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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - I hope everything is okay? Are you just getting sentimental because your boys are growing up or
    is other things afoot? In any case, I hope all goes well your way.

    I met a gal in Yoga class this morning who has been to Wolfe Island in Kingston, ON for a Yoga retreat.
    That is the same place my daughter and I are going to in July. She said it was awesome and the food
    was fabulous. It was all vegetarian but it was so delicious. I can't wait now and getting excited.

    I just finished making chili for the guys to take up North to the cottage. Yes, the roof is getting done
    on the cottage after talking about it since last year. All the guys are organized so they will be
    leaving on Sunday and coming back Wednesday or however quick they get done. They should like
    the chili its made with ground deer meat.

    Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Kathy and Fraser's party and of course Isaac.
    I picked up the cheese/meat tray today and made cookies yesterday. It will be an open
    house so people will come and go. I am so excited to see my grandson again. I just
    wish they didn't live so far. Of course, it could be worse and farther so I shouldn't complain.

    Jenny - Good luck with lab results and enjoy your vacation, you need it!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Day morphed into a busy one. I treated myself to a veggie omelette at Baker's Square after my blood draw. It had artichokes, spinach, tomato, peppers, onion, broccoli and feta cheese. Yum! I read my book and had my coffee. Nice way to start the day. Then I bought my paint to finish my table and chairs, some flowers to plant in pots and my front garden and came home to work outside. I planted two pots of impatiens on the back patio, one pot of some kind of flower on front patio, and put some new flowers (marigolds, mums, and one other in my front garden. I weeded two gardens and watered them. I also vacuumed two levels of the house and furniture, washed our bed pillows and some curtains. Now I'm showered and relaxing. I got some sun and Vit D! I did manage to lounge on the deck before starting my chores.

    Marla- Sounds like your summer is off to a busy start! Take care of yourself too.

    Hello to everyone!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Things haven't been going well at work lately. I am starting to look for a new job as I can't stay there much longer. I didn't here back about the government job. The way things have been going at work is starting to effect me in other ways. I have no motivation to get anything done at any time at home. I also can't sleep. I had to take a sleep aid last night to get me to sleep and probably will again tonight. I can't let work though be effecting me out side of work. I'm allowing myself to wallow in my misery and I need to stop doing that.

    I didn't get out this week and run at all. I kept telling myself to do it, but I couldn't get myself out the door. I also continue to ignore what I eat. One night this week "supper" was a chocolate cupcake with chocolate ice cream and chocolate milk.

    Anyways on to happier things. I finally got these pictures uploaded to photo bucket so I can share them.

    Bluenose 5k: (Maritime Photos did get me running. However, I have yet to decide if I want to purchase a picture.)

    The starting line up for the 5k. 1,776 people ran it. Look where the white sign is. I am the vicinity of that sign. I'm wearing a white hat and blue shirt. If you find me let me know. (My brother said that it was harder then "Where's Waldo"

    Moments after finishing my race - Ok so I've tried 3 times now to make this smaller. I've shrunk it to the same size as the others and it's still big!! I guess it can stay big!

    Recharge with milk - This was before I realized my time.

    Pictures of my date with my new friend. (sorry no pictures of him)

    Mahone Bay - This is a popular picture and one thing this place is known for.

    Lunenburg - This is looking across the lake at the whole town. This town is the only one in all of North America that is declared a heritage town. The homes are around 100-200 years old. Any new homes have to be built in the same style as the heritage homes.

    Peggy's Cove
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang- All your Nova Scotia pictures are very familiar to me. We were there in all your pictures years ago on our visit.
    We loved it there, we were there in July. Great race pictures, a nice accomplishment.

    I am sorry to hear your job is not going well, as I can see by your eating habits and not feeling like exercising.
    Please try and push yourself out of the door because you need that exercise for your depression from your working day,
    It will help you sleep better too. Good luck on your new search. At the least the romance is still going. :)

    Isaac's shower was a success yesterday. He was such a good boy and fussed very little. We all had a good time.
    I did take pictures so hope to show some.

