I will never mention Low Carb or no sugar again on the discussion board WOW



  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm new to the group, and have been on MFP a month. I have learned a lot in my lifetime ( I'm 60), and it's sad that all the advice I got for 59 years was WRONG. "low fat" was all I ever heard. Bless dr. Atkins, he had it right way before anyone else I know of...anyway, I'm here to agree with you: carbs are the enemy!! Not fat! My son lost 100+ pounds last year, (he ate high fat/high protein) and he told me what he had learned about carbs. I'm insulin resistant, according to my Dr. . . But even he didn't tell me carbs are bad...
    I have dieted practically my whole life. I can tell you for certain that calories are NOT created equally (as you all know) I guess I'm just trying to reaffirm that low carb is very good, and it's the ONLY way that I can lose weight. Now...I'm having trouble sleeping. . . I saw it could be the vitamin D I take, or not enough carbs at night? Is that right? I would love to hear anyone's advice, so please message me, dinobomp, so I can get some answers. I would love for any of you to friend me; so far I don't have any low carb friends that I know of except Nikon, and he's finished losing. I have a long way to go, and I can't exercise. My diary is open, and so is my profile. Thank you, let's all continue to help each other.
    P.S. I saw a famous heart Dr. tell an audience that cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks. It is the INFLAMMATION that causes the plaques to stick, and that what they have said for decades was WRONG. Doctors all need to step up and admit they have given us a lot of misinformation !! I believe that FINALLY, I am on the right path. Diane
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Welcome, Diane!
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    There's sugar (which I agree is a no-no) and there's the hidden sugars that are in processed foods that seem to be the cause of the obesity epidemic and the increasing numbers of those with metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. I'm doing my best to try to keep my sugar intake as low as possible by only having 1-2 fresh whole fruits a day. When I'm cooking and want something to sweeten a dish, I use whole juice (like apple or orange) - not a lot, but enough to give extra flavor (like in baked apples with cinnamon). It is likely impossible to strip all sugars from your diet but certainly the junk sugars can be eliminated. I'm not a scientist...so take my "advice" for what it is worth!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited February 2015
    megthehen wrote: »
    I have just had 14 replies telling me that omitting sugar is a gimmick and stupid and will not result in weight loss. And sugar consumption has nothing to do with diabetes. So the mantra is stick to a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. Okay, I cant do that. Tried and tried and tried. I just end up binge eating on sugar. So I am going to do this no matter what the common sense multitude say.

    What you did with your post is the same as going down to Skid Row and telling the alcoholic bums to stop drinking! You get the same response from the carboholics as the alcoholics and vice versa. I was a former carboholic. When I first heard of Lo-Carb, I fought it tooth & nail. Nobody's gonna take my carbs away from ME! (LOL!)

    I thank God everyday for finding out about the Ketogenic diet....

    Dan the Man from Michigan

  • 509katrina
    509katrina Posts: 4 Member
    I am a low carber, too, and have been criticized about it. I know that if I eat refined sugar even one time a day, I will crave it all day long. I am also a diabetic and sugar does affect diabetes so I try to stay away from it. I think when people hear low carb they think that we eat all the meat and fats we want to and expect to lose weight. This is not true; I probably do eat more protein than a normal person does but it is also protein through dairy products and almond milk. I just don't talk about it so the outsiders can't judge me.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I did not know I was addicted to sugar carbs for most of my life and all the while it was wrecking my health. I only fully realized my addiction after trying to 'taper' off of sugar for Aug/Sept 2014 and could NOT. It took going cold turkey last Oct and the addiction just started regression after a couple weeks.

    This really speaks to me. For ten years I've been trying to follow diet plans from nutritionists who prescribed a lower carb diet, but it was still higher than I think it should be. If I tried something like Atkins I was warned against going too low. "Eat X amount of carbs at these times of the day." It got me the few pounds gained and lost over and over with no real improvement. And now I can barely process some carbs at all. The last couple weeks I've upped my calories but lowered my carbs considerably and I feel amazing. I can't say too much about weight yet but so much else has improved. Today we had yet another potluck at work and I didn't want or eat the cake. And when a coworker kindly gave everyone candy I said thanks, put it in my purse, and let my husband eat it. If I were still following the old plan I would have eaten both.
  • NurseJilly76
    NurseJilly76 Posts: 13 Member
    Reading all of these posts almost brought tears to my eyes! Actual intelligent, well read (and amazing grammar and spelling, btw) supportive people! I wanted to "Like" every post! I'm new to this app, and had a bit of a panic, when I saw how much over my "goal" of fats that I was. Somebody mentioned that the app does lean towards a calorie counting-based approach/guidelines. I can see now that I am on the right track, with my consumption of fats. I'm just working on getting my carbs down, under 50g/day (net).

    So, a couple of questions...

    1) What do all of you keep your carbs under/day?
    2) What % of fat from daily calories do you aim for? Or do you look at grams/day instead?
    3) Can I be friends with all of you?!!! Please feel free to add me, if you don't mind!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    1) What do all of you keep your carbs under/day?
    2) What % of fat from daily calories do you aim for? Or do you look at grams/day instead?
    3) Can I be friends with all of you?!!! Please feel free to add me, if you don't mind!

    It's early days for me yet. I'm on my 22nd day LCHF but my answers for you...
    1) I aim to be under 20g carbs at the moment
    2) I aim for between 90g and 150g fats, but ideally around 125g
    2a) I aim for around 70g to 80g protein, though some days I don't make it high enough.
    3) I'll send you a request.

