What are your stats? Prior and now



  • jillcwatson1
    jillcwatson1 Posts: 100 Member
    I am still waiting for my surgery but have already seen success tracking on MFP for the past month. Met with surgeon in November and hope to have the surgery in April or May (sleeve) after my 6th required dietician visit. First weigh in was difficult as I had only lost 5 of the required 35 pound loss required to schedule surgery. My doc requires a 10% weight loss before scheduling it to aid in surgery success. Started using MFP to calculate calories and month 2 I had lost nearly 15 pounds! I am on my way!
    Stats: Highest weight Nov 2014 was 366 lbs. at 5'11"
    current weight; 347 and still going strong
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Thank you all for sharing your successes here. I just had my 'new patient' appt last week and hope things move along quickly towards the Sleeve procedure for me. It's encouraging to see all of the positive outcomes!
  • shale000
    shale000 Posts: 4 Member
    A milestone for me this morning. I was sleeved 2014/05/26 with a highest weight of 465. This morning I broke under 300 lbs ... 165.6 lbs gone and sitting at 299.4 today. :D
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Major Milestone for me today!

    Graduated High School: 290
    Graduated College: 310
    2 years out of college: 260
    2.5 years out of college: Back up :smile: :\
    Highest weight (April '14): 420
    Surgery Weight (Sept. '14): 318
    Current Weight: 259!!!
    Goal Weight: 240

    Height: 6'5"

    My goal is set at the highest "Overweight" BMI. It might get adjusted a little higher or lower depending on where my body wants to settle.



  • jillcwatson1
    jillcwatson1 Posts: 100 Member
    Way to go shale000 and Rob! I am taking inspiration from you tonight as I go in to prepare my dinner tonight. Keeping on will get me to a bragging spot too. You deserve the success and the accolades after your hard work.
  • bookworm1286
    bookworm1286 Posts: 2 Member
    Revision from LapBand to RNY GB on Jan 8, 2015
    Height 5'9
    Highest weight (from before LapBand 2008) 284
    surgery weight (1-8-15) 258

    Current weight (week 3 post op) 239
  • fabshanvan
    Hi all I had the VSG almost 2 years ago

    Height 5'10"
    Weight surgery day 365lbs
    Size 26/28

    Current weight 260 lbs
    Size 18/20

    Greatest decision I ever made to have the surgery now at almost 2 years I am happy with my weight I exercise and try to eat right but I am still struggling to get 20 more lbs off. Any advice??? Does anyone know what my daily calorie intake should be? Appreciate any help like I said I'm happy but would like to take 20 more lbs off. Thanks
  • Superfluous1
    Superfluous1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'7
    Prior to surgery:
    weighed 320
    I wore 26/28
    3X shirt size

    I am 1 year post-op (sleeve)

    Current Stats:
    Weigh 190
    Size 14/16 Pants
    X- Large Shirt
  • linapotts
    linapotts Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Lina. I had RNY 2/13.

    I am 5'3"
    HW 278
    CW 136

    I went from a size 24/26 to a size 2-4. Now I am in 4-6.

    I have been bouncing back and forth from 132-137. They say not to get used to the lowest weight-but darn it I liked that weight. So I am fighting to get back to 130. It is tough!

    Keep fighting the good fight!
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I had the VSG 10 months ago.

    I am 5'6"
    HW 267.5
    CW 171

    I went from size 18-20 xl tops to size 8-10 now, and Medium tops.

    I want to lose 21 more pounds. Working hard to get there.

  • garnet1981
    garnet1981 Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Bonna, and I'm new to these groups.
    I had my gastric sleeve 07/24/2013

    shirts: 3x
    pants: 20/22

    205-213 depending on the day
    shirts: xl
    pants: 10-14 depending on brand

    I was on cpap, blood pressure meds, and pain meds for arthritis prior to surgery.
    I am off all meds and supplies. No snoring either.

    I really want to get about another 20lbs off by this summer.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Janet here, bypass June last year.
    Total lost including 40 lbs before surgery, 90 lbs.
    Diabetes in remission, blood pressure normalised, no longer on cholesterol meds.

    I measured myself again a few weeks ago and right under my chest I am a size ten. My waist/hips are a size 12/14, and I have very soggy Kim Kardashian boobs.
  • rdhdinsndlnd
    rdhdinsndlnd Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am Pamela and I was banded on January 5, 2012 in Kuwait.
    I am 5'5"
    Prior to surgery:
    weighed 324lbs, wore size 28 pants and 22/24 tops (2X-3X) and size 8 shoe.

    My lowest weight post-op was on 20 August 2013: 199lbs.

    That was the day my (now) husband and best friend of seven years moved to Kuwait. September 4 we started dating and I stopped tracking my food. By October 10, we had fallen in love and every time he wanted a vanilla milkshake, or pasta, or rice, or bread, I was unable to resist the temptation. On April 4, 2014 we got engaged and by that time I had gained 40lbs. The following week, I smoked my last cigarette. On June 28, 2014 we were married and by then I had gained another 30lbs.

    My current weight is 267lbs and I wear size 14-18, depending on the cut. I usually stick to dresses, but jeans I'm a 22 and shirts I'm medium-large. My shoe size hasn't changed.

