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  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning or it's at least morning haha !
    I am a cranky somebody every year at the " spring forward bullcrap " I lost an hour of well deserved sleep last night . while I was exercising this morning ( yes ,two days in a row ) I looked at the clock that had not been changed forward yet , and of course it says 3 am ! I was pissed ! 3 am and I'm up exercising !

    I hate the time change ! It makes no sense to me at all .

    I did at least wake up to exercise and that's all that's good today
    I'm worried about what I will wear for the cruise in 15 days since nothing fits at all ! I have about 5 swimsuits in Louisiana - all size 12 and 14 and I bet none of them will fit ,sigh .
    - How did I let myself gain any of that dreaded weight back . This morning when the alarm went off , my first instinct was to turn it off but as I lay there I was thinking - I sure like the pictures I took in China last April ,I sure want to look like that again ,sigh - so I got out of bed.
    Shirley I wish I was in Anchorage right now they finally got some snow and would be able to go skiing but as it is I think I will miss any skiing this year since I'm going to Louisiana and then back to work . No way there will still be snow in 7 weeks from now . oh well .
    next year I'll be more in shape anyhow .

    L oh my goodness definitely not your year huh? Does someone have a doll with your name on it by any chance? lol Sorry .

    Marla, My daughter used to do that with my perfume every time she pooped when she was younger - it used to drive me nuts. Not only because she sprayed too much but it was also 80 dollars a bottle - my favorite and only perfume I use hahaha. she'd always say she didn't do it too ?

    Jenny - speaking of hair loss - our house keeper here at camp always feels my hair and asks how do I have any left ( I shed so much too ) I am low in vitamin B SO MAYBE THAT'S WHY? Oh , what kind of phone did you get ?

    Anj? how are you ? your tooth? your job ?

    Well, until tomorrow
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I was able to get to the dentist on Wednesday and get my tooth fixed and got lectured for not having the crown put on THEY want to do and say I need. I'm sorry, but I don't have $1,100 to have that done!! When you don't have insurance, you have to pay for it all yourself. Wednesday's visit was $348 and I owe all of it still. (I was in before pay day. I can give them a payment now.) They had to do xrays to see how bad the damage was and they discovered more cavities. Sigh. I can't seem to win anymore with my teeth! I never had issues with my teeth until I hit my mid 20s. I guess all that candy I ate as a kid is starting to catch up with me!

    Work is going well. Managed my first week working alone. The days can go by fast when I have lots to do so that's really good. I do have one issue. Getting off the bus right in front of Tim Hortons. It's like a magnetic draws me in. I need to stop! One day I went into the grocery store across the street to get a salad for work. Never doing that again!!!! After they made it for and told me the price, I looked at the guy and almost asked him to repeat what he said! I could have made 4 or 5 salads for the price he said! Yikes!

    Getting to work does take longer. Traffic in the morning is stop and go for a good portion of the way. The benefit of the longer bus rides is lots of time to read! In the past two weeks, I've read about six books! It typically takes just over an hour to get to work. I"m home in about 45 minutes.

    Shirley - Hope your husband had a good birthday!

    Jenny - I wish ours would melt!!! It's going to take awhile for it to melt as we have so much of it. Other areas in the Maritime provinces have much more then we do though. It does need to melt, but slowly! There is a huge concern that flooding is going to be a major issue when it does melt. It sunny and slightly above freezing today so there is some melting, but when the sun goes down it will freeze again. Most of the drains are covered over and a lot of the melting snow/ice has no where to go.

    L - Oh my. I do hope you are on the mend soon and stay healthy! There are several people in my church who are on an endless cycle of colds and/or the flu. Some families just can't seem to get it out of their house!

    Miz - Ugh! That must have smelled really bad! I hope the smell didn`t linger around for to long.

    Amy - Hope you have had more slower days at work lately!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    L - oh what the heck - you have just had a seriously un-fun 2015 - trying to send some healing vibes your way - I hope you get a break from the traveling and can try to recuperate. Praying for a healthy, whole spring!!

    Amy - I think that's what it was - since he was suffering from an upset stomach he was trying to 'cover' up - I'll have to tell him - I appreciate the thought - but let's just run the fan next time. Way to crawl out of bed even when you didn't want to. GOOD JOB.

