Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, February 2nd - 8th



  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Thanks Astro-katie!

    I do feel a bit like this week has chewed me up and spit me out.....I am feeling much better tonight, although I will admit I was so tired today from not sleeping last night that I did not leave my house....I did go for a little walk around my building, but really should have done more given the terrible week I had.....

    However, I am back on the game, I work tomorrow so will get a lot of steps in and then plan to hit the gym on Sunday.....I have my food all planned out for tomorrow and ready to leave for work.....I will not let this week totally derail me!

    How is everyone else doing as this week comes to a close??
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Ok I'm dancing tomorrow for sure. If astro_katie can dance with a broken leg my catastrophic lack of coordination is no excuse. On ward and upward.
  • astro_katie
    That's the spirit Italian_Buju!
    Matfatcowboy: hahahaha did my other 15 mins today!
    I achieved all my goals this week!
    So happy!
    Looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow.
    Keep up the great effort people!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    This is way too early to get up for work :|

    I feel good today, head's in the game and positive.....I can tell this is already an improvement because a bad week like that would take me out for weeks and weeks before I could get back on track, and this time it only took me two days after everything was alright again to climb out of the hole. I am not weighing in this week though, I know I gained one pound, but then had one more off day and do not want it to discourage me.

    Glad you are doing the mini goal Matt, it was fun! What kind of music do you dance to??

    Good luck with your weigh in Katie!
  • Jewels416
    Jewels416 Posts: 42 Member
    Water---I don't drink as much as I should. I prefer plain but I know a lot of people that add those SF flavor packets to a bottle of water. You can try dif things to flavor your water...slice up a lemon or limes. Cucumber Water is very refreshing and good for you. Hummmm, vodka water sounds pretty good...with a splash of cranberry juice and a squeeze of lime! Though I'm pretty sure we have to count the calories in water too.

    Oh, last weekend I went to a cosmic bingo and it was fun. Drag queen bingo sounds like a blast.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Today was the weigh-in for the 90-Day Fitness Challenge for me to try winning that $10,000!

    My starting weight is 304 pounds, which is 6 pounds heavier than my last weigh-in on Monday on my home scale. Monday was also the day I started my period and my weight is dives low, and I purposely ate large yesterday and this morning to (literally) tip the scales in my favor. My body fat is 53.6% ... I guess I know why I always float so easily in the pool! LOL

    I then followed up the weigh-in with strength training and some cardio, rounded out by relaxing in the hot tub.

    I off into the kitchen to make those Turkey Tofu Meatballs from this thread a couple of weeks ago.

    Keep up the good fight everyone!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Maybe now that you are officially weighed in, you will be motivated to really rock it!
    I will be here cheering you on!
  • astro_katie
    @FloraJL good luck and good health!!

    @Jewels416 I've heard that adding cucumber, lemon etc is a good way to add healthy flavones to plain water. I should stop hearing/seeing it and start doing it. Might make that next weeks challenge!

    I weighed in this morning and I've lost 1.5kgs/3.3lbs! Super happy!
    Looking forward to another gem rear week with all you fabulous people!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited February 2015
    I feel a bit defeated.....

    I really wanted to go to the gym today, I was trying to leave at 12:30, but could not finish my brunch on time and then someone stopped I figured I would leave at 1:30, did a few chores, looked at the clock and it was 1:20, I threw my clothes on and rushed out the door in just enough time to see the bus drive by :s

    I live in a small city and we only get bus service once an hour.....I cannot go at 2:30, I have way too many other things to do, so now I am heading out to get groceries and then come home to finish my Sunday chores....I am going to walk the hallways as much as I can while doing my laundry and try and get my 10K steps today.....that means I only got to the gym once this week though :\

    I am gonna make it three times next week if it kills me! I can't go tomorrow b/c I am booked solid with meetings both before AND after work, but I am gonna go on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.....that is my plan!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    I weighed in this morning and I've lost 1.5kgs/3.3lbs! Super happy!
    Looking forward to another gem rear week with all you fabulous people!!

    Good stuff Katie!! WTG!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well I will say I am glad I didn't go to the grocery store any later, it is freezing rain and hail out there now, on top of the 12 feet of snow we already have, roads are slick! However, I am bummed that I did not get out to the Y earlier in the day.....
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    How the heck does someone get 10k steps in a day?! I guess I am still too ingrained in my old ways. The only times I have gotten 10k were when I took the kids to the zoo and another time I walked a 5k.

    20k? Madness!

    My hat is off to you. I need to get off my butt.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok, not a great week for me! Here is the break down:

    1. Proper morning hydration (I think I did this once, not even sure)

    2. Post to this thread everyday except for tomorrow (I got this one)

    3. Log my food six days this week (But still be mindful of what I eat on my day off) (Got this one too)

    4. Get to the YMCA three times (If I only make it twice because I am too tired Tuesday I am ok with that, but I am going to try) (I literally did not make it once all week....I said in an earlier post I only made it once but now that I think about it, it was last Sunday, so, nope, not once)

    5. Make my 10 thousand steps every day, and try for my 20K step badge on Thursday (Got my 10K steps only three or four times and never made the badge)

    6. To blog once this week (on another site) (Nope)

    7. Go to bed by 10pm every night this week (Not even once, not even when I had to get up at 4:30am for work the next day)

    As you can see, not a good week for me....but I will say I am proud of myself that it did not take me forever to get back on the was just such a busy stressful week and I do not deal with stress very well at all....I get overwhelmed very easily.....

    How did everyone else do??
  • astro_katie
    @Italian_Buju you had a hard week but should I definately be proud that you were able to bounce back so quickly. You also tried to find alternatives when things weren't going right, that's an excellent demonstration of your motivation and drive to make a healthier you. You have new plans for next week and will definately rock it! I believe it!

    I accomplished all my goals for this week and I think it helps that I only make a few, as I'm known to sabotage myself or give up if I get too excited and make to many goals. When I really get into the swing of things I will probably have the habits to make more.
    Proud of my weight loss and looking forward to another great week with you all!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Italian, I normally dance country, ie. Two step, etc, but for this xhallenge, it's all pit bull and electronic. I need the beat to not stop. And it's in headphones so it blares, taking this as a music bath as well. I believe a music bath does for the soul what a water bath does for the body. Lose yourself in the music Sing along, shout, dance, whatever. You'll come out a better u on the other side. It's been too long since I've done that.