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Daily Check-in: Time March-es on



  • Sallybally55
    Sallybally55 Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello! I'm not new to SL but newer to the group and def new to posting...

    Squats-5x5 @ 95 lbs
    OHP-4x5 and 1x3 @ 60 lbs
    Deadlift- 1x5 @ 135 lbs 1x5 @‌ 165lbs

    OHP was really shaky on the last set and only did 3 reps. Deadlifts felt great! Today was the first time using a different grip and I really liked it.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    DaivaSimone, great job, good to come back from a slump!

    Now, I'm in a slump right now. My weights feel impossibly heavy this week.

    I think it may have more to do with the fact that my schedule has been such that I only end up eating once a day, very late and it has messed me up. I've spent the last three days in the car, running errands for my mother who is staying at my house following surgery. So, my schedule is totally trashed and my routine is just off and that really messes me up in a major way.

    Anyway, going to be more conscious of protein today, since I know I have not had enough the last three or four days.


    Squats: 3x5 at 175 lbs. They were not good and I gave up after three sets. Just not feeling it.

    Bench press: 5x5 at 130. Last set was really wobbly, but otherwise good.

    Rows: 5x5 at 125. These are almost as hard for me as OHP. They simply never feel like a natural movement.

    So, staying at my current weights and just trying to keep doing SOMETHING until my house guest/patient is gone. (And that will be at least a month, probably more.)
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Workout B for me this morning.

    I am a little bit sad because I suspected a stress fracture in my tibia for a while (I had a really localized sharp pain when I was trying to get up after being seated below parallel - like on my crappy couch or on the toilet), and I started to experience the same pain while squatting. It looks a lot like a stress fracture in the way the pain is really sharp but not regular nor predictible, and how it start to be more frequent and more sensitive after physical effort. I will have to go to the doctor today or tomorrow, and this sucks.

    But, all in all, except the pain, I had a good workout. I did a PR on deadlifts, yay!

    Good Mornings: 1x5 with body weight (well, I used a broom stick) and 1x5 with the oly bar

    Squats: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 85. 1x5 @ 100 and 5x5 @ 110. I'm increasing the weight after my deload on Monday, and it feels good (except the pain in the tibia, as previously stated).

    OHP: 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 50. I did all my sets at 50, yay! It was much easier, but still not perfect. I tried to complete a sixth reps on the last two sets, but it didn't happen. I'll try to work on that before increasing the load.

    Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 50, 1x5 @ 130. I tried to not warmup on those, because last time, I had a major stamina drop and was not able to complete my sets. 130 was HARD and HEAVY, but I'm proud that I was able to complete all the reps. I may or may not repeat, but I will have to do some grip work because I felt like my grip was falling apart on the last rep.

    No accessories today because the 55 pounds kettle were used and I didn't had the time to wait for it. I did a 80 seconds plank on the BOSU.

    Then, stretch and foam rolling. I saw on bodybuilding.com a great way to foam roll the traps and the rumboids, and hmmmm, it was good. I could have done this all day.
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    @DaivaSimone‌ Hope it's not a sfx! How long has it been going on? And if it's not a stress fracture, hopefully it can be remedied quickly...

    Kind of a meh day today but I was so exhausted I didn't want to go (my 20-month old is teething and has molars coming in, and we got ~3hrs of very interrupted sleep Monday into Tuesday, so even after a solid night last night I was draggy this AM). Still dragged myself out and went, and I'm glad I did.

    Squats: 2x5@45, 1x3@75, 5x5@110. Felt decent, but since 115 gave me such trouble last time I am going to do 110 again before jumping forwards.

    OHP: 5x5@50lbs. These felt...easy? I went through them smoothly, and didn't feel like any of my reps were a major struggle. The only explanation I can imagine is that the laws of gravity temporarily reversed themselves for me.

    Deadlift: 1x5@135, 1x5@165. The 165 was supposed to be a warmup for 185, but I just wasn't feeling it, and I figured pushing for a PR on a deadlift when I'm feeling off is a bad idea.

    Skipped any accessory work because I had to go home and shovel ICE off our sidewalk.

    Is it summer yet?
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Oh, Daiva I hope your pain isn't a stress fracture! Yes to getting that looked at!

  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    OHP day! Last OHP for a few weeks (until Smolov Jr is done).
    57.5lbs x3
    67.5lbs x3
    77.5lbs x5
    3x10 @‌ 65lbs

    Squats 3x @‌ 155lbs

    1arm DB rows 3x10 @ 55lbs
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member

    Today was an A workout day for me.

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 75 and 5x5 @ 95.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 - Is it recommended that I do warm-ups for bench?
    Row: 5x5 @‌ 60.

    Lat pulldown: 3x6 @ 85.
    HIIT (1 minute high, 2 minutes recovery) for 15 minutes.

