Feeling sad & demoralized today



  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Keliandra wrote: »

    Any suggestions on self-soothing, or something I can do to provide the dopamine and endorphin rush I would get from carbs?

    The answer seems obvious, but sometimes difficult to implement.

    If you are a very social person, get together with friends and laugh. Laughing is truly THE.BEST.MEDICINE for anything that ails you physically or emotionally.


    If you are more of a loner type, get in *touch* with your other boyfriend, *BOB*.

  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm curious to know if you heard from him too. I've done online dating, and I have met quite a few people who "seem" great on the surface but are actually all sorts of wrong. If he'd been texting and emailing many times a day for 2 weeks, and then doesn't respond for even 24 hours, he's not interested. Not "he's busy, he lost his phone," etc. There's not a single person on the planet too busy to respond to a text, sorry. Even if they do it when they're walking to the bathroom (or in the bathroom), or as they're getting into bed, or while they're waiting for the kettle to boil. See what I'm saying? Takes seconds to respond.

    The good news is, one day, one will come along who takes the hard work out of everything. I mean we have our problems, sure, what with wayward teenagers and ex wives and my weight and such, but - for the most part it's great. There's not a relationship on the planet that doesn't require some effort on both sides to be understanding and considerate, but we "fit" together.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Keliandra wrote: »

    Any suggestions on self-soothing, or something I can do to provide the dopamine and endorphin rush I would get from carbs?

    The answer seems obvious, but sometimes difficult to implement.

    If you are a very social person, get together with friends and laugh. Laughing is truly THE.BEST.MEDICINE for anything that ails you physically or emotionally.


    If you are more of a loner type, get in *touch* with your other boyfriend, *BOB*.

    SO this last bit, whether loner or not.... Didn't we just have a discussion on loving yourself first? ;)
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was curious what B.O.B. meant...my guess was Be Own Boyfriend? Either way...good message :) And thank you @KnitOrMiss for the insight. I'm actually 100% okay with being alone right now and focusing my energy on myself (well, I lied...my dog and then myself). But I do know that eventually, "loving myself" will need to be upgraded to including someone else...I just hate the first date parts and wish that I could skip to like the 3rd or 4th date when you already have a sense that you are diggin' each other.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    My guess was battery-operated boyfriend, but I'm still trying to pretend I didn't see that. :)
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Ahhh, that makes much more sense ;)
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I must admit ...l was curious what Bottom Of Basket ment in this context.... LOL TMI
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member

    Yes, I heard from him Tuesday morning. He said that he wanted to be honest, that "the energy was good, but not great", and that it had to be great for him to proceed. I asked if we could get together again when he returned from a trip, and he agreed, though he wasn't over-the-top enthusiastic. I guess we will see. Meanwhile, I'll drop my line back into the ocean and see if there is another fish ;)

    I saw that HORRIBLE picture Tuesday afternoon as well and my eyes were opened! *shudder* He is a very fit and highly active: motorcycles, sailing, horse riding, car racing...I don't look as tho I could keep up, especially when we were riding in a tiny smart car :) I guess he was trying to find a nice way to say it. However, this one -could- turn out to be a very good friend. If not, oh well! He wanted someone quirky, intelligent, loving, honest, openly affectionate, with a giving nature and a high sex drive. I'm all that and soon I will be fit and healthy, too!

  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited May 2015
    Keliandra wrote: »

    Yes, I heard from him Tuesday morning. He said that he wanted to be honest, that "the energy was good, but not great", and that it had to be great for him to proceed. I asked if we could get together again when he returned from a trip, and he agreed, though he wasn't over-the-top enthusiastic. I guess we will see. Meanwhile, I'll drop my line back into the ocean and see if there is another fish ;)

    I saw that HORRIBLE picture Tuesday afternoon as well and my eyes were opened! *shudder* He is a very fit and highly active: motorcycles, sailing, horse riding, car racing...I don't look as tho I could keep up, especially when we were riding in a tiny smart car :) I guess he was trying to find a nice way to say it. However, this one -could- turn out to be a very good friend. If not, oh well! He wanted someone quirky, intelligent, loving, honest, openly affectionate, with a giving nature and a high sex drive. I'm all that and soon I will be fit and healthy, too!

    Might be something worth mentioning, your current focus on regaining your health. Maybe you could engage him in assisting you getting more active? Definitely worth trying to make a friend out of him, because energies change, shift, and heat up! :) If not, you can still have a great friend.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    BOB stands for lots of things. #1 is be your own boyfriend. #2 is battery operated boyfriend. #3 is bottom of barrel, but that one only applies to men that are not worth your time/energy. All are relevant to being single, loving yourself, and being your own best companion. Take exquisite care of YOU (your body, mind, heart, soul, be active, take part in activities, try new hobbies, become an aficionado of some kind, etc) and that special someone will see your light shining like a beacon, and will not be able to resist.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Love what both knitormiss and sljohnson1207 wrote. Back in my young & frivolous days, I've passed up a couple of guys who I thought there was no chemistry with just because I wasn't instantly physically attracted to them...it wasn't until I became buddies with them and got to know them more that all of a sudden I found myself with a new found crush. Of course, it wasn't until it was too late and some smarter girl saw them for who they are much quicker than I did. Live and learn...but gaining a new friend is always good...and you may even meet more people through him, which could also open up that dating pool.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Lol I've been out on a couple of dates in the past where guys have been all like "I just didn't feel a spark" after we've spent all afternoon drinking and talking and getting along really well. I'm not sure if they've watched the Notebook or something and decided they were going to hold out for "love at first site". I mean, I believe in instant attraction and all that, but I also know that sometimes it can take making the effort to get to know someone before you see them as "partner" material. But, then again, we like what we like, right?