Challenge: 15 in 15 weeks, in 2015!



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

    My weigh in day is Saturday so I'll check in then, and I already started at the first of the year. Yay!

    I got all my strength and conditioning workouts in last week! Hooray. I also got my 2 fast days in, but I think I ended up just slightly below maintenance with the other days. I was actually considering eating at maintenance on my heaviest lifting week so I could pretend that was on purpose, but it really wasn't. : / My weight was way up, but I'm super bloated and I don't know why so I'm not overly concerned. It's a weird full body puffiness not just in my belly. I'm blaming that ranch dip again. I ate a ton more this week. I did find a recipe for DIY ranch mix for the future. My delts are starting to show more so I figure I might be going int he right direction.

    Krok I completely agree with Crabada/Sumiblue. You've got this. Just because you need a break or have a bit of a backslide doesn't mean you're failing. It means you're normal. A food journal might help you get to that root cause.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    If I try to eat at a steeper deficit I end up bingeing eventually.

    so true. says the jelly bean queen.

  • sing809
    sing809 Posts: 54 Member
    I just saw this. I'm a little late, but I'm in for losing 15 lbs in 2015. I think that will put me pretty close to my final goal weight and body fat percentage. I am hoping get down to about 20% body fat, whichI am guessing would be a weight somewhere in the low 140's since I think my lean mass is currently about 115. My weight on January 1st was 157.2, so for the purpose of this challenge, I will set my goal weight at 142.2 by December 31st.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    krokador, I think it's totally normal to go between phases where "I'm totally into this and pumped up about working out, eating right, etc." and "ugh, this again?" It's easy to get burned out. Sometimes easing up in one area (workouts, strict eating) helps. Hey, working on one of those still helps, right? Do your best to stay with it and you'll be back at it in no time!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So I was 194.8 before my period took over and my binge last night. Just gonna weigh-in officially next Saturday and try not to do anything stupid until then. I feel like I've been here last year where I just kinda poof, burned out on healthy eating and it's been really hard to get back on track.

    1) sleep sucks. Wish we didn't need it.
    2) I didn't complete the journal either.
    3) 29 minutes of yoga is like 30, right? lol
    4) Yeah, at least here I'm doing okay, no trying to do a stupid amount of stuff
    5) This week is more of a 60/40. Take out Sunday and Monday and I'm more of a 70/30. Remove yesterday and i'm at 85/15. I just need to stay consistent here and I'll do fine
    6) I ran for 31:15 minutes or so. did not have the energy at any moment for extra HIIT or another 15 mins of LISS.

    I'm 5 weeks out from my first obstacles race. This should be motivation enough to get me back into things. Gonna whip out my journal and go for a 6/6 this week just cuz I CAN!

    Thanks for all the kind words, by the way guys. I never did give up, but I did feel very frustrated with myself and needed to vent about it a bit. Sometimes you just need to go (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and let out the scream. ;)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

    This week went pretty well. I'm starting a new term and I have an extra class so I'm changing my personal goals going forward (even after this challenge is done) to have 2 conditioning days instead of 3. I got 4 351 workouts in, but it was deload week so that wasn't too hard. I got in my 3 conditioning days. I had 2 fast days, and did AMAZINGLY with eating on non-fast days. I was afraid I was going to eat a ton that I wouldn't be burning from deload, but I stayed strong. Woohoo!

    I weighed in yesterday morning and had the exact same weight that I had my weigh in right before the plague 5 weeks before. I'm really happy that I got back on the horse instead of backsliding more. In the past I've had something happen where I couldn't train=I'd overeat due to many factors>I'd be able to train again>still have a week or two of ridiculous overeating>be where I started>be angry with myself>get back on the horse. This time it went insanely sick=2 weeks of overeating>1 week of deficit>1 week of unplanned maintenance (but not surplus!)>1 week of deficit and back to low weight for the year. I think by my last weigh in on Friday I'll be pretty close to my goal of 11.25 lbs. I'm guessing around 10 or so. I want to thank the group for sharing and being so supportive! I would be totally down for another 15 weeks. /looks at Krok.
  • crabada wrote: »
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (or more) in 15 weeks
    Start date: January 2
    End date: April 17

    The plan:
    * 5x5, 3x week
    * 3-mile walks, at least 3x week
    * Stay within calorie range for the week; adjust range downwards to help reach 1 lb. per week loss when necessary
    * Eat an apple with breakfast daily
    * Plan meals and pack lunches on days I can't come home
    * Limit soda (I have a weird rules for myself on this one that aren't worth explaining here)
    * Measurements once a month

    01/02 (Starting weight): 0 lbs.
    01/09: -2.0 lbs.
    01/16: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.7 lbs.
    01/23: +0.5 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.2 lbs.
    01/30: -3.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -7.0 lbs. (Thank you, flu!)
    02/07: +0.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/14: No change / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/21: -0.3 lbs. / Challenge total: - 6.5 lbs.
    02/28: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: - 8.2 lbs.
    03/06: ?? Bye week / Challenge total: -8.2 lbs.
    03/13: -1.6 lbs. / Challenge total: -9.8 lbs.
    03/20: ?? Didn't weigh in / Challenge total: -9.8 lbs.
    03/27: -1.4 lbs. / Challenge total: -11.2 lbs.
    04/03: -1.1 lbs. / Challenge total: -12.3 lbs.
    04/11: -0.4 lb. / Challenge total: -12.7 lbs.

