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so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    ...His own OHP rep were a bit different. She had just the bar since was learning the lift. He had 45's and some other, which nice for him. Except, he's do the first rep up over his head then bring it down just below his nose and push right back up again. Kept that way for the rest of the reps each set...

    I used to go to the YMCA to lift when I first started out with SL last year and the only bro that would share the power cage with me/let me work in between his sets if he got there first told me to do the same with my OHP - only bring it down to my nose because a full range of motion causes shoulder injuries! Pfffffft. Lies. lol

  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    Yesterday I saw a dude doing deadlifts in the gym, and he kept taking his shoes off and doing them in just his slouchy old grey-white socks. I was sort of fascinated. He would take off his shoes, deadlift, put his shoes back on, do some dumbbell work, disappear, then come back and do it all over again.

    I was half tempted to offer him $20 for a pair of Converse, just so I didn't have to look at his socks, but since I was lifting in Vibrams i figured I looked just as weird to him.

    But seriously...he couldn't have found flat shoes, or at least less gross looking socks? I'd be busting out brightly colored sparkly socks if I was doing that.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    edited February 2015
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    My first thought was maybe LASIK, but I had LASIK, and you can't lift heavy things after :P

    Really? Shoot, guess I'll take that possibility off the table. I wear glasses or contacts because I'm blind as a bat but was thinking about getting it corrected someday. Maybe the other type would still work.

    Edit: I'm an idiot - you meant you can't lift heavy things right after having had LASIK. I need to eat something.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    My first thought was maybe LASIK, but I had LASIK, and you can't lift heavy things after :P

    Really? Shoot, guess I'll take that possibility off the table. I wear glasses or contacts because I'm blind as a bat but was thinking about getting it corrected someday. Maybe the other type would still work.

    Edit: I'm an idiot - you meant you can't lift heavy things right after having had LASIK. I need to eat something.

    Haha, yes, I mean you can't lift heavy right after, like when you would still be wearing dark glasses all the time. I got LASIK 6.5 years ago...no regrets. My eyes weren't that bad, but I adore being able to swim and see again.
  • Hahahaha @MissHoliday. :smiley:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    two notables were in yesterday. one, the crazy crossfit bragger with the empty blue eyes like a little orphan annie cartoon . . . she was in there. ms. let-me-load-you-up-with-95-pounds-for-the-squat? that one. kept a wide berth around her, but at one point i was setting up for deadlift and i felt/sensed this sort of rush of multicoloured motion behind me, and then she went past with the resistance bands round her ankles and sort of loping along sideways in prayer/yoga-squat-type position.

    other notables were my first true 'couple'. part of me sincerely doesn't want to be uncharitable because (and also but) . . . well, pretty much this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_k9mslBS0A

    so anyway, there were donald and lydia everywhere i seemed to look at last night. she was too short to reach the pulldown bar he put her on. he was tall enough to bring it down for her, but appallingly thin, and with NO idea, just none. he was wandering around giving himself brutal weights on things like the cable crossovers and straining so hard at them right in front of me it was scary and upsetting. and then he'd get discouraged in two reps, look sad for a bit and then try something else. i didn't see him doing the ribs thing, but he didn't have to. they were doing this stuff in front of me while i rowed/deadlifted, and then she left for a while and came back right past me in a big waft of locoweed scent . . . and the next i saw them was when they were making out up against the padded yoga platform when i went into that zone to stretch. pretty much no pretense or pretexts there.
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    Canadianlbs; your gym is WAY more entertaining than mine! Of course to discourage the , um, unwanted affection behaviors you could always grab the spray bottle of cleaner for the equipment, and start vigorously cleaning the yoga platform next to them while muttering "eww, gross" just loud enough to hear....

    As an aside: I get hungry enough after lifting, why add weed to the mix?????
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    CHFay wrote: »
    As an aside: I get hungry enough after lifting, why add weed to the mix?????

    heh. these two weren't lifting though. to borrow a phrase from all the frustrated baseball coaches trying to inspire uncommitted little leaguers throughout the years: "you're just waving at it! SWING THE BAT!"

    that's what they were both doing. they weren't lifting those weights, they were just waving at them.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    forgot to mention, i've been seeing the Squat King's buddy around in my last couple of trips to the gym. this guy squats too, and i'll re-emphasize that all of that bunch do do a comprehensive workout (though they monopolize the entire gym to do it).

    anyway, i can't say that this one skips legs, but he's the Pectoral Prince. it's his body of course, but honestly his pecs are . . . out of proportion with the rest of him and a bit disturbing. they start somewhere right under his collarbone and to be honest, he has to carry them around in front of him the way women do when they have fairly big boobs and the boobs are trussed up right under their chins. and then the crewcut on top and the mincey little legs and delicate feet underneath . . . he's like an upside-down pyramid.

