Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Hi! My name is Meeshell.
    I'm 37 years old.
    Some RP. My LARP experience consists of two characters at Ren Fests, does that count?
    I need to lose a good 60 pounds.
    I had lost a total of 36 pounds but then I went back to school and my job changed and everything went out the window. I gained 9 pounds back in the last month.
    Yes please, though I can't get to a beach in the desert. :(
    Games I play... World of Warcraft. Some SWTOR. Sims series. GTA series, Saints Row series. And numerous others.

    Hope you all have a happy Monday! !
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi! I'm Stephanie, female, 28 years old. I met my husband playing World of Warcraft (which I played for like 6 years). I'm currently 216ish pounds, and I started in July around 282. So I have quite a bit to lose still!

    I've been gaming since I was a kid, and I'm pretty familiar with Player 2 characters considering I was the younger sibling in the equation. We were fortunate enough to get the new consoles pretty frequently growing up, so I got to experience lots of different games early on.

    I'm a huge fan of horror games, but I'll play basically anything.

    I'm currently playing: Guild Wars 2, Batman: Arkham Origins (though my game keeps bugging out and it's frustrating), Rogue Legacy on the PS4, Lego Harry Potter, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I'm easily distracted and often bounce between games quite a bit, so my currently playing list is actually much longer. :|
  • Teweeesa
    Teweeesa Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello! I'm Teresa, 25 and from Aus. I'm really really really ridiculously addicted to World of Warcraft and The Sims. Ridiculously.

    Weight goals, I want to lose about 30-35kg. I'm currently at 95kg, so I have some ways to go.

    I love making new friends, online and in the real world, so feel free to add :-)
  • Hi!!

    I'm Aubrie, 34, from Pennsylvania.

    I've been playing WoW on and off since 2005, and the Sims forevveerrr. I favorite tv shows are Supernatural, GoT, and Orphan Black. (I started the Vikings last night).

    I need to lose about 60-70 pounds. I lost 80 a few years ago, then got pregnant and grew a human, and put it all back on.

    I'm looking for new friends and/or anoyone to help with motivation and accountability! I keep my food diary open and all that jazz.

    Nice to meet everyrone!
  • florabear
    florabear Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Who are you!
    My name is Dara.
    ALMOST 18. Shhh, I needed a site for weight loss, why restrict it to over 18?
    Female or male?
    Female, proudly.
    I only roleplay with my boyfriend, and I'm not into larping, sorry! The games I play are mainly on PC, including all of the Sims series, Stick Of Truth, TF2 occasionally, and visual novels are fun. If not on the PC, I play Halo Reach, Halo 4, GTA V, and attempting to play Assassin's Creed on XBOX360.
    What are your weight loss goals?
    I want to lose 80-or-so pounds as quickly as I can. I weigh 203.
    How many pounds have you lost?
    I'm starting my journey tomorrow morning officially, wish me luck!
    Walk on the Beach?
    That would be wonderful, except it's winter and I can't drive yet. :)

    Nice to meet you all!
  • didda1
    didda1 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi gang! I'm 35, live in Canada, and am near addicted to FFXI. My husband and I have been playing it for 10 years, almost exclusively. I do break now and then for some MTG on the ps3, but only for a night or so.
    I am such a FF nerd that I have a Mog, from FFVI tattoo.
    I used to be a Diablo2 hard core, then I found FFXI, and havent been back lol.
    We own pretty much every collectible RPG for all of the PS systems, and a good chunk of them on the SNES.
    My goal is to lose 60 lbs, I've lost 6 so far!
    I have rheumatoid arthritis, which makes exercising VERY difficult, but I'm doing what I can!
  • Sammbep
    Sammbep Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Sam, i'm 19 years old and i'm from Mexico. I see myself as a gamer, i'm a nintendo boy proudly, but i also play in PC.

    I'm 92 kg now, but i had already lost 3 kg. My goal weight is 80 kg.