    Jenny - it finally feels like spring is coming - something like 50 yesterday - heat wave! Never had Thai food - (or many other ethnic foods) we are pretty limited to 'chinese' (americanized versions) and Mexican. at least we do have some really yummy authentic mexican places - there is a very large population in our areas with all the packs and mfg - and some truly fabulous shacks have come along as well. The best part of our company picnic for me is the taco truck they bring in and standing in line for my carne asade (two each!) Nom. Ok, now I want tacos.

    Ang - glad you are settling in to your new job - it can be stressful - but it sounds like you have a good handle on things

    Shirley - WOW - congrats to hubs on his bday - I know you have both been anxiously looking forward to his retirement since this thread started. And here it is! Enjoy.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Warmer temperatures today Hooray! Just got back from Yoga class and have to do laundry again and run some errands. My E test is done on my car so I have to get my license plate renewal sticker.

    Still trying to get off this vacation weight and not having much success. I will try harder this week. :|

    Yesterday we met friends for drinks at a local pub. It was a meeting about sailing and then they wanted to order food. This was before dinner so out came the chicken wings, coconut shrimp and chips with dip. :s I got on the scale this morning and was very frustrated. Since the weather is changing I hope to get some walks in this week and help things out a bit.
    I guess I will be trying to get off our vacation weight and then keep on, keepin on!

    AMY - We were going to go skiing on Sunday but after the b day celebration that night and the time change we never got there. Unfortunately, every weekend this month is busy and my hubby is not retired until the end of the month. So it looks like skiing will be next year and then we can go any time of the week. That will we nice.

    Hi to Marla, Jenny and L

    Ang - So glad you got the tooth fixed, but sad it costs so much. :'(

    Jenny - There is another friend on MFP I talk to and she is losing her hair too. Mind she is in her late 70's but she increased her protein and now her hair is getting fully again.
    Maybe you could try it.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Frustrated! I posted last night and it isn't here. This happens to me more than once a week. This site is not keeping up with the member load.

    Well I will keep it short since it may not take anyway

    Shirley- you may be right about the protein. I try to eat enough but how much is enough?

    Marla- 56 today and sunny. Spring is teasing us for sure. I know we will dive into cold and snow again. Hope not but it usually happens. I love ethnic food and we have an abundance here in the metro area. Always game to try a new place.

    Hi Amy, Ang and L!

    Dinner is ready. Yes, hubby is cooking :) I just paid bills so it all works out.

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    72 degrees - whoa buddy!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Some of you ladies are having really warm temps. Ours are increasing but no 70's yet.

    I got on my running shoes and went for a walk outside today, it felt good to get walking again
    even though I had to do on the street.

    Choir practice tonight and practice at home so I wouldn't sound awful. ;)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Happy Birthday our dear Jenny!!!! Blessings on your day <3
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Birthday, Jenny!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Happy Birthday Jenny, hope you are having a fantastic day!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy Birthday Jenny!! Hope your day was great!! :smiley:
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Just to brighten all of your days up it-42 today hahaha! Crazy temps up here but 11 days till I sail away to Mexico with my Best friend Michelle from Louisiana. I books two excursions one in progress to se the cenote - a nice clear spring that you can swim in and a visit to the little village and some ruins and in Cozumel I booked the tequila tasting tour . My friend loves tequila , I don't so much but she doesn't love swimming either so hahaha we have been friends for 25 years and I miss her so much being far away from family and friends is hard .

    So day before yesterday we had a scare with my husband - he has been getting dizzy spells lately and two days ago he had a big scary one where he felt confused and disoriented as well as sweaty so his daughter that works with him called 911 ! so he went to the ER and she called me I was beside myself here with worry I was extremely busy and of course out of it but still had to get the work done . The guys here understood and gave me five minutes to clear my head lol. I had to draw all their blood so they let me relax all I needed hahaha! any how they diagnosed him with vassal vertigo ? after doing an MRI and other tests . I'm just glad it wasn't a stroke !
    Working up here away from every one is terrible when something like this happens !

    Anyhow . I'm getting clients already got to go .

    Hi everyone !
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    another 70 degree day! Yowza!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Amy - so glad to hear your husband is going to be ok - scary stuff. Best wishes sweeties
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wishes :) We saw the movie McFarlane, USA with Kevin Costner. It was very good. Made me laugh, cry, and was very inspirational (based on a true story). We went to dinner and I had Filet Mignon since I had my $20 gift coupon from the restaurant. A very nice dinner! Went home and spent the rest of the night on the phone with my kids and sister, worked on laundry (a critter peed on our bed >:) ). After work tomorrow I go to the ladies' weekend at my friend's cabin. Should be beautiful weather for a bonfire, walking outside and maybe even taking in some sun on the deck.

