Ad Lib. April {Initial Check-In}



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    Weight: 227lbs

    Carbs: Per usual, I have my max set to 20 total carbs, but I averaged under 10 (9.16) per day last month, just under 13 in February, and under 10 in January as well. I may shoot for 10g or less, though most of my carbs come from dairy with the odd green veg.
  • wrkm2038
    wrkm2038 Posts: 7 Member
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    Current Weight 163.8lbs
    Carb Goal <40g Net

    I do eat some sugar alcohols and so far they have not affected my progress, those will probably stay in my diet until/unless I notice a stall. I don't go nuts with them, but I am not afraid of them either :)

    Easter is not a day I am counting anything including carbs. I am going to enjoy my day with my kids, I am going to eat freely anything that I want, and not worry about it. I do not plan to stuff myself, I hate that feeling but I am not going to log or stress about anything I eat that day.

  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Tomorrow, or tonight, post your initial information here.

    Weight (or 0.0)
    How many carbs you're looking to stay under.

    Anything else you want to include.

    Starting Weight: 219
    Carb Goal: Max 20g Total

    This month I'm ONLY going to focus on my carbs, but still track everything because I want to have references at the end of the month to compare. When I'm hungry, I will eat to satiation. When I'm not hungry, I'm not going to eat just because the clock says I should. Exercise? Meh. I'll walk a little more. ;-)

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Woohoo, lots of people!
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Weight is 265. Still. I know sooner get it down and it bounces back. I'm working on netting 20 carb grams per day. I think I'm getting around 40 ish right now. I've noticed my appetite has leveled out a good bit so I'm optimistic that both the carbs and weight will adjust accordingly.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    4/1 Weight: 186.2
    Goal: Under 50 carbs. Generally more in the 20-25 range, but this week is a challenge.
  • annieboomboom
    annieboomboom Posts: 176 Member
    last weigh in: 194 after 8 days of stomach flu. Expected to be 125. You might guess I was disappointed.
    Starting weight January 15th was 199.

    Haven't weighed since because I don't want to find out I have gained.

    <20 carbs, generally 15. Have adoped the "FIT GOAT" approach: ditch the vegetables. Vegetables are salad greens at lunch. That's been it.

    Struggling with getting 1600. cals. as well.

    Going to thaw out in Florida for a few days. Love seafood. Easy. Maybe some wine, we'll see.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yay. Come down to Florida. It is warm here. Forget the cold weather. That stuff is terrible.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited April 2015
    Twibbly wrote: »
    baconslave - we are at the same starting weigh and carb goal! good luck!

    And the race is on! (j/k)

    As long as I don't gain, I don't care what the outcome is. It would be nice to lose. But I'm doing this to know that I CAN at least maintain doing this. Because my ability to do this long-term and keep the weight off is the most important. But I don't think it will be a problem at this point. I know what genuine hungry and full are. And I don't tend to binge on protein or fats. Not even bacon. I can sure eat a hefty portion, but then I'm not hungry for hours and hours afterward. I made a delicious sausage, cheddar, mushroom quiche this morning. It will keep me full until about 3pm most likely added to my CO and H&H coffee. I believe in my repaired metabolism. I want to prove that without carb resistance mucking up the works, that my body will moderate my appetite as needed. I could eat and eat and keep eating before of carby foods. I can't (and don't feel the urge) to do that with low-carb foods.

    And most of all I'm tired of effin' around with MFP's judgy red numbers and quips about saturated fat and lying to me about what I'm going to weigh in 5 weeks. grumble-ef426fb8f117e131523a9badbcb90257.gif

    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Woohoo, lots of people!
    Vive la revolution!
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    edited April 2015
    baconslave wrote: »


    And most of all I'm tired of effin' around with MFP's judgy red numbers and quips about saturated fat and lying to me about what I'm going to weigh in 5 weeks. grumble-ef426fb8f117e131523a9badbcb90257.gif

    Bahahaha! I hear you baconslave! One day I'm going to put in some rediculous thing and I want to see if mfp tells me --If you continue like this you're going to be DEAD in 5 weeks.-- I should find a script that takes THAT part off. Bogus.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    And most of all I'm tired of effin' around with MFP's judgy red numbers and quips about saturated fat and lying to me about what I'm going to weigh in 5 weeks. grumble-ef426fb8f117e131523a9badbcb90257.gif

    You know you can turn off its judgy quips about killing yourself with saturated fat, right?
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    LOL, I enjoy the judgy quips. I generally thumb my nose at it and laugh.
  • tmdalton849
    tmdalton849 Posts: 178 Member
    LOL, I enjoy the judgy quips. I generally thumb my nose at it and laugh.

    haha me too! since i am not logging fat or protein, my cals are way low and it keeps giving me subtle warnings about possible anorexia.

  • moonius
    moonius Posts: 663 Member
    Highest weight - 380
    Current weight - 277
    Carbs < 10g daily
    No more stevia or artificial sweeteners.
    Mostly meat, seafood, butter, coconut oil, sour cream, avocado, mayo and some cheese.
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    Alright, I will try it....

    Starting Weight 142.4#
    Carbs under 20g Net

    I actually haven't been eating as much the last few days because I am not hungry. I'm trying to pay more attention to when I'm hungry and not just because it is a routine. -- Or when I am reading!
  • Almoshposh
    Almoshposh Posts: 139 Member
    Highest weight 89.2kg
    Current weight 84.7kg
    3 weeks on keto

    I'm terrified of not knowing my calories but I think it's worth a shot. I don't want to be weighing and measuring my food all my life. I just have to trust the science in this one.
  • Almoshposh
    Almoshposh Posts: 139 Member
    Oh. I forgot my carbs. Trying to keep below 20 net carbs.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    edited April 2015
    I didn't say what my carbs are. I'll try to keep the total below 50. I've been averaging about 75, though its more like 35-40 net.

    Edited to say today was a fail, lol, due to an issue with an avocado yesterday which caused me to eat flax meal cereal for breakfast. Back on the wagon, though.
  • smokedsal
    smokedsal Posts: 8 Member
    CW: 153.8
    Trying to stay under 20g
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