    Dave has left early this morning around 5am to get up to the cottage and get it open before the guys come to strip
    the roof. They are predicting rain tomorrow so I hope they can get started soon. He picked up our friend Tom
    and they headed out for a 5 hour drive.

    I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I am off to get a bike ride in today.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Happy Memorial Day! Raining here yesterday and today so not much fun for campers and grilling out. Not sure what we will do today. We were invited to a picnic at some friends but decided not to go. Yesterday I primed my two chairs and today I will paint them. I will also get the table ready for priming and painting so I can finish up this project this week.

    Ang- I enjoyed your pictures. I have never been to Nova Scotia but it looks beautiful. I'm sorry that your job is stressful. Is it the work load or the people you work with? I hope you find a job that you enjoy. It makes all the difference. I had the same thoughts as Shirley (even though I don't practice what I preach). In your case getting out for your run may help you feel better outside of work. Relieves the daily stress and your also accomplishing something that makes you feel good. I'm glad you and your friend had a nice date.

    Shirley- Isaac has grown so fast. I saw your picture of him on FB. So cute! Is the boat ready to sail? We are having such a rainy spring. We will be glad come July and August when it is drought conditions. Right now the foliage is lush and green, just wet.

    Hi Marla, Amy and L!

    I will enjoy my cup of coffee and begin to paint!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Wow ! I went away for a bit ,
    I think I get so caught up with every thing I get overwhelmed. I only had a few days off when I was off slope and I spent those with my grand babies ! I so enjoy them and they are getting to be real people now hahaha. I worked most of my time off which made me more overwhelmed. I cant believe how busy we are lately . My second day back to work up here I saw 53 clients. Usually 30 is busy ! so I was a mess and it was like that for three days ! we now have a P.A. full time up here and they have been sending up one's that can't help me at all. they don't do any of the testing I do and can't do drug testing . so they sit while I take care of all 53 clients ! So frustrating .

    I started Geocaching due to a company team building while I was home. Do any of you enjoy this ? It's like a treasure hunt every day !! Marla and your kids would love it !

    I see you guys saw on FB We paid off our Mortgage ! it's amazing ,however ahahaha it's now falling apart . Eiko called me yesterday and there was water leaking down the stairs . She has no idea where the leak is coming from but its either in the floor or the wall . Lucky we have that extra money to fix it . Johns away for the holiday weekend and I'm up here so I guess he will fix it when he gets home .

    I walked in the March of dimes 5 k while I was home. I walked with my step daughter and grandson and found a geocache on the way . I'll be in Louisiana in two weeks !! Yay . My daughter in law id due on June 23rd !

    My son got into a fight with my brother and his son and they called the police and my son was arrested :( he's just so angry for no reason ? He's the one whose wife is pregnant .
    They got into the fight because my sister in law was telling my son's wife that she didn't have to listen to my son just because they were married , evidently this stems from my son serving his wives dinner plate - my sis in law decided that my son was being too controlling . ended badly , now our family is fractured again and now my brother and his wife wont go anywhere that my son may be .:(

    oh well that's the life of a family I guess ... we all have argued at least once . I hope this blows over soon .

    well another client is coming in so I have to go . Just thought I'd say hello and I'll try to catch up if I can
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - The boat is ready and in the water. We have been down a few times to the club but the weather was not
    cooperating. Now this week its in the 80's so hopefully we will get down there in a few days.

    Dave is up north at the cottage now putting on a new roof with a bunch of guys. No he is not on the roof but doing
    ground clean up. A friend from up there called tonight for his cell phone number and said he was getting
    up out of the chair slowly. I hope he is wearing his belt.

    Amy - I have been keeping up with you on Face book and Alaska. A lot going on there right now.
    Sorry about the family feud but that happens. Hope it gets resolved. I never did geocaching but heard about it.