    i'll say one likeable thing about him though. i've seen him working out in full-body leotards that are like spiderman suits - the full red-and-blue deal, minus cape. or snakeskin in neon green and black, and i'm pretty sure i saw leopardskin once.
  • @canadianlbs I can't even come up with a smart reply. I laughed out loud at everything from feeling a whirling of crossfit colors to a guy with pectoral manboobs. Thanks for the laugh!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    a whirling of crossfit colors

    :D:D:D:D that was the one that i liked the best. it reminded me really strongly of this time i was almost chomped by a crocodile. same kind of rush-of-motion experience. and then the surreal after-effects in your mind. but the crossfit lady was a whole lot more fun.

    never ever hang directly over a crocodile pen. that's all i can say. they might look like they haven't moved for the last sixty-nine years, but they sure can if they feel like it. i'm going to stay away from that woman's teeth.
  • I will keep that tidbit in mind!

    Guy was wearing beats headphones today but his music was blaring out loud like out of a speaker. I have no understanding of this. I would have asked him to please use the headphones he is wearing but I was done benching and it was time for me to go to the other side of the gym anyway.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I took today off just for funsies so I went to the gym at like 1 pm after my eye dr appt. I'm chilling in the squat rack between OHP sets, and looking around as one does while resting. My gaze happened upon a group of 3 dudes talking near the entrance to the locker room which is across the gym from my location. I happen to notice one of the dudes is flinging around his parts with his finger. Okay I get that sometimes things require adjustment, but go somewhere private. I mean I can't be the only one who's underwear have wandered between minora and majora after a particularly intense squat set...well maybe I have. The point is I don't go digging in there in the middle of the gym. Whatever. I continue looking around the gym. Looking at my phone. Jamming out to my music. Do another set. Start looking around again. DUDE IS STILL flinging away. Just talking to his friends, flinging around his little wiener like it ain't no thing. The same way one might play with a few strands of hair. WTF. I mean this is a Y. They are a family establishment! 10 minutes later I look again, and now his hand is in his pocket doing it in there. At that point I couldn't even.
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    "and now his hand is in his pocket doing it in there. At that point I couldn't even. "
    Maybe he has crabs????
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    Eww @Fittreelol‌! Maybe he's like that guy on Sons of Anarchy and he needs his fingers cut off!

    So I may just be ignorant about alternative uses of machines - but I swear I see some people doing some weird exercises that I'm certain they made up. Last week I saw a guy on all fours in front of the leg extension machine, facing it. He was putting his head underneath where your feet would go and lifting his head up. And he was pushing some pretty heavy weights for a neck/back exercise. It was like lifting for head bangers.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    At that point I couldn't even.

    they say lifting raises testosterone . . . but you don't have to lift the actual bits to get the effect.

    i laughed all over my keyboard about your girl-wedgie. that hasn't happened to me in the gym but not all underpants styles are a good choice for cycling in.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^^^ i'm having a nicknaming fit. the duke of dink? the knob knight? the jedi of junk? the earl of ewww?

    just so many options . . .
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2015
    I posted this on @Canadian's wall, but thought I'd fill you gals in too. Her Squat King's lame-o California cousins were at my gym tonight. All four of them standing around in a circle, ostensibly watching each other do that chest pull with the barbell thing*, but really just checking themselves out in the mirror.

    * I don't know what this exercise is called, but the barbell is empty on one end and shoved in the corner. The other end is loaded, and people pick it up from the loaded end and lift up towards the chest. Almost like a barbell row, but with just one end of the bar.

    When they were finished, they left the bar half loaded, and all of the plates they removed scattered all over that corner. I later had to clean them up in order to do my deadlifts. Given that there are no less than three plate stands in that area where they could have racked them, this pissed me right off.

    Also had two young fellas who were doing walking lunges with an 80 lb. barbell on their shoulders. Their form was terrible! They both literally wobbled from side to side when they had the one knee down and hunched their backs over as if they were trying out to be Quasimodo when they tried to stand. It was just ugly.

    Finally, the dude who was using the squat rack before me was doing deadlifts, but with the bar *behind* him. That was a new one for me!
  • I knew a guy that was always touching his junk. I equated it to nose picking.. something that shouldn't be done in public but some people are compulsive about it.

    @crabada maybe he was doing hack squats?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    crabada wrote: »

    * I don't know what this exercise is called, but the barbell is empty on one end and shoved in the corner. The other end is loaded, and people pick it up from the loaded end and lift up towards the chest. Almost like a barbell row, but with just one end of the bar.

    I knew what you were talking about but didn't know the actual name. Curiosity got me. It's called a long bar row. :)