New members - tell us about yourself



  • marygeeNY
    marygeeNY Posts: 5 Member
    -Hi Bill and BB and all other members.
    -My name is Mary, I'm 63 years old and live in MA. One daughter, one granddaughter.
    -Stopped working about two years ago--I was so obese i could not walk, developed heart disease, and had a lot of anxiety and depression.

    -I had Weight Loss Surgery last May. My highest weight was 380, at the time of surgery I was down to 324 on my surgery date, and now weigh in at 240. Goal weight is 150.

    -I was doing great until December or so....then I added low carb breads, and that seemed to open the door to new cravings.
    -I have just eliminated the breads, started therapy, and got a recumbent bike to get some exercise in.

    -WLS has changed my life -- I've got to stick with my program to reach goal, then get on maintenance.

    -I hope to get to know all you folks here, and contribute to the board!!
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Hello to all.... I am a 51 year old woman, no children but have one nephew who keeps me busy. Have a very supportive partner who has never been overweight in his life and tries very hard to help but doesn't always get it. It certainly is a bit harder to shift weight than it was 20 years ago! It's nice to have a group where we are of the same age, facing some of the same challenges and remember the 1970s because we were there not because we watch TV Land. I have lost 19 lbs so far and have 56 to go. I hope to be able to make some contributions to the group.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    Hello to all.... I am a 51 year old woman, no children but have one nephew who keeps me busy. Have a very supportive partner who has never been overweight in his life and tries very hard to help but doesn't always get it. It certainly is a bit harder to shift weight than it was 20 years ago! It's nice to have a group where we are of the same age, facing some of the same challenges and remember the 1970s because we were there not because we watch TV Land. I have lost 19 lbs so far and have 56 to go. I hope to be able to make some contributions to the group.

    Great to have you on Board... we look forward to any contributions you make :)
  • lynnstacey2
    lynnstacey2 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcomes from everyone! I too will try to think of a discussion starter. Best of luck to everyone on their journey to health, not necessarily just weight loss!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Loved reading the above. What a great bunch of people. It’s nice to see a group of age-related participants facing similar struggles.

    I was struck by HappyTrails comment about the death of his “in great shape” partner.
    Another reminder that no one is promised tomorrow…only yesterday we buried a 38 y/o relative (he had fought a cancer battle for a dozen years).

    Conversely, in the last year I lost a long-time friend that was 97! She was awesome and still took cruises up to 95 y/o and mowed her own yard on a rider mower. Easily would have made 100, if not for a fall & subsequent major surgery.

    As Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
    “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. “

    Best wishes to all for nothing but success! :)
  • HappyTrails7
    HappyTrails7 Posts: 878 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Loved reading the above. What a great bunch of people. It’s nice to see a group of age-related participants facing similar struggles.

    I was struck by HappyTrails comment about the death of his “in great shape” partner.
    Another reminder that no one is promised tomorrow…only yesterday we buried a 38 y/o relative (he had fought a cancer battle for a dozen years).

    Conversely, in the last year I lost a long-time friend that was 97! She was awesome and still took cruises up to 95 y/o and mowed her own yard on a rider mower. Easily would have made 100, if not for a fall & subsequent major surgery.

    As Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
    “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. “

    Best wishes to all for nothing but success! :)

    The quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes was powerful, thanks for sharing it.
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    Hey there! I'm turning fifty in two months so I thought I would jump in to the group. I am married with two teenagers. My son is graduating from high school this year. I started using MFP in November, then fell off over the holidays and returned with a few added pounds in January. Since then I've lost 25 pounds.

    In the last few years I've had a few health challenges--surgery that went wrong, then a Total Knee Replacement, and still have one bad knee.

    Suddenly I found myself hobbling around. I imagine that if I kept going the way I was I would have been wheelchair bound. And that's just outrageous.

    A few weeks ago I went to my doctor and I had a slightly high fasting blood glucose reading (108). She repeated the test and it was lower, but still slightly high (101).

    Recently I purchased a fitness trampoline (which broke but a new one is on the way). I also wear a Fitbit, and am trying to get 10,000 steps in. This week has been busy and I'm working a new job so I am trying to figure out how to do that.

