Leaving Foot Prints



  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    gwirhowski wrote: »
    I received the FitBit Charger HR for Christmas from my family....LOVE IT!! I wanted to keep track of my heart rate as well.
    Jan. 20 - 12,255
    Jan. 21 - 12,229
    I have found that with my particular stride I need to get in 12,000 steps to reach the FIVE MILE MARK. My FitBit is set to go off at 10,000 steps. I love the vibration around my wrist because I know I am not far from my goal. I am feeling great and loving life. Cheers to all of us living HEALTHIER LIVES!!

    Thanks for the info. This is great feed back :) Keep leaving footprints :)
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    31/12 - 5,335 **** 11/1 - 8,739*******22/1 - 9,613
    1/1 - 100 ********* 12/1 - 11,073
    2/1 - 6,024 ******* 13/1 - 7,845
    3/1 - 7,212 ******* 14/1 - 8,954
    4/1 - 3,578********15/1 - 8,612
    5/1 - 6,532********16/1 - 7,003
    6/1 - 7,549********17/1 - 7,547
    7/1 - 7,439********18/1 - 4,128 (I did a lot around the house without my phone)
    8/1 - 7,392********19/1 - 8,091
    9/1 - 8,462********20/1 - 5,306
    10/1 - 11,120******21/ - 8,976
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    I am going to make it today. So far I have done 7,722 foot prints :)
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    1/2 my firbit arrived this evening
    1/3 cold rainy day but got in 6600 steps and 10 flights of stairs!!
    1/4 7600 steps
    1/5 13,900
    1/6 13,806
    1/7 10,229
    1/8 only got about 7000, did not get to go out for my walk, lots of cleaning and cooking today :(
    1/9 10,278
    1/10 2840 lazy weekend
    1/11 1370 sad sad I know
    1/12 17,019 great day
    1/13 18,803
    1/14 17,138
    1/15 20,226
    1/16 18,964
    1/17 3,877
    1/18 9,618
    1/19 16,593
    1/20 17,963
    1/21 17,648
    1/22 10,015
    1/23 10,609
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    31/12 - 5,335 **** 11/1 - 8,739*******22/1 - 9,613
    1/1 - 100 ********* 12/1 - 11,073*****23/1 - 2,984
    2/1 - 6,024 ******* 13/1 - 7,845******24/1 - 10,358 - It was a great day, now i am tired :)
    3/1 - 7,212 ******* 14/1 - 8,954
    4/1 - 3,578********15/1 - 8,612
    5/1 - 6,532********16/1 - 7,003
    6/1 - 7,549********17/1 - 7,547
    7/1 - 7,439********18/1 - 4,128 (I did a lot around the house without my phone)
    8/1 - 7,392********19/1 - 8,091
    9/1 - 8,462********20/1 - 5,306
    10/1 - 11,120******21/ - 8,976

  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    31/12 - 5,335 **** 11/1 - 8,739*******22/1 - 9,613
    1/1 - 100 ********* 12/1 - 11,073*****23/1 - 2,984
    2/1 - 6,024 ******* 13/1 - 7,845******24/1 - 10,358 - It was a great day, now i am tired :)
    3/1 - 7,212 ******* 14/1 - 8,954******25/1 - 8,273
    4/1 - 3,578********15/1 - 8,612
    5/1 - 6,532********16/1 - 7,003
    6/1 - 7,549********17/1 - 7,547
    7/1 - 7,439********18/1 - 4,128 (I did a lot around the house without my phone)
    8/1 - 7,392********19/1 - 8,091
    9/1 - 8,462********20/1 - 5,306
    10/1 - 11,120******21/ - 8,976

