Daily Check-in: Time March-es on



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I enjoyed today in that I didn't have work. Just nice to have a day where I don't have to wear the same outfit or stand on my feet for 8 hours. I did laundry, bought food and got a little writing done. And got to the gym before 10 pm this time.

    Last regular workout for Stage 1. I've looked over Stage 2 and I'm already uncertain but I will still give it a try in April. Though after the AMRAP thing I have a few extra days, so I'm going to try out some of the bits from each day of stage 2 just to know where I need to be in the gym and what to do when I do them since it's only 8 days total for that one. For some reason, tonight was pretty weak. I struggled on some of the lifts, got them done but they felt heavy. Not the best end so I'm hoping the AMRAP goes better.

    Day 16, B8

    deadlift 3x8 @ 155 - so freakin' heavy. And I never notice my calluses until I do this lift.

    db shoulder press 3x8 @ 20 - kept same weight and at least this one felt easy.
    lat pulldown 3x8 # 70 - felt heavy even though I did it last time at this weight.

    lunge 3x8 @ 22.5 - not so much heavy but right knee was not happy.
    SB crunch 3x15 - meh

    For fun:
    front squat 3x8 @ 55 - struggled in warm up at first with just the bar, hit the safety on the left side and was just off, but it got better and managed to add a little weight.
    OHP 3x8 @ 55 - this felt pretty good at least.
    db shrug 3x10 @ 25 - these feel weird but i'm trying them still.
    assisted pull-up machine - 2x8 & 1x7 @ 14 - struggled with these.

    Oh, I also did a 10 minute warmup before lifting on the elliptical, finally tried that weird thing. My knees aren't sure how they feel about it.

    And... I met @threnjen‌ during my accessories. So that was the fun part of tonight's workout though probably good it wasn't earlier considering how weak I felt most of the lifting. We'll see how sunday goes when I get to test reps at 95 on squats. For now, I write and soon sleep.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just got home myself!

    I was god awful today. I came home complaining that I did so crappy and my hubs was like "nope. Doing crappy would be if you sat down in front of the TV instead of going to the gym." So he gets a gold star for saying that <3
    But I really did feel so weak and weird today :(

    Squats 5x5@95 and this was just brutal for some reason. I came the closest I have ever come to failing out, on my very last rep. My form was awful. I will certainly be doing this weight again, no question there!
    Bench 5x5@60 and 5x12 leg lifts and 5x15 hip popups while holding the bar. I started at 65 and could barely BARELY finish my first set so I went down to 60 right away. I am a little frustrated with this because I have done 65 before. Patience, me...
    Barbell Row and Romanian Deadlift 5x5@70. I didn't feel like getting the bumpers out for pendlays so I just did some normal barbell rows with romanian DL accessories.

    And yep I met @DawnEmbers today! I called her by the wrong name (I had a good reason to think her name was Laurie but... it's just Dawn ...) so we got off to a nice and awkward start when I asked if she was Laurie and she said no and I was like OK NEVER MIND THEN LALALALALALA
    Then I was flustered and couldn't remember what the 25lb plates looked like and was like WHERE ARE THEY? and they were everywhere. Good thing Dawn was there to babysit me.
    I am so smooth. Thank god I don't have to try and date. It would be a *kitten* show.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been away for 2 years and regained all my weight. But I'm back in the gym as of 2 weeks ago.

    Squat - 75
    Deadlift - 115
    Overhead Press - 45
    Bench Press - 65
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    C25K Week 3, Day 1

    Not bad though the 3 minute jogs were challenging. I probably should have cut out the extra minutes on the one walk when I made the playlist in audacity since the cue says 3 minutes and the time is actually 5 minutes, but oh well. Wasn't a bad one overall and we'll see how the next 2 days for the week go.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning lifting session!

    Squat 5x5 @‌ 155lbs.
    Bench 5x5 @ 90lbs.
    Row 5x5 @ 105lbs.

    Underarm pull downs @ 90lbs. 5x5
    Bulgarian split squats @ 20lbs. 5x5
    Single arm squat thrust @ 25lbs. 5x5

    Off to eat all the foodzzzzzz

  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Wah wah wah, failed on bench today. That *kitten* was heavy, though!

    Squats: 10x3 @ 175lbs (I love triples, these were easy peasy)
    Bench: 5x3 @ 110lbs, got the first rep of the 6th set and failed on the 2nd rep. Since I'm getting much heavier with these, I put the safety rails up on the cage and I'm super thankful that I did today! They are at just the right height; when I'm arching, the bar doesn't touch them, but if I flatten my back to the bench, the bar sits right on them and I can roll it down to the end of the cage and not have to have the weighted bar sit directly on my body at all. My shoulders are currently slathered in BioFreeze and my knees may be next...