    Have a good evening.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Two days in a row for me . that's a record. If I can't get to it right when I come in I probably can't all day :(

    So my daughter has had a rough two days - first we had the leak in the house and I'm at work and John is in Talkeetna at the cabin, I called a plumber - on a holiday :o . we have a leak in the boiler that has radiant floor heating O.O.
    She does work for John at his office sometimes and she went to drop of some completed project and the alarm wouldn't shut off - come to find out he had changed the password and she says he never told her of course he says he texted her? whatever lol the police woke him up and then he called her and she ended up crying . I told her not to worry too much because she tried to call him first and he didn't answer so what could she do ? maybe texting should not be the only form of communication when it's something serious ?

    Anyhow work is fine just a bit busy but at least I have someone here that helps and wants to learn everything so that my alternate and I wont be the only one's doing all the work .

    y'all have a great day .

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Wow Amy! You have a lot going on with work and family. You seem to maintain a sense of humor and good attitude. All of it seems out of your control anyway. It must be difficult to be up on the slope working when things happen and you can't be there. Hang in there! My husband Russ use to geo cache quite a bit. I went with him a few times. It was fun when we found the cache but disappointing when someone had taken it or it was empty.

    Shirley- hope you get on the water soon. We've had rain for 3 days but tomorrow will be mid 80's, hopefully sunny too. I'm heading out of town to an antique barn tomorrow for some fun shopping. It's only an hour from here.

    Today I met two friends for lunch and we talked all afternoon at the restaurant. I was gone about 4 1/2 hours. One of my friends has been on a 4 year family leave from work and has to return to her job in July where I work. Since procedures and paperwork change monthly she's in for a huge learning curve. Everything is different since she left 4 years ago.

    Marla- busy with ball games?

    Hi L and Ang!


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Finally spoke with John today - It was a broken part in back of the toilet upstairs , whew. He was trying to fuss at me for calling a plumber to shut off the water and I told him he never called me back I had been calling him for three days and he said he never received a call then he looked at his missed calls and said oh , ok. Lol I told him if he loves me he has to call me back ... and he said oh well I guess I'll get off the phone hahaha. He realized he was wrong and had to get off the phone .

    Things are finally slowing down here at work and I can think clearly .
    I'm starting to look forward for my three weeks off in Louisiana , to meet me new grandchild that will be born while I am there .
    Finally starting to feel like the three weeks are staring to count down .lol

    Jenny that sounds like a great visit with friends- I have a visit lined up with some Nursing classmates from 21 years ago. the President of our class found me on Facebook and we will all go out to dinner or something while I'm there visiting !

    Anj . I'm sorry to hear that work isn't going well but so happy to hear about your race !

    Shirley ,it's so nice to hear about the boat and all of your plans .

    Marla ,I bet you are super busy this summer !

    L, hi girl !
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,895 Member
    just a quick check in - Ang - sorry your job is going poorly - good luck - Amy - sorry about the fam drama - best wishes
    HUGS to all
    busybusybusy - eating like crud, barely exercising - bleh

    hope everyone keeps on keeping on - I'll be back in background lurking and chatting as I can just probably not daily

    WAVVESSSSS!!!! mIssing ya
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Today was mid 80's and beautiful out. I drove to town northwest of the metro area to shop at a large antique store in a barn. They had a mixture of antiques and things artisans had made out of old materials. I purchased a cabinet for my dining room that has two drawers and a cabinet with glass pane doors. It is made from recycled barn wood and two barn windows. The finish is painted and distressed (creamy off white color with black under tones). It will be perfect to hold china and table linens and has deep shelves. I also bought a wooden caddy painted the same color as the chairs I just painted. I'm going to use it in my hobby room to hold scissors, tape, pens, etc. on the table. Tomorrow I will put the first coat of paint on the table and possibly the second. My goal is to be done painting the table by the end of the weekend. Russ and I will take his truck to go pick up the cabinet on Saturday morning. I couldn't fit it in my car.

    Amy- Nice that you get to go to LA for 3 weeks and be there when your grandchild is born. Does John get to go too?