  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    1/2 my firbit arrived this evening
    1/3 cold rainy day but got in 6600 steps and 10 flights of stairs!!
    1/4 7600 steps
    1/5 13,900
    1/6 13,806
    1/7 10,229
    1/8 only got about 7000, did not get to go out for my walk, lots of cleaning and cooking today :(
    1/9 10,278
    1/10 2840 lazy weekend
    1/11 1370 sad sad I know
    1/12 17,019 great day
    1/13 18,803
    1/14 17,138
    1/15 20,226
    1/16 18,964
    1/17 3,877
    1/18 9,618
    1/19 16,593
    1/20 17,963
    1/21 17,648
    1/22 10,015
    1/23 10,609
    1/24 13,197
    1/25 10,767
    1/26 16,122
  • curryblume
    curryblume Posts: 22 Member
    I like the idea of tracking your steps, it is just so motivating!
    I set my goal with 8000 steps a day when I am not exercising and 10000/12000 when I do workouts. I don't walk that much at work so this sounds realistic to me.
    I'm using the Samsung Gearfit and I love it!
    Right now I am sick and in bed so I will start the next days.
    Thanks for your encouragement!
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    curryblume wrote: »
    I like the idea of tracking your steps, it is just so motivating!
    I set my goal with 8000 steps a day when I am not exercising and 10000/12000 when I do workouts. I don't walk that much at work so this sounds realistic to me.
    I'm using the Samsung Gearfit and I love it!
    Right now I am sick and in bed so I will start the next days.
    Thanks for your encouragement!


    Gear it to yourself. The main point is to move the same as the day before or more. :). As you reach one plateau make another goal :). This is a no pressure environment.
  • Globug583
    Globug583 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi again. Hope all are doing well.
    I'm feeling healthier everyday.
    Still loving my FitBit. (*)

    Jan. 22 - 13,180
    Jan. 23 - 9,668
    Jan. 24 - 12,281
    Jan. 25 - 14,104
    Jan. 26 - 13,453
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Okay so I just downloaded the Pacer app for my iPhone, does anyone else use this? I have an interesting situation because I ride horses for a living and I tend to have my phone in my pocket. I teach riding lessons and while I am teaching I am usually walking around the riding area, just for comparative reasons I left my phone in my pocket most of the day today. I rode five horses and taught two lessons and at the end of the day ( I think I had left it in the car while I rode one of the horses) and the total at the end of the day is 9 miles, 22735 steps. I did a few days earlier leaving my phone behind while I rode and I had around 8500 steps in a normal day for me.

    as a rule I do not count riding against my calories since I do so much and my body is used to it, unless I have done more than 6 horses in a day (the I will add some calories for the day ) but I have been trying to walk at least 15 miles per week (tracked via run keeper)

    Has anyone done any experiments to see how accurate the different apps are for the phone?

    Thanks for the input!
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    lwdllc wrote: »
    Okay so I just downloaded the Pacer app for my iPhone, does anyone else use this? I have an interesting situation because I ride horses for a living and I tend to have my phone in my pocket. I teach riding lessons and while I am teaching I am usually walking around the riding area, just for comparative reasons I left my phone in my pocket most of the day today. I rode five horses and taught two lessons and at the end of the day ( I think I had left it in the car while I rode one of the horses) and the total at the end of the day is 9 miles, 22735 steps. I did a few days earlier leaving my phone behind while I rode and I had around 8500 steps in a normal day for me.

    as a rule I do not count riding against my calories since I do so much and my body is used to it, unless I have done more than 6 horses in a day (the I will add some calories for the day ) but I have been trying to walk at least 15 miles per week (tracked via run keeper)

    Has anyone done any experiments to see how accurate the different apps are for the phone?

    Thanks for the input!

    I just did one.