    I'm debating if I want to even do the intense microcycle of Smolov come April. I'm not done with the base cycle yet and it's reeeeeeeally freaking hard to do this while eating at a deficit. Like REALLY hard. I can manage Wendler's and even 5x5 on a cut, but this is borderline ridiculous. Makes sense that it is hard, though, since the point of Smolov is to increase your working weights and 1 rep maxes. The general consensus on the program is to eat ~4,000 cals per day. While that would be awesome, I'm not bulking right now so, yeah, gonna have to do this with poverty macros and just deal with the failures that will come with it. Try, try, try and try again!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    katro111 wrote: »
    Wah wah wah, failed on bench today. That *kitten* was heavy, though!

    Thank goodness for the safeties. They're so fetch! If you'd had to do the roll of shame, you would have looked like such a double canoe!

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Another I hate rows day. I decided to repeat my weight and play more with form. It's hard to see what I'm doing, and annoying/awkward angle to video. I feel if I follow one form point, other parts of my form fail due to long torso, short legs. Gonna do 75 again next time and try and get form better.

    Squats 5x5 150lbs
    Bench Press 5x5 80lbs
    Rows 5x5 75lbs

    And before I put my bar away:
    OHP 1x1 75lbs woo hooo! (also tried 85lb and failed) my PR/working weight is 67.5lb next session so I think I can do it!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I'm back (and oh so happy to be)!

    Squat 75 5x5
    OHP 45 5x5
    Deadlift 95 3x5

    All were pretty easy but I didn't want to overdo it after two weeks of no lifting and getting over an injury. May be able to move up more quickly than 5 lbs at a time. Back didn't hurt at all.

    Front squat 45 3x8
    Rack pull 95 16" 3x8
    Side bend 30 3x12 each side
    Stiff dead 50 3x8
    Asst. pull up -70 (60) 1x8, -64 (66) 2x8

    I also ran/walked yesterday for two miles. Felt like I was dying but it was nice to be outside and have beers after.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    monday workout B

    I haven't worked out in a week.. been feeling run down plus I decided to start climbing the stairs at work and omg my calf muscles were sore for days...so I just needed time out

    Squat 5x5 at 40 kg 88 lbs.
    OHP 5/4/4/5/5 at 20 kg 44. Starting to feel a little smoother yay
    DL 1 x 5 40 kg / 88 lbs then I did 5 more @ 45kg.

    also did
    2 x sets of lunges , 15 each leg with different weights
    2 x 10 good mornings
    1 plank and 15 push ups

    Ugh TOTM started this morning.... does anyone else feel super tired on the first day? DO you still do strenuous exercise ? I was going to go to my thai boxing class tonight but I know from previous times how it was just a bit too much. Ugh I haven't been there in over a week either and I feel bad if I don't go...
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday.

    Squat 5x5 at 135 lbs. Woohoo, big girl plates :) Really hard though and I have major DOMS today. I am going to stick here for a couple sessions I think.

    Bench - 5x5 at 72.5 lbs. This was way harder than I was expecting, considering how easy 70 felt last time. I am repeating as the bar was really wandering on me.

    Row - 5x5 at 80 lbs. Meh. I still don't like these because of stacking plates, but I need to repeat this weight.

    3x7 assisted pull ups at 40 lbs. H..A..R..D! Ouch. We will have to see how many I can do on a non-row day.

    Then, it was my BFFs birthday, so we ate a whole lot of junk and drank a whole lot and, and I more than doubled my calorie allowance for the day. Oops! Oh well, it was a blast :) I will make up what deficit I can, but I'm not going to over do it. Still need to get that protein in!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    went to work all day yesterday, and then again all day today. don't ask. but anyway, after i was finished today i did the smart thing and went to the gym even though it was quite late by then. ahhhhhhhh. totally different world.

    workout a.

    squats: 2x5@45, 1x5@55, 1x5@65, 1x2@70, 5x5@85!!!!! feeling pretty pleased with myself. i'm going to stay there at least one more workout because going from 75 to 90 in such a short time seems like a bit much for someone who was supposed to be hurt. but you know what? it was easy.

    bench: 2x5@45, 5x5@55. not nearly so great. i've got to work something out with the peg height for bench. and i know i wasn't holding position nearly as well on the left as i was on the right, and that's bad. but i kept it at just 55 so i'll let myself off for all that today.

    rows: 2xsomething@30 warmup, two sets of 5 with a 70lb kettlebell (crappy grip mechanics with hands together, then the real thing. 3x5@50, 5x5@55. i'm feeling much better about rows this new attempt at them, but guess we'll see how that all pans out.

