Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    I had a 21.1 this morning, but the weather is gusty, cold and wet. So while I went out, I ended up doing a 19km run/ walk session that lasted far longer than it should have done.

    That said, I used my Camelbak today and it seems to be reasonably comfortable for the longer distances. Just need to remember to drain the air out of the bladder. It needs some adjusting to get it right, but it's workable.

    Similarly I used Honey Stinger jelly as fuel again this week and it seems to be pretty easy on my stomach, which I'm glad about.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    Nice going everyone.

    I tried going out at 0630 today. In the first 200m i nearly went over 5 or 6 times. Discretion was the better part of valour so I returned home and tucked into breakfast. As the day warmed the snow and ice thawed enough to leave wet trails amongst the slippery bits. Very easy paced session which was ok, but I kept getting told off for going too fast.

    A slightly faster short long run tomorrow which I am trying to decide whether to do before or after rugby training. I suspect the overnight weather will make the final determination.

    Have fun.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    MM, glad the camelback worked for you. Camelback or similar is on my list of things to get. Despite the bad weather sounds like everything else went ok.

    Robbie, good move on delaying your run, you don't need to injure yourself.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    8 miles today. Miles 6-7 sucked, but otherwise it was ok. Finished in 1:21:38, so a bit slower than last week.

    There was a lady about my age running today. She was finishing her 2nd lap of the park (just over 6 miles each lap) when I finished my run. She was heading out for 2 more laps! She's running a half next week and a full in March. People amaze me!

    I finished the month with almost as many running miles as cycling for the first time ever!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I did a seven mile run today. The last few miles were pretty slow, but overall happy with my results. We're getting more snow tonight and tomorrow so I'm thinking about skipping my run tomorrow morning. I leave for Kentucky Monday morning and have a lot of preparation left.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, shame about miles 6-7 sucking. Normally life gets better after the first few miles. It might be worth checking your pacing with your plan, to see if you are not pushing too hard too early. I agree that people are amazing, I stumbled across The Wall, in the UK, it's a 69 mile ultra running alongside Hadrians wall. In awe of the guys doing it. 5 mins running, 1 min walking for 69 miles. What are they on!

    Upsaluki, have a good trip! If you run, you run, given your recovery it may do you good to skip. Well done on getting 120km on Strava for the month.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    10 mile short long run done, followed by another 3.5 miles at rugby training this morning coaching the U8s. Feeling very cold and my back is very sore, not sure why. Week 9 of the 80/20 level 2 HM plan complete. One more training cycle to go and then the taper cycle. 6 weeks to go before the Silverstone HM. Starting to get excited about the run.

    Have fun.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Pity you had a few sucky miles Ceci, still you got your run done!
    Upsaluki, enjoy your trip. Good on you still getting out for a run before hand.
    Robbie, I love the fact you're now calling a 10miler a short run. The back pain, where exactly is it? I have found if I've over exerted myself (usually on trails) that my erector muscles take a major hammering the next run. Probably a combination of back muscles getting over worked on the big run, and legs not working as shock absorbers quite as much, thus my back muscles take up the slack.

    I am now contemplating a 50k race... yay lets sign up for a 50k with only 4 weeks to train! Hoping the smarts take over and I end up simply crewing, rather than competing. Especially as it's multiple laps of a 3km course.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Robbie, I love the fact you're now calling a 10miler a short run. The back pain, where exactly is it? I have found if I've over exerted myself (usually on trails) that my erector muscles take a major hammering the next run. Probably a combination of back muscles getting over worked on the big run, and legs not working as shock absorbers quite as much, thus my back muscles take up the slack.

    I must confess as I turned left at a mile, I remembered the first time I went down this route and thought that the 5k run I was on was a long way. Oh if I knew then what I know now!!

    The pain L5, pelvis, iliolumbar ligament on the left hand side, it's sore and stiff so I expect it's a leftover from yesterday slipping and sliding first thing, aggravated by the pounding and cold today. Will take some NSAID, just so I don't favour it as it heals tonight. Not expecting it to last

    taeliesyn wrote: »
    I am now contemplating a 50k race... yay lets sign up for a 50k with only 4 weeks to train! Hoping the smarts take over and I end up simply crewing, rather than competing. Especially as it's multiple laps of a 3km course.

    OMG you are a beast sir, 8k more than a full, on four weeks training. 50km, 3km laps, 17 laps, are you related to Ceci? :# . Have fun whatever you decide.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Taeliesyn, you are crazy! Robbie, hope your back feels better after a nights sleep. Robbie if you think The Wall sounds tough what about running the West Highland Way? It is a tad over 95 miles and the winning time last year was 14 hours 20 minutes! Did I mention you have to climb almost 15,000ft en route? Today we had snow/hail/sleet showers all day so I ended up doing 60 minutes on my elliptical, never again!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    We're getting a lot of snow here today with a slow response to plow the roads. I'm hoping to post some more runs down in Kentucky.

    Taeliesyn- I'm not even sure that sounds fun! Waiting to hear updates on that hamster run.

    We have a treadmill here, but I'm going too rely on my two rounds of shoveling for my exercise. Great job for hopping on that thing.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well if the dates line up, it's either crew/run the 50k (there is a 100k option but I'm not THAT crazy) or help the ex babysit her nephew. This should give ya'll an understanding on just how 'well' I 'do' kids.... Yes I would rather do a 17 lap almost flat overnight 50k race rather than spend time with a young child.

