May Chat



  • njp0306
    njp0306 Posts: 10 Member
    I have had a good couple of weeks. Have dropped weight consistantly and that makes me happy. I broke through a 2 week plateau in April. I am not so fancy with my exercise. I don't go to a gym. I have a friend I walk the neighborhood or walk the mall for 1 hour a day. I do have a treadmill in the basement but much prefer to be out and about. I usually am over the 10000 steps daily - 7 days a week. I use the fitbit ZIP - I love love it. I think it has made all the difference. I have learned so much about deficit of calories to drop a single pound. I find it quite interesting. I have added some weights for my arms. And do some dance or ballet moves in my bedroom or bathroom. Nothing fancy. I am 63. I have logged on to myfitnesspal for over 110 days, I think. And I've lost 23lbs. I have 10 maybe 15 to go. It's such a journey. I am retired. I think that has helped a lot to get my head in the right place. It is forward until I get to goal. My only problem is my clothes!!! They are all to big!!! LOL!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    We should all have that problem, clothes too big. You are doing something you can live with, and that is so important. If you don't move, you don't lose, so do what works for you, nothing fancy required. The weights are a good idea, strength training is so important to maintain muscle as we lose it.

    “If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a LOT of time dealing with a life you DON’T want.” - Kevin Ngo

    You are creating your wonderful new retirement life. Good on you, Girl.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Crisbtrue wrote: »
    I'm enjoying the gym. I've started slow and I'm doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike.
    Their equipment is top notch, so much easier to use that the stupid stuff I have at home. ha.

    But I think I need to take a snack to nibble on after I work out--or maybe before. Today I felt headache-y after 25 minutes. I know from prior experience that I can't do more than 30-40 minutes of aerobic-type exercise.. my blood sugar drops. Annoying, because then what I really want is (bad bad habit) something I should not have.

    Oh well. Onward. :)

    Cris it is a good idea to have something a smoothie before your workout. If you have carbs afterwards you slow your metabolism back down. You need carbs before and if you have anything afterwards make sure it has lots of protein in it to get the best after burn effect.

    Im proud of you. Glad you're enjoying it.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    sharondtd wrote: »
    I'm I the only one who didn't know about this??????

    I never could understand what those were about.
    Another tip: Wear two pair of socks to prevent blisters. Old tennis trick.
    I've finally settled on a particular combo of a certain brand of light socks, worn inside out, and a thicker pair on top. Have to wear slightly larger shoes, but it surely saves on the cost of bandaids!

    Sharon thanks for the reminder about doubling up on socks. As we start to do more true hikes in the high country we will need to do that for sure.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Cris, don't forget to keep hydrated. Dehydration can make you headachey, too.

    You are doing great, NJP! You have the right attitude!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm sure that working out is a shock to my body.. it's saying WTH is going on here?

    I put off joining a gym ever since we moved.
    I rationalized that I was going to walk, work out downstairs, blah blah blah.
    I didn't do any of it. Then I found the fitness center 3 miles away advertising a promo for $7 a month. (Of course it will run a bit more than that as there is a yearly maintenance fee) But. Still.

    The place is close enough so that it only takes me a few minutes to get there. We live out in the county; there are no sidewalks. Sure, there is a nearby neighborhood off the main road where I've stomped around. But. The weather here is unpredictable. Too cold, too hot, too muggy, thunderstorms, pollen...a million excuses for me to not go out. So I joined the gym.

    Thanks for the reminders and tips about before and after..

    I was in a department store yesterday trying on some summer tops (mine are all falling apart). In the cubicle next to me I heard a woman say..."take these size 6 pants back for me, will you and get me something else.. these are too big..."

    Good thing there was a wall there, I would have smacked her. o:)

    Today's my birthday... I've saved enough calories for dinner tonight, no problem.

    WooHoo, now I qualify for those over-65 discounts.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    edited May 2015
    Crisbtrue wrote: »
    I'm sure that working out is a shock to my body.. it's saying WTH is going on here?
    I was in a department store yesterday trying on some summer tops (mine are all falling apart). In the cubicle next to me I heard a woman say..."take these size 6 pants back for me, will you and get me something else.. these are too big..."
    Good thing there was a wall there, I would have smacked her. o:)
    Today's my birthday... I've saved enough calories for dinner tonight, no problem.
    WooHoo, now I qualify for those over-65 discounts.

