Workout check-in - April-tle bit more awesome



  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Sorry I murdered the quote part and put my comment in your quote. I am so not good at this!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Hahaha, yeah, grumpy cookie, that's me! I'm perking up a bit, but man did I roll out on the wrong side of bed this morning! Wow.

    I have a tuff stuff cage, an olympic bar, plates and my bench is some cheapo thing from play it again sports. I need a heavier duty bench, but my cage is super bada$$. I have a really nice Nordic Track treadmill (merry 2 christmases ago to me :) ) that comes in handy since I live in the heart of the arctic tundra (aka Chicago) - and some dumbbells. Oh and a giant ball I don't use. Ever. Except to sit on during the rest periods LOL.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Last night was my rest day for lifting but I had our 2nd outside ball practice - season starts in 2.5 weeks! It was good to get together with the team and do some drills...looking forward to lifting tonight though. I may move up on my squats and OHP...will see how it feels.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    So much DOMS today!
    Between getting back to SL after nearly a week off on Tues and a brutal derby practice last night, my legs are killing me today. Luckily, tomorrow is a full on rest day.

    Squats - 5x5 at 135 lbs. These felt so hard today, even though I have done this weight a few times before. My form was good though. I am not going up in weight on Saturday because I have a game Saturday night, but I will go up to 140 next week.

    Bench - 5x5 at 75 lbs. First time at 75 and holy crap it was hard! I couldn't believe I made it through. I think I am going to do this weight once more.

    Rows - 5x5 at 85 lbs. Feeling ok here, I am going to go up to 90 next time.

    Assisted pull ups at 25 lbs. 5,5,4. Much better than last time when I couldn't do 3x4.
  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member
    Stronglifts B

    Squat 135

    Overhead press 45 3×5

    Deadlift 125

    May have to start doing pistol squats untilbi gain some upper body strength. My lower body is so much stronger than my upper body that is becoming a safety issue.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I have deloaded again after seeing some videos of women doing SL and realizing that my form stinks on sqats and deadlifts. I did, however do 5@80lbs for Bench press yesterday! My deads are at 155-I didn't need to deload on those, just concentrate on form. I'm thinking that I might need a belt soon.
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    PRs today on squats and DL!


    officially DL 111% of my total body weight!

    had a hard time breaking through 135, but changed to an over/under grip and was definitely manageable.

    gym highlights: bane from batman was at the gym with his oxygen mask. saw some interesting leg exercises on the smith machine.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I'm sore today, particularly hamstrings, so had to de-load squat.

    Squat 105 5x5 dropped from 110. Just didn't have that in me. My 105 felt good though. Was hard but my form felt good and I felt strong.

    OHP 60 5,5,5,3,3 I used the fixed bar for split squats and could barely lift it so I was worried about doing OHP. Did it in the rack with the regular bar and was fine. I probably could have banged out a 5x5 but my form was slipping and I didn't want to injure (or have to do 65 next week!).

    Deadlift 135 1x5 plus some extras because I love deadlifting.


    Chest fly 20 3x10
    Split squat 60 3x8 each
    Pull ups -64 (66) 1x5, -58 (72) 2x5
    Sumo DL 135 1x5
    Prison dips 3x15
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    PRs today on squats and DL!


    officially DL 111% of my total body weight!

    had a hard time breaking through 135, but changed to an over/under grip and was definitely manageable.

    gym highlights: bane from batman was at the gym with his oxygen mask. saw some interesting leg exercises on the smith machine.

    Congrats on your PRs! Two in one day is awesome. Too bad it was bane and not Tom Hardy because I would have thrown my bra at Tom Hardy (that's how I lure men).
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on your PRs! Two in one day is awesome. Too bad it was bane and not Tom Hardy because I would have thrown my bra at Tom Hardy (that's how I lure men).

