Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    No worries Shades, and it's so good to hear you sounding bright and cheery today. Sounds like you're on a cleansing mission ;)

    I've just done an hour's gardening. Sweeping up leaves, weeding, that kind of thing and I guess it's a good sign towards feeling more energetic. I had a 'funny turn' at lunch. Just as well I was sitting down because one minute I was happily eating and the next thing the world did a lurch and went black, my head spun, and then I came back to reality. Took me about an hour to feel like eating the remaining 90% of my meal, though I felt fairly normal quickly enough. All of these health things are just not who I am and I'm starting to feel more than a little fed up. I can only presume it has all been a long slow 'keto flu' because I didn't have an obvious version of it. This is my 44th day - *surely* it's over now? Though I still feel really tired. I'm choosing to think that the diet is healing my poor abused body and will give me energy as soon as it can *sigh* :\
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I may have answered my own question, and I really hope I have. This article ketogenic-diet-resource.com/reactive-hypoglycemia.html talks about going onto a ketogenic diet too quickly from a state of severe insulin resistance/inflammation and resultant symptoms, about half of which I've suffered over the past 44 days...

    heart palpitations or fibrillation
    shaking and tremors
    craving for sweets
    intense hunger
    nausea, vomiting
    panic attack
    numbness/coldness in the extremities
    fatigue and shakiness for hours afterwards

    Although I don't want to spoil my ketogenic state, perhaps I should 'up my carbs' for a short while and then come back down again. I'm sick and tired of being tired and sick, though I *know* with all my heart that this is the right way to eat!!! I perhaps just need to not quite be in such a rush about things o:) I can't believe I haven't 'come through the other side' by now, but we're talking 47 years of sugar and carb abuse so I really do need to be patient and sensible. Maybe it takes 47 days to undo 47 years' damage and I'll be sweet by next Wednesday LOL
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Before I start I'm really concerned about constipation did read that magnesium citrate is good - does anyone use this? I have kept my carbs under the recommended Mfp limit for a while but find if I have any bread it makes me 'look for food'. I read Eat Fat by Dr Trudi Deakin and that says on Mfp set carbs to 10%, protein 30% and fat at 60%, would that seem ok?
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello everyone, Just checking in.
    @Shades - hope everything continues on an upswing for you and the hubby.
    @Granny - hope you are feeling better by now. I was lucky enough (so far) to skip the keto flu thingy. I hope yours works itself out soon.
    @RisiM‌ - welcome, these ladies are fabulous and you will love it here!

    Yesterday was a bit rough for me but Thursdays usually are. 7 weeks in and only 5 more to go with the radiation. So ready for it to be over with.

    But on a good note I've finished my fat fast. Some mild GI issues but noting to horrible, a little weakness yesterday but that was probably other things, and it seems to have been a success. Went back to the Doc this morning and I'm down - - - ready??! - - 12 lbs and a total of 3 inches (hips and waist). While my brain is well aware that half - or more - of this is water weight my heart it turning cartwheels at being in the 180s (only barely but 189 IS in the 180s!!). I'm sure I will put some of it back on as I go back to eating lchf but I'll enjoy the day anyway and deal with the numbers later.

    We here in Austin are still freezing but it is going to be a beautiful day!!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    @totaloblivia, My mosaics and house yard animals are all together on Flicker.


    Hahahaha view at your own risk there is some crazy stuff going on here. Even the toilets are mosaic. When hubby spent so much time sick from chemo all I could think was when life gives you *kitten* mosaic the toilets. I am taking a short break from the hallway wall project. It is eleven foot long and so far 40 inches tall and I needed to get a fresh look at it.. I am working on a silly little project now then back to the wall as time permits.

    @GrannyMay, I hope your heart settles down. If you are staying about 20 carbs for already a month or so I would think all of this should stop for you. I went through it all for about 3 weeks in the beginning. None of it any more. I was/am also severely insulin resistant. Have to be for the way I abused sugar.

    @ResiM I wish I had started the fiber powder right from the beginning, I really suffered with constipation. I am using the Sugar Free version of Equate daily. It is 4 carbs 3 are fiber. I just leave room in my carbs for the fiber. It works really well for me is tasteless and does not make a gel like glob yuck. I usually put it in my coffee and do not even know it is there but it does help move things along. Not a laxative though.

    @Ratsmith69, Thank you.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @RATSMITH Thank you so much for your wishes. I am definitely ready to move beyond this stage!!! But I know I shouldn’t whinge because there are so many enduring worse than my few woes. Radiation treatment can’t be any fun and I hope with you that it’s soon over and, moreso, successful! You seem to have gone so well with your fat fast, congratulations! Oh wow….. 12 lbs is **amazing**!!! And congrats on the 180s too. I hope you don’t bounce up too much. Hopefully with keeping the fat in your diet it might stay a loss? There seem to be a lot of members from around Texas and the South. My husband has a distant cousin in Lake Charles – is LA the code for Louisiana?

