New members - tell us about yourself



  • Tryingforbalance
    Tryingforbalance Posts: 38 Member
    Hi; I'm Maggie ... I'm 53 years old. I'm really struggling right now. Was a member of MFP years ago, did great, lost sight of my goals ... and now I'm back. Fealing sluggish and so so heavy. I look forward to feeling better soon and look forward to meeting all of you.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Hi Maggie, welcome aboard! We have a great bunch here. Feel free to post any issues or questions you have. Most of us started where you are, so we can certainly support you.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,185 Member
    marekdds wrote:
    Happy to have you! I think you are an excellent asset, smart with a good sense of humor.
    Where's the blushing emoticon? Ah this will have to do... :p
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    Hi Wayne, welcome to the group. Nice to have more big guys in the group! Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Even if I wasn't overweight, I am a mesomorph. At my skinniest adult weight (ie: bootcamp) I was still 180lbs. The BMI charts appear designed for willowy models.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,185 Member
    marekdds wrote:
    Happy to have you! I think you are an excellent asset, smart with a good sense of humor.
    Where's the blushing emoticon? Ah this will have to do... :p
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    Hi Wayne, welcome to the group. Nice to have more big guys in the group! Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Even if I wasn't overweight, I am a mesomorph. At my skinniest adult weight (ie: bootcamp) I was still 180lbs. The BMI charts appear designed for willowy models.
  • huraiva
    huraiva Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all...My name is Karen. I am currently going through a separation and divorce and have spent the last 14 years putting his needs and eating habits ahead of mine, i.e Ihave been eating his size portions (he is 5'11 and currently about 375lbs). In comparison I am just shy of 5'3 and bouncing around 230lbs. If I don't eat the right size portion (in his eyes) or don't finish my meal, he gets upset and reminds me that I am diabetic and should eat more. I am doing my best to get out from under that...but for now am stuck. I have gained approximately 25 pounds in the last 3 years or so, and am really trying to reverse that most unpleasant trend.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,212 Member
    Welcome Karen! You can do this. I find that planning my menus was the key. Took breakfast and lunch to work and had a pretty good idea what was for dinner. Even planned my goodies. Didn't always work out, but as time went on, more and more it came together.
  • huraiva
    huraiva Posts: 14 Member
    I'm usually pretty good at planning my meals. Stress and emotional eating and a lack of exercise due to a foot injury are my nemesis(s) at the moment. I know...excuses excuses
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member

    UncleMac wrote: »
    Even if I wasn't overweight, I am a mesomorph. At my skinniest adult weight (ie: bootcamp) I was still 180lbs. The BMI charts appear designed for willowy models.

    Haha, I hear you. I haven't been 180 since I was 15!
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    huraiva wrote: »
    I'm usually pretty good at planning my meals. Stress and emotional eating and a lack of exercise due to a foot injury are my nemesis(s) at the moment. I know...excuses excuses

    I understand stress. It can be debilitating. You should probably first just focus on controlling your diet. It can be very empowering to realize it is something you can take control of when other things in your life are difficult. Initially most of your weight loss will be based on eating at a deficit. I think exercise has only been about 10% of the reason I have lost so far.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,185 Member
    Interestingly, a couple of nights ago, my son (age 23) observed himself emotional eating. He was distressed because he hit a curb hard, damaging a wheel & tire as well as minor damage to the front end of the Civic... so he was hungry. He finished his usual portion and was headed into the kitchen for more when he stopped himself and said "Why am I so hungry?" and then answered himself "Because I'm stressed."

    He then came to me and explain his epiphany... how he'd eaten much more during final exams but didn't think much of it until now. I said recognizing it is half of the battle.

