February ETL - Food and Fitness



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    I'm going to try to follow the ETL plan pretty closely for the month of February and see how I feel at the end of the month. I keep reading new books and making changes to my plan, and I never really get a chance to see if anything is working for me.

    Good for you for following it closely. I'm toying with doing the six week plan in March. I have to travel for work in late feb (which is always hard), and/but hubs is going to see his vegan parents at the end of feb, so March would be a good time (he always comes back a vegan from trips home, thought I could make use of that ha).
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    W_H_N I'm so impressed you're still sticking to the juicing, even if it is only part time. I bought a few bottles of various raw juices at the farmers' market last week, and I don't think I could drink more than one or two servings of most of them a day. Also, is it just a time zone thing or did you actually get 10k steps by 7am?

    Well I think my juicing mojo has run dry. I just can't seem to do it this week. *sigh*

    And yes, I am getting up and getting on the treadmill by 5:30am. :smiley: Gotta get serious about training for my half-marathon on May 31st. There are only 17 Sundays until race day!!

    Alright, I have to get to it. Have a great day everyone!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    W_H_N I'm so impressed you're still sticking to the juicing, even if it is only part time. I bought a few bottles of various raw juices at the farmers' market last week, and I don't think I could drink more than one or two servings of most of them a day. Also, is it just a time zone thing or did you actually get 10k steps by 7am?

    Well I think my juicing mojo has run dry. I just can't seem to do it this week. *sigh*

    And yes, I am getting up and getting on the treadmill by 5:30am. :smiley: Gotta get serious about training for my half-marathon on May 31st. There are only 17 Sundays until race day!!

    Alright, I have to get to it. Have a great day everyone!
    You did fabulously!
    Were you juicing or smoothie-ing?
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!! Sorry for being MIA for the first few days of February. I have been having problems with my back again... it's really getting my down actually. I felt awesome up til Saturday, and then spent about 4 hours in the kitchen on Sunday doing food prep and after that, I was in so much pain. I did T25 anyway on Monday, and I actually really enjoyed it!! Followed it by shovelling though.... so then my back was badly seized again. How dumb. Anyway, just taking it easy. I'm so eager to try out T25 and so motivated too that it really is terrible timing. I'm not totally sure what's causing the problem... I keep wallowing and thinking that if I was lighter, I might not be having these problems!

    Elena, I might get back with some yoga too, so great that the consistency has been helping your back!
    Jean, glad you tried the cauli wings!! I love them, but also learned that the hard way too. I like spice but have found it better to dunk the wings rather than douse them too much. They have a nice flavour though.
    Terri, your recipe and food creations always sound delish! Hope you had a nice visit with your daughter :)
    Great job about treadmill, Karrie! Also your daughter's comment made me laugh out loud!! lol.
    Welcome, kelleman!! 17bs is AMAZING!!!!! What a dream. Your success is motivating :) I have trouble sticking to anything really lol. But I think like Sabine, I should give the 6 weeks another go. I really need to be strict.
    Mihani, to answer your question, I had some sugar sneak in on the weekend. I think I have a handle on it, but am sort of kicking myself for not being more strict. I think my goal for next weekend will be absolutely no alcohol/wine and no sugar. Maybe the no wine will help the no sugar.. Sounds like you are off to a running start this month!
    Peas, I totally agree!! There is SO much information out there about what is right, and what matters, that I get totally bogged down. Mihani, I think your aim to just eat nutrient dense is the simplest and smartest way to achieve overall health. I'll try and keep that in mind this week :)

    Sorry for the novel, I think I caught up with everyone. Hope you all have a great Wednesday :)
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    And yes, I am getting up and getting on the treadmill by 5:30am. :smiley: Gotta get serious about training for my half-marathon on May 31st. There are only 17 Sundays until race day!!

    Wow! 4+ months to a half marathon! I used to do these kinds of events. Exciting, scary, exhilarating -- all at the same time. Plus so many wonderful people to meet along the way.

    Good luck. Good training. Have fun!
  • StarLovesSky
    StarLovesSky Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Sorry for not checking in sooner, had a bad couple of days as both my girls were ill, I've had dental surgery & thus have fallen off the wagon! But I can still see the wagon so will be catching up on the posts in this thread then jumping back on board!!!

    Hoping for a healthful February!!
    Much love to you awesome bunch

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Posted this in the wrong thread.
    kelleman1 wrote: »
    I went out on a date with the husband last night. Made good choices, but had to send my food back because they brought me a meat patty instead of a veggie patty. I feel for people who have legitimate food issues, they mess up special orders a lot. I did end up having some fries, which I won't feel bad about. However, my body was not happy with that choice later on. I never reacted to food like that in the past, I'm just guessing it was because I haven't had stuff like that in over 4 weeks. I had a salad, and edamame, too. Everything was free for a special event, and I almost wanted to full on cheat. They even brought us popcorn and nachos that we didn't ask for because they messed up our order. However, I did not indulge. there weren't any desserts I could have, so I didn't have any of that, either. Places need more vegan options!

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I need to catch up on everyone, but cauliflower wings definitely sound interesting!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sabine, I went through menopause early, I was completely done a few years ago. I was actually doing better with stress for a while, without the hormones taking over every month lol. Now it is getting bad again, but I believe it to be mostly external. Work has been really rough the past year or so. I’ve always been a hard worker and busy, but I just don’t have the energy anymore for these 60+ hour weeks. I’m tired!

    Peas, I like your theory about middle age!

    Karrie, the marathon is a great goal to keep you motivated on the treadmill. I think your body probably needs more than juice with all that calorie burn.

    Lia, so sorry to hear your back is acting up again. Try to take it easy and make sure it heals.