    I'm glad I was able to get to the gym this morning as we've been dealing with ice. The forecast is calling for 6+ inches of snow tonight into tomorrow and then record lows (near zero) on Friday, so I'm not sure if I'll get to the gym. :disappointed:
  • lhapple82
    lhapple82 Posts: 16 Member
    B Workout for me today:

    Squats- 2x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 90 (These felt good!)
    Overhead Press- 5x5 @ 50 (I am going to get some fractional plates. Until then, I think I'm only going to increase one more time to 55.)
    Deadlift- 1x5 @‌ 105

    Heading to hot yoga later, which I definitely need! It's a flex class that really gets into hips and hamstrings.
  • @Lovetowrite -- I usually do two sets with just the bar to warm up on bench, just to lock in form and get my head in the game.
  • ivarunsoncoffee
    ivarunsoncoffee Posts: 22 Member
    Today was my first day of the program and I loved it! I actually downloaded the app and followed the recommended weight.

    Squat 5 x5 @ 45 lb. - It felt very easy, but was too nervous to go up in weight so quickly.
    Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 45 lb. - Another easy move.
    Rows 5 x5 @ 65 lb. - It started out great, but was definitely feeling by the end of the fourth set.
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    Good workout today. Entertained by the guy doing either cocaine or pre workout. He was curling with 115 lb dumbbells so must be doing something right.

    Squatting 95 lbs now, but think I will stay here for the next workout to make sure I'm going ATG.
    Doing hip thrusts at 40 lb now--those puppies get my heart rate up!
    Deadlifted more than my bodyweight @ 135 lbs x5 reps, HOORAY! Feels awesome to meet that goal. Now my husband is worried I'm going to be able to deadlift more than him, LOL.
    Did a couple of terrible good mornings, need to figure out a better set up to do these.
    Other accessory work, love looking at my line graphs and seeing them go up!!

    Also, still trying to figure out good cal goal for the day. At 1700 now, eff the scale. I cannot function below this or I get super cranky and road rage-y.
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    Did a quick, easy workout while my back gets back to 100%

    Squats at 70, Bench at 65, and Row at 55. I'm doing a diet break and actually having a hard time eating all my calories, which feels crazy since I obviously haven't had that problem in the past, lol! So given that, I skipped cardio. It was kinda nice to just hit all the sets quickly with little rest and get in and get out of the gym. I think I'll be able to resume prior load next workout too since everything feels pretty good.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    took the day off work and slept for most of it. probably would have done better with two rest days but i went to the gym just to redeem myself a little bit. workout a and imo it was all pretty half-assed.

    squats: 2x5@45, 2x5@55, 1x5@65, 5x5@75. still troubleshooting upper-body form, but i worked my grip a little bit inward with every rep and ended up with my pinkies squarely inside the knurls. much more comfortable, and around set 3 i started to re-remember about keeping my chest more 'up' too. elbows/shoulders seem more even, i thiiiiink my left leg and glute are getting stronger, and for what this is worth i lifted without collars and the plates didn't seem like they travelled at all. i'm not happy about some parts of my form though, though i can't quite pin down what it is i don't like.

    bench: 2x5@45, 5x5@65. so shoot me, i jumped up 10 lbs. because i couldn't locate either the fives or the fractionals, is why. anyway, this was hard. had that same problem as previously where i lose form getting the bar off the pegs because they're just a fraction too high. which is weird because i don't always have it. i should think more carefully about where i am on the bench, maybe. noteworthiest part was i remembered to 'touch the bench with my hair' throughout the whole thing, for a change. i don't think i performed this lift very well, whatever the weight.

    rows. bleh. not that i didn't do them, because i made more than one different attempt. but the whole thing was too messy for me to know what to report. trouble getting equipment, so i did some reps with 30lbs, some with 65 (trainer plates on the great big long bar) and then even tried putting the trainers onto the little curl bar for a 40lb weight. they all pretty much sucked, but the muscles in my left posterior cuff were working pretty hard keeping their side of the bar up for squats, so they were tired already.

    plus. there was blood on the knurls of the great big bar, and even after i fetched the doohickeys and spritzed them clean i was kind of squicked out. then i discovered that the same someone had actually left a little chunk of his/her callus on the bar too, and i kind of lost my heart to keep lifing today.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Had a great workout today DESPITE not getting the cage at all :) That really feels like an accomplishment because usually if I can't do my squats I get super cranky and pissy. Today I decided to just make it work.

