April challenge support



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    We'll see where I land on May 1.

    Ouch! (If you'll pardon my weird sense of humour.)

  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    To the tonsil people. That's really interesting. I'm extremly curious to see how LC might affect my other mysterious ailments. ;)

    I had strep throat and tonsilitis so bad that they took mine out. My glands would swell so bad at that time you could see them sticking out of my neck like some bearded dragon thing. I'd drool because I couldn't swallow. (TMI?)
    The last year, before they did, I had it basically, all the time. I'd get it, go to the doctor, he'd put me on stuff, I'd feel sorta better until It would finally go away. I'd finish the pills. Then whoops! There it is. I was usually there every 4 to 6 weeks or so 'till we all decided enough is enough.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stock FIT_goat on the other blog. B)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited April 2015
    gsp90x wrote: »
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stock FIT_goat on the other blog. B)

    Did they run out of him? :wink:
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    That testimonial of mine is very disjointed and weird. It was taken from a conversation I had with someone who was asking about the effects of going zero carb after I posted about it being my eight-month anniversary. I was answering a couple questions they had.
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    When I first read about the April challenge, I said "great, I can do this no-counting stuff" and immediately signed up. I'm here to say I am nowhere near ready to jump out of this airplane and trust that my chute will open. While I've been fine with my declared goal of <16 carbs, I just feel way out of control and anxious if I'm not counting calories. I've done okay with not eating to stay in my macros, however when it's late in the evening and I'm hungry, I feel like I have to check my macros to see if I need fat or protein more. Maybe after 6 months or so I'll be ready to let go and trust that I'm strong and confident enough in my body listening skills to try this fully again. For now, for the rest of April, I'll stick to maintaining my <16 carbs and that will be good enough for me this time around.

    You'll have days were you eat barely anything and days were you feel like all you do is eat, if you follow your hunger cues. Some people this way of doing it works and others prefer to keep track. You have to figure out what you like best. I don't even fill out my food diary anymore, because I can keep track of 20 carbs in my head and I might be a little lazy ;0
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    To the tonsil people. That's really interesting. I'm extremly curious to see how LC might affect my other mysterious ailments. ;)

    I had strep throat and tonsilitis so bad that they took mine out. My glands would swell so bad at that time you could see them sticking out of my neck like some bearded dragon thing. I'd drool because I couldn't swallow. (TMI?)
    The last year, before they did, I had it basically, all the time. I'd get it, go to the doctor, he'd put me on stuff, I'd feel sorta better until It would finally go away. I'd finish the pills. Then whoops! There it is. I was usually there every 4 to 6 weeks or so 'till we all decided enough is enough.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stock FIT_goat on the other blog. B)

    I had this. For 4 years. I missed so much work and it was starting to affect work performance pretty badly. I had them out the age of 29 but then I started getting skin boils (after never having them) after the birth of my son. 3-4 years ago I managed to clear those up by eating mostly paleo.

    I've only just realised they are probably connected to eating carbs. I remember that after having my tonsils out (it hurt - a lot) I couldn't eat chocolate. It was just before Easter and I remember asking my family not to bother buying me any chocolate. :smiley:

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Ended up eating at a Chinese buffet tonight. I am sure there were untold numbers of hidden carbs in the sauces and stuff the meats were in. I stuck to unbreaded meats and seafood. But, most stuff had gravy of some sort with it. Compared to most people, I am sure it was trivial. I expect to see some water weight tomorrow.

    Plus, I'm having some bourbon and seltzer water tonight. Wild and crazy weekend. ;)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Ended up eating at a Chinese buffet tonight.

    Fortunately the buffet place near me has both a hibachi-type grill ("teppanyaki"?) as well as sashimi, so I can keep keto pretty easily there.

  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Yesterday saw my highest carbs in a long time, close to 40g, but something worked because my weight actually was down this morning.

    No more birthdays for almost three weeks, so I'll be keeping it simple and meaty.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think I did pretty well with the buffet. They had a grill, but the line for that was just ridiculous. I generally don't worry about carbs from incidentals like that when eating out. I do my best to avoid them, but don't stress about it. It's like when I get ribs at Sonny's. Their dry rub has some carbs (about 1g per rib). I don't have so much difficulty with that amount as to go out of my way to avoid it.

    Even the Chinese food wasn't horrible. My stomach was a little gurgly last night, which is to be expected. Scale weight was up a pound, but I'm not worried about that.

    The only weird side effect? I actually found myself looking at various candy bars in a store later that night. I was slightly tempted by them. Not enough to actually act on it. But, it crossed my mind. This isn't typical, because I normally don't even think to look at them. On top of that, I was still physically stuffed from the buffet at this point. The actual thought of which one might taste good turned me off. But, the fact that they even appealed at all, that was unusual.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,058 Member
    Wow, that's interesting. I'll be meeting a group of friends at a Chinese buffet next week, and I've been a little worried about it. But if you can do it, so can I. I still eat a few veggies though, so should be able to find some broccoli and bok choy etc, along with the plainest looking meat I can find. It's the sweet sauces, bad oils and MSG that worry me the most....
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I drained as much of the sauces as I could and tried to stick to mostly unsauced meats. This buffet also had hardboiled eggs and pre-cooked bacon on the salad bar. And a fully cooked ham. Best part, everyone was leaving the pieces that had the massive 1" thick fat cap on it. Awesome score for me.

