Spring into Action for March!



  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you Snoozie for the great insight into life, movement, and lying scales. Move like you've never moved before and soon you will enjoy that movement and be able to do it. I have to remind myself of that today every time I stand up from my desk to walk -- aching thigh muscles from "wogging" more than usual this weekend. But, as my Marine son loves to tell me:


    Okay, I'm not training to be a Marine - I just want to be able to walk down the hall and up the stairs without wheezing like a freight train.

    I've heard it said that weight is not lost in the gym, it is lost in the kitchen. However, I am starting to be a firm believer in Weight is lost and maintained by both, kitchen & Movement.

    My goals for this week:

    Monday & Wednesday - 3-5 miles outside (weather & muscles permitting)
    Tuesday & Thursday - 30 minutes of strength training
    Friday - Drive 10+ hours then hopefully a nice walk

    And, yes, Snooozie - I ate the cupcake -- my favorite, um, No. I threw away a whole box of scrumptious chocolates my boss gave me at Christmas and she saw them -- oops!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited March 2015
    Seehee: the line in your post that read "Take one day at a time. I am going up to a resort in Phoenix on Saturday to see my visiting sister and BIL, which I know will throw me off my plan. This makes me feel like giving up on the whole week, so I am going to focus on each day one at a time." made me wanna stand up and clap for ya!

    I think every single one of us still struggles with the "plan messed up, give up on the whole week" mindset - it's how we ended up here because we always DID give up on the whole day, week, month, year... etc etc! The fact that you recognize the challenge you're going to have AHEAD of time, and made a plan to focus on each single individual day, is a great strategy! it's kinda like the flat tire analogy; just because you find one flat on your car, doesn't mean you're flatten the other three! I think that's a great goal, as are your others - well done you! s0801.gif
    OWR - omg on being caught by the BOSS! hope it was AFTER your annual job evaluation - guffaw!! And you nailed it right on the head with the line "I just wanna be able to walk up the stairs without wheezing like a freight train". It's exactly what moving our parts every day is all about - being able to do the things WE want to do with ease, whatever it may be! I'd love to start biking outside again, and I want to try kayaking this summer, and I'd like to be able to take the stairs UP to my floor without collapsing into the fetal position at the third floor! THAT's what moving my parts every day will accomplish for me!!

    Excellent goals for both you and Susan for this week IMO!! YAY YOU'S!

    (BTW.. are you going on vacay OWR??? im guessing a 10 hr drive aint for fun in itself?) :o

    P.S. I think we need a pic on each page for motivation for our challenge.. anyone got sumpin for us as we're on a new page now and it's nekkid..?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    lol....I refuse to eat anything that is gluten / soy free - even if it's chocolate.... giggles...if I want to eat cardboard I've got plenty of copier paper boxes...."Bless Her Heart"

    Then, BAM!!! It happened! Noooooo, my brain cried. A co-worker so proudly brought me a homemade gluten-free, soy-free chocolate cupcake that she made Just For Me..... since everyone else in the office got regular cupcakes. Well then, off to a great start! Not. Bless her little heart

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2015
    A couple motivational images for our new page :)


  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2015

    And on the lighter side ...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    Lmao!!! I need to get me one of those little guys to stand at the end of my treadmill !!!! Maybe I'll cut a paper doll one at work tonight to hang there! Thanks for the pics Susan!!!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Ah, yes, the gluten-free, soy-free, chocolate was, shall we say, not my favorite - as, the person that made it stood there all expectant upon my reaction! Hey, I'm not a mom to 3 (& 3 kids-in-law) and gramma and been married 37 years for nothing! I can fake it with the best of them ;)

    Snooozie - Vacay, no. Trip, yes. We are driving down to North Carolina to visit with our pregnant DIL over her birthday since our son, who is "deployed" at this time and cannot be home until June. So, as with a couple of weekends ago we flew to Orlando for 2 days - we are driving to NC for 2 days. Well worth it though! Planning on getting the nursery painted for them and choosing furniture and the like. She is very very healthy (super tall, gorgeous and always has been thin - if I didn't love her so much......grrrrr) I'm not too concerned about getting too off our eating plan. And I love to go walking there - so hopefully, can fit that in also.