    So, here we go! (mario voice)
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Hi everyone! Back to MFP after a long break and trying to get myself involved again :)

    I'm 33, live in Columbus, OH USA where I bartend for a living. I'm a huge collector of all things Dragon Age/Mass Effect (seriously, my entire living room is a really expensive shrine, haha), but I also love Bethesda games (Fallout/Skyrim), Diablo, Bioshock games and collect Skylanders with my son. I have all consoles and PC but generally stick to my PS4 (username: hellaine).

    My goal is to lose about 15 more pounds--I've lost about 25 so far total and am at 135. Mostly focused on eating appropriately, but am slowly trying to wade into working out--it's intimidating!

    Nice to meet ya all :)
  • spngnetwork
    spngnetwork Posts: 41 Member
    Awesome group! I forgot I had an account here on MFP, so I thought I'd (re)join and work on losing some pounds in the process.

    I'm 33 from Sells Arizona, I've spent many, many years in the IT field, so gaming comes naturally; AND sitting around in front of a screen with either a keyboard or controller (or both) comes naturally too. I'm here to actively pursue a change in my overall health. My goal is to lose between 6-8 pounds a month, and eventually be 100 pounds lighter on my feet.

    I game on NES, SNES, X360, Wii, PS2, and on Steam single player - I enjoy a variety of game genres from Puzzlers to FPS. I'm working on finishing BioShock Infinite on Steam, and Ace Combat: Assault Horizon on X360. Every now then I'll break out the NES for a round of the Mega Man series. I do enjoy games with an in-depth story and music to match the atmosphere.

    It's great knowing that there are people out there who enjoy video games and aim for a healthier lifestyle - I'm glad to be a part of it.
  • Cabrakan
    Cabrakan Posts: 20
    edited March 2015
    Who are you!

    Age? 37

    Female or male? Male

    RP? I put my wizard hat and robe ... but seriously no i don't even RP in MMORPGs.

    LARP? Lightning bolt?

    What are your weightloss goals?! hopefully 100lbs+

    How many pounds have you lost? just started today so none as of yet

    Walk on the Beach? definitely ... i have a quest turn in on the beach
  • MrsNonsense
    MrsNonsense Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I'm Julie, female, 28 y/o.

    I've always been a PC fan, own an Xbox 360, a wii, a GameCube, a vita, a few PSPs, a 3DSxl and lots of board games but PC is my thing.

    I've played many games in my life, FPS mostly, then some RTS. I'm recovering from a Diablo 3 addiction atm (was part of #1 clan in NA), another league of legends addiction (got diamond in s3 and stopped playing), and now I play WoW, CSGO and some Hearthstone/sc2 or Warframe if I'm really bored.
    I used to work in the gaming industry so I had to game a lot, now I'm just chillin :)

    I'm currently on a Keto diet, I had to stop working early last year and I got depressed, so after long, loooong gaming hours and junk food, I found myself with many extra pounds, decided it was time to stop f*cking around and change.

    I never really have to diet before, and I don't really get along with regular diets, but Keto seems to be working fine for me.

    Anyway, feel free to message if you're a fellow gamer/ketoer!

  • Howdy, name's Corey and I'm a 30yr old gamer.
    No RP really but I enjoy my fair share of lore.
    No LARP
    I'm currently 6'4, 222lbs. My goal is to not necessarily lose weight as much as shape this beer gut! My hours spent playing D3 seasons & Destiny are catching up to me and I'm currently on WoW break. Ready for the next MMO to break into the scene.
    I'll walk on the beach only if it's into a sand vball court!

  • IronLogan30
    IronLogan30 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Jenn, I am a female gamer/nerd. I started out at 302lbs (joined mfp @ 295lbs), now down to 290lbs. I grew up playing game boy, nintendo, and arcade games. I am now into xbox, grew out of the pc gaming world for the most part, except for when I want to play some older games such as mario, pacman, donkey kong, pokemon on the emulators I have. I LOVE COD over anything, but I also like to play assassins creed, Arkham series, pretty much any sports games. add me on xbox IronLogan300, but I havent been on much these days, since I love spending my time at the gym when Im not working.
  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    I am Samantha and grew up being read epic fantasy novels every night. My parents wanted to start me off early. I will try almost any game, but I have a very strong preference toward RPG (console, PC, MMO, tabletop... gimme all of 'em). I am the Dungeon Master for my group that doesn't get together nearly enough, and I was Prince of the local V:tM LARP for a while. My current game of choice is Guild Wars 2, where I can be found most often.

