Daily Check-In



  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Stars, make a plan for half portions. Eat a little protein before you go there. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :) All new friends welcome <3 Add me ;)
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    Woooooooooo... apparently my "day" is three days long for checking in! I've been having some muscle pulls in my back, so not as much vigorous exercise as I would have liked. It's been easing up; I went for a long walk today with a lunch break in the middle. Pedometer app on the iPod says it was 12.6 miles.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Excellent, bhagarmckee! I hope your back pull is better soon.
    Hi there, cincisk8r!
    Good day here. We picked up the yard after a horrific storm blew through. We caught a bit of a small tornado...it sucked everything out of the barn and patio in seconds! When "they" say tornados sound like a train, "they" are correct! We could be found in the pantry with four dogs...a VERY SMALL pantry (with no chocolate to be found...who's been shopping at our house?)!!!

    Have a happy Sunday!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Sappo123 :) Glad you are ok <3 You will definitely have to remedy that lack of chocolate situation! Hugs
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    TORNADO!?!?!?!?!?!?! yikes. I second the "I'm glad you're okay sappho123" motion... and love your sense of humor. Personally, in that situation, I would be more concerned about the location of clean underwear...

    'Nother long walk for me today. Destination: the sporting goods store near the mall to replace my worn out walking shoes. Stopped for lunch, and then closer to home stopped for a donut as my one naughty food for this week. About 11 and a half miles round trip.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    That's a terrific walk, bhagarmckee! Congrats on the new shoes...wha..? doughnut? did I hear doughnut? ME ME memememe! Oh, sorry, right, I'm under control now....
    cincisk8, I agree, the chocolate situation in this house needs to be amended!!! It is absolutely dismal!
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    @starsonlyone I hope your dinner went well.

    @sappho123 that tornado sounds terrifying, small or not. I'm glad you're all right and second the underwear comment.

    @bhagarmckee congratulations on the long walk.

    I've had a stressful few days, but I've tried not to let myself go too much, which seems to have paid off because when I weighed myself yesterday I was the lightest I've been since I moved to Spokane (still heavier than when I started using mfp way back when, though...).

    Today I kind of let myself eat whatever I want, but I don't feel too bad about it because I had to work in the field today and spent all day hauling equipment around, which I know my vivosmart can't track accurately.

    Oh yeah, schneizilla, I have a Garmin connect account, but I don't really use it other than to sync with mfp (when they are playing nicely)

  • Joliekay1582
    Joliekay1582 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey everybody! Getting ready to hit the gym here soon! Got lots of sleep which is always great when u work midnights. Cardio is the plan and weight soon after. I hate doing cardio everyday but I swear the one day I don't, the next it feels like Im starting all over. And I gain weight almost instantly.
  • PoohBelly
    PoohBelly Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah!! I finally lost some weight. Lost 2 lbs this week. Have been trying to make swaps and little changes and it's finally paying off.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Yea, PoohBelly!!!!!!! smurfette, have a super workout! nuttyengineer, how have you been? Congratulations on the weight loss. Hi there, the rest of you!

    OK, I usually don't mention my journey on MFP, but here goes (not looking for solutions, but welcome any that come my way). My weight has been stuck for 5 weeks. I seem to be doing the right things, down to the micros, but to no avail. My next idea is to increase days of exercise, rather than length of time. I don't know if I am legitimately stuck or if I am missing something obvious. My goal is 0.5lb to 1lb weekly.

    Well, enough of that! Have a terrific day, folks!
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    @Poohbelly, congratulations!

    @Sappho123, someone recently recommended to me to add some different types of workouts to change things up in order to get out of a plateau. Just a suggestion.

    I did not log my food yesterday because I PIGGED OUT. No other way to say it. I won't say "binge," but it was just a day that I decided to eat whatever I wanted. I didn't log my food but I'm thinking maybe I will (if I can remember everything I ate). My day included movie theater popcorn, Magnum ice cream bars (plural), fried tacos and cheese fries.
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    Hou! La! La! 5000 calories. Well, I actually thought it would be more. Today I'm back on track, so I'm not as full of remorse as I might have been once upon a time.
  • Joliekay1582
    Joliekay1582 Posts: 75 Member
    PoohBelly wrote: »
    Yeah!! I finally lost some weight. Lost 2 lbs this week. Have been trying to make swaps and little changes and it's finally paying off.

  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    It's been an interesting 20 days since I started this journey I need to find a way to weigh myself
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    Yay @PoohBelly! Keep it up!

    rest day for me today, school vacation this week and watching Birdman on cable tonight. Life is good!
  • dave71us
    dave71us Posts: 2 Member
    Day 87. Down 32 pounds. My average is about 2.25 pounds a week. I could not be more pleased. One way I sneak in exercise is to walk every day at 4pm to,the campus Starbucks from my office (about 20mins). I have a regular coffee and I really enjoy getting out of the office. Can't believe how well this little app is working and how invested I feel seeing that daily streak. I look forward to ch caking in here!
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I'm doing all right. I've had a little bit of a chance to recover from the stress I've been under and am actually going to make it to the gym tomorrow for the second time in a week, which I haven't been able to do the last couple weeks. Hopefully that'll be a good thing because I found myself really dragging behind everyone else in yesterday's class.
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    yeeeha! just got results of my test in economy back...passed with a B :-D
  • KaryLoaiza88
    KaryLoaiza88 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello! *waves*

    How's everybody doing today?