    Marla- You sound busy and frazzled. Work or kids? Both? Stay up late at some point and treat yourself to a bubble bath and a soothing drink.

    Shirley- Is Dave home from putting the roof on the cabin? I hope you get to go sailing soon. How old does Isaac need to be to go on the boat? Can he go for a sail this summer?

    Ang- Any leads on a new job? I hope you get to run often to relieve stress.

    I need to remember to buy graduation, retirement and sympathy cards this week. All are needed in the next few weeks.

    Have a nice evening!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello everyone is busy and the summer is only getting started. I can't believe its almost June. We had our first club party
    this month a the sailing club but it landed on Isaac's baby shower so we couldn't go.

    The roof at the cottage is done and Dave got home on Wednesday. We are planning on going to the boat tomorrow and
    BBQ with some friends and stay the whole day. We will leave after my Yoga class tomorrow.

    Last night we had our wrap up party from choir at a members house and her boyfriend who is a chef did all the cooking.
    It was really good and some of the gals made desserts. It was a nice dinner and chatted with a few of the ladies.
    I am new so I don't know everyone yet. We gave Lisa, our director, her gift and card too. She also got on the piano
    and started playing the medley from HAIR, which I don't know, and tried to keep up with the group. That is one I have
    to practice. We have another concert in July at the Shaw Theatre just a 20 min concert outside. It should fun. Some
    of the songs I know and HAIR medley.

    Dave had a biopsy a few weeks ago, and the doctor was not concerned, so we got the results today and it was negative.
    The doctor will see him in September and if it hasn't gone on its own he will have him take out the lump. We were
    on pins and needles for a few weeks but Dave is feeling lighter today. You just never know and its good to get
    these things checked out.

    Have a good evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Hi. Waiting for auto glass company to arrive to replace my windshield. The car made it 10 years without needing a replacement but then a small rock hit it and the crack has grown. I will put the last coat of paint on my table today and then distress it so the under color shows through in places. Then I can varnish the table and chairs and be done! Then the organization of my stuff begins so I can finish the boys photo albums, organize my yarn and beads, and do projects without the cat getting into my stuff.

    Gray and rainy here today. We've had more than our share but I shouldn't complain since Texas is having horrible flooding. It looks devastating down there.

    Russ and I were planning to Nordic walk after he gets home from work. Hopefully it won't be raining then so we can go to the park.

    Well I have some phone calls to make so I'll check in tomorrow or Sunday.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just got back from Yoga class. I asked my instructor if I could come to the Level 2 classes starting in
    June and she said by all means.

    Going to the boat today and now to make salmon for the grill to take down with us.

    Sunny and warm.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Oh Shirley that sounds so exciting ! level 2 ! I'm thinking maybe in July I'll join a yoga class - I just started exercising at 4 am again starting yesterday sigh . I'm feeling miserable and I really think its the carbs. So I'll try to get real again and lose this 40 pounds I put on before Sept. before that cruise with my husband .

    Jenny , I wish I could have been shopping with you I love distressed items and items built from barns and old wood , good for you finding things like that !! oh and as far as Louisiana goes for my husband ,he doesn't like to leave Alaska in the summer time for anything . So I'll be going alone again .

    Speaking of husbands , I kind of lost my mind yesterday like really childish ... My husband works only 3 days a week during the summer ... which makes me crazy enough already lol but we haven't really connected well this last time home ( probably because I worked so much on my time off) so no time together like we usually have and then I came back to work and various things happened and he doesn't return my calls or tests. well, I texted him yesterday and told him I felt neglected and he said for me to call him after work and I told him I'd call at 7:30 .Then he posted on Facebook ( haha ,this is where I get childish) that he was at the cabin and he tagged a Lori Lambert so the post said John Zollner is in Talkeetna with Lori Lambert .. at first I got angry then I laughed at his foolishness ( seriously I know he wouldn't fool around and he definitely wouldn't post it ) but when I called he didn't answer ..and I got even angrier ..Because I felt left out like a big baby ...