    Sounds like you're on the money for the cause of the back pain Robbie, hope it eases quickly.

    Romy, at least you did something, rather than totally surrendering to the weather.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Although 3k laps sounds much more appealing than the 0.1k laps I endure at the gym, that doesn't sound at all like it would be fun!

    Yesterday I was faced with high winds and cold rain, so I tried out my mother in law's treadmill again. It sucked, but I managed 2.5 miles in 30 minutes of torture. We do what we have to, right? I may have to buy her a new treadmill. This one is old and slows down randomly. I have no room for equipment in my house. Even if I did, I wouldn't buy a treadmill, I'd get an elliptical.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    7km in 45 minutes today. I can remember running 5km in 45 minutes when I first graduated C25K. Ceci, I hate my elliptical, it hurts my knees, I think the foot plates are too far apart from my little legs.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, an elliptical for your m-i-l, she could decide whether the elliptical is better than her dreadmill. Good luck, regardless of how, you are still getting miles on those legs.

    Taeliesyn, kid or ultra hamster run, tough call

    Romy congrats on the improvement, that improvement is not to be sneezed at. Well done. I had a look at the West Highland Way race, even madder, although not as bad as the badwater ultra. I'm sticking to HMs at the moment.

    Didn't get out this morning, got up too late and there was still niggling upset in my back. Got out tonight though, good easy paced session. Dry pavements with slight wind at freezing air temp. No reaction from the back so hopefully the early drug intervention yesterday has headed off any lasting damage. Enjoy yourselves

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great updates.

    The weather is still killing me here, it's either icy as hell or this slushy type of wet snow up to knee height almost (maybe a slight exaggeration but whatever). First time ever that I'm dying for Spring to arrive asap. Remarkable change in outlook depending on how interests change, but if I could get the soft snow that packs nicely I wouldn't mind at all, so if that can't be delivered, then just bugger off and give me clean streets already. The most interesting part is how it's actually affecting my mood, never ever thought I'd *want* to be a regular runner, and I'm getting cranky when observing the *kitten* street conditions.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Great updates.

    The most interesting part is how it's actually affecting my mood, never ever thought I'd *want* to be a regular runner, and I'm getting cranky when observing the *kitten* street conditions.

    Oh dear, oh dear. Another one joins the club. Hope you can scratch that metaphorical itch. Spring will arrive soon enough and then we will all moan about it being too hot during the summer. Try and stay upbeat, I know it's hard when you can't do the things you want to do.

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Great updates.

    The most interesting part is how it's actually affecting my mood, never ever thought I'd *want* to be a regular runner, and I'm getting cranky when observing the *kitten* street conditions.

    Oh dear, oh dear. Another one joins the club. Hope you can scratch that metaphorical itch. Spring will arrive soon enough and then we will all moan about it being too hot during the summer. Try and stay upbeat, I know it's hard when you can't do the things you want to do.

    I'll be travelling next week for two weeks and there's a gym in the hotel. Thing is I'm a bit scared of those running belt thingies :/ I can manage to walk on them, but for some reason learning to run on a dreadmill never even occurred to me, so I've actively sort-of-ignored any and all posts on the topic regarding settings etc.

    While there's a suitable park with almost 2 km to run nearby, I know it's simply too hot for me to run outdoors, as I'm no hot-weather person to begin with and it'll take energy to adjust to walking in the heat alone. But there's that gym for free... There's no way I wouldn't pack the running shoes but but.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Glad your back is feeling better, Robbie.

    Romy, congrats on the progress! I think I graduated c25k with a similar time - I've yet to have a 30 min 5k.

    Aglaea - I'm with you on the weather frustrations. We're currently under a Winter Storm Warning, a Rainfall Warning and a Flash Freeze Warning. Which leads me to my own update...

    Woke to a windchill of -28, since I nearly froze my fingers cleaning off the car to take Little Man to preschool I opted for a treadmill run. Total time: 43 minutes, run time 30ish. I'm happy that I still had the opportunity to run, but I just don't get the same sense of accomplishment & happy feeling from the treadmill as I do from a run outside.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ceci, good work on getting some miles in. I've never braved a dreadmill since I learnt how to run. I have a feeling I may have to in the near future.
    Great improvement Romy! bugger about your elliptical though.
    Glad your back is behaving now Robbie!
    AglaeaC, it's amazing what you want when you know you can't have it. I hope you can successfully brave the dreadmill on your holiday. Totally agree that trying to run there though would not be the smartest of ideas.
    Good work on the treadmill run Skye, definitely the smart decision with those temperatures.

    20k Mediumish effort run last night. First few km sucked and I thought I might have to pull the pin early from still carrying too much fatigue after the trail run on Friday. Fortunately everything came good after I got up a hill... yes running UP a hill loosened me up LOL. Cruised along, picking up some pace after about 8k, everything was good until around the 16k mark when the legs started to run out of juice. Pushed on to make my 20 for the day, It would have been about 19k if I turned back when the legs really started to die. Happy with the run and with the pace. Especially after a big week last week.
    Social run tonight.... hope the legs survive.