    Anyway -- I highly recommend trampoline jumping as a fun activity
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey, @GoPerfectHealth Great to meet you. I have a mini-trampoline, too. I like to pull it out in front of the TV and bounce/run on it. (It still feels weird to write that -- as someone who was completely sedentary for decades.) ;-)
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    hi, male,53 from north east uk.
    dropped 50kg (100lbs +) since i started swimming 4 years ago.
    now concentrating on recomp/ conditioning to lose last of xs belly,so do fully body cardio of rowing,elliptical and swimming as well as strength training 4x weekly or so.
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was invited to join by alphabetsoup2013, thanks! This last weekend I turned 58. That number seems so foreign to me because although my body knows I'm 58, my mind finds it hard to believe. I have been married for over 32 years, my oldest will be 26 this month. I also have a 15 & 16 year old that sometimes make me feel young and other times make me feel too old for this! ;) I had a knee replacement about 4 years ago, and although it's better than before it is far from having a normal knee. My doctor advised me to lose weight or I might wear it out early. Unfortunately I tore the meniscus in my other knee too, which makes it hard to exercise much. Before I started I was bloated, swollen, miserable, and felt like if I didn't do something soon, I wouldn't have a very long life. I still have kids to raise. So I started myfitnesspal over two years ago and lost 55 lbs. I was motivated and determined, had lots of family support and a staring weight of 270lbs. But as the months went along and my weight loss slowed, I just kept reducing my calories, which made it hard to sustain. I had a big trip planned with my sister to go to Europe, my bucket list trip to meet our family there. But life had other plans, and my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and needed surgery then. It all became about getting my husband healthy again. I stopped counting calories, did a lot of stress eating, and making food he and the kids wanted to eat, and regained 40 lbs. My husband is fine now, and it is time to get back to business and lose that weight plus more, get physically active again and get ready for my Europe trip. I wanted to be thinner when I met our relatives, but I'm just happy to be able to go. This time has not been as successful because I just don't want to be hungry. I am playing around with different ways to get my body to start losing this weight. I appreciate the invitation to this group, and look forward to getting to know you!
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    Great to see you here, @LinFlemmer331 You have been working hard at this thing for a long time and you are a wonderful support to your other MFP pals.
  • DixieD0928
    DixieD0928 Posts: 870 Member
    Hello all,
    I'm Dixie, and I'm a 54 year old from Boise, ID. I have two adult kids (21 and 27) who live far away (Seattle and upstate New York). The younger child is in college, and the older one works in technology. I have an adult husband (the jury's out on that) and we've been married for 32 years.

    I work full time as a research coordinator in a CF clinic, which is the best job ever. I'm a trained respiratory therapist and have been at the same institution for 32 years. I figure I'll retire in 13 years or so, depends on how things go.

    I'm finally learning to take care of myself. I was a skinny kid and gained weight as an adult. I would gain and lose, and after my younger child was born, the losing got less and less and the gaining more. I put everyone's needs first. But now it's my turn.

    In February I joined a pilot program that my hospital is putting on called Metabolic Syndrome clinic. Unfortunately I qualified as having metabolic syndrome and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. It's been six weeks since the program started and we have lectures twice a week followed by killer hour long workouts. I am so far able to keep workouts up and exercise 5 days a week.