    So anyway we face timed last night and when I told him what I was angry about - he smiled ? I was like what the heck are you smiling about ..and he said of course he would never do that to me and he never even thought about it like that because he was trying to get them directions to the cabin and when you check in and tag someone it shows a map . lol I don't like being mad at him . It makes me feel ill.

    48 almost 49 and acting like a teenager . so upsetting but when you put it all together it looked bad hahaha. anyhow I just think I'm overly tired and had a lot of stress and that made me crazy . we have been so much busier than usual in the last 4 months it's insane .
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Amy, I think that was a normal mistake. When you haven't been connecting your mind can go to all the wrong places. Glad you got it straightened out. It's too bad you don't have your 3 weeks in LA with your husband so you can have fun together somewhere else and work won't call you in need.

    Shirley- Dinner sounds fun and yummy! I hope you get on the water soon.

    Another beautiful day here today. Yesterday was sunny and beautiful too. Russ and I went and picked up the cabinet and I resisted buying some other little things I liked. Last night we discovered our water heater, less than 12 years old, is leaking. If I had known that I wouldn't have bought the cabinet. I hate it when a lot of money gets spent because things go wrong. Russ checked and the water heater should be under warranty for the leaking since it is less than 12 years old. We'll see if Sears stands behind the warranty.

    My cabinet looks great in its spot. We took a china shelf off the wall so I had to spackle holes and am waiting for it to dry so I can sand the spots. Then I'll have to get paint from the basement to paint the wall. I won't be able to cover it all since it is a very high ceiling. It will show for awhile that the paint is newer but sometime in the next year I may have the room repainted anyway. I may put up one of the old windows I brought back from Michigan last summer and do something decorative with it. I varnished my table that I painted. It will need one more coat, unfortunately. I'm ready to be done with that project. I still have to wax the chair seats so the paint doesn't wear with sitting. I may paint the china shelf and put in my hobby room to hold things for storage. I also have one small shelf unit in the basement that would be nice in there too. All in good time...

    I have to go back to work tomorrow but luckily only work 3 weeks and then I have 3 weeks off! It will be a very busy 3 weeks and stressful so I need to get my mind mentally prepared that light is at the end of the tunnel.

    Well time to put on another coat of varnish so I will say bye for now.

    Hello Ang, Marla, and L!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I tried to resign my position but he wouldn't take it. This after telling me on Thursday he was on the verge of firing me and if I wanted to leave. It surprised me somewhat that he wouldn't take it. It then surprised me at the end of the day when he told me that it had been a good day. I had never heard him say that before! He had said two weeks ago he wasn't paying me the same as I wasn't giving him the quality work that that amount he was paying me deserved. I was scared that he would cut it so much I wouldn't have what I needed to pay rent, my student loan, get my bus pass and pay my bank fee. I could live without getting groceries and just use what I have in my fridge, freezer and cabinets. Friday morning I asked him what my pay should be and he said we would discuss it later. When I asked him again at 3 (as I needed to do my pay up and take it to the bank before I got off) he said to do it for the same amount. Thankfully he hasn't cut it yet. He said say we would talk on Monday, so I will have to wait and see on Monday what happens. I did research and I can't find any Canadian laws that do says he cannot do that. I can only find things that says he has to give me warning, which he has.

    I'm still at a lost of what fully to do. I have been praying about it a lot lately. Thursday night I did my Bible study and the verses were just what I needed. I am still praying for leading in what is the right decision for me to do.

    Yesterday was a crazy busy day! I had to catch a bus to go get a Purolator package. No one was home when they had been by on Thursday. It took nearly and hour to get there and another back home. Ugh. Then I was home to get groceries, had my nephews over for a baking day (we made animal cookies (sugar cookies with animal cookie cutters) and chocolate chip banana muffins), back out for my shopping for what I forgot and then made supper meals for this week. (We have special meetings at church all this week. I prepped my supper meals as my tentative plan right now is to go straight to the church after work. Might be easier.) I was some tired last night! Plus my feet were aching. To much walking around in sandals! Needless to say I had no issues with falling asleep last night!

