Motivation needed- How much have you lost so far?

Bebe6740 Posts: 57 Member

I'm new to this group and new to the LC life, and in need of some encouragement and motivation!

Usually success stories give me just that; so I was just wondering if you all could post your starting weight and current weight, how long it took you to achieve it, and any non-scale victories you have come across.

Thanks in advance!!



  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I'm 2 1/2 weeks in and down 11 lbs :)
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    40+ lbs, and many many inches. I am still in flux, trying to keep the downward momentum.
    Over half of that has been since February.

    My main motivation though, has been a certain level of relief from many health issues I've had or have been dealing with. Just the relief from inflammation & overall gut rot is incredible.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I'm not as low carb as most on here. <50. I've been maintaining that for 3 months and I'm down 22lbs from 230 to 208. One of the reasons I started was for BPH (Enlarged Prostate) which is an inflammatory issue and I have experienced some relief. I just feel better and have more energy also. As well, my sugar and cholesterol levels have gone from borderline to normal or better. (Did I mention that this all occurred over 3 months!!)
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome to the group Bebe!
    I have been doing keto for almost 4 months now and I love it. NSV are no headaches, increased energy, reduced tummy pains and overall clarity. I was in 160+ lb, not sure exactly as I didn't have a scale when I started and grocery stores scales all told me a different story lol
    So I've lost 15lb approximately or maybe even more, dropped 2 sizes and I can workout with enjoyment now. I think I've got little abs coming out :)

  • pkroyle
    pkroyle Posts: 33 Member
    I'm only hoping to lose my last 10 lb of baby weight, so I don't have a lot to lose. I have been Paleo in the past and decided to go strictly LCHF to lose the weight. I swear for over a month I've been losing and gaining the same 2 lbs. However I've stuck with it because I feel so much better, sleep better and have energy to get *kitten* done after a full day of work. Just this past week the weight is starting to melt away and I'm losing inches. It was so frustrating at first, but now it's paying off!
  • Amanda_145
    Amanda_145 Posts: 12 Member
    I've lost 45lbs since January doing LC (20 carbs or less per day), I've lost the weight with very little excerise due to the knee surgery I had in December. Good luck on your journey
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    6'4/M/38 y/o

    Starting Weight: 323 on 1/10/14
    Current Weight: 247

    I was at my worst actually 360, lost some weight before low carb, but found low carb to be so so much better for me.

    NSV's: I'm diabetic, low carb (~20g net carbs for me) has all of my measurements of blood sugar control perfect all the time without even trying basically. Off of Blood pressure meds, off cholesterol meds. Low Testosterone issues resolved, low energy issues resolved along with that. Obviously I've lost tons of inches, dropped multiple clothing sizes, had to buy new clothes/new belts, etc. Diet alone didn't fix digestive issues by itself, but I've been able to fix digestion issues I've had for 15 years, probably wouldn't have been possible without low carb. I now go to the gym 3 days a week and, while still mostly sedentary, am more active than I've been since my early 20s. Other stuff is harder to quantify, but lots of gains in self confidence, general outlook on life is so much better now that I've proven I can do this.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I started doing LC on April 27 with a starting weight of 237...I last weighed myself this past Monday and I was at 227. I'm not being super strict, though I am trying to keep my carbs lower than 50. I just feel healthier eating this way...even if my particular weight loss is slow. For me, LC is the only thing that works and it's almost like the carb/processed food haze has left and I feel clearer...if that makes sense.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    57 since November. I've been keto for 15 years, the first 13 were maintenance, got sick, gained over 2 years while still keto, been working on getting back to maintenance for a little over 6 months now.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    In the first 6 weeks, I lost about 25 pounds; then I got a little more lackadaisical, although still tracking everything, and stalled for a month. I'm hoping that I'm back on the downward trend now. I'm not sure if it was the post-induction stall everyone talks about, "carb creep," or what, but I rode it out and kept at it, and the scale has gone down two days in a row now. While my current goal is to stay under 20g net carbs, I haven't been that low the entire time--I started out at 40g. Honestly, though, I just love eating this way. It's so much simpler, I don't get heartburn every day, I have more energy, I don't feel like poo after every meal... it's magical. Also, I haven't gone shopping in a while, but I've been able to go "shopping" in my own closet and put on clothes I purchased 3-4 years ago (and 2-3 pregnancies ago). I started out wearing, snugly, a size 22W pants and a XL top, and now I'm able to wear some size 18 pants and am wearing M/L shirts (depending on the cut).
  • rkufeke
    rkufeke Posts: 73 Member
    I started keto on 2/28/15 around 185 lbs, currently around 165. NSV's would be that I feel much better (was having major gallbladder pain before I started, also have had chronic pain/inflammation for probably 8+ years...), I've only had maybe 2-3 headaches/migraines in the almost 3 months when I usually would have at least 3-4/month before, I fit clothes I haven't fit in quite awhile, I don't look 5 months pregnant anymore, I have energy without having to drink caffeine, and I've been able to move my husband and kids to better eating too (and I'm about 99% sure I've actually spent LESS on groceries since starting!).
  • Bebe6740
    Bebe6740 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, thank you so much for everyone's input....hoping to read a few more updates.

    One additional question, are most of you eating less than 20, 50 carbs? I am planning to stick to less than between 20-100.

  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    It depends what you want to achieve. If you just want low carb then 100 is fine, if you want keto style you will need to drop to 20-25
    Just make sure you eat real healthy food and not junk from the box or frozen meals. The more wholesome the better :)
  • yeswehave8
    yeswehave8 Posts: 45 Member
    I am down 19.6 lbs in about 2 months (the last 2 weeks LCHF). I feel better, lighter and more optimistic. I have had multiple medical issues that this WOE seems to help, and that alone is a reason to keep moving forward with it.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,510 Member
    I have lost 165.7 lbs in just over 13 months, the last 7 of which have been lchf.
  • yeswehave8
    yeswehave8 Posts: 45 Member
    I am down 19.6 lbs in about 2 months (the last 2 weeks LCHF). I feel better, lighter and more optimistic. I have had multiple medical issues that this WOE seems to help, and that alone is a reason to keep moving forward with it.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    12.8 in 5 weeks. Not much, but I did a fair amount of cheating the first 3 weeks. This group helped me get a much better handle on things, and now I'm !much more consistent. Welcome to this new WOL!
  • Bebe6740
    Bebe6740 Posts: 57 Member
    That all sounds very encouraging! I hope to get similar results eating less than 100 carbs a day.

    Do you all work out super hard as well? Cardio/weights?

    Thanks again!
  • owencassie
    owencassie Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, started 1/19/15 and as of today am down 61lbs. I stay under 20gs a day and do not work out really at all.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    I tried LCHF and was at <15g net carbs. I lost the first week then nothing for two weeks. I started the zero carb challenge on may 4th and in 14days I lost 13 lbs. I walk/jog every other day since starting zero carb. But I do it because it has taken away all of the torturous false hunger signals and cravings. For the first time ever I feel in control of my body instead of the other way around.

    FYI there is also a NSV thread in this group. It might not be on the first page all the time. Just go to "all discussions" and you'll see it,there are hundreds of posts in there now with NSV's! I love reading it.