    Thanks, haha! I think if Tom hardy was at my gym I would find it much easier to do ATG squats LOL.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    bunked off work early today on a sudden impulse to go show my shoulder to my gp. my gp is a year or two older than me and wears combat boots ;-) she looks like arlo guthrie too, which adds even more entertainment to her. little squidgy features all mushed into the middle of a long narrow face, and the frizzy hair thing. i asked her once where your ovaries go when you're pregnant, and i could tell just from her expression that i had just doomed her to a whole sleepless night.

    anyway, on the one hand she's disappointingly minimalist. no ultrasounds, x-rays, mris or any of that other fancy-pants stuff americans seem to get showered on them at the drop of a hat, provided they have the gazillion bucks necessary to pay for health coverage of course. on the other hand, she's nice and hands-on and practical. so here's the way that my gp works:

    her: *various tests*
    me: *various ows or non-ows*
    her: your serratus anterior and external rotators are weak on that side, and that shoulderblade's winged.
    me: i thought so. thanks.
    her: however, you are in luck. it just so happens that i blew out my own rotator cuff only six weeks ago.
    me: oh yay.
    her: *anecdote that includes the phrase 'my fricken shoulder' from her* so. i am now going to give you the benefit of my own physio.

    which she did, but she also suggested that if a few days of these moves don't do it, then i'm into 'physio turf.' the thing is though, she gave me a few recommendations, which is what i'd been looking for. since i'll be paying for anything that i do with my own personal cash . . . i don't begrudge the cost exactly. but i don't want to keep blowing serial instances of 90 bucks every time just to find out a given randomly-chosen physio isn't worth a quarter of that.

    tl;dr: went up the road from the doctor's complex and booked myself into a 'sports physio' place just a few blocks from my gym. appointment on saturday morning, cost around the same as an hour's massage, and it looks like they do things like active release and such-like as well. so fingers crossed.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^ aagh. wrong thread.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Good luck Canadianlbs! It can be hard to find the right practitioner. I wasted a lot of time money & effort before I found someone to help me overcome dibilitating shin splints. It turned out to be a chiropractor who specialized in sports rehab that was recommended to me from an ortho doc who tried to tell me maybe I just couldn't run... Um, No! I hope this one is a good one for you!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Canadianlbs looked like you lucked out that the GP has some ideas for you!

    It was so nice today that I did a 3 mile run. I might still go lift, but I have 17k steps logged and I am pretty beat today. So I might lift tomorrow night instead. I kind of just want to sit here on the couch.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a bit of an off day today. Went a little earlier than usual because I didn't work today, however, ended up at the gym for about 2 hours. Went a tad longer than expected. Got my hair cut earlier today so it's not really long anymore, didn't even use a band or anything. Not bad but think I need a couple clips for the longer parts. Nice not having lots of hair on the back of my neck though. Also tried out the top I thought would be good for running but wasn't. It's a bit snug and my fluff is obvious but it's also sleeveless and was nice not having as much material around my shoulders or near my neck. Still a bit self conscious in it but might wear it again for lifting in the future. The workout is a little out of order so I will post the order performed.

    Stage 2 - A2
    Warm up was with 10 minutes on elliptical, some trx work, rail pushups and body squats. Also for fun just did some hangs from the assisted chin-up machine.

    front squat/push press 2x10 @ 55 - not bad but a tad rough still.

    step-up 2x10 @ 20 - easy enough.
    db 1 pt row 2x10 @ 20 - laughable, had to pause and get re-situated a few times.

    static lunge 2x10 @ 40 - did a little more weight on the bar so it was tougher.
    push-ups were fails. 1x5 then 1x maybe 3 with 2 risers, added another riser for step, 1x5 then 1x4 barely. I just struggled tonight with them.

    plank 3 x 40 seconds. The cable machines for the wood chop were both being used by a group of guys so I ended p just doing the planks.

    leg press 3x10 @ 110 - okay. Had a nice boy help me take off plates as someone had left on 6 45s.

    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - tried adding a little weight to bar but just the 2.5 ones.

    cable wood chop 2x 10 @ 12.5 - finally was able to get the place to do these.

    hip thrusts 3x10 @ 10 - used step and risers in classroom so tried out the super light bar which someone had left and it just had two little 5 plates on it.

