April: No More "Fooling"Around!!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello my fellow madhatters! Sorry I've been MIA on the boards. The good news is that I have totally conquered the whole maintenance thing! The bad news is that I still have about 30 pounds to lose. I've been in this holding pattern for ever!!! So....no more fooling around!

    I've been spring cleaning and have found that I really really need to keep busy in order to keep my mind off eating. Unfortunately my workout partner has been having some health issues so my workouts have been erratic lately.

    I'm heading to the beach at the end of May. I would dearly love to lose another 8 pounds by then. No more fooling around!! I need to make that my mantra!!!

    I've read what everyone has posted and you all are an inspiration to me. Portion control, eliminating sugar, fitting in even a ten minute walk, eating more veggies....all great reminders!

    Happy Spring everyone! "Put down the (chocolate) bunny." (Aircon reference for you movie buffs!)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - I i'm so proud of you and so thrilled for you!!!! Honestly I wonder if you even realize just how much progress in making changes and working towards your goal that you have accomplished in the past couple months? You are super consistent with the biking, swapped out A lot more great choices now you're hitting your portion control goal - I hope you take a minute to look back to say a Year ago and see all the super positive changes you've made - I am truly impressed well done you!! Wish I could do a pic but I'm on my phone I don't know how to do it. Super congrats Gail!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - I'm not a big film buff, but admit Conair still one of my absolute faves - and actually LOL @ your "put down the bunny" line - love that moment on the plane LOL! he really SHOULD have put it down, eh?

    Good to see you; and glad you are getting a beach vacay too... happy for both you and Gail! Yep this month is all about no more fooling around; focusing on small changes and consistency, and remembering small changes lead to big results and new habits.... it's gonna be a great month for all of us I can feel it in my bones (altho that might be just aches and pains LOL but I choose to believe its us instead!)
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement and reminder to take it one day at a time - Baby Steps! As my family would tell you patience is not my forte in the least. We have all taken huge strides in making changes to better health - let's keep going and doing those 5 degree turns! Beaches ahoy!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I have certainly been fooling around recently - mostly to do it with it being a holiday weekend (which officially started on Thursday evening, as far as I'm concerned) and it therefore being obligatory to open a bottle of wine, leading to the munchies. After doing exactly the same last weekend. I know exactly where I'm going wrong, and that I just can't handle wine (not that I drink LOADS - maximum of half a bottle in an evening - but it tells me to eat).

    The offending bottle is now empty and in the recycling, so no excuse tonight!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hahaha! Snoozie you must be a bigger movie buff than I am! I called it Aircon instead of ConAir! Ha!

    Vailara, I'm the same way. Alcohol of any kind lowers my defenses where food is concerned.

    Consistency is a huge challenge for me along with portion size. I guess I've found my two big goals for the month!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    You guys have been so busy just caught up on reading,

    Snoozie thanks for so nicely accepting my rants on here I need it very much and sorry about your hand Snoozie, great idea Gail about slinging up your dominant hand to slow down the eating.

    I have been off for the entire week for spring break and I have taken on the task of moving after five years it is into a house with the option to buy, I never thought of living permanently in New Orleans, but looks like Nawlins might be our new home.

    Thanks for saying it is not about perfection Snoozie! Vail and Suzy because of the stress of this week I have eaten and drank plenty this entire week. I have had mimosa for breakfast and cabernet for dinner every day of this break and I have enjoyed every moment, and you are right it does make you eat a little more. I am back to work on Tue and I will go back to my eating a little less.

    BTW I pin all of the pics Snoozie they are great.

    Here to no more fooling around so therefore next week's goal for me is staying within my calories by eating less in the morning and lunch so that I do not over do it for dinner. I will bring carrots and celery sticks for snacking and I will atleast make my 10000 steps and I will do some type of strength exercise atleast 3 days next week. Have a good week my friends!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Milove - first of all, LOVE the new pic.. you look FABULOUS!! and congrats on the new home!! That's wonderful news!

    I'm glad you enjoyed your spring break week - there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with taking a break from our "new normal" - life is meant to be enjoyed and if we can nail eating well and moving our parts 80% of the time as our new norm, we can enjoy a break guilt free now and then, knowing its just THAT.. a break! I have no doubt you'll easily get back to your new norm this week, as you've set great goals to help you along too!

    As for the wine peeps... my favourite indulgence is a glass of wine, a plate of Breton crackers topped with Havarti or smoked applewood cheese and a dab of roasted red pepper jelly on top, and a book to curl up with... but if I'm out having "wine therapy" (as we call a girl's night out here lol) then the munchies are also a challenge for me too!