    Love the visuals -- keep them coming!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited March 2015
    OWR. how lovely you're going to visit your DIL since your son can't be with her); and how nice you're going to paint the nursery and do the furniture; what a great MIL!! lol@the "if I didn't love her" - absolutely!! Sounds like the trip will be a great benefit for all of you!
    After so many months of frigid temps here, It hit 38F (yup I did the conversion thanks to Siri LOL) here this afternoon; and the sun was shining brilliantly as I was lacing up my sneakers to hit the treadmill, so I decided to grab a small joy and hop in the car instead and head to my beloved lake to walk outside!1 I have so missed my daily walks there, and it was spectacular! I completely forgot of course that its always a few degrees colder by open water, and the wind was a little stronger than I realized LOL. but I tugged my mismatched mittens and earmuffs on and it was just fabulous to be out hoofing it in the sunshine!! There were at least half a dozen others out there as well LOL.. none of us could resist the moment as we know there's more cold and snow coming next week! Some of the lake trail was still too snow covered to walk on, but there was more than enough to get me 45 minutes of joy!! Woo hoo!! About to make up some snackage for my first night shift tonight.. turkey slices rolled around cucumber and yellow pepper strips (with a little mustard just for the love of same!) should take care of that 3am "i'm hungry cause I should be asleep" moment.... rock on peeps!! (Gonna try to post a little pic of my small joy moments location!)

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    What a gorgeous picture! Not sure I would term that "small joy". All that beauty is Huge! What a serene place to work up a sweat!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Good Morning!!
    My 2nd week has not really started off with a bang (yet!) I did not get up early enough on Monday to exercise...I went to see Garth Brooks Sunday night and didn't get home till 1 a.m. but it was so worth it! Over the weekend I fell on the ice resulting in (at first) a banged up elbow until this morning when I got up this morning....pain from my love handle (ha)/hip area down my leg! Seriously!?! I actually had a slight discomfort in the lower back area (love handle) area since I started working out last week so I thought nothing of it yesterday. Needless to say I didn't exercise this morning...I could barely move w/o pain! Plan is to go home today do my Ab challenge (for Monday & today) then get a light walk in or just some good stretching...then get back to Movin' it tomorrow morning! :smile:

    2nd week goals ~
    *make better food choices
    *move 3-5 days; min 20-30 mins
    *drink H2O
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I am starting to wonder if I am NOT eating enough that my current calorie goal is too low?? I see others on my boards (I know I should not compare me w/them) that are losing a good # of lbs (like 4.5 or more!) every week. I know I should not expect to see a loss every week and I probably didn't see anything this last week because I am probably retaining fluids since probably building muscle but it does get a little discouraging at times.....

    Should I try and tweak where I am right now or should I just move ahead till end month see where I am??? Do you all eat back your exercise calories??

    Any suggestions?? comments welcome.....:)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited March 2015
    ouch SBH!! sounds like it might be a sciatica thing (only cause you said pain started in hip and spread down leg...that's almost identical to what happened to me and honestly I thought the doc was nuts when he said it was my back because the pain was in my hip and leg.. not my back LOL.. but ended up I could barely walk, and trying to get from any sitting or lying position to up was near impossible for a few days! Please give yourself time to recover fully before kicking into gear with the exercise... you don't want to exacerbate whatever is it that's been injured til it has a chance to heal... I shuddered reading your post.. falling on the ice is one reason I didn't walk outside this year.. last time I fell I felt like a mack truck had hit me the day after... whole body was aching!

    Love your goals for the week; as far as your cal instake, i'd be happy to take a look at your diary over a few weeks and see if anything jumps out at me? I had a friend look over mine about a year into my loss (TArnold) and she pointed out a couple of areas I hadn't even considered... not that I know anything more than anyone else of course.. but i'd be happy to take a looksee.. but I gotta say I find it kinda.. odd.. that people you know are CONSISTENTLY losing 4 to 5 pounds a WEEK.. or should I constantly losing that amount?? That would mean they are consistently burning off 24,500 EXTRA calories every week in some way... or burning off over 3500 EXTRA cals every single day?? That's a whole hell of a lot of calories to burn every single day unless youre an athlete or professional dancer or something. IMO anyway..... even 2bs is an aggressive goal for most people which is why MFP suggests setting your goals to 1lb or 1.5 a week.... and when our bodies take a break to catch up to the changes we're making, it can get frustrating to not see the scale moving for sure.. its been almost a month for me with no loss til this week so we know how you're feeling.. but would be happy to have a boo at your numbers and offer an opinion one way or the other?

