Lose 10 by St. Patrick's day anyone?



  • claredotcom
    claredotcom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal and finding the app great. in the same boat... 5ft 1in and at 129lbs now - aiming for the 118-121lb goal and struggling too with the last 8-10 lbs.
    I'm definitely in for aiming for it by St Patricks!
  • I am it! 5'9" and 148. Goal is 135.
  • I am new to discussion groups. How do we account? In the discussion format or does one have to friend someone?
  • Linvala
    Linvala Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in! though I would love to lose maybe 6 pounds by then
  • christyrice68
    christyrice68 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in ladies!! I weighed this a.m and was shocked! I weighed 134.8 this morning and my goal is 120. I've also been trying to lose this for a couple of years now and I'm tired of making excuses!! Any vegans in the group??
  • orchiid2
    orchiid2 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in ladies!! I weighed this a.m and was shocked! I weighed 134.8 this morning and my goal is 120. I've also been trying to lose this for a couple of years now and I'm tired of making excuses!! Any vegans in the group??
    Vegan ish! Mostly vegan food with some eggs and very little dairy/fish. I have trouble meeting protein requirements some days, so I really have to focus on it to help with weight loss!

  • christyrice68
    christyrice68 Posts: 2 Member
    orchiid2 wrote: »
    I'm in ladies!! I weighed this a.m and was shocked! I weighed 134.8 this morning and my goal is 120. I've also been trying to lose this for a couple of years now and I'm tired of making excuses!! Any vegans in the group??
    Vegan ish! Mostly vegan food with some eggs and very little dairy/fish. I have trouble meeting protein requirements some days, so I really have to focus on it to help with weight loss!

    That is always my problem too! Not a huge tofu fan although we do eat it occasionally. I'm also the only vegan in our household so makes it a struggle preparing meals!
  • jljsanchez02
    jljsanchez02 Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2015
    Im in!
  • MrsLegolas
    MrsLegolas Posts: 7 Member
    I'm excited for this week and for all the motivation! We can do this ladies! :)
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm at 143, lost 10 last month and shooting for another 10 by 3/17. I'll be so happy I'll be tempted to buy something green!
  • gracielu7
    gracielu7 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in!
  • taylorokuns269
    taylorokuns269 Posts: 3 Member
    I normally try to drink 4 liters a day. So if you carry a couple bottles with you its easy to finish. And just keep sipping throughout the day. I still get the urge to pee, but as you rehydrate your body you'll start to crave water more and more especially if you exercise often. So try it get a couple of 1 liter water bottles and start slow do 1 liter a day, and the next day try 2 liters and so on... :smiley:
  • joiedelise
    joiedelise Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in! I'm 5'9" & 154lbs; goal weight is 135lbs. I just started my month of no wheats & no sweets on Tuesday (Feb 10). I'm hoping to quit my sugar habit (I have a big sweet tooth) and lose weight, so this group is a perfect fit! I lost 20lbs. over the past few years, but I yoyo like crazy. Thankfully I've been able to maintain the 155lbs since the beginning of last year, but I want to get to my goal weight sooner than later. I picked up running, moderate weight training, and yoga two years ago although, after an injury in June, I have been lazy and not working out. I'm trying to work on my diet first and then, once the weather gets nice, I'll get back into running. And that's my storey ;) Please feel free to follow my food diary and reach out if you need any support.
    Let's do this!!!
    CPASCUA09 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. This is fantastic. I just finally started getting motivated, tracking what I eat and joined a gym again. I'm at 142 and would like to be around 125 again! I leave for Japan in May and really want to be on the right foot being healthy and active. We can do this ladies
  • I'm in! I did one of these last year and it was really motivating.

    Here are my stats:
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 141
    My goal weight by St Patrick's Day = 137 (4 lb loss)
    UGW: 125

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • Yes, i would like to join. Just started a body transformation challenge and need the extra support. I have never done a challenge before and feeling rather intimidated. Not to mention I think I overdid my lat pull-ups the other night and hurt my neck/shoulder muscle. have a good day everyone!
  • fathan2slimhan
    fathan2slimhan Posts: 2 Member
    Im in if you'll have me :#
  • marymagpie1
    marymagpie1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there: I have been struggling with the last 10 since the summer, I have been changing it up started weights in my exercise program and I cut back on alcohol a lot. Turning 50 in June so I have been working at this since a year, looking for support as well as supportive to others
  • Hi there: I have been struggling with the last 10 since the summer, I have been changing it up started weights in my exercise program and I cut back on alcohol a lot. Turning 50 in June so I have been working at this since a year, looking for support as well as supportive to others

    We can do it! I am doing power weights class 3 x per week and increasing running miles slowly back up to 20-25 to be ready for a half marathon in April. Only lost 5 pounds in 4 months, but hoping the slow loss stays off? Would like to add a swim or yoga, but work life balance is out of wack. At 130 yesterday. 123 goal. All of you ladies' hard work is inspiring me!
  • Hi everyone! Like many just saw the community in MFP. I'm all for supporting those out there on their journey to weight loss and a better, healthier you! I'm at 165, my GW is 135-140.
    Let's go ladies, we can do this! :D