    My food diary is open if you wish to look. Some of the things that say raw are only for calculations, I don't eat them that way ;)

    I hadn't noticed the grammar and spelling but your comment made me smile because I really don't like 'text speak' or sloppiness, unless it's from someone without English as their first language LOL

    All the best Jilly,

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Reading all of these posts almost brought tears to my eyes! Actual intelligent, well read (and amazing grammar and spelling, btw) supportive people! I wanted to "Like" every post! I'm new to this app, and had a bit of a panic, when I saw how much over my "goal" of fats that I was. Somebody mentioned that the app does lean towards a calorie counting-based approach/guidelines. I can see now that I am on the right track, with my consumption of fats. I'm just working on getting my carbs down, under 50g/day (net).

    So, a couple of questions...

    1) What do all of you keep your carbs under/day?
    2) What % of fat from daily calories do you aim for? Or do you look at grams/day instead?
    3) Can I be friends with all of you?!!! Please feel free to add me, if you don't mind!

    There are a few threads that already answer those questions, so be sure to click the "View All Discussions" link and check them out.

    What I do (and I think a lot of others do, too), is set protein and carb goals, and let fat fill in the rest. So, for example, I've got my carbs set to 40g, and protein set to 100g, then let fat fill in the rest, which ends up around 150g or about 73% of calories. The amount is pretty flexible, since what matters is keeping under your carb goal and getting close to your protein goal. The amount of fat you eat in a day depends, then, on how much you end up eating. Some days you may be way under, while others you may be over, but as long as it averages out to your goal in the long run, you should see the results you're going for.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Reading all of these posts almost brought tears to my eyes! Actual intelligent, well read (and amazing grammar and spelling, btw) supportive people! I wanted to "Like" every post! I'm new to this app, and had a bit of a panic, when I saw how much over my "goal" of fats that I was. Somebody mentioned that the app does lean towards a calorie counting-based approach/guidelines. I can see now that I am on the right track, with my consumption of fats. I'm just working on getting my carbs down, under 50g/day (net).

    So, a couple of questions...

    1) What do all of you keep your carbs under/day?
    2) What % of fat from daily calories do you aim for? Or do you look at grams/day instead?
    3) Can I be friends with all of you?!!! Please feel free to add me, if you don't mind!

    I use this to set up my base macros. Before I had a calculator, I was working off doctors' guidelines, but I like the convenience of being able to adjust on the fly as I lose weight without having to do all the math myself. (doctor is fine with the calculator). I stay around 4/77/18, though I have to use a script to make MFP let me track it that way.

    As someone else mentioned, I don't aim for fat. Protein is a goal, carbs is a limit, fat is something to keep the ratios balanced, but there's no reason to eat it all. It's a tool to keep me in ketosis, and if you're not going as low as keto, it's even less of a goal for you to hit.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Reading all of these posts almost brought tears to my eyes! Actual intelligent, well read (and amazing grammar and spelling, btw) supportive people! I wanted to "Like" every post! I'm new to this app, and had a bit of a panic, when I saw how much over my "goal" of fats that I was. Somebody mentioned that the app does lean towards a calorie counting-based approach/guidelines. I can see now that I am on the right track, with my consumption of fats. I'm just working on getting my carbs down, under 50g/day (net).

    So, a couple of questions...

    1) What do all of you keep your carbs under/day?
    2) What % of fat from daily calories do you aim for? Or do you look at grams/day instead?
    3) Can I be friends with all of you?!!! Please feel free to add me, if you don't mind!

    Currently I'm trying to keep my carbs around 50 - 100 grams a day. Closer to 50 is better but sometimes I don't get it where I want it. It's a work in progress. My fat % is around 75%. You can absolutely friend me.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    My MFP goal for carbs is set to 10%. Currently this is 49 grams. Since MFP only deals in gross carbs this number is decieving. I do keep my gross carbs below 49 but usually this will keep my net carbs at about 35. I am not yet certain that this is low enough. Net carbs is gross carbs minus fiber equals net carbs. Protein is set to 35% and fat to 55%.
  • NurseJilly76
    NurseJilly76 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone, for the info! This balance of carbs/fat/protein is definitely a work in progress. I just know myself, that I'll fail again if I go cold turkey/ketosis, so I'm doing my best to slowly phase out sugars/sugar carbs, and processed food, so that I can finally have success. Thank you for your support! Each and every one of you seem amazing and supportive, and I've learned more in the past 24 hours, than I have in a long time!
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    It is a process for sure, and it is amazing how different diets work for different people. My mom loves Weight Watchers, but I can't do it. I can't seem to eat 'a little' of something and be okay with it. One of my first 'off the deep end' was goldfish crackers. My daughter is 6 and that time it was one of her favorite snacks. One dark day i thought 'just a few' would be fine... until I ate half of the bag.

    I also learned I can't eat sugar without stopping. My 'just one today' turns into 'just two of something else tomorrow' and then I spiral out of control and seriously can't seem to stop with the sugar. I do so much better on a strict, 'I am not going to eat that' diet. As bad as it seems, I think it also helps me to know what will happen when I take just one bite and that stops me from doing it.

    I have my carbs set at 10%, this gives me enough room to reduce for fiber, Fat is 70% and Protein is 20%. This is all a learning process and I feel like I learn something new everyday - and having friends really helps!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    My MFP goal for carbs is set to 10%. Currently this is 49 grams. Since MFP only deals in gross carbs this number is decieving. I do keep my gross carbs below 49 but usually this will keep my net carbs at about 35. I am not yet certain that this is low enough. Net carbs is gross carbs minus fiber equals net carbs. Protein is set to 35% and fat to 55%.

    If you use a computer instead of the phone app, you can use this to see your net carbs.