 110-115lbs
    Lowest weight : 105lbs (when i was like 18!)
    I have no clue about my body fat and all that because honestly I am sure it will make me want to cry and eat butter/salt mashed potatoes until I go into a food coma and dream about my toner days.

    trying to be under 120lbs in less than 2 months. Need a partner to help me stay on track. Focused on losing weight in obliques and abs. Would like to tone thighs and butt. Also, I am horrible about carbs,need someone to be a carb nazi for me. enjoying quick intense cardio trying to do it 2x a day every other day or 1x a day 6 days a week.
    We r closer
  • Zoella1990
    Zoella1990 Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 24
    Highest weight: 147
    Lowest weight: 98
    Current weight:131
    Goal weight: 112

    My goal is to lose a little weight, tone up and live and generally healthier lifestyle :smile:
  • Zoella1990
    Zoella1990 Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 24
    Highest weight: 144
    Current weight: 131
    Goal weight: 112

    My goal is to lose some weigh, tone up and generally live a healthy lifestyle.
    I used to enjoy going for a run a few times a week but since I started college on top of working full time I haven't had much time for exercise and I've been eating all the wrong food at the wrong time.
    Need someone to help me keep on track, Hope there's a twin out there for me!lol :smile:
  • AllegraAlyce
    AllegraAlyce Posts: 23 Member
    edited January 2015
    27 years
    I am 5'2
    Heaviest: 145 lbs
    Current: 125 lbs
    GOAL!!!! : 110-115 lbs
    (My profile was at 112 lbs, I got off track after a vacation, and am just now getting back on track.)

    No idea on the body fat.
  • hgfox4580
    hgfox4580 Posts: 11 Member
    Pretty close! 34, 5'4. No kids.
    HW 120
    LW 104
    CW 112
    Goal 105

    I'm going on a Caribbean cruise March 8, so want to be in shape!
    Hey there, also a newbie looking for chums.
    I'm from the UK, 33, no kiddies and about 5'5. Looking to tone, especially legs and abs. Healthy eater but not dead strict, would love some motivational pals to work along side.

    Hw. 119
    Lw. 105
    Cw. 119
    Gw. 106

  • hgfox4580
    hgfox4580 Posts: 11 Member
    lubbybutt wrote: »
    I'm 5'4
    120 lbs
    Goal 105 lbs.
    I have really skinny limbs but large love handles and a baby pouch.
    It sounds like we're shaped similarly too!
  • im 5'9

    149 pounds

    goal is 120-130
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    denabbot1 wrote: »
    Cool group! I want a twin too!!
    I live in Canada
    Age: 41
    Height: 5"9
    Highest Weight: 190 (January 1st 2015)
    Current Weight: 181(Heading in the right direction)
    Goal Weight: 149 (my 6 years ago "divorce weight")
    I wanna feel pretty and sexy again :(

    Hi! We are sooo very close! :smiley:
    I am 39
    5'9 3/4"
    HW 180
    CW 175
    Goal 155-160

    Struggling to lose right now, working out like a maniac diet is mostly good. Have issues with my thyroid.
  • DebComp63
    DebComp63 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 63 5'7" heaviest weight = 175 Present weight = 164.5 goal = 150 I sit around too much because it's icy outside and I'm on the computer constantly. I want to go on the Volksmarch at Crazy Horse memorial in June so I have to get out and climb that hill near my house for 30 min everyday - or at least take the stairs to the 6th floor instead of the elevator. I'm just pure lazy sometimes and accountability might help.
  • Hi!
    I'm 5'3
    HW 169 (delivery day)
    Goal 118
    not sure of body fat % but i'd like to tone up all over!
    I just started T25 yesterday and hope to continue and
    incorporate the eliptical as well.
  • ashprather
    ashprather Posts: 227 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 178lbs
    CW: 171lbs
    GW: 135-140lbs

    Anyone out there my twin, or close to it? :) Any one is free to add me!
  • crepesuzetteorange
    crepesuzetteorange Posts: 128 Member
    Height: 5'4''
    Highest W: 143lbs
    Currrent W: 130lbs
    Goal W: 115lbs

    Started my healthy living in july 2014 after seeing dimples on top of my legs and high cholesterol diagnosis.
    I put on my weight during menopause, where I experienced some pretty horrid symptoms, panic attacks, hot sweats, restless sleeping and of course weight gain.

    I have lost 13lbs so far and have 15lbs to go
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    I am nearly 58 years old female. I am on HRT hormones . Height 5'2" HW 130 LW 110 CW 113 GW 108. I am working on keeping close to my now time weight and cholesterol down. My son and husband who live with me are heavy eaters and love fast food and eating out. My husband is diabetic.:)
  • kls13la wrote: »
    Here's me:

    Age: 38
    HW: 146
    CW: 125

    I'm at goal, and am just maintaining now, and would love some more friends in the same boat. It's been a little difficult switching over into maintenance mode.

    HW: 136
    CW: 127
    GW: 122

  • runsweetie
    runsweetie Posts: 5 Member
    Hey :)
    Im 5'4
    Cw 119
    Goal: to have defined abs <3 or to lose 3 inches around my waist.
    I would luv to have a twin to workout and eat healthily with.