    nothing extra. just a plank on office floor before i left work, don't know how long for as i left my watch at the house.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    ate a whole lot of junk and drank a whole lot and, and I more than doubled my calorie allowance for the day. Oops! Oh well, it was a blast :) I will make up what deficit I can, but I'm not going to over do it. Still need to get that protein in!

    it's also possible you'll be up all night peeing and find yourself 4 pounds lighter tomorrow morning. it's been known to happen, that's all i'm sayin' ;-)

    really nice job on those squats. doms or not, you did them.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Slow day at work. Think I did maybe 2-3 sets of photo orders in the whole 6 hours. We got out early enough at least and the AMRAP didn't take that long so even with accessory work I was home before midnight. Not a fan of the whole many reps for one set thing, to be honest. Don't think I'll be doing this type of test session often in the near future or slightly distance future either. Just one more, for workout B of NROLFW.


    squat 95 1x25 - could have done a little more but was tired of doing the same set at that point. After 20 it was like, why am I still doing this set...

    seated row 50 1x25 - got tough near the end. I did this first instead of pushup cause I like it more.

    push-up from rail 1x22 - almost quit at 20 but decided to push out a couple more.

    skipped step up just cause, and i plan to skip a couple on day B as I don't care how many crunches i can do

    prone jackknife smaller ball 1x20 - glad I could get more than 15 but around 15 and above is challenging still

    For fun:
    bench 3x8 @ 80 - almost didn't get all the reps but an increase from last week.
    db bench 3x8 @‌ 25 - not bad
    skipped bicep curl
    wrist curl 3x10 @ 15
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Good night at the gym, bench and deads were tough, but I'm approaching my previous PRs on them.

    Squats 5x5 80 lbs
    OHP 5x5 45lbs
    DL 5x5 120 lbs
    Bench 5x5 65 lbs
    Lat pulldowns 5x5 70 lbs
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Dragged my *kitten* out of bed at 4:30 this morning. FOUR THIRTY to lift since I have a dentist appointment this evening and wouldn't be able to fit in lifting without doing it at like 7pm or so. I don't ever want to be up this early moving heavy *kitten* again if I don't have to! lol

    Squats: 6x6 @‌ 160lbs
    Bench: 6x6 @‌ 105lbs

    This is the final week of the Smolov base mesocycle. Next week is rest then 1RM testing on April 4th. Then I think I'm going back to Wendler's.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Love your avatar, @katro111‌ , lol. Good job, too. 4:30??
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't think I have ever been happier to have a scheduled deload week. My body is beat up and needs a break, my back is tired and angry, so are my knees. This weekend was very active with Saturday being a full day of hiking in the mountains. I skipped my long run on Sunday and enjoyed my deload week of OHP this morning.
    bar x 5, bar x5 50 lbs x 7
    bar 3x8 EMOTM
    Then AMRAP in 4 minutes x 3
    3 inverse rows, 3 burpees, 10 sec plank
    6 inverse rows, 6 burpees, 15 sec plank etc.
    I managed to get 3 sets, 3 sets and 4 sets in each 4 minutes
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day - C25K Week 3 Day 2

    Not bad overall. Normally, I take monday off from both lifting and cardio but I'm switching my schedule around again since the recent plan was based on having thursday off from work and I've been working thurday anyways. So, I'm going to switch back to lifting on thursday night instead of the lift late wednesday and try to jog thursday before going in to work on freight. Week 3 is odd cause the 3 minute jogs are tough but there are only two of them and the overall time is like 18 minutes for the intervals. I'm left with a fair amount of walking left to get home. Though can't imagine going for 25 minutes of just jogging yet.

    Have to wait and see how it goes.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    katro111 wrote: »
    Dragged my *kitten* out of bed at 4:30 this morning. FOUR THIRTY to lift since I have a dentist appointment this evening and wouldn't be able to fit in lifting without doing it at like 7pm or so. I don't ever want to be up this early moving heavy *kitten* again if I don't have to! lol

    Welcome to my life! LOL I'm up at 4:20 M/W/F to get to the gym by 5. I don't like lifting in the evening. I do so much better working out on an empty tummy.


    Squats: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 95, 1x5 @ 115 and 5x5 @ 135. Finally got to do the big girl plates! And I finally felt challenged. I had to really push my breaths out during the last rep on the last two sets. I love it! I'll do this weight again on Wednesday.
    Bench: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65 and 5x5 @ 80. Um, yeah, gonna stay here for at least another day too. While I wasn't in danger of failing, I was so scared that I would! Got them all back up though!
    Row: 5x5 @ 80. Easy peasy.