    The shrimp, boiled clams, crayfish, and the muscles were also hit pretty hard. The worst offenders were surely the sliced beef (which had a sauce that I could taste the sugar in), the turkey in a thick gravy (starch city), and some of the cooked shrimp I had that were in a cream sauce (don't trust it).

    But, there are usually "tolerable" options. Obviously, anything breaded and fried is out. Anything with a very thick sugar sauce is out. I thought about some egg-drop soup, but I know that's thickened with starch. I should really make some of that myself. I could get/make some chicken stock and buy some eggs.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    We have a good Chinese buffet near us. I've only indulged once since going LC. It's not too bad for a moderate low-carber like me, but damn, I miss my sesame balls.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,058 Member
    Thanks FIT_Goat. Good idea to check out the salad bar when I get there, I usually would skip that part. But I know they have plain shrimp etc there too so that's good. Yeah, I'd stay away from the soups, since we gave up stuff like cornstarch even before I started LCHF.

    HHmm...egg drop soup.....I'm making chicken bone broth right now...egg drop soup might be tomorrow's breakfast.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    We'll see where I land on May 1.

    Ouch! (If you'll pardon my weird sense of humour.)

  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    The only weird side effect? I actually found myself looking at various candy bars in a store later that night. I was slightly tempted by them. Not enough to actually act on it. But, it crossed my mind. This isn't typical, because I normally don't even think to look at them. On top of that, I was still physically stuffed from the buffet at this point. The actual thought of which one might taste good turned me off. But, the fact that they even appealed at all, that was unusual.

    I've experienced that as well. Not sure if it's from the cumulative sugars, starches, and soy, or from being kinda "binge-y" when I'm at a buffet ... probably a combination of factors.

  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    kirkor wrote: »

    Nice find, kirkor!

    A SuccessStory of ridding Lyme Disease
    on an all Meat, ZeroCarb diet since 1998:

    '...Although she felt great immediately removing All the Fibers, Vegetables, and Grains that she had been eating for years, she also felt the effects of Starving out her Lyme Bacteria....'
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I was in a cafe a couple of days ago looking at the cakes as I ate my Caesar salad. I found that I was thinking that they looked pretty; that they appealed to my photographic/artistic eye as objects, and then suddenly laughed out loud because the thought of eating them had not crossed my mind even for a moment. Fortunately hubby was with me, I wasn't alone, laughing like a maniac ;)

    No loss so far this week, but I had 3 short night's sleep and that'll always do it. One good night's sleep last night has got rid of the 300g gain, but I feel exhausted today! Sleeping hours over the last 4 nights were 6, 7, 7 and 10. I'm an 8-hour girl so I guess I'm still in sleep deficit tee hee! So I kinda have 2 more mornings to get a loss to report for this week. We shall see what eventuates. I'm really enjoying not counting calories and look forward to the time when I can quit logging and counting anything at all. Weighing and measuring is a pain at times, even though I do love my stats and records in other areas.

    Eating out yesterday threw my carbs way high. I had cauliflower in cheese sauce, forgetting that commercial cheese sauce is made with flour, so probably hit 29g carbs yesterday; definitely my highest since I began this on 23rd January. 21g had been my record high otherwise.

    @Goat It's good to know you're human ;)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    When I ordered takeout a couple weeks ago, which I realize is very different from a buffet style, I got the "diet" meal of boiled chicken, beef, and shrimp. It came with broccoli, which I mostly gave to my husband, and a separate sauce that I threw right out. It was pretty satisfying, and it's good to know there's a quick option (other than bunless fast food burgers) if I just can't cook.

    There were birthday leftovers yesterday, on top of a quick and easy pre-grocery shopping breakfast, so my carbs were high again, and my body less forgiving of transgressions a second day in a row, but I'm confident I can "clean house" before check in on Weds. This morning it's bacon and eggs. I'll probably skip lunch, drink tons of water, and leave most of the asparagus on my plate tonight (poached salmon w/ Hollandaise).

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member

    No loss so far this week, but I had 3 short night's sleep and that'll always do it. One good night's sleep last night has got rid of the 300g gain, but I feel exhausted today! Sleeping hours over the last 4 nights were 6, 7, 7 and 10. I'm an 8-hour girl so I guess I'm still in sleep deficit tee hee! So I kinda have 2 more mornings to get a loss to report for this week. We shall see what eventuates. I'm really enjoying not counting calories and look forward to the time when I can quit logging and counting anything at all. Weighing and measuring is a pain at times, even though I do love my stats and records in other areas.

    I keep forgetting how sleep affects my weight--so there's another reason I'm fat. I'm a terrible sleeper a lot of the time, even with being on a CPAP machine. It's not unusual for me to wake at 2:30 and not be able to get back to sleep. :s Then other nights, I sleep well for 7 hours. Must be a cortisol mess.

    Love your sense of humor, May! :)