    04/11 -- I'm in grad school hell. That's all. Love you all.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh, we have just over a week left. I could maybe do another update.

    Lose 10-15 lbs. - 162. So, achieved 15 lost.

    Lower body fat percentage based on gym tester device. - no change from last time or at least, i haven't had it tested and won't until probably June.

    Bench - Made it to 100 for 3 reps right before mini vacation. So, yay!

    Squat - Did body weight (165) before mini vacation for 3 reps, though it was very tough.

    OHP - On 55 still, doing front squat/push press in NROLFW. I really feel it in my shoulders.

    Deadlift - Nothing changed here. Stage 2 on the box also says not to have rest on floor between sets, so yeah... Did 185 before mini vacation. Now doing 95 for stage 2.

    Start NROL4W or ICF - On stage 2 and last day of the stage will be April 21st.

    Addition: Start couch 2 5k training as might sign up for June 5k.- On week 5, the intimidating week where on Friday I will attempt to jog for 20 minutes.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited April 2015
    threnjen wrote: »

    a) SL 5x5 3 times weekly
    b) Walk a minimum of 8000 steps daily on my Vivofit (or at least average 8000/daily for the week)
    c) Continue to average a 1lb/week deficit
    d) make dinner at home at least 3 nights a week, and eat at home (or home cooked meals at friends or family) at least 5 nights a week.
    e) eat out at lunch no more than twice a week

    SW 1/05: 122.4
    CW 4/11: 114.8
    -7.6 lbs
    I am 3 lbs to my goal weight (although I will deficit to at least 1lb under, then reverse diet to maintenance)

    a) I usually average 2.5 times a week. I know that doesn't make sense but what I mean is I might do 3 one week and 2 the next, just depending on what days I get in. It's getting nicer out so I like to run outside sometimes instead.
    b) Last week was less because it rained a lot. Bad weather = low steps. But I'm still averaging over 10,000 a day and my goal was 8k.
    c) Not quite. Don't care. Am very happy.
    d) I was awesome last week, yay!
    e) Easy peasy

    Krok don't feel bad! We can't all be perfect all the time. It would be exhausting. Don't beat yourself up. I hope you're feeling better about yourself.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    left-hander project not easy to quantify or report on, but i've been letting it slip a little this past week or two. it's helped quite a lot, but i always find the early stages of a project easier to stick to. that's when the thing-you're-trying-to-fix is all big and bright and visible, and it's easy to know what you're trying to do. after a couple of weeks of success though, it gets harder to see the target because it's chipped down to a much smaller size.

    definitely been managing all my plates with the left hand in the gym. well, except for the 35s and 45s. but i can quite comfortably carry even a 25 across the floor to its pin, so that's positive. the biking has gotten easier too, at least neurologically. i don't fall down anymore when i'm mounting and dismounting it from the right.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week.
    4) Spinning and boxing classes once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.

    I forgot to check in here last week, so this is a summary of last 2 weeks:
    1) 2x this week and 2x last week. I'm finding I want to run or walk outside since it's finally getting nice out and thus not always getting my 3 lifting sessions in. I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Hey, that's a song! Mmm, meatloaf (NOT the singer).
    2) Check. Really trying to add 20-30 push-ups every day instead of just non-lifting days.
    3) Check. Average of 13,187 steps per day over the last 2 weeks.
    4) Check.
    5) I've had a few inaccurate logging days, but I think I've only been slightly over cals the last 2 weeks. The weekends always get me, but I do try to "save up" a few calories throughout the week to make up for the weekend.

    Weight (weigh-in day on Friday's):
    SW 172 lbs.
    CW 154 lbs.
    Total lost = 18 lbs.

