Spring into Action for March!



  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! :D Day 4 of Spring into Action & still going strong!! lol :)
    Looks like everyone is doing great!!! Yay us!

    Suzy ~ Great job with your class! I'd be interested knowing what exercises you are doing on the stability ball? I have one of these at home....perhaps I should get it out and use lol ;) sounds like could be a great workout!!

    Snoozie ~ those planks are some hard stuff!! You are doing great!!
    I am also doing planks with my Ab challenge....today's was to hold for 15 secs...I was wobbling pretty bad towards end lol but hey, we are doing it so its all good

    Carry on ladies.....make it a great day!! (*)

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    It is so much fun reading everybody's goals for March.... I realize those of us living through these Siberian Express days - just getting through March into April with limbs intact will be great! Getting all the Moving Parts going in one direction is awesome!

    Speaking of moving parts -- One of my goals this months is to see if there could be a little less jiggle in my wiggle by the end. That means getting a good 3-5 miles done 6 days a week either on the dreadmill or hopefully outside when the ice calms down some. Usually do at least 3 miles Mon - Thurs (Fri off) 5 miles on Sat & Sun. Major goal for me is to get up every hour from my desk and walk down the hall, up the stairs and back down -- Pedometer on!

    Also, working on my upper body strength. I was saddened to realize I can no longer pick up and move 2 bales of hay - struggled with 1!! In my mind - I could still throw 2 -- um, not so much anymore. I had to stand back and let my 30something year old daughter take over where I used to be. :'( Just glad she has incredible strength. So my goal is at least 15 minutes 6 days a week of upper body weights. Oh, and squats -- lots of squats. :#
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Suzy and smiley B - I have one of those balls too... I keep moving it from room to room to get it out of the way LOLOL.. perhaps I too should find an actual use for it???

    As for the shaking all over - I consider myself a "weeble"... I wobble but I don't fall down (well, not often.. I confess I have fallen off the ball once!!!)
    Congrats to you suzy for hitting your goals - woo hoo!! its gonna be a great month!!

    Smileb - to me, 15 seconds is a MARATHON so well done you!!

    OWR: i'm looking out at the frozen, snow covered tundra and repeating my mantra.. spring is almost here... LOL.. awesome goal on the walk for the "jiggle parts" lol - I SO miss being able to walk every day down by the lake; cannot WAIT til this white stuff and the underlying ice is gone!

    love the getting up from the desk goal too.. I actually have my email at work set with a reminder every hour - it just flashes TASK: GET UP!!" on the screen lol.. and I have a reminder on my phone to ping every 2 hrs.. saying 'posture and water".. I'm becoming a bit like Pavlov's dawgs lately tho.. every time I hear a ping somewhere I get up and drink water LOLOL.. good job on working on the upper body strength too.. but I have to say I did get a visual in my head of you tossing hay bales and counting off as exercise.. "and one and two and two and two and hold.... and hold.....

    Remember it doesn't matter HOW you move yer parts Hatters, as long as we DO move em!!

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    There is Hope for the frozen Hatters! I just looked at the 10 day forecast and it is showing by March 11 - 52 balmy degrees!!! They better not be kidding! YAY! Of course, the melting off of the feet of snow could pose real flooding problems. But, I already have visions of my winter-big backside wogging around our fairgrounds (nobody else there to witness the jiggly parts - thank goodness). Can't wait to get out there and Spring into Action!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I feel so bad for you girls up North....all that snow!! We just had two 75 degree days and looking for winter weather advisory day tomorrow....so we are yo-yoing back and forth.

    I have a "roundy" ball , too, but it' still in the box...I need a way to blow it up...I don't have that much air!!b0703.gif

    Everyone is doing good this year.....So proud of you all!!

    Exercise is going good.
    Water needs to be better.
    Food is much!! better.

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hey ladies. ..Thor is coming to Jersey. .6-9 inches. ..

    Oh darn work is closed. ...

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2015
    March movement progress update:
    Monday walked dogs ( but got caught in the rain)
    Tuesday went to first dog tri ball class with Sophie. I thought this would involve more activity for me which it didn't , so I now know I need to do an additional intentional exercise on Tuesdays. It did involve a lot of bending over and my back went Into spasms that night and yesterday- need to remember to bend my knees!
    Wednesday - IPOM because I did 60 minutes of yoga even though my lower back was in a spasm and I had a migraine!
    Thursday: taking a break ( still not feeling good)
    Although this has been the kind of week so far that surely inspired the saying "the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray" , I am giving myself an A for effort. Thanks much Snooozie for the great idea of a movement theme for March and for your support and thanks to ALL fellow Hatters for contributing to my inspiration and motivation with your extraordinary efforts and successes!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Everyone is getting into the mood for Spring! Even though some days may not have as much movement as others (we all do need rest days) - just getting our bodies moving is a step in the right direction! Can't wait to get outside -- I fully admit I am a wimp when it comes to severe cold (or hot). I did not realize for many years that Hashimotos makes folks actually not assimilate extremes in temperatures very well. I thought I was just a Princess. That was when my treadmill and I became buddies. As long as I get a good sweat going on the treadmill - I feel I have done something.