    I am over three years out of surgery and should be in maintenance by now! I was less than 50lbs. away from my goal weight! I am angry at myself for making poor choices. I am angry at my husband for bringing bad foods into my world (prior to his arrival in Kuwait, I never had pasta, rice, bread, or desserts in my apartment). I am disgusted every time I look in the mirror and depressed every time I see pictures of what I looked like a year and a half ago.

    On the positive, my husband loves me for me. I think that's one of the reasons why I haven't focused so much on my body in this past year and a half. He knew me before the surgery and was my friend. My best friend. He still is. He is comfortable and familiar and we love each other. Even before we fell in love, we loved each other. He supports me on my weight loss journey, even though he "loves my booty." He told me that early on in our relationship. I think there's a part of me that fears that if I lose too much weight, he will stop loving me, which is ironic because I can't imagine why anyone would find my fat attractive. I know that's all in my head, but sometimes it's hard to get my head to shut up. Anyway, my husband supports my journey so much and knows how gaining weight makes me so unhappy that he gave me a FitBit Charge for Valentine's Day. Now, I've connected My Fitness Pal to my FitBit Dashboard and am trying to regain control of my eating. And lose the 70lbs. I regained. And then some more. Right now, I'll be happy with losing 10lbs.

    Here we go...
  • rdhdinsndlnd
    rdhdinsndlnd Posts: 3 Member
    Rachel96 wrote: »
    I have finally figured out how to use this tool after 5years of having it!!!

    I'm finally getting back on track again and loving it...

    Rachel96, I'd love to know your tips for getting back on track!
  • bookworm1286
    bookworm1286 Posts: 2 Member
    Revision from LapBand to RNY GB on Jan 8, 2015
    Height 5'9
    Highest weight (from before LapBand 2008) 284
    surgery weight (1-8-15) 258

    Current weight (week 3 post op) 239

    2/21/15 6 wks post op 225

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi, I'm Tawnia
    I'm new to the groups but started MFP in mid-September (2 weeks after surgery when I started "eating" soft foods)

    I had VSG August 26, 2014
    HW 287
    SW 273
    CW 201
    GW 155

    I was a size 22/24 (and really stuffing myself in, if I'm honest)
    I'm now a size 16W and those are getting loose.

    I'm a 43 yo mom of 5 (age 8-nearly 20)
    I love my sleeve. I have learned to love working out. I'm looking forward to the rest of this life's journey as a fit, healthy person!
  • KimberleeHanlon
    KimberleeHanlon Posts: 2 Member
    Rachel96 wrote: »
    I have finally figured out how to use this tool after 5years of having it!!!

    I'm finally getting back on track again and loving it...

    Rachel96, I'd love to know your tips for getting back on track!

    ME TOO!!!

    My name is Kim and I'm struggling for the first time since I was sleeved in 2010 in Alberta.
    I started with a weight loss clinic in 2009 and lost 103 lbs thru a calorie reduced diet and exercise and then opted to have vsg at 225lbs. I was successful for a bit after surgery losing an additional 40 lbs ( 185lbs was my lowest) and then the carbs, alcohol and poor choices came right back along with an unplanned pregnancy in 2012/13.
    Today I sit at 225. Fresh start some would say but for me it's frustrating to see the scale not move. I know how to lose weight. I know what to eat. I know what I can't do but why this time am I not succeeding?!
    I need help, support, guidance and some friends to push through this stall, that I have never experienced before , to jumpstart my tool and get back into those jeans that now won't go past my hips. The 5 day pouch test worked but I'm still stuck.
  • Hildabean
    Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
    I had RNY 2/2/15

    I am 5'5"
    HW 299
    Day of surgery 293
    CW 261

    Right now I am in a size 26 elastic waist pants and depends on the shirt 2xl or higher
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    This is Craig, closing in on 100 lbs weight loss so it's starting to sink in that I'm really making the change I hoped for. I had RNYGB surgery on 3 Nov 2014:

    HW: 350
    SW: 332
    CW: 237
    GW: 175

    Pre-surgery 60" chest, 54" waist.
    Current 50" chest, 42" waist.

    Stopped taking all five med's I was on.
    Resolved high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gastro-esophageal reflux.

    Sleep apnea improving, reduced CPAP pressure dramatically.

    Knee and back pain improving.

    No longer need belt extender on airplane flights. No longer need to avoid restaurant booths. Many, many other non-scale victories!

    The dog misses my lap (belly) but he'll get over it.
  • DiamondRidge
    DiamondRidge Posts: 62 Member

    I'm Rebecca. My sleeve was done on 8/26/2014. My highest known weight was May of 2014 at 317lbs. I am 5'4". Day of surgery I weighed 262 pounds and wore a size 24.

    I am now down to 179lbs.
    I wear a comfortable size 8 pant/dress.
    I am comfortable in a size small top/leggings.
    My ring size is down to a 6.5 from a 9!

    I run again. I hike again. My wife can carry me around. I can share clothes with my children. I ran around Manchester with spandex and a tutu on the other day (for a race - it was called the Skirt Chaser) and I was not the least bit uncomfortable with it - because I knew I was rocking it.