    I came to MFP because of MetSyn clinic. I am required to log food and exercise daily, and I finally got to poking around to see what else is there. I honestly wasn't going to do that, because the most active forums seem like high school (rank the person above as hot or not, gag). But then I found this forum, and I got a really nice welcome from your leader. I am honored to read all your stories, and happy to be here.
  • wendypf
    wendypf Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Wendy and I'm 54 yrs old. I live in Ontario, Canada. I am happily married to my best friend and I have 3 sons and 1 daughter, all grown up. I also have a 3 yr old grandaughter and a 7 week old grandson. And I can't forget my two dogs and three cats. I never really had any problems with my weight until I quit smoking 5 1/2 yrs ago. Ever since then I have been yo-yo ing. I have lost and gained the same 25 lbs several times. It seems that every spring/summer I lose then gain it back over the winter months.
    Today is a beautiful spring day and I just came in from a 5 mile walk and I'm feeling very motivated to lose weight before summer arrives. I find MFP very helpful in so many ways. I love to be able to track my food and exercise so easily. And I love to read the forums and know that I'm not alone.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I was invited to join by alphabetsoup2013, thanks! This last weekend I turned 58. That number seems so foreign to me because although my body knows I'm 58, my mind finds it hard to believe. I have been married for over 32 years, my oldest will be 26 this month. I also have a 15 & 16 year old that sometimes make me feel young and other times make me feel too old for this! ;) I had a knee replacement about 4 years ago, and although it's better than before it is far from having a normal knee. My doctor advised me to lose weight or I might wear it out early. Unfortunately I tore the meniscus in my other knee too, which makes it hard to exercise much. Before I started I was bloated, swollen, miserable, and felt like if I didn't do something soon, I wouldn't have a very long life. I still have kids to raise. So I started myfitnesspal over two years ago and lost 55 lbs. I was motivated and determined, had lots of family support and a staring weight of 270lbs. But as the months went along and my weight loss slowed, I just kept reducing my calories, which made it hard to sustain. I had a big trip planned with my sister to go to Europe, my bucket list trip to meet our family there. But life had other plans, and my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and needed surgery then. It all became about getting my husband healthy again. I stopped counting calories, did a lot of stress eating, and making food he and the kids wanted to eat, and regained 40 lbs. My husband is fine now, and it is time to get back to business and lose that weight plus more, get physically active again and get ready for my Europe trip. I wanted to be thinner when I met our relatives, but I'm just happy to be able to go. This time has not been as successful because I just don't want to be hungry. I am playing around with different ways to get my body to start losing this weight. I appreciate the invitation to this group, and look forward to getting to know you!

    Welcome aboard. Why is it that we all eventually hit an age when we say: “my mind finds it hard to believe.” Several years ago, I had a conversation with a relative in her late 70’s and she said the very same thing – “in my mind I am still young.”

    I pride myself in staying connected with younger generations. I have friends / family in their 20’s, 30’s & 40’s. But then there is reality – like when my niece (20-something) tells my wife and I that we are her favorite “old” couple and she wants to be just like us. She meant it as a compliment - because we still do movies at 10pm on a weeknight, we have smart phones, know current music and are open to last minute excursions.

    Then there are moments when an early 40-something niece or nephew calls me “uncle”… after all… I am only a couple years older than them…LOL. (I come from a large family – my oldest sibling is in her 80’s and the youngest in her 50’s). I easily have over 40 nephews/nieces and great-nephews/nieces.

    Glad we are all here trying to get healthy and live life to the fullest. :)

    As my long standing profile quote states: “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations"
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    I am so glad I joined this group the other day and am meeting so many nice people, a few like me who are shocked to be in their 50s! I think we will all be able to help each other.
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to getting to know you all! :smiley:
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Hi! I am Jen. Soon to be 63 y.o. wife and mother of 4 athletes. Spent my time watching and getting fat. Poor eating habits and no exercise, ballooned to over 200 lb, (I am 5'6") Decided I was sick of it and changed my lifestyle. Lost 85 pounds. Started slow just walking and now I do 5k's, (not fast, but I do them). I make most of my own food from fresh ingredients, including the goodies that I love and will not give up. Now I just have a piece of pie instead of the whole pie. Decided early on that I wouldn't do anything that I couldn't sustain forever, so no "diet", just reasonable exercise and portion control. Been at my goal weight for three years, (hovering around 135). I still find challenges, still have an occasional binge, (though not as bad as in the past).But it feels pretty darn good to not be fat anymore. Fat is no longer an option. Would be happy to support anyone who is serious about this and can offer support in return.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Jen, I congratulate you on maintaining your loss. That has always been the hardest for me. Now losing has become harder as I am no longer a teen. I want this to be my last major weight loss campaign and know maintenance will be a big test. I will certainly come to you for tips when, not if, that happy day comes.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    alphabetsoup2013 invited me. I'm Robb/funchords M 51 5'11½" SW:298 CW:194 GW:185 so that's 104 pounds (about 48 kg or so). I lost very fast in the first couple of months, but it's been slower and steadier (and better) since then. I am in the home stretch of Phase I and then maintaining doing everything I'm doing to lose -- log, some light walking, and support from family, friends, and TOPS.

    funchords is because I sing barbershop quartet music. I live on Cape Cod. I have two adult girls and four grandkids.

    I recently celebrated losing 100 pounds and recapped my story. I'm active in my local TOPS chapter for weekly accountability and support -- it helps keep the effort real (instead of just virtual).
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Thanks Nikki, really appreciate it. Robb, amazing work, stay strong to the finish. Ann, tha nks for letting me know about this group.