    10 min elliptical hoping for squat rack. No dice! Oh well!
    Bench - I have not benched in 3-4 weeks so it deloaded me to 55. This was quite easy and I did 5x7 along with my usual bench accessories, which is 5x12 lifting my legs up and down after my set while I keep the bar up in the air, and then 5x15 of popping my hips up in the air. I don't know the names for these things.
    Rows - I also have not done rows in a long while (when I miss lots of days I tend to do workout B again) so it deloaded me to 65lbs. This is really hard for me on rows. My form is really poor. I realized there is a great room at the gym where I can do this and see myself well in the mirror so I could really see my struggle. Accessories with this are romanian deadlift.
    Front squats - I've never done a front squat so I took it safe and did this with just 45lbs, did 5x7, in the room where I could watch myself carefully. I was really tired by the end, it was really taxing on my arms. Am I supposed to rest the weight on my clavicle or just support it using my arms? I was just using my arms sooooo that might be why it was such a challenge lol. Maybe I was doing it all wrong.

    My attitude has really improved the last few days. I got a deserved kick in the pants from Courtney to be nicer to myself, and at the form workshop last night felt really validated when he praised my squat form as excellent. So I think those things have really perked me up and I feel really motivated. The fact that I have gone to the gym 3 days in a row (after struggling to go twice a week for 2 months now) speaks to that I think :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    5km run last night. Lifting tonight.

    Tonight was insane

    Squat 5x5 @ 160lbs. Ugly last rep. Urgh staying here
    OHP 5x5 @ 55lbs. Deloaded here, working back up to baby my shoulder
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 190lbs, 1x4 @ 210lbs.

    Accessories: latpulldowns, Bulgarian split squats

    Then i wanted to work on getting lower in squats and perfecting my deadlift form so made a ricidulous circuit of 1x5 deadlift at 165lbs and 1x5 front squats @ 55lbs, repeated five times. Do not recommend so many deadlifts but was lost in perfecting my form....oops...gonna feel that tomorrow.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, after a calm morning and such, ended up going to work on my day off. In fact, of the three in a row scheduled, I will not work on just one of them as we have a part time person out sick. Short shifts but still gets me some overtime. Went to the gym after work so was able to get everything I needed easily enough. :wink: The 10 reps is a little better than the 12 or 15 from before.

    Day 9, A5

    squat 3x10 @ 105 - Kept the weight just cause back has been iffy. Might increase next time.

    push-up 1x10 bench and 2x10 rail
    seated row 3x10 @ 60 - Probably will keep weight same next time, the 10 lb jumps are tougher.

    step up 3x10 @ 20 - Couldn't find the 22.5 ones to use.
    pj 3x12

    Then, for fun: Wrist curls with 10 lb dumbbell, 3x10 bent over row with 50 lb bar and 160 lb leg press focused on using heels for 3x8.

    Now to relax and look forward to sleeping in tomorrow.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Did a 5k run yesterday during my lunch break.

    Did workout A after work. I deloaded a bit to work on form.
    Squats 5x5 at 135. I taped all of these to check form. I'm getting low enough (knew this), but I'm having a bit of a knee issue. My knees tend to drop in when I come out of the hole. I'm going to stay lighter for the moment to work on this.
    Bench 5x5 at 110. And I only had to take the 90 second rest periods instead of 3 mins. I want to bump up, but I'm thinking I will wait until after I get back from vacation.
    Rows 5x5 at 60. I dropped the weight here to also work on form. These felt really good, not too heavy not too light.

    Did a few accessories after:
    5x10 of chest flies with 10# in each hand.
    5x10 of cable rows with 70#.
    And a 10 min bike ride.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wow, 40+ posts in here while I wasn,t checking in O_o I don,t know that I'll read everything. I skimmed over a little. I know you guys are killing it, but that,s the extent of it! lol

    Here's today's workout:

    (Yes, that's lazy)

    I'm still going at it. Need moar sleeps. Will be wordier soon.
  • fothers365
    fothers365 Posts: 59 Member
    edited March 2015
    A this morning after night shift.

    I deloaded everything as I was tired and wanted to work on form rather than ploughing on regardless so it was fairly easy.

    I have also set the app now for tiny increments for all increases.

    Squat 5x5 60kg
    Rows 5x5 35kg
    BP 5x5 32.5kg

    I still don't know whether my row form sucks or not. I find it very, 'unnatural' for want of a better word despite having studied a load of form videos.

    On a side note I think I have PMS yesterday and today and I just want to eat ALL the food, everywhere. I am ravenous. Someone brought us in a load of cookies at work last night. I normally avoid food on my night shift except a midnight snack that I take, but I had 4 of these cookies last night at 100 calories a pop. Oops.

    Trying really hard today to behave better but I am soooo hungry. For carbs. :(
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Today would normally have been a lift day, but I just did 30 minutes of interval inclines on the treadmill. Last lift I strained my pectineus muscle in the groin so I decided I'd take one extra day to rest it (squats aggravate it). Feels perfect today so tomorrow I'll carry on with the lifts - deloading squats to work on form.