    Haven't had to battle any chocolate as the Easter Bunny didn't stop by my place (and I am a dark chocolate lover so milk choc ain't my thing) but I'm not above grovelling for leftovers from my co workers this weekend from their easter dinners lol.... so we'll see if I manage to score any yummy ham or veggies coming my way!! (I told at least 10 people I accepted leftovers.. so I figure if even one comes thru I'l be a happy camper!) :p
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Milove...we all need a break to appreciate our stricter moments.Enjoy..no guilt..you'll get right back in it to win it!

    Snoozie, I love the cheese, cracker with a bit of pepper jelly!!

    Vailara, Seehe, Carol, Suzy...hope you all are great.

    Lovely Easter day yesterday...though too many carbs on my part, but very slight on the Lemon Cheesecake Bars...just two 1/4 slices spaced a bit apart.
    Homemade Chicken & Dumplings...that was it! Portion control was still good...just carb count awful.. not stressing though. Today is a brand new day!!

    One week till VACA!!! Leaving on Sunday 12 -coming back Sunday 19

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Snoozie, your glass of wine snack sounds perfect - it's just the sort of thing I like!

    Well done, on the portion control, Time2Lose. I've found that to be key for me - if that's right, the rest doesn't matter so much!
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning, All!
    Haven't been posting much lately, but trying to watch and keep up with everyone's progress- you're all doing so great- this April, no more fooling around was a wonderful idea. Now if someone would just tell Mother Nature that- snow flurries again yesterday, more to come tomorrow. Went for a walk yesterday, but the snow and ice is still over to the edge of the pavement, so there's no place to escape traffic. Won't make that mistake again, lol. Have been having tests for the past month, and Thursday, my urologist confirmed my bladder cancer has returned, two tumours this time, with surgery in the next couple of weeks. Triggered a trip to Costco, filled my cart with junk food, came home and had myself a pity party. Only a one day party though, lol, so didn't do any real damage, and now all the junk food is either gone or tucked safely away. Back on track, with 18 pounds gone, don't want to mess that up!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Charip = so good to see you again, but so very very sorry to hear about the cancer having returned; know you will need all your strength for the surgery and recovery; will be keeping you in our prayers and thoughts!

    We had a snow storm here this weekend too.... grrrr I think mother nature is going thru menopause and must be having some hot flashes to bring on this snow now! Heres hoping they are over with soon and she brings a little warmer seasonsal temps both our ways!

    Gail/Time2: loved your post; ESPECIALLY because you were able to simply enjoy a holiday day of eating, with no guilt - EXACTLY as it should be!! shows you are really turning around the old mindset we are all trying to change, knowing the occasional indulgence is nothing more than a choice to abolustely enjoy , knowing we'l be right back to our new normal the next day.... I love the fact that as long as I stay consistent with my food choices and portion control (which you rocked by the way) on a daily basis, the occasional indulgence is not only perfectly ok but absolutely nothing to freak over or start to think "negtively' tht we've "blown" something... huge kudos to you !!!!!!!!!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning dear Hatters. I'm so sorry to be so MIA. Sadly, a dear friend, who was a part of my family since childhood and was like a sister, passed away last week. Also, someone whom I admire greatly and who was very kind to me as a coach and counselor at Canyon Ranch vanished from her home a week ago without her wallet, keys or car. There is no trace of her still in spite of extensive searches. Additionally , my older sister is visiting for the week. Consequently , my goal for last week and this week has had to shift to meet my emotional and spiritual needs.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Wow Susan....

    I'm sorry for your loss - and hoping they find the young lady safe and soon.

    Take care of you... and the rest will follow.

    Saying a prayer...He will give you strength.. Isiah 40... and please look at Matthew - don't worry passage and the beatitudes..

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    So sorry to hear all this sadness ,Susan. We will be here when you need us. Take care of yourself, it is all so emotionally draining. Keeping you and the others in my prayers. Especially the young woman missing..
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thank you so much Carol and Gail for your kind words and prayers.
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    My heart goes out to Charip and the cancer struggles. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you battle. May strength and peace be with you during surgery and recovery.

    Susan - so much emotional upheaval. So sorry to hear all that is going on. Emotional stresses are always so draining on the system. Find that the mind shuts down and hard to see your way through that tunnel. Hope and pray that the young lady is found and you can find peace in your heart and mind through everything going on.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Charip, I hadn't read all the way up the posts yesterday, I am so sad to hear about the tumors...but I know you will conquer them..sending all my prayers , positive thoughts and strength to you.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    My thoughts are with both of you, Charip and Susan. I'm sorry you are going through such difficult times, both of you for different reasons. Wishing you the best.