    Goals today: More Water - (yesterday I flunked that one)
    45 Minutes Treadmill
    15 Minutes Strength
    Get up from my office desk and walk down the hall every hour. (I flunked that one, too)
    Veggies/Fruit galore!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Morning Hatters!!

    heading down to the gym shortly - finished last shift late last night and had a "jammies and coffee" morning to start my day - appreciating small joys thru the day are just as important for our overall health IMO! :D
    Susan - I can't believe you did your yoga while your back was so sore.. omg extra huge challenge points for you, girl!! so sorry to hear the Tuesday dawgie day wasn't what you hoped for your exercise (and that it did in your back!) but absolutely I think you deserve an A+ for effort!! Glad youre taking today to chill and recuperate - hope to hear you're feeling better soon AND yay you indeed on the IPOM - lovely to see an IPOM claimed!!!!!!!

    OWR - I got so excited at work last night when I saw the forecast for sunday says it might actually get above 0 I did a happy dance LOL.. Its -19 today so i'm a little ascared it might not be true.. but I live in hope!! love your goals for today - well done!!

    Gail - I just saw your post about another pound lost... I am SO thrilled for you!!! You have been working so hard at getting in early and getting on that bike.. and I bet you are flying HIGH seeing the results your hard work has made happen!! huge congrats and IPOU!!!!!!!

    Carol - snow day!! gotta love a day off work no matter what the reason, eh??

    Slight change of plans.. going to dress and attempt to look somewhat human and do a quick grocery run; mother hubbards cupboards are bare and need some yummy and healthy stuff for dinner tonight; then will go down the gym and get my groove on!! Have a fabulous day Hatters...we're only a few days into our 31 day challenge and look at all we've accomplished for ourselves... by the end of this month we're gonna be flying high with our successes!!


  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Happy Thursday....I can almost see the weekend :) One full week almost complete! I had a close one this morning...alarm went off but I really didn't want to get up lol but then I thought of you all and our Spring into action challenge! Got myself up and Moving! I am so glad I did...so thank you all for doing this March challenge. Let's keep moving forward ladies :D
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    IPOU smile be !!! (Thats An acronym we use in our group that stands for I'm proud of you!) !!! Well done for getting past your I don't wanna to I'm GONNA do it!!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Sprung into action by shoveling snow. .... B)
    . ...check my page

    Welcome aboard to our new members. ...

    Now I'm off to make brownies. . :D

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    Sorry for the reason you had to spring into action Carol, but ya got your movement in the for the day - yay you!
    hit the gym; did the treadmill and ST exercises and and have already made the goal i set for this whole week with the t/mill so obviously I set it too low to start..

    and got myself a small pear and Havarti stuffed piggy chop for dinner; made fresh this morning at my new favourite local market today... have no idea how i'm gonna log it but I know how i'm gonna eat it - yum yum yum! with a ton of brussel sprouts alongside... can't wait!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Okay fellow hatters, I need your help. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; right now I feel like I'm bordering on truly insane. My scale is not moving...in fact it went up. I've been moving everyday and staying under my calorie goal and .....nothing! Gained a pound! I keep telling myself to hang in there and stay the course but I'm really discouraged. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Should I try cutting carbs? Up my calories? Increase protein? Ugh! I'm at that point where I usually say, WTH and eat my way through a container of Talenti Gelato.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    Suzy - DON'T open the gelato!! Totally understand the discouragement and frustration; PM on the way - promise you won't open it til after you get my message LOL!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    edited March 2015

    When I first started on MFP, I was on here a full month, staying strickly within cals, exercising every freaken day, and I lost nothing.. not one ounce the entire month.. I swear to god I was gonna do a bridge jump (im kidding.. but you know what I mean!) I was honestly ready to pack it in and give up.... the frustration level was making me insane and combined with the insanity of menopause as well, yup... I should have been in a padded room at that point...

    I did what you did tho.. I reached out which was really hard for me bak then believe it or not lol... and the peeps on here got me thru with my sanity somewhat intact.. so i'm going to try to do the same for you right now... and I hope it might help keep you from a straight jacket, or from giving up..

    first of all.. it completely sucks that you have worked so hard for the past month, and the scale says you have gained... how incredibly unfair and frustrating is that?? mine went up this week too and at first I felt exactly the same way... im like arey ou KIDDING ME?????????? (my weigh in was wed)... anger, resentment.. all those lovely emotions welled up and as I have always been an emotional eater, you gotta bet I was heading for a bag of lays chips for breakfast!!

    the ony thing that stopped me honestly was that I would have had to get dressed and go out and get them and laziness won out LOL..

    which worked in my favour, cause it gave me time to deal with the frustration ....... there's no getting aroun the fact that it sucks... BUT... its a good time to remember that weight loss is not linear.. our bodies do not release the weight when we want it too sadly.... I tend to think of it like a man.. it WILL do it, but when it wants, not when we want it too.. I also firmly believe in the woosh factor; that just when you think nothing is working, "woosh".. it will suddenly start to show... we just gotta truly hang in there....and keep working and being consistent at it every single day..

    it takes about 4 weeks for our bodies to truly start trusting us when we start eating well and moving again, and it WILL respond.. it really will.... if we can just wait it out and get past that frustration thing.... and keep being consistent with our efforts..

    but I also understand the need to see results as we go to keep us motivated.....sent a bit more in the PM about that... but am posting this in the group for anyone else who might be frustrated like us right now..