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Up 1 lb from last weigh-in. I'm okay with that because I have been upping my calories to find my actual TDEE. I've gotten up to 1900 and am shooting for 2000 today. It's crazy! My weight has not changed one bit for a week, body fat has come down a tiny bit. Feeling stronger for lifts and love eating more! I'm going on vacation this month and while I plan to work out in the gym I will be eating and drinking a lot. I'm hoping the increased calories will be good prep for that!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Up 1 lb from last weigh-in. I'm okay with that because I have been upping my calories to find my actual TDEE. I've gotten up to 1900 and am shooting for 2000 today. It's crazy! My weight has not changed one bit for a week, body fat has come down a tiny bit. Feeling stronger for lifts and love eating more! I'm going on vacation this month and while I plan to work out in the gym I will be eating and drinking a lot. I'm hoping the increased calories will be good prep for that!

    lol I like the way you think!!!
  • I know this is supposed to be our final week, but given that this past week was ultimate thesis hell and my scale is reflecting that, I'm calling a bye-week. I'll post my final 15-fine-it's-actually-16-weeks total next week!

    And shall we do another of these challenges? I quite liked it, so I'm in!

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm in for continuing the challenge. Despite some hiccups my weight loss trend was downward and I think this challenged helped that.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh right, it ends tomorrow. Guess I can do my update now.

    Lose 10-15 lbs. - 160. Managed to lose about 17 in the 15 weeks. Not bad.

    Lower body fat percentage based on gym tester device. - no update, waiting till June for next not that accurate scan.

    Bench - Made it to 100 for 3 reps right before mini vacation.

    Squat - Did body weight (165) before mini vacation for 3 reps.

    OHP - Ended stage 2 day A with 60 on front squat/push press in NROLFW.

    Deadlift - Made it above 100 on the deadlift from box with no set down. Did 185 agains just for fun. Hope next challenge to start working towards 225 deadlift.

    Start NROL4W or ICF - One day left of Stage 2, which will be Tuesday.

    Addition: Start couch 2 5k training as might sign up for June 5k.- Made it through week 5. Will do day 1 of week 6 tomorrow. Week 7 is just jog three days a week with no more walks. Almost through the little program and first 5k is middle of June.

    Think I achieved most of my goals except maybe the OHP and body fat is hard with using the scales and hand held devices since they aren't the most accurate. Still did pretty well and look forward to the next one.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    threnjen wrote: »

    a) SL 5x5 3 times weekly
    b) Walk a minimum of 8000 steps daily on my Vivofit (or at least average 8000/daily for the week)
    c) Continue to average a 1lb/week deficit
    d) make dinner at home at least 3 nights a week, and eat at home (or home cooked meals at friends or family) at least 5 nights a week.
    e) eat out at lunch no more than twice a week

    Ah, we're supposed to be done? Well let's just continue :)

    SW 1/05: 122.4
    CW 4/19: 114.8 and overdue for a whoosh!

    a) Yes when I'm not SICK GEEZ LOUISE I AM TIRED OF THIS *kitten* (literally...)
    b) average for week was always over 10k, so I need to aim higher
    c) Clearly not, but that's ok. I'm only 2.8lbs from my goal weight.
    d) Probably, I've been so much better about this
    e) Yes

  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Guys (Gals)!
    I've started SL 5x5 this morning for the first time.
    Anyone up for a new challenge? I read yours just finished today?
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    My official challenge end weigh-in: lost 8.6lbs. Not bad considering I stopped eating at a deficit and started eating up to my reported maintenance level. It's also the week before TOM. Since eating more my lifts got better and better. I lost 5.5 inches for this challenge so I'm happy!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Oh, I completely forgot about it this weekend. I did weigh in at 193lbs on Saturday morning but no measurements. I haven't been super strict lately so I guess staying somewhat even is not bad, considering. 8lbs out of 15. About 50% eh? My last week wasn't super, either. Things just have a habit of not working the way I plan lately.

    However I do have an idea for a slightly different challenge if you guys are in. It'll be shorter (15 weeks was a long time committment) and a little more "competitive" by nature. I'll try to iron out the details in my head and write it up tonight so we can get started =D
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I forgot to check in also. I was up a bit on my weigh in Friday, but my measurements were down so I'll take it! And overall down 9 lbs or so. Woohoo!
  • libby555
    libby555 Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to join the new challenge! I've been using the SL 5x5 program for a few weeks now and would love to have some fellow lifters motivate me!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week.
    4) Spinning and boxing classes once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.

    1) Check, although I skipped DL on Saturday's workout to go out jogging.
    2) Check. Finally a week where I didn't forget any days! Total of 215 for the week.
    3) Check. Average of 12,195 steps per day. The nicer weather is making this easier.
    4) Check.
    5) I find it hard keeping track of calories on at least one weekend day. Not going terribly overboard, but not closely watching it either.

    Weight (as of last Friday):
    SW 172 lbs.
    CW 152.5 lbs.

    I'm definitely up for another challenge, whatever it is. You all did fantastic.

  • Pretty sure I've blown my loss all to hell these last two weeks. I'll do my final weigh-in tomorrow. xo