    @Shades Thank you. My heart has got better each day. I’ve given up the mild coffee I was drinking – that set it off on 3 separate attempts to drink it, yet a small dose of my husband’s stronger coffee is fine and I’m drinking that happily. Both are Moccona brand. I wonder if my mild one was tainted with something awful by accident? I keep looking to see if it’s been recalled ROFL Still quite tired today with a slight ‘sugar low’ feeling before lunch, but so far this is my best day since the heart palpitations. I shouldn’t be getting sugar lows, but I’m improving in health so I’ll take it as a transitory thing on the way to better ;) And yes, I’ve rarely gone above 20 carbs in 44 days. I had a fasting blood sugar reading done a few months ago that was a bit high (according to the nurse) but it was 5.7 and I think you use different numbers (which is no surprise).

    @RisiM I haven’t had any trouble with constipation at all so I really hope that will be your experience too.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @RATSMITH69‌ @GrannyMayOz I'm from Kansas (KS) originally, lived in Texas (TX) most of my formative years, and moved to Oklahoma (OK) around the time I turned 30. I miss Texas like you wouldn't believe, even though Oklahoma isn't that far away. And yes, LA is the code for Louisiana. If you care: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._state_abbreviations
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thanks Knit. I will try not to call you Dorothy because I guess there are quite a lot of other people from Kansas too.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    I was born in Missouri but my family farm is in Kansas. I never lived either place as I had to be given up for adoption and went to Puerto Rico. Adoptive father was in the Navy.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Shades!!! Oh wow, you've lead an interesting life. I hope it's been a happy one though?

    I was born in England and lived there until I was 15. Then we set sail for Australia and I've lived in Perth ever since. Met my also-English-born husband 7 months after arriving here.
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi ladies; haven't checked in in quite a while as was busy with my grandchildren for 2 weeks. They came for a visit while their parents renovated the main bathroom....can't have a 4 and 2 year old around while there is no bath. Although I enjoyed having them immensely, I am very tired (they went home yesterday). I slept in until 9 this a.m. (so not me) and am feeling like doing nothing today.
    I have not been on the scale for 2 weeks and am thinking I might not as it is to be my TOM on Wednesday and usually that brings on some water weight. I tried to stay true to my WOE while they were here but man it was hard. Having the carbs and sugars in the house was a major temptation..if you look at my diary, you will see that I gave in a few times for a little taste but I think I did pretty darn well.
    On a good note, the weather here seems to be heading for spring...yippee. We are finally out of the negatives and is +2 here today (or almost 40) and feels like 70 and the sun is shining very bright....got myself a 30 minute walk in this a.m. and felt so great.
    Chris, sorry to hear of your troubles with your husband lately - I hope and pray that all will straighten out and he is feeling better and remember, you need to take care of yourself as well!
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    I'm in! Had full fat Greek yogurt with a measure of whey protein powder (banoffee flavour) for breakfast, mid afternoon had 3 eggs scrambled with butter and cheese and 2 burgers. Can't eat any more but calories are too low. How do you ladies get the numbers up? Iris
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    I was born in Texas but we lived in 12 different states before I was a freshman in high school. We moved to Virginia in 1980 where I met and married - - I was a sophomore in high school and married before I went to one school for a whole year. I moved back to Texas is 1997 when I divorced and I would gladly go the rest of my life without ever seeing snow again!!

    Someday, when I'm rich and retired, I am going to Ireland. That is my dream anyway... at this rate I'll be able to take my grown GrandFlowers with me!!

    My fat fast went well and I fell off the wagon a bit on Saturday. Out shopping with the GrandFlowers and lunch at a Chinese Buffett . . . not bad but I'm sure those sauces have tons of MSG and sugars. Oh well, this mornings weight was only 190.4 so it's all good so far. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it off and keep loosing.

    Good day to all!!

  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good Monday morning ladies. Welcome to the newbies! Glad to hear (most) things are on track for everyone. Someone asked about Magnesium, I didn't take at first but was having hard night leg cramping so have started and it has improved. Make sure to get a good quality and the citrate version. I take 400mg twice a day. Slow downward creep still for me on the scale. I think some of my clothes are maybe slightly looser around the waist but not much change around the hips where I carry my extra weight.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @totaloblivia, My mosaics and house yard animals are all together on Flicker.


    Hahahaha view at your own risk there is some crazy stuff going on here. Even the toilets are mosaic. When hubby spent so much time sick from chemo all I could think was when life gives you *kitten* mosaic the toilets. I am taking a short break from the hallway wall project. It is eleven foot long and so far 40 inches tall and I needed to get a fresh look at it.. I am working on a silly little project now then back to the wall as time permits..

    Wow, love the mosaics...I've always wanted to make one, just never got round to it. Toilets are amazing! Your cats are gorgeous too. Thanks for letting me have a peak into your life. Xx

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @totaloblivia, My mosaics and house yard animals are all together on Flicker.