    The weight really will start to come off Suzy.... we know it will We just gotta get past this hump and hang in and KEEP doing what we're doing.... and sometimes just knowing you aren't alone is the best helping hand someone can give..

    hope this has helped a little... well this and the really gross picture of ice cream I posted in the group to deter you from opening the tub til I could write LOLOL!!!

    hang in there Suzy... our hard work and the effort we are putting in will start showing the results if we just keep going! Take a minute to look back at your accomplishment in weight loss to date; you've had fantastic success and you are already well on your way to continuing that success and getting to your goal!!!


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! I'm taking a day off and will start anew tomorrow with a new low-carb (low simple carbs anyway) approach for awhile. It's so hard not to get discouraged sometimes but I'm so thankful for the support here on MFP.
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    I second everything Snooozie said! It can and does get extremely frustrating that sometimes I just want to say chuck it and walk away....but, then I look at a picture hanging in our living room of myself- at 210# and my husband at 250# and remember what I felt like seeing us all dressed up with our son and his wife attending a gorgeous Marine Ball out in Las Vegas. I was MORTIFIED!! How did I let that happen? That was November 2012.... I jumped on yet "another" diet, couldn't get anywhere. Menopause sucked, got diagnosed with Hypothroidism Hashimotos and said Hold On. Something has got to give.

    I am not purporting that anyone else give up gluten - but, worked for me and made me feel so much better. Fast forward to August 2013 and I was down to 150, my initial goal -- big difference. Running 5 miles and back to lifting weights. I set a new goal to get within a healthy BMI at 135#. Wellll, I couldn't seem to get below 146, no matter how hard I ran and what I ate. Frustration set in big time - so, I decided my body just needed to be at that number, even though I wanted to be lower. I "maintained" at that level for another year- bouncing up and down between 5#. Got lazy and didn't log anymore, wasn't running much, and thought I was eating healthy. Nope, I gained 13# back in no time.

    Coming from that place, please let me say, hang in there. Keep doing what you are doing. Weight can be a very fickle friend. I got back on the wagon and, like Snooozie also said, I reached out this time to other folks on MFP traveling this rocky road. Before, I was extremely private and didn't want anyone to know I was measuring and logging and counting calories. Sometimes, the scale will slap you in the face and then bam, you lose a couple of pounds and rejoice.

    I think you have a good plan - cut out the simple carbs, but please note your complex carbs are vital to your well being. Protein is King and good fats keep us "young". Balance it all out and in time - it will happen. And just think how much better you will feel even when the scale isn't moving as quickly as we would like.

    Good luck and Keep Springing Into Action for March!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thank you Becky. It's good to know that I'm not alone and that it is possible to meet my weight loss goals. I swear, even though I've been through the dreaded menopause, my hormones are going crazy today. I'm not going to give up! Never give up! I'm just going to take today as a day off and get back on it tomorrow.

    I CAN do this! I WILL do this! Thanks for the support!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm a firm believer that we all need to step back sometimes for a day or two - take a break, to review, regroup mentally and physically and revamp where we're at and where we wanna be... the KEY I discovered (from falling flat on my *kitten* when I hit my goal and subsequently regained 18lbs) , is remembering that it's ONLY a break; taking 24-48 hrs is IMO a perfecty acceptable and indeed, necessary thing sometimes... as long as we return to taking care of ourselves within a short time - returning to the consistent effort that will get us to that ultimate goal of feeling great and knowing we're healthier and fitter now that we ever were! So have a lovely evening out and enjoy every minute Suzy!!!! (and feel free to take me with ya next time LOLOL) :D
    Becky = agree 100% with all you said as well; I edited some of the PM I sent to Suzy in my public post, but absolutely feel the same way; complex carbs are an absolute necessity IMO; its the simple carbs we can and should toss in the garbage instead of ourselves.. that's something I have to work on too!!

    And this time around, I'm not setting a "final number" although ditching the 18 lbs will get me back to that initial goal weight I hit... but now it's more about getting to the spot where I'm feeling great about my weight, great about how I feel about me, and great about the fact that I will have made moving my parts a daily habit... and ill know when I get to that "goal" whatever the weight will be :D

    MY "note to self" for me!ihu4eodcm0a5.jpg