    Physically counted - 1030 (approx i lost count at least once)
    Used iOS steps - 1156
    FitBit steps - 1162

    To me they are all fairly close without adjusting my stride.
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    31/12 - 5,335 **** 11/1 - 8,739*******22/1 - 9,613
    1/1 - 100 ********* 12/1 - 11,073*****23/1 - 2,984
    2/1 - 6,024 ******* 13/1 - 7,845******24/1 - 10,358 - It was a great day, now i am tired :)
    3/1 - 7,212 ******* 14/1 - 8,954******25/1 - 8,273
    4/1 - 3,578********15/1 - 8,612******26/1 - 3,901
    5/1 - 6,532********16/1 - 7,003******27/1 - 4,818
    6/1 - 7,549********17/1 - 7,547******28/1 - 8,443
    7/1 - 7,439********18/1 - 4,128 (I did a lot around the house without my phone)
    8/1 - 7,392********19/1 - 8,091
    9/1 - 8,462********20/1 - 5,306
    10/1 - 11,120******21/ - 8,976

    All of these are done with iOS. The numbers are going up but only slightly. I do know walking outside in the freezing cold is not happening. I am attempting to do more walking in the office but up and down one hallway feels strange.

    I do know that if I get out at lunch my numbers definitely go up.

    Let's see what happens next month.
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    Whooooo Hoooooo what a great day!!!

    31/12 - 5,335 **** 11/1 - 8,739*******22/1 - 9,613
    1/1 - 100 ********* 12/1 - 11,073*****23/1 - 2,984
    2/1 - 6,024 ******* 13/1 - 7,845******24/1 - 10,358 - It was a great day, now i am tired :)
    3/1 - 7,212 ******* 14/1 - 8,954******25/1 - 8,273
    4/1 - 3,578********15/1 - 8,612******26/1 - 3,901
    5/1 - 6,532********16/1 - 7,003******27/1 - 4,818
    6/1 - 7,549********17/1 - 7,547******28/1 - 8,443
    7/1 - 7,439********18/1 - 4,128 *****29/1 - 12,226 - First day with FitBit
    8/1 - 7,392********19/1 - 8,091
    9/1 - 8,462********20/1 - 5,306
    10/1 - 11,120******21/ - 8,976

    I had the feeling I was walking more than my phone told me. Having the FitBit caught it all.

  • Globug583
    Globug583 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello there "walking_woman"......Yay for getting your FitBit!! Do you love it yet? :)

    Hope everyone is accomplishing what they have set out to do.
    Being a healthier ME is most important.
    My main push is to get 5 miles in everyday. So far...so good! (*)

    Jan. 27 - 12,346
    Jan. 28 - 12,989
    Jan. 29 - 11,516
    Jan. 30 - 13,496
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    Globug583 wrote: »
    Hello there "walking_woman"......Yay for getting your FitBit!! Do you love it yet? :)

    Hope everyone is accomplishing what they have set out to do.
    Being a healthier ME is most important.
    My main push is to get 5 miles in everyday. So far...so good! (*)

    Jan. 27 - 12,346
    Jan. 28 - 12,989
    Jan. 29 - 11,516
    Jan. 30 - 13,496

    I do love it. Funny how a gadget helps to make a difference :). I agree with the wang to be a healthier me.

    Glad to see you moving and enjoying yourself :)
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    New Month New Outlook

    29/1 - 12,226 - First day with FitBit
    30/1 - 9,151
    31/1 - 10,038
    1/2 - 10,122
  • Globug583
    Globug583 Posts: 23 Member
    Dealing with a cough in my system. Hoping I will be able to keep up with my 5 miles a day.
    Jan. 31 - 10,384
    Feb. 1 - 17,979
    Feb. 2 - 13,854
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    Globug583 wrote: »
    Dealing with a cough in my system. Hoping I will be able to keep up with my 5 miles a day.
    Jan. 31 - 10,384
    Feb. 1 - 17,979
    Feb. 2 - 13,854

    You will :)
  • walking_woman
    walking_woman Posts: 127 Member
    New Month New Outlook

    29/1 - 12,226 - First day with FitBit
    30/1 - 9,151
    31/1 - 10,038
    1/2 - 10,122
    2/2 - 12,037
    3/2 -