


  • iwillrun2
    iwillrun2 Posts: 34 Member
    Same here - lost it after the first few posts. Very closed mind.
  • smallpalehuman
    smallpalehuman Posts: 38 Member
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    My favorite "anti-paleo" argument is always the lifespan/expectancy thing. Yeah, human life expectancy JUMPED not at the introduction of grains but at the point where we began to understand germs and how to prevent infection. It then increased dramtically in the early 1900s with the dawn of antibiotics. The increased life expectancy is directly related to knowledge about medicine and infection. The other factor is the reductionin the infant mortality rate. If 50% of live births ended in death by 6 months of age then that greatly reduces the overall life expectancy. Even if people that survived infancy and early childhood lived to be 100+, the average life span would be 45-50 because of the number of deaths in infancy and childhood.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm often surprised what's allowed (given the no trolling, no threadjacking, no flame baiting, no attacking, no insulting rules). sigh.

    We recently got asked to nominate a new mod. I said: someone who's NOT iifym but is focused on eating nutritious foods and will encourage others as they ask questions about how to do so.

    Hope fully not one more "wash your foods to make them "clean"" poster....
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm often surprised what's allowed (given the no trolling, no threadjacking, no flame baiting, no attacking, no insulting rules). sigh.

    We recently got asked to nominate a new mod. I said: someone who's NOT iifym but is focused on eating nutritious foods and will encourage others as they ask questions about how to do so.

    Hope fully not one more "wash your foods to make them "clean"" poster....

    THe IIFYM people drive me nuts because that just simply didn't work for me. When I explain why I am always told that I am either lying about my logging, I didn't do it right or I was not exercising as much as I said I exercised. I was on a very strict program and my career depended on me losing weight. I wasn't flubbing anything. I didn't lose weight following the food pyramid or my plate. I did following a paleo template...at the same are nearly the same macros. Some people are like gasoline engines and others are diesel. They need to proper type of fuel to function properly.
  • JennyToy
    JennyToy Posts: 149 Member
    Just wanted to say thank you for posting this! I honestly thought i was missing something after reading the paleo thread in the main forums. thank you for this thread!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Thankfully I've been too busy to be online the last couple weeks. On the other hand, it means I haven't been able to log food or read this board, either.

    Howdy, all. Missing you! Hope to be back on a daily basis once this house sells and we find another to buy (and get moved in, probably). I hate the idea of moving. Ah, well. Such is life.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    While I totally agree with the above, it makes me giggle to think of a Paleo lifestyle as "new". Eating whole foods as provided by nature (I know our whole foods are different these days than what my ancestors were eating) is the oldest human diet around. However, the way the label is sometimes used definitely causes confusion. We are going to see more and more processed foods coming out labelled "Paleo" as a marketing strategy. Everybody seems to be picking apart the stupid little details instead of grasping the simplicity of the Paleo concept as a whole.

    (edited because I forgot the quote)

    I know this comment is from a couple months ago, but it pushed my buttons. I HATE it when I run across "paleo" labeled snack foods. You know, the ones with the flashy labels that look like all the other snack foods. And then if you go so far as to read the labels, so many of them are not really paleo, but more mock-popular-paleo...

    Mass production and paleo are very uncomfortable bedfellows, IMO.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    And it keeps going! And keeps going with the fallacies and blatant misinformation!

    Also, I get a kick out of the idea that it's a "fad diet" both because it doesn't have a set list of things you should/shouldn't eat, and because it cuts things out. How do you both have a list of things and don't have a list of things?

    Heaven forbid you follow a dietary framework and *gasp!* have to use your brain and make conscious decisions about what you eat.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member

    And it keeps going! And keeps going with the fallacies and blatant misinformation!

    Also, I get a kick out of the idea that it's a "fad diet" both because it doesn't have a set list of things you should/shouldn't eat, and because it cuts things out. How do you both have a list of things and don't have a list of things?

    Heaven forbid you follow a dietary framework and *gasp!* have to use your brain and make conscious decisions about what you eat.