    Luckily, he isn't overweight and, with this self-discovery, perhaps he never will be... :smile:
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,212 Member
    That's super Mac. So good to recognize this stuff when you are young. I wish I had.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome to our group Lisa,
    You instantly have a mfp family in this group, you will have the support you need,. And you can support others who are also going through the same issues. We all learn from each other.
    The old saying " a friend in need.. is a friend indeed"
    we look forward to walking with you on your journey.. :)
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Welcome, Lisa... I think your story is relatable. How many of us have lost regained and lost again? Probably all of us. This is a very supportive, non-judgmental group and I think you will find support, good advice and a place to vent when the wheels fall of the wagon.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    huraiva wrote: »
    Hi all...My name is Karen. I am currently going through a separation and divorce and have spent the last 14 years putting his needs and eating habits ahead of mine, i.e Ihave been eating his size portions (he is 5'11 and currently about 375lbs). In comparison I am just shy of 5'3 and bouncing around 230lbs. If I don't eat the right size portion (in his eyes) or don't finish my meal, he gets upset and reminds me that I am diabetic and should eat more. I am doing my best to get out from under that...but for now am stuck. I have gained approximately 25 pounds in the last 3 years or so, and am really trying to reverse that most unpleasant trend.
    I totally get your comment on portion sizes. A real portion size is a heck of a lot smaller that what I was eating and my guy is always saying things like "that's all your having?, why bother"? etc. Oh and he big as well. 6'3 and over 300 lbs. Stay strong and positive changes will happen :smiley:

  • huraiva
    huraiva Posts: 14 Member

    huraiva wrote: »
    Hi all...My name is Karen. I am currently going through a separation and divorce and have spent the last 14 years putting his needs and eating habits ahead of mine, i.e Ihave been eating his size portions (he is 5'11 and currently about 375lbs). In comparison I am just shy of 5'3 and bouncing around 230lbs. If I don't eat the right size portion (in his eyes) or don't finish my meal, he gets upset and reminds me that I am diabetic and should eat more. I am doing my best to get out from under that...but for now am stuck. I have gained approximately 25 pounds in the last 3 years or so, and am really trying to reverse that most unpleasant trend.
    I totally get your comment on portion sizes. A real portion size is a heck of a lot smaller that what I was eating and my guy is always saying things like "that's all your having?, why bother"? etc. Oh and he big as well. 6'3 and over 300 lbs. Stay strong and positive changes will happen :smiley:

    Thank you's nice to know I'm not alone :) I know the changes will come in time :)
  • pmcdow2052
    pmcdow2052 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 63 and was just sitting on the couch everyday feeding my face. I was up to 278 lb's. I am diabetic so hard for me to walk anyway. I started to walk, I was lucky to do 1/4 of a block. I did that about twice a week, then went to 1/2 a block then to 0ne block. Now I do about 2 or 3 miles in the morning and maybe a mile in the evening, depending on the Fl. heat. My feet still hurt but I keep with it. I am going to try riding a bike to see if that will help. I am down to 261.5 right now, my waist went down 2 inches. I am on one type of insulin now instead of two. My wife of 49 years old is walking with me, she has lost about 32 lb's. so she is a happy camper. We have 6 kid's but only the 12 year old living at home......

  • dbrhseny1
    dbrhseny1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I am a 55 year old female and have decided that it is time to really work on me. I quit smoking recently and with that came overeating. Amazingly I didn't gain, but I don't want to chance it by being sedentary. I have been doing about 20 - 30 minutes of exercise in the morning and trying to work up to 5 miles of walking daily. Yesterday was 3.3. Probably will adjust exercise as time goes on.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Howdy all. I'm nearly 52, from Texas and my Grandkids call me PawPaw. I'm in decent shape after dropping a fair amount of weight over the past few years. I would like to do a handstand before turning 55. One of my granddaughters is getting closer to a handstand each day. It's kinda crazy competing with a 7 year old, but it's fun.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Welcome! I hope you will find us a happy helpful group
  • daisyq73
    daisyq73 Posts: 9 Member
    Daisy here,59 yrs old,married,self employed accountant.
    I live in Staten Island, NY, born in Ohio, grew up in San Juan, PR.
    I was skinny all my dieting, just skinny...until I turned 47...then dont know what happened. The lbs just started to creep in.
    This is why this is so hard for me, I could not accept I am fat...not Daisy...Daisy was never fat.
    But I am....5'6 and weight 199.
    So I decided to lose weight by the time I turn 60 on November 20.