April Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Lately I keep slipping. They're not huge binges but it's like I have a normal eating day then I get off work/school in the evening and I'm here by myself which just ends up in a period of overeating or binge eating. I can't tell which it is sometimes, I guess it's a binge since I'm losing control. It's not as bad as it could be, but it's definitely not healthy either.

    My goal is to do this Me vs The Binge challenge faithfully in May (I might not be on the forums daily but I'll keep better track and come here now and then to update)
    I think it would help me stay on track.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    April 29

    Me -- 29
    Binge -- 0

    Days Binge-free -- 52

    Felt like snacking big time tonight. Hubby is going through some drama at work, but I stood my ground.
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    the binge - 3
    days binge free - 10
    Thanks for the support you guys! I think things will be fine...I just found out some kind of distressing and possibly dealbreaking information about my husband and we've been married all of three months which is hard to deal with. We may still be able to work it out though. I just wish the timing wasn't so terrible you know?
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 25
    Binge: 4
    Days binge free: 5
  • superj016
    superj016 Posts: 62 Member
    Me: 20
    Binge: 9

    Don't like these numbers but they are better than last month. I'll focus on that.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    April 29
    Kourtney: 27
    The Binge: 2
    Days binge free: 3
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    kadizia wrote: »
    the binge - 3
    days binge free - 10
    Thanks for the support you guys! I think things will be fine...I just found out some kind of distressing and possibly dealbreaking information about my husband and we've been married all of three months which is hard to deal with. We may still be able to work it out though. I just wish the timing wasn't so terrible you know?

    Kadizia, I can't imagine what you are going through, and I can't "hope you'll work through it" because for me at least, there are very real deal breakers when it comes to relationships. I just hope you find the strength to get through this time. Take your frustrations out with walks, yoga, kickboxing and not food as we love to do. Stay active and try to find some peace! I wish you the best!! Big hugs!!
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    superj016 wrote: »
    Me: 20
    Binge: 9

    Don't like these numbers but they are better than last month. I'll focus on that.

    Good attitude. All we can do is make small improvements; look at the positives you have achieved, and look at this number as something to try to continue to improve!

  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    kge0891 wrote: »
    kadizia wrote: »
    the binge - 3
    days binge free - 10
    Thanks for the support you guys! I think things will be fine...I just found out some kind of distressing and possibly dealbreaking information about my husband and we've been married all of three months which is hard to deal with. We may still be able to work it out though. I just wish the timing wasn't so terrible you know?

    Kadizia, I can't imagine what you are going through, and I can't "hope you'll work through it" because for me at least, there are very real deal breakers when it comes to relationships. I just hope you find the strength to get through this time. Take your frustrations out with walks, yoga, kickboxing and not food as we love to do. Stay active and try to find some peace! I wish you the best!! Big hugs!!

    Thanks for the support advice! I'm not really sure if it's a dealbreaker - he's basically uncovered a new aspect of his sexuality and it's not clear yet what exactly it is because he's suffered a bunch of sexual abuse in the past. We're trying to work through it together but to say that I'm terrified would be an understatement. I'm trying really hard to keep everything together in my life and also to support him and it feels like both of those things might not be possible.
    me- 27
    the binge - 3
    days binge free-11
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 26
    Binge: 4
    Days binge free: 6
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    edited May 2015
    kadizia wrote: »
    kge0891 wrote: »
    kadizia wrote: »
    the binge - 3
    days binge free - 10
    Thanks for the support you guys! I think things will be fine...I just found out some kind of distressing and possibly dealbreaking information about my husband and we've been married all of three months which is hard to deal with. We may still be able to work it out though. I just wish the timing wasn't so terrible you know?

    Kadizia, I can't imagine what you are going through, and I can't "hope you'll work through it" because for me at least, there are very real deal breakers when it comes to relationships. I just hope you find the strength to get through this time. Take your frustrations out with walks, yoga, kickboxing and not food as we love to do. Stay active and try to find some peace! I wish you the best!! Big hugs!!

    Thanks for the support advice! I'm not really sure if it's a dealbreaker - he's basically uncovered a new aspect of his sexuality and it's not clear yet what exactly it is because he's suffered a bunch of sexual abuse in the past. We're trying to work through it together but to say that I'm terrified would be an understatement. I'm trying really hard to keep everything together in my life and also to support him and it feels like both of those things might not be possible.

    Well it sounds like you are handling it to the best of your abilities, I wish you both the best of luck!

    April 30
    Kourtney: 28
    The Binge: 2
    Days binge free: 4

    Definitely struggled more this month, but my stress load has also increased. I should a least be proud that my two binge days did not turn into "binge weekends" or the even worse "binge week", which often happens to me. Here is to more improvements in May!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    April 2015:

    Mollie - 25
    The Binge - 5

    Days I did NOT log it all - 4


  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    superj016 wrote: »
    Me: 20
    Binge: 8

    @IsMollyReallyHungry, I hope you're right! She deals with food issues specifically so, we shall see. I keep feeling like if I can't help/stop myself no one will be able to but what do I have to lose, right?
    It will help you for sure. If she is good, they will help you examine you and your emotions and relationship with food and they will help you cope and find ways to get out of the vicious cycle. Keep us posted!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    superj016 wrote: »
    Me: 20
    Binge: 9

    Don't like these numbers but they are better than last month. I'll focus on that.
    Your numbers are not bad at all dear. Remember we are not going for the all or nothing, black and white mentality. You did not binge 66% of the month and that is better than binging 66% of the month, right? I feel just being here and making yourself mindful of the Binge is a step and the right direction. Keep up the good work!! Put this month behind you and try to do 70% next month. If you don't do 70% still not bad. A lot of people feel this is about perfection and it is not.

    Even if you binged 70% of the month, make a habit on finding something good in your accomplishments and not focusing on the negatives of your actions. Use the negatives to regroup and rethink but not to beat yourself up. If you did not binge 30% of the month, it is better than 30 days of binging, right? Find the positives 1st and analyze the negatives in the light of improvement and not beating yourself up. You can do it and you will see doing this alone with help you reach your goals.

    Hope this helps. I wish I had more time to devote to the thread but I am just too busy, but when I can I love to reach out to others. I am no expert but I do have some years of experience with BED for sure! Keep pushing!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good job Everyone!! Below is May thread! Have a positive month!!

    Click on May link:
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