Water Cooler Chat



  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    OUCH - I fractured first two toes once - first 10 days are really critical to get the bones knitting... After that I was able to start working stretching (very gently) the foot itself to minimize the mobility issues that come with extended inactivity.

    I hope your son's toe and foot feels better very soon!!
  • Greyeer
    Greyeer Posts: 7 Member
    I am 7th kup ITF TKD. When I started TKD last year I was wearing an extra large dobok. I have lost 12ks since January and have started assisting with the newbie and kids classes. On Monday I was gifted a new dobok by the owner of a the club as a thank you for my contribution to the running of the club. The best part? The dobok is a size medium and it fits perfectly!
  • lmp379
    lmp379 Posts: 17 Member
    @greyeer Awesome!!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Congratulations - on the loss! That's a huge difference - I imagine your belt is now hanging around your knees, too!
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    @Greyeer I love hearing how TKD is helping you reach your goals.

    I tested for my Blue Belt tonight! One more step towards making the green belt around my waist no longer an honorary rank (my school allows people who have studied martial arts previously to keep wearing their belts out of respect for their previous dedication to the Martial Arts and indicates rank earned with colored tape stripes).
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    That's so fantastic, @Arianera‌ !! Going back through the ranks is something that very few ever complete - I think it takes in more dedication than it took to go through it the first time. Really - congratulations!

    With your belt system, what grade/gup are you, and where is Green?
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    My sensei has told me today I'm grading in a few week for my 1st kyu, I best crack on with polishing my kata's, I hope the nerves don't go to pot!!!
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    @victal Good luck on your upcoming grading

    @bwmalone - So confusing to try to explain the ranks below Adult black/1st Dan since there is so much variation, especially as in these belt-happy days not everyone is using 10 steps before black. Using the kyu system where you count down from 9 (beginner) to 1 (right before black belt) as a reference:

    The highest rank I earned in Goju Ryu was green belt + 1 brown stripe (or the equivalent of 5th kyu). Getting there took me 5 years as a dojo rat and an uncoordinated teen. I was close to testing for my 2nd brown stripe (4th kyu) but I injured my knee my Sr. year in High School and didn't get the chance to test before graduating and moving on to other interests.

    My current school is Chinese Kempo based, but they find it convenient to use the Japanese kyu terminology since many are familiar with it. Blue belt is the equivalent of 6th kyu (the 4th step after being a beginner). When I get to their Green, it will be equivalent to the 2nd stripe test that I never got a chance to take.

    My son was also scheduled to test for his Blue belt on Friday, but we deferred it at least a month due to his toe.

  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Your kyu system is similar to our system - 9 to 1 gup, then 1 to 9 dan... though the belt colors are different.

    I feel your pain as an uncoordinated teen.. Martial arts was the first "sport" of any kind I was good at domvr it was considered normal to be really bad at something and be expected to practice it thousands of times.. By the time I had put in my time, I could hold my own.

    Even now, it takes me a very long time to understand and learn some new moves... but I take that as an asset, as by the time I have learned them well, I have practiced them thoroughly - and even when I think I know it, I regularly learn something new about it, so I don't get easily bored.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    victal wrote: »
    My sensei has told me today I'm grading in a few week for my 1st kyu, I best crack on with polishing my kata's, I hope the nerves don't go to pot!!!

    Fantastic!! Train hard... test easy.
  • Billtrek613
    Excellent work on the weight loss. And the teaching opportunities. Since my blackbelt last November, i have also been
  • Billtrek613
    helping with the kids classes and even teaching adult classes.
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is really inspiring:

    Hopefully we can all be so active at 80!

    And in odd moment of "It's a small world" one of my cousins studies Aikido and has trained with Bob at a couple of seminars.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited March 2015
    Arianera wrote: »
    This is really inspiring:

    Hopefully we can all be so active at 80!

    And in odd moment of "It's a small world" one of my cousins studies Aikido and has trained with Bob at a couple of seminars.

    That IS fantastic! This is proof that at any age, we can always learn, always improve... here's to all of us being able to tie our belt on - at 80.

  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    That IS fantastic! This is proof that at any age, we can always learn, always improve... here's to all of us being able to tie our belt on - at 80.


    That is definitely something to strive for! I held a breaking event at our studio this weekend to raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (I'm doing Team in Training for the Philly Broad St Run) and had an awesome time. A bunch of students donated $5 per board and got to perform any break they wanted, and I broke as many boards as I could in 60 seconds with people sponsoring me per board. I ended up breaking 43 boards and raising over $400. It was awesome. (so are my bruises!)
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    That's a pretty good run, 43 in 60 - not bad at all! Nice job!

    I've assisted in break-a-thons, but never participated myself (which is strange because I really enjoy breaking)...
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    I was honored to be a sparring opponent for a 76 year old man when he black belt tested.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I was honored to be a sparring opponent for a 76 year old man when he black belt tested.

    That's awesome! I was an Uki in two black belt tests, and it was a great experience. I would definitely do it again.......

  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    edited April 2015
    Been quiet around here. Hope this means that folks are busy enjoying time with family and friends during the Easter/Passover season. In my town it's Spring Break, but the dojo is still open.

    I'm learning a new form. It has a couple of unusual combinations that are taking some getting used to, things that I don't think will be all that practical for applied self defense, but they definitely look cool when done right.

    We got good and bad news about my 11-year old son's broken toe during his 1-month follow-up. The good news is that there are signs the fracture is healing. The bad news is that the crack goes into the growth plate, so the Doctor wants a 2nd month of activity restrictions, which means limited Karate and not being able to test.


    P.S Welcome @BJJJPM
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @Arianera - Sorry to hear about your son's toe still keeping him out of action! At that age, it must be some serious torture. :(

    I've been training at home a lot lately - working hard at improving my endurance, strength and flexibility as well as working on perfecting my form

    I've set a few goals for the next few months for my training, too...

    10 minutes jump rope (completed last night - could have gone longer)
    10 Hand-stand pushups (still a long ways off on this one - working my feet higher up every few weeks)
    5 Times through my current form without stopping while maintaining good technique