    My starting weight (and highest weight) is 320 pounds. I've lost 2.4 so far and have begun to drastically change my eating habits. I've had to make a game out of this, also, and use Zobies! Run and HabitRPG to help push me along.
  • TrofeoLover
    TrofeoLover Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Steve. I'm 38, 5'11", and about 118. My goal is to gain muscle mass and weight, as most of my life has been in front of some type of screen, exploring virtual worlds in and endless attempt to escape my own miserable world where I had an eating disorder and can't eat enough. Now my health has gotten me to take action and here I am. I am already loving this app and the people and information on it. More information is available on my profile wall if you want to read more, but I am definitely a gamer. (May the Hyrulian Force be with you.) :)
  • Adiemus200
    Adiemus200 Posts: 63 Member
    Im Rachel, 34 female. I work in a microbiology laboratory in a hospital. I have 10lbs to lose. I was 3 stone heaver 4 years ago but lost it (not using MFP). I love horse riding and fencing as well as gaming. Although I don't get time to game as much these days.

    I played wow since launch (on and off) and played final fantasy online before that.

    Before I played mmo's I played on consols. Ps1 and saga etc..

    I mostly play on my xbox one and 360 at the moment.
  • KrysKiss87
    KrysKiss87 Posts: 124 Member
    HI! I'm Krys. I'm 27. I'm a nerdy gamer chick who loves anything to do with games, tabletop, video games, anything. I do RP (D&D for the win yo!) and I am an active member of amptgard. Right now I weigh... .to damn much and am working to lose at least half of that so I can comfortably cosplay as Gaige from Borderlands 2. (She is pretty much me in cell shaded form. ) So far I'm 5 down. Slow but steady. I have a sense of humor the size of mars and That is usually what helps to keep me going. I love tabletop gaming and am the storyteller for 2 World of Darkness troupes and I also Dungeon master for a D&D group. I wear my nerd card proudly on my sleeve and will knock the crap out of anyone who tries to ridicule me for it. I'm incredibly happy to have found MFP because the people here are amazing and the motivation is nonstop.

  • How do you do?
    My name is Blue!
    And I am a dabbler.

    I have a basic knowledge of console and computer games, DnD and other tabletop games (just finished a campaign from the Dresden Files), anime, subcultures/fandoms, and the rest of the what have you. Really, I just like learning about other people's passions, and there is such depth in every level of gaming. I really like video games where I can simply smash stuff... My boyfriend plays games and I watch, which works well for together time but not for getting my butt off of the couch.

    We recently attained a Wii balance board, so any suggestions of games that make me use that would be greatly appreciated. I'm rather shy, unless I'm being professional, but feel free to add me as a friend.

    I'm 24 and not working so much to lose a lot of weight as I am working to get healthy and get rid of my chub. Somehow, I didn't gain weight in college and now I have...
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    edited April 2015
    I forgot to do this! :grin:
    Who are you!
    I do tech support for a equipment rental company, it's a small group of us that they should not have out in the open. And then they complain when we get crazy... I'm a PC gamer over console only due to not wanting to spend the money, I played Ultima, EQ, Lineage II, Anarchy, Maplestory, A Tale in the Desert, WoW, Warhammer, Aion, and currently Lord of the Rings Online, there's some others but I did a lot of alpha/beta testing
    Age? 35
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Yes - DND, VtM, a few others but only short stints
    LARP? Amtgard
    What are your weightloss goals?! To lose a lot!
    How many pounds have you lost? Not enough / Which time
    Walk on the Beach? Ohhhh myyyy
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    Female, 29, current weight 195, goal weight is 150 I think... We will have to see.

    I am an addict of assassins creed unity, I've played all of them. Desperately waiting on elder scrolls for what has seemed like an age.

    I'm playing on XBox One mainly but also 360, although I am struggling to find the time with the baby (4 months).

    Any recommendations for a game I can dip in and out of at the moment would be much appreciated!