    Now I need to finish writing a blog and maybe go to bed. Good thing I don't work tomorrow either.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Been away for work this week. Went for a run this morning, in the rain, in a city I don't know too well and a city full of HILLS!! My legs do not know how to run hills haha!! Sore!! Ouch!!

    Gah. So much going on in my head at the moment. Can't wait to lift tomorrow. I'll be glad to get to the iron - it's the least complicated thing in my life at the moment
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Squat day 3
    150 x 3, 160 x 3, 170 x 3 ish. I only counted it as 2, I've been working on form with squats a lot and I think I'll have to take it down quite a bit. I'm starting to think that my depth my be a smidgen off at higher weights but I am making some form tweaks (like looking down a little bit, not up a little bit) and depth is easier to hit just harder to get out of the hole with.

    Cleans 45 lbs 3x8

    Amrap 4 min
    Pike ups

    Got 3/3/3

    Not too bad considering how much I wanted to stay in bed this morning.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    UBB 2.0 Construct W3D4

    I'm going to start by saying today was just dreadful. I will spare the details but let's just say this lovely thing we like to call Time of the Month is hitting me HARD. As a result I got roughly 4 hours of restless sleep and felt weak as hell this AM. Nearly didn't make it to the gym, but I got it done.

    1A) EMOTM x6 Power Clean 3 reps @95lbs (75-80%)
    These were choppy. Couldn't really get into a rhythm with them and I was only really happy with the very last minute.

    2A) Push Jerks 85x5, 90x3, 95x3, 100x3
    2B) Bent over 2DB Rows 35x10, 35x10, 40x8, 45x6
    The weight was actually moving well on these, surprisingly enough. Had to farmer's walk the 40lbs-ers through the entire gym only to realize they were too light for sets of 6. Haha. Only downside here is towards the end I was folded over in pain in-between sets.

    I considered skipping the Chaos session for a moment but figured to hell with it, I was already there and warmed up.
    Kardio King #3 - For time (cap 20min) [19:05]
    - 800, 600, 400, 200m run (subbed in 100, 80, 60, 40m of sled push sprints with 35lbs)
    - 10, 15, 20, 25 pull-ups with band assistance (started with ~80lbs and last 2 sets were done with ~100lbs of assist, cut into sets of 4-5 for the most part)

    One thought: I REALLY suck at pull-ups.

    Still doing my NMW sets. After managing my 21 push-ups and 16 of 17 recline rows on Wednesday, I fell on my *kitten* at 7 rows and my face at 13 push-ups and a half... Might give it another go at home tonight because that was really disappointing.

    Tomorrow is rest and mobility and I plan to do just that.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout B today:

    Squats, 5x5@115 lbs. This is my 3rd time at this weight and I decided to use the weight belt to help stabilize my back a bit. They were still difficult, but I felt a bit stronger with this weight. I think I will try 120 lbs next time and again will plan to use the belt.

    OHP, 4x5, 1x4@55 lbs. I cannot seem to get past this 55 lb hurdle. Some days they feel good and then I try 60 lbs and I can't even do one, and other days 5x5 @ 55 lbs is tough, like today. Damn you, OHP!!

    Deadlift, 1x5@125 lbs. This set felt good, so I will try 135 lbs next time.

    I did good mornings also, 3x10@55 lbs, and an hour on the elliptical.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Today's workout:

    Squat: 5x5 @ 150 pounds. I told myself I wasn't going up but I did and it was TOUGH. But not so tough that I needed the 3-minute rests. I still will probably just repeat this weight on Monday.

    Bench: 5/5/5/5/4 @ 85 pounds. Scary moment - I knew I wasn't going to get that 5th rep up on the last set so I went to set the bar back and missed the top peg on the right side. Luckily, the bottom peg caught the bar or that would have been my face! I will ask for a spot on Wednesday when I do this workout again. Something was definitely off about my right arm today. Felt like it was in my rotator cuff and that scared me. I'm hoping that rest will fix whatever is going on.

    Row: 5x5 @ 95. I find this was easy as well. I think that these rows are easier for me to do because I have to start from rest as opposed to doing them all in a row. I'm not sure why though.