    and oh... re the eating back cals.. I USED to eat em all back, but over the past few months I've decided MFP and Runkeeper both overestimate the calories I REALLY burn from my exercise.. so I only eat back about 1/2 unless im actually hungry.. then I eat no matter what any numbers show. But i'm eating between 1400-1500 cals right now and gradually moving it up a wee bit too... so even if I don't eat them all back im still staying above the min 1200 required for my body to just function every day...
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey!! ( raising hand, waving loudly)...I've got GOALS!!..just no time to put them in this week...LOL. I pop on to read a bit, but then I get busy...I am still doing great...will catch up in a week or two.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    You all are rocking this month!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2015
    Snooozie- jumping for joy about your recent success on the scale!!! jumping-for-joy-smiley-emoticon-2.gif
    Your perseverance paid off !!!! And so glad you got a break from the cold and were able to enjoy your lovely walk by the lake- thanks for sharing the picture :)

    OWR- your trip sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait til I have a grandchild :) Great job with your goals and progress t2007.gif
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Geeze Louise, I wrote a LOT more on that previous post which was deleted when I posted it!!! hitting-computer.gif

    Smile- since my long message to you was deleted I'm going to send a friend request and private message .

    In brief, in case I get deleted again, I had a successful day with my goals Monday :)

    Wishing everyone a terrific Tiesday!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,352 Member
    edited March 2015
    Snoozie I love your post about how the scale lies. I had never thought of it like that. I sometimes wonder if my body was just trying to catch up to my weight loss. It was probably saying, "wow! Did you intentionally lose all this weight or should I be hanging on to some of these calories just in case?" I've seen some progress with my lower simple carb plan and am hoping to post a loss soon. I like to be at the weight for a day or two before updating my ticker...to make sure it wasn't a fluke.

    I love the "pain is weakness leaving the body" idea. I like to think I'm getting stronger with all this exercise!

    I eat back some of my exercise calories because I agree that they are WAY overestimated! If I'm really hungry then I eat. I think the key is to make sure they're healthy calories you eat back not junk.

    I'm hoping to do a happy dance soon...stay tuned!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited March 2015
    Suzy - so glad to hear your having success and progress with your plan to lower some simple carbs... about the "holding onto the weight" thing.. I truly believe that.. when I first started here someone told me that weight loss isn't linear.. it'll go up, down, around many times due to so many factors, including but not by any means limited to, us flipping around from a good day here, then a "bad day".. then a couple of days of good then a pig out.. consistency in hitting our daily calorie goals every day as close as possible lets the body learn you aren't gonna starve it one day and over feed it the next and lets it start to release the excess fat its storing from never knowing what we're doing to it LOL. And when you lose a fair bit of weight, like 10 lbs, it appears sometimes needs a bit of time to stay at that weight, that hemotosis theory, to adjust to the changes before it is ready to start releasing it again. But as that article also stated, there are many reasons why it doesn't respond to our efforts when WE want it to ... we just have to keep being consistent and it will eventually respond (as I said to OWR.. kinda like a man IMO.. it WILL do what we ask, but it will do it when IT wants to, not when we want it to LOL.
    Susan.. lol @ the jumping pic.. love it!! thanks mucho!! I have started typing a bit, then saving it and re opening it to edit it lately because I've lost a few posts too ... sometimes I open it 4 or 5 times as I read back to add stuff.. at least that way I don't lose everything.. sucks when you've typed out something and the sucker disappers.... grrrr!!

    Gail - love the madly waving hands!! YAY You for having the goals; it doesn't matter if you share em with us, as long as you got em, girl! And I see you've been rocking the biking already this week... well done you!

    Didn't sleep well today but that's not unusual for first night shift; did my 30 min beginner yoga full body stretch video when I got up to cover my 30 minutes of moving every day, but no walkies today; stayed in my jammies inbetween sleeps lol! hoping by tomorrow will be a little more energetic and better sleep!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,444 Member
    Stole another lovely afternoon at the lake for my walk; about halfway to my "move yer parts" goal for this week our of 31 day challenge - how's everyone else doing? Off to bed to try for a few zzzs but will check in later! :D
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    So glad you got in a lake walk again Snooozie :)
    SuzyQ- I bet you see a loss soon, too. I thinking increasing protein and decreasing carbs can really help to get the scale cooperating again!

    Tuesday Wednesday update: Did OK Tuesday, but went over calories, but all healthy choices. Dog class was canceled, so no back spasms-yay lol. Today, Wednesday was a very good day goal wise even though ,since Spring has definitely sprung here, I awoke with a whopper sinus headache. So I skipped yoga, but did walk the dogs to make sure to get my exercise in today. I also was actually enough under my calories to make up for yesterday, too, and met my protein goals well, so pleased with today :)

    Hope everyone is having a peaceful night's rest ZZZZZZZZZ