    Jo, we all have bad days! Your image of still being able to see the wagon made me laugh.

    Kelleman, it can be hard to eat out being vegan. I have found that more places seem to be aware lately and will gladly make something for me if the menu isn’t vegan friendly. I’ve had restaurants come up with some pretty cool things.

    Today was a not very hungry day which makes things easier, but being tired and grumpy is not really a diet plan I wish to continue.

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    You've got that right, Mihani! I haven't eaten out much since I started the 6 weeks, but when we do, I always have to look ahead and see what they have. Some vegetarian items are also vegan, so that helps.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Sabine, I went through menopause early, I was completely done a few years ago. I was actually doing better with stress for a while, without the hormones taking over every month lol. Now it is getting bad again, but I believe it to be mostly external. Work has been really rough the past year or so. I’ve always been a hard worker and busy, but I just don’t have the energy anymore for these 60+ hour weeks. I’m tired!

    Peas, I like your theory about middle age!

    Karrie, the marathon is a great goal to keep you motivated on the treadmill. I think your body probably needs more than juice with all that calorie burn.

    Lia, so sorry to hear your back is acting up again. Try to take it easy and make sure it heals.

    Jo, we all have bad days! Your image of still being able to see the wagon made me laugh.

    Kelleman, it can be hard to eat out being vegan. I have found that more places seem to be aware lately and will gladly make something for me if the menu isn’t vegan friendly. I’ve had restaurants come up with some pretty cool things.

    Today was a not very hungry day which makes things easier, but being tired and grumpy is not really a diet plan I wish to continue.


    I pretty well hate it too so far. Work is a disaster.
    @jo I loved your comment about seeing the wagon too!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Lollllllll Mihani, you've been hiding your talents and letting Scott post all of the pics and gifs. I hope you will post more in the future! That made me laugh out loud. Although I'm very sorry that you seem to be still having such a tough time at work... anything we can help you through?

    Sorry for you too Sabine! Is it just a busy period? End in sight?

    Kelleman, yes so difficult sometimes! I also find it hard when people don't take your requests seriously. But I am more up front now too about asking for things off the menu or to be sort of tailored. Hope you enjoyed the din though! Although it is funny how tastes change in a few weeks!

    Jo, sorry for your poor girls! I can't tell whether I spend more time on or off the wagon.

    Yesterday was a great eating day. I realized that without being able to do much exercise, my eating has to be 10000%! Today I have a bit of a nightmare file to deal with but thankful it's Thursday.
    B - Oatmeal
    L - OSG Tortilla soup; fruit salad
    D - I can't remember what I have left in the fridge! But likely roasted veggies :)
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    Mihani: Boom. I just officially hit meno too. Never really knew since I had a hysteorecotmy many years ago, but my blood work shows it officially.

    So many symptoms are supposed to be triggered by stress, and my mom had a horrid time of it. So I tried to get proactive a few years a go and started some stress-reduction techniques. Fingers crossed. So far, so good.

    I already missed a day-hike yesterday for my FitFeb goals. (Sheesh! It's only Feb 5th!!) Today, I am dusting off my motivation and aim on heading out to a scheduled yoga class (Restorative -- VERY relaxing and super stress-reducing).

    I'll use y'all as my accountability buddies and report back tomorrow that I have gone.

    Happy Thursday all!
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    (Yipes. Missed the spell check -- hysterectomy -- never can spell that darned word!)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I've had dental surgery & thus have fallen off the wagon! But I can still see the wagon


  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Lia, this group does help me… keeps me trying! I think without you all I would have gained back all my weight. As it is I am managing (barely) to maintain my loss. I would really like to see some lower numbers someday, but right now I have enough to worry myself over. I love that tortilla soup. Have you tried the red lentil kale soup yet? I think that is my favorite soup ever. Seriously.

    Elena hope you got your hike in and enjoyed your yoga.

    Scott, too true.

    Today was okay food-wise but man was I stressed/tense. All day. It was crazy. Just one of those if anything can go wrong it will sort of day. Plus constant phone calls and clients dropping in without appointments. I love our clients mostly, but sometimes I just want to crawl under my desk and hide until everyone goes away and leaves me alone lol.

  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    Lia, I felt like I was being super difficult. "um, this is not a veggie patty, it is a hamburger patty... I just want a veggie burger, with onions, mushrooms, and lettuce." Never did get my lettuce, but I'm sure everyone around me was done hearing me talk about my order!

    Mihani, I hope tomorrow is less stressful for you.

    Elena, I hope you can get back on track with your hikes :)

    We had Panera for lunch today. On certain days, they have vegetarian black bean soup, so I had that, along with salad, and an apple. It was soooo nice to skip the lunch food prep today. I'm actually meeting some friends there on Sunday for some business stuff, and I'm glad it's a black bean soup day. It has too much sodium, but I'll just make sure to drink plenty of water.

    I can tell I'm nearing the end of the six weeks (10 days left as of tomorrow!). I finally did some meals for the week this evening. I had food left over that I made last week, but usually, I already have all my cooking done. Had black bean and butternut squash chili for dinner, yum! I think I'll have some spaghetti squash with it next time.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    Greetings all. Today I woke up to hubs cooking "some stuff we have that needs to be eaten". Holy cow it looks good. Acorn squash with pomegranate seeds. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/roasted-squash-with-pomegranate/
    Can't wait for lunch!

    Have a great friday!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I wrote a blog. Probably my first and last. It's a response to someone else's take on 'sugar addiction.' I hope you guys will check it out, and comment.


    I don't expect agreement, any comments are, of course, welcome. And any help promoting my blog would be much appreciated. It's not like I have oodles of friends here..... o:)