Beginner Team Chat Board



  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    Congratulations Betsy, have a wonderful weekend!
    And Keile, you are doing so great, you are an inspiration with those numbers!

    Unfortunately, today is my TOM first day and I'm choked up on painkillers so no workouts done at all. I will make up for it in the next few days! I did stay under my calories today.

    Will post my Daryl challenge tomorrow or on Saturday.
  • KiraJade88
    KiraJade88 Posts: 45
    edited February 2015
    Hi folks! I posted my Daryl Challenge on the Team Daryl thread. So that's done.
    90/80 Cardio
    40/45 Strength (Almost there!)
    And my punishment is done as well.

    The exciting news is that tomorrow I am going to Florida! And on Sunday I will be going to Aquatica water park! I will be spending all day there going up a million stairs for the water slides. I will also be swimming, and running around. I may also be going to Disney, which will include walking all day long. So I will be waaaay over the exercise goal next week!!!! ^_^ I'll just have to make sure I eat healthy while I do it!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    You all are doing a great job!!
  • hey my name is ben and im ready for any challenge we have thank u
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Bonnie, remember that its the total calories for the week, not just days. so if you go over one day, but you are under for the week, let me know that and you will get credit.

    Cookie, I loved your story and i think you are doing an awesome job so far!!

    Betsy, honey, you do not look like your old enough to have been married that long. Enjoy your weekend, Wicked is awesome.

    Everyone, your recipes are creepy and delicious - keep em coming!!!!

    Two more days to get in everything you need, remember to ask your teammates if you need some help.
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    Took my punishment like a big girl.
    Only managed three sets but as it's a quick intensive I'm hoping to do more & get out of the dead zone.
    Also watched zombieland with the baby acting out the survival rules. Zombies run - mummy runs - hilarity from the small person.
    - Also, I'd never heard of burpees till this week.... They are not my favourite thing !vpfumpljq93s.jpg
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    P.S - yeah it's unsuitable viewing but as she doesn't know her *kitten* from her elbow or not to reach for the removed poopey nappy, it's ok. - were goosed when g.o.t comes back.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Took my punishment like a big girl.
    Only managed three sets but as it's a quick intensive I'm hoping to do more & get out of the dead zone.
    Also watched zombieland with the baby acting out the survival rules. Zombies run - mummy runs - hilarity from the small person.
    - Also, I'd never heard of burpees till this week.... They are not my favourite thing !vpfumpljq93s.jpg

    I just busted out laughing in the middle of work!!!
  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    My Daryl challenge:

    Back in 2009. my marriage ended. Without getting into too much detail, I was emotionally abused, financially used and cheated on. My ex decided to inform me that he's leaving me in an email. At that point I was at my lowest in life, I felt ugly, unworthy (mostly because the email had said that I was awful person and he the best husband I could have had and that I will never have anyone to love me like that). I had no friends because he alienated me from everyone, I only had mom and my brother who is 14 years younger than me, and I almost lost them too (they don't love you like I do, they probably don't love you at all) but luckily they stood by me through it all. So, I had no one to actually talk to about how I feel and I didn't want to burden my little family and let them suffer more seeing me like this.
    I went through my work and every day chores like on auto pilot, I felt unworthy of getting up, showering, going to work, talking to people, smiling, being happy. I wasn't depressed, I was deeply sad. Surfing around the internet one day I came across the picture of a show I used to watch and like, Scrubs, so I decided to look for it and re-watch the episodes. Watching Scrubs felt like a therapy every day, I found my smile, I even laughed again and tore down my walls of sadness. When I was done, I felt like a completely new person, not sad anymore, I had some scars but I was stronger. I realized I did nothing wrong except giving my love to the wrong person. I was ready to carry on with my life. So thank you Scrubs, you helped me fix my musical box which was my broken heart.
  • TamS2015
    TamS2015 Posts: 31 Member
    Little comments that people make in passing are usually what sticks with me. Somewhere i read just trust the numbers meaning if u put in less then you use you will lose weight. It doesn't matter what time u eat what u eat or how u eat just trust in the numbers...Math i like and understand so this is now the voice in my head when i want that ice i have the numbers or not :)
    As for recipes i try not to cook anything that needs a recipe. I just like fast and simply so if it needs a recipe i just find it on a menu and order it :)
  • TamS2015
    TamS2015 Posts: 31 Member
    Also anyone that i didn't get added feel free to friend me :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    TamS2015 wrote: »
    Little comments that people make in passing are usually what sticks with me. Somewhere i read just trust the numbers meaning if u put in less then you use you will lose weight. It doesn't matter what time u eat what u eat or how u eat just trust in the numbers...Math i like and understand so this is now the voice in my head when i want that ice i have the numbers or not :)
    As for recipes i try not to cook anything that needs a recipe. I just like fast and simply so if it needs a recipe i just find it on a menu and order it :)

    Agreed! When I realized that weighing and measuring, logging and calorie counting actually worked.... life became so much easier. It stopped being complicated: good/bad foods, organic/gluten free, nutrient timing, no evening carbs.... blah blah just became simple math.
  • Heather, great job doing that punishment. Yes, burpees are the worst, but great for your bod!

    Nina, you are beautiful and strong. I found your story inspirational. It's amazing how what we surround ourselves with can have such a strong mental and emotional affect on us good and bad. Let's try to surround ourselves with the good!

    And Tammy! I love math. I love ice cream. You have my attention :)

    Thanks for creating this challenge Cindy
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Results are posted: Every active player on all 3 teams checked in this week! That kind of dedication is going to make for some close races!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Yay team! We are creeping back into this thing! Let's shoot for first place next week :smiley: Great job everyone checking in and staying on point!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Woohoo!! Good job team! Did we lose anyone this week? I see that the group is down another member. Keep up the good work. Remember a little bit everyday adds up quick. I like to watch my favorite shows and lift weights during commercials. You can almost get 15/20min done per hour long show! I maybe Team DARYL, but I like what Glenn said, "we can do this, but only if we do it together." Let's kick *kitten* this week!!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I couldn't decide between Rick & Michonne so I did 30 minutes of belly dancing (hilarious!) and 30 minutes of kickboxing. Felt good to start off with 60 minutes of cardio! Get it team!
  • I did some Bollywood Zumba! It was a blast! After my exercise yesterday at Aquatica water park, and the exercise I did today, I'll definitely be set for the week. Not that I plan to slow down at all! ^_^
  • We are definitely making progress! Let's make this week our best yet! We need to stay on target with our calories and exercise! And don't forget to choose the Rick or Michonne workout to do! ^_^