    Hahahaha view at your own risk there is some crazy stuff going on here. Even the toilets are mosaic. When hubby spent so much time sick from chemo all I could think was when life gives you *kitten* mosaic the toilets. I am taking a short break from the hallway wall project. It is eleven foot long and so far 40 inches tall and I needed to get a fresh look at it.. I am working on a silly little project now then back to the wall as time permits..

    Wow, love the mosaics...I've always wanted to make one, just never got round to it. Toilets are amazing! Your cats are gorgeous too. Thanks for letting me have a peak into your life. Xx

    @shadesofidaho Your level of craft and skill is mind boggling! And your hubby doesn't mind all the sparklies? LOL
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    PHEW we just got home and even though we did not shop except one quick stop for pills and garden potting mix I am done in. I do not know why it is so stressful to go to town and doctor. I had my bone density scan and darn it did not scan the visceral fat. Hips are good back is bordering on osteoporosis. Dang I did not expect that. I expected everything to be good. Oh well It does not change anything life as usual.

    Thanks on the mosaics. Funny hubby kind of ignores it yet when the sun hits some thing just right and there are rainbows on the floors and walls he will point it out. And when some one comes over they get kind of gob smacked by the kitchen and divider wall ends and he gets in a hurry for them to see it all because there is so much of it. LOL I do not know if this is good or bad. I have been doing the mosaics for almost 10 years. I am obsessed doing them. When I knew I could not mosaic the walls in other houses because we always bought to re-sale=flip, I did our furniture. Now I CAN do the walls it is so much more fun. I want to get the hallway done. It is amazing to see what will be an 11 foot long mural in glass on the wall. I have a long way to go yet. It is my release.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    We all need a release. I like to do papercraft :)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited March 2015
    @happylifex10 It’s good to see you here and know that you had a lovely time with your Grandies. I hear you on how tiring they can be even though my longest session has been 2 days with the night in between. They’re rather like whirlwinds in the mess they can create aren’t they?

    @RisiM I have days like that too, where it’s hard to want enough food. Other days (not often) I want more than I’ve scheduled. I think that *occasional* low calorie days are OK as long as you don’t do it day after day. My diary is open if that is any use to you. I'm keto so it may or may not help you.

    @RATSMITH69 Wow that’s a lot of moving around. I don’t understand the American words freshman/sophomore etc but I guess it’s young. I got married when I was 18. 40 happy years ago.

    @sbom1 I’m glad that your cramping has improved. Professor Noakes says that stretching muscles before bed for several weeks, and then once a week will help prevent this. He says it’s actually a spinal cord trigger mechanism that is little understood which causes the cramps and not the muscles themselves. That’s not to say that the magnesium doesn’t help. I’ve had very little change (if any) around my waist, but the rest of me looks so different that I just have to accept it. Wanting size loss and accepting what we're given are 2 different things though aren’t they?

    @shadesofidaho I’m so sorry you have to go through this stress so regularly. Perhaps it brings forward subconscious memories from those trips where the news was bad and that’s why it’s so draining? I hope you can move forward from that point *hugs*. It sounds to me as if your husband is proud (in the way that men [don’t] show it) or your mosaic work.

    And my day so far... My sinuses are more clear than yesterday, my tickly cough isn't happening so often, and the stabbing pain in my ear is only happening about every half an hour today. I just feel that I'm on the mend and that this will now be the last bad health thing. I'm normally so robust that this endless stream of things over the past 5 weeks has been weird and frustrating. I now weigh 84.9 kgs, the same as yesterday which was a new low. I'm very very happy about that. That's 3.4 kgs (7½ lbs) gone and I'm content with slow but sure. I'm finally feeling that I know the macros and calories that I need to stick to in order to produce fat loss. It has become obvious that I need to keep track of calories, carbs, fat *and* protein and keep all of them roughly within my desired goals, or there's no weight loss, even if the calories and carbs are correct. Sshhh don't tell Fit_Goat LOL. I also measured my blood ketones after exercise yesterday and they were 0.8, which apparently means that I'm burning fat for my exercise energy!!! And presumably my day to day energy as well.
  • LesleyJDee
    LesleyJDee Posts: 10 Member
    Hello ladies. New to this group and new to LCHF.

    I tried my hand at LC cooking today, somewhat unsuccessfully though. I'm not much of a cook, never have been, but I'm all inspired with the promise of good health and fewer curves.

    I made cheesy bread ( I really miss something to put my vegemite on). The recipe requires cottage cheese. Do you know I could not find a single full fat cottage cheese at either of my local supermarkets. They only had low fat (high sugar) in stock. Made me mad. I substituted Ricotta cheese, and my 'bread' turned out rather salty. Same deal for the Cheese & Spinach Frittata - had to use Ricotta and my frittata ended up not so nice.

    Anyway I noticed in my recipe perusals quite a few dishes requiring dark chocolate. Sadly, all the dark chocolate I could find locally had heaps of sugar, even the cooking chocolate. Ditto with the coconut flour, a whopping 27.9g carbs per 50g. I couldn't find coconut oil or almond flour.

    So sorry for the whinging on my very first post, I'm just raring to go with this and the current contents of my pantry/freezer don't come up to scratch.