    Yes! This..lol
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    And it keeps going! And keeps going with the fallacies and blatant misinformation!

    Also, I get a kick out of the idea that it's a "fad diet" both because it doesn't have a set list of things you should/shouldn't eat, and because it cuts things out. How do you both have a list of things and don't have a list of things?

    Heaven forbid you follow a dietary framework and *gasp!* have to use your brain and make conscious decisions about what you eat.
    Im baffled when paleo, south beach, and clean eating (for example) are lumped in with cabbage soup diet type approaches as "fads". When you look at what paleo, south beach (even DASH) etc are they are FOOD. REAL FOOD.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    What I have noticed is there is an epidemic on the internet of poor reading comprehension. People read what they want to and make their judgement based on their assumptions. You just can't reason with them or use logic, so I stopped trying.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I was very glad to see Mods chime in on yesterday's dog pile on the poor soul who asked about clean eating. It's a start! Hope it bodes well for the future.
  • mom2nji
    mom2nji Posts: 5
    I am new here and when I started going through the main threads, my head hurt. I am so glad to have found this group.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    My favorite quote of the day "You do realize that your body doesn't care if sugar is from an apple or a cookie, right" ~ this in response to someone asking for advice on cutting white sugar out of their diet. The sad thing is I didn't say anything because I've learned to keep my mouth shut on those boards because of all the negativity. If I were just starting on myfitnesspal and got the crap kind of responses she got I'd be very discouraged. At least there's a few good people on the boards who try to help, everyone else jumps on the hatewagon.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Thank goodness I have found you guys.:smile: I have been on the main forum for the past few days and honestly the nastiness and mean comments really get you down after a while. I am open minded when it comes to people's eating choices but this "eat what you like as long as you stay within your daily calories allowance" approach is hard to believe. No wonder so many of these people are so unwell.

    I have been on the edges of Paleo/Primal for years and follow an 80/20 approach. (Slack I know, sorry!!:embarassed: ) However, when you have friends and family who don't believe in the same thing, it becomes difficult in social situations so I compromise.

    I try to listen to my body and at the moment it is saying that my 80/20 balance is out of whack and it is time to cut the wheat and sugar and start practising what I believe in and I believe in a Paleo lifestyle.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Thank goodness I have found you guys.:smile: I have been on the main forum for the past few days and honestly the nastiness and mean comments really get you down after a while. I am open minded when it comes to people's eating choices but this "eat what you like as long as you stay within your daily calories allowance" approach is hard to believe. No wonder so many of these people are so unwell.

    I have been on the edges of Paleo/Primal for years and follow an 80/20 approach. (Slack I know, sorry!!:embarassed: ) However, when you have friends and family who don't believe in the same thing, it becomes difficult in social situations so I compromise.

    I try to listen to my body and at the moment it is saying that my 80/20 balance is out of whack and it is time to cut the wheat and sugar and start practising what I believe in and I believe in a Paleo lifestyle.
    I wouldn't necessarily call it slack. The 80/20 thing helps to keep me from throwing out the whole thing if I happen to stray from primal/paleo guidelines. I try for 100% most of the time but it's nice to be able to have a bowl of ice cream with the rest of the family on a really hot day. The good stuff, of course, where you can pronounce all the ingredients...
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Sigh. I did it again. Why?!?!?! Please, stop me!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited April 2015
    Nutmeg76 wrote: »
    Sigh. I did it again. Why?!?!?! Please, stop me!

    Oh boy, what now? Also, don't be afraid to report (not flag, report) people. They claim to be cracking down on this crap, so feel free to put them through their paces.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Don't torture youself! Now that I have a lifestyle that is even more culturally unacceptable than Paleo (I wouldn't have thought that possible) I'm just going to avoid the general forums completely. Even in more like-minded FB groups, I have gotten very good at not letting curiousity get to me. For instance if I posted something and a known moron (in my opinion) posts a comment or even addresses me specifically, I just delete the notification and refrain for looking at the comment. I'm happier that way. The OP can take or leave my opinion and I don't need to try to have the last word. It's futile to fight stupid and arrogant.