    We were suppose to reach 70 today but cloud cover kept it from happening. Didn't need a coat though. Windows open, little kids outside playing, maybe spring has sprung?

    I should be packing but am not in the mood. I'll do a quick pack in the morning. Not taking much since I sit around in sweats most of the time I'm there. I'll take a pair of jeans to go out for dinner Saturday eve, walking shoes, pj's, and a couple of tops.

    Just got home from a double wedding shower. We have two young women who are new to our department who have weddings. One got married in January and the other will be married 4/25. It was a nice shower. I noticed that the friend I was sitting next to during gift opening was writing a "letter" to someone while she watched. I thought that was odd but figured she was a multi tasker and makes use of all her time. Not so! She was writing down everything the brides said as they opened their gifts. At the end she read the comments stating that this is what they say to their spouse on their wedding night. It was hilarious! Got kind of raunchy but was very funny.

    I won't be checking in again until Sunday or Monday. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the outdoors if you can.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Amy - How scary was that about your husband. I am glad all is well now. What does he have to do to get better. I have heard of Vetigo in fact I had it once when I had an upper respiratory cold.

    Hope all goes well. <3

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Yesterday's paraffin wax felt good. They don't do it like they used too. I used to dip my hands in some warm wax and hold them there until covered. I guess because of sanitary reasons now they just wrap the hands. My skin is very soft now but I needed more heat for the arthritis.

    Dave left early this morning to pick up Tom and go up North ice fishing. I did it a couple of times, kind of boring for me. I bring a book and read and wait for the fish. I like being out in the boat and in the fresh air and sun more. Tom is so excited he's like a kid in a candy store. He didn't do much guy stuff when Elli was alive.

    So I have the weekend to myself. I think I will do some cardio this morning and maybe some grocery shopping. Tonight I am taking my MIL out for dinner since its our usual
    ritual for Friday night's.

    Another beautiful day high of 47F and I hope it makes the snow go fast! Not as warm as
    Sandy's day but I will take it. We are not far from the lake so its always colder here than
    the inland cities.

    Now to have some breakfast and start the day.

    Jenny - enjoy your ladies weekend!!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My forecast for the next five days:


    Sigh. I know it's still winter, but winter certainly doesn't need to remind us that it's still winter! The first day of spring might only be a week away, but it certainly doesn't look or feel like it!! At this rate there will still be snow on the ground on my birthday in June!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I am about ready to give up on this site. It is so frustrating. I've tried to post 3 times already today but not happening.

    In a nutshell, I got stomach flu Thursday eve and was in bed all day and night until this morning with body aches and vomiting. No cabin weekend for me.

    Hope your husband is ok Amy. Glad it wasn't a stroke.
    Ang-sorry for your cold temps. Spring will arrive soon.
    Shirley- enjoy your girl's night with MIL. Nice that Dave and Tom could go fishing together.
    L= congrats to Pearl finishing her first 5K. WTG!!
    Hi Marla!

    Resting so signing off.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015
    I had a good day yesterday, I took my MIL out for dinner to a different restaurant and we had a very delicious dinner. She ordered the fish and I had black bean quesadillas. I didn't know they were so high in calories. Live and learn but they were so good and i also had the black bean soup which was delicious. After that we went to a micro brewery, my MIL likes her beer, and we had a glass to check out the place. Downstairs they have the brewery and food and upstairs they have entertainment which you buy tickets for. It was a church they revamped.

    Today I picked her up again and we went to an Exchange store which had name brand clothes,
    jewelery, lotions and potions and purses and just about anything you could want. It was a consignment store. So I got a throw rug for my TV room, some lotion and a summer purse for $8. I think she enjoyed her outing.

    Now going to fix a pair of jeans on my sewing machine. I am getting a lot of little jobs done this weekend that I don't have time for. I also went to Yoga class today.

    Dave is enjoying his fishing and they have caught a few fish already. He says it is definitely winter up there, where here Spring is happening, finally. He will be home on Sunday.

    Jenny - Sorry sorry about the flu and your weekend. Feel better hon .

    Ang - My hubby went up North ice fishing and it is still winter up there.
    He is 5 hours away from us. Today, cloudy and raining and the snow is melting more. Sorry.

    Hi to Marla, L and Amy