    Laughing about the wall. One thing I've learned is that sizes have been changed. At the same weight and measurements, I wore one to two sizes larger decades ago. What's up with that? It's gratifying to my husband to run get the smaller size, but I know remember when.... ;->
    Before strenuous workouts or brisk walks, I find eating a little something 30 minutes before, like some oatmeal or a yogurt helps, and I replenish with a small snack of fruit and/or a form of protein after, depending on whether I used weights or not. Works best for me. It took a while before I found what was best for my body. I can not work out or walk fast without feeling tired when fasting. I don't do smoothies for several reasons--the main one being I don't want to clean a blender, if I had one. So I eat the ingredients that would go into the smoothie.
    Congratulations @Crisbtrue on judging your intake in advance for the birthday celebration. And happy birthday!
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Just joined group. I am into the 2nd month of my 60th year, the 2nd month of my retirement and the 2nd month of perhaps the most focused and serious attempt at fitness since my youth. I am single living alone in NJ. My exercise routine began in earnest on April 2, with a return to Y and water walking and swimming at their pool. At home I try to fill in with treadmill walks and work with a resistance band. Shortly after, I returned to MFB to get back to eating a little better. As I just started, I have only losr a couple of pounds. That sure is better than gaining for sure. I look forward to the supportiveness of groups, especially contemporaries. I am not really seeking MFP friends.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Welcome Geraldaltman. This is a supportive group of 60+s, males and females. We have a number of topics you might find interesting, recipes and tips, interesting reads, and other things. Have a look a round and let us know if you need help with anything or want to brag about any accomplishments. It is all good.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome, Geraldtman!!!

    This is a great group with lots of good tips, generous with encouragement and patiently tolerant of whining. (mine)

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for the BDay graphic!

    Of course I'd have stayed under my allotted calories last night had I only had the caesar salad (those things are notoriously high in calories). And yes I had some evil chocolate macadamia cake with icecream and raspberry sauce.

    But it's another day and I have a whole year til the next birthday.


    I didn't hit the gym today; I am guessing that on weekends it's going to be packed with those unfortunate young-uns who have to work during the week. >:) But I used my own elliptical machine today.. wish I had better endurance. But I guess that will come with time. If not this is going to be a long tiresome slog. B)

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Glad you got to treat yourself a little for your birthday, Cris. Happy Belated. As for the gym, I thought I would have to really encourage myself to go. At first I did. But, it didn't take long for me to just sort of find myself heading there without really thinking about it. Just one more thing in my daily routine! At my gym, Friday nights and weekends are the least crowded! I love working out on the weekend.

    Welcome, Gerald. As others have said, you will like it here.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    @Cristbtrue. Great great great! @grandmothercharlie It's so fantastic you have a gym close and that you're enjoying it. I really like the weight routine you've posted.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yah. Got the Fitbit. Got it set up. I think.

    Can't get the %@#$(*# clasp to close. Great.

    *Solution.... i pushed it against the wall. may have a bruise, but.. oh well. no pain no gain.

    also now i can't used the shift key on my computer while i am wearing this thing because some weird google chrome task manager pops up.

    i love technology.

    mystery. i love how the site tries to sell you more stuff not that i am surprised.


    I rebooted my computer, I plugged everything in and I tried to sync and my computer froze up.

    I guess I should have bought those walking shoes instead of the fitbit, I'm thinking that I just wasted my money.


    UPDATE. I'm just going to use my phone.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    sorry for the rant.
    I think that burned off 42.5 calories, hm?
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Just curious friends, has anyone switched to the upgrade?? Just wondered if it is worth it :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Not I, you still can't download your data from MFP, I won't do it until then at the earliest. I didn't see anything on the features list that looked even vaguely worth $10 a month.
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    I toyed with notion of upgrade, but when I polled I got a lot of negative feedback and thus far the current MFP has everything I want, food diary, fairly capable searches, including scan for filling out diary, nutrition tracking and exercise abd weight logs. So, I don't see me upgrading unless there is something extraordinary about it revealed.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm a bit annoyed that mfp does not sync with Fitbit.

    I read the mfp response to the problem & tried the suggested fix but it did not work.