    Today at church we had the special speaker who had been at the camp with the teens last week. WOW!! I was talking to him afterwards and he said he did four messages in one. I would love to hear all four of those messages to hear him get deeper into what he talked about! I couldn't write my notes fast enough! Our special meetings start tonight and I am looking forward to them.

    For lunch today I tried something new. Sweet and smokey BBQ pulled chicken. It was really good! (Left a spicy taste in my mouth which is what you will see ice cream on my diary for lunch!

    Jenny - You will need to post a picture on here so we can see what your cabinet looks like. Someday I will inherit my great-grandmothers china cabinet.

    Amy - Oh dear. I hope things settle down soon for you so the two of you can spend some quality time together.

    Shirley - Did you make it out on the boat? If your weather was as nice there as we had yesterday, it would have been perfect boating weather! (Not today. The skies opened and it started pouring right around the time we got out of church. Thankfully I thought ahead and took my rain coat!)

    Marla - He sound like what I have been! This week with special meetings at church won't help much!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We had a great time at the boat yesterday. No we have not taken it out yet, Dave is still working on the autopilot.
    What a job! It has finished part three and has part four to do of the installation. Then he can get our friend Paul
    to help with the wiring. i stayed under the gazebo while he worked on it and did some reading and I did take in a walk
    on the trails by the water. It was very warm and a sunny day. We visited some friends on another boat who just
    bought it this year and had some drinks with them. Then headed home to make dinner. A storm passed through
    while we were there and rained a little then passed over.

    Now today it is pouring and has been all day now. I am catching up on computer things and Dave has gone to visit
    his mom. Maybe when he gets back we will watch a movie. That kind of day. We are now watching on Netflix,
    Bloodline. It's pretty good. I also took in a Yoga class this morning, we didn't have any plans today.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good Morning ladies ,

    Day three of getting back on the wagon lol . I have exercised 3 days in a row . yay me :) I ve also been eating healthy . yay. I may fit in that size 10 dress before Christmas . I feel the motivation .

    Anj, OMG I can't even imagine what you are feeling with work right now . I have never gone through something like that - I did one time get talked to about reading magazines at work (however in my defense my job boasts that we get two 10 minute breaks and a lunch and I read a magazine during my 10 minute breaks?) They actually wrote me up for it and I ended up leaving anyhow because it made me less happy at work after that . which will probably be your case because honestly after just knowing you online I can not even imagine you not being a very dedicated and hard working person, and I think your boss is out to take advantage of you . If he thinks you aren't working hard enough and you know you are, then what more can you do - nothing ,so he will obviously never be satisfied . Which is not the end of everything you can start looking else where and leave when you find something else . I wish this wasn't happening to you right now .

    Shirley , great times on the boat coming up soon huh? ahh I hope we get a boat soonish LOL Alaska is not the place for a sail boat really - not enough boat time up here but Louisiana would be amazing !

    So all is patched up with the hubby and my sister returned from camping and when she saw his post I had to calm her down ahahha She was as upset as I was . She cracks me up . She ven posted on his wall that " That doesn't happen in Louisiana, too many marshes and alligators ! " SO CRAZY .

    I asked my husband yesterday if everyone had left and he was all alone with the dog and he asked me if he should post up some more friends ? AHAHAHA he really cracks me up - he doesn't shy away from things he has done wrong , he really is something .

    Marla , What's up ?

    Hey Jenny don't you get summers off?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Picture of Isaac now 14 pounds and had his first shots on Friday. Kathy said he was a trooper. s3ruto0kmp3n.jpg
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Oh my , he's so beautiful. .
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thank you Amy, I think so too!!

    We will be seeing him tomorrow and I can't wait to hold him!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Hi everyone! The rain finally stopped and we have had a few sunny days. Perfect temperatures in the 70's too. I love this weather and wish it would last but it will be very hot soon enough.

    Amy- I use to get summers off but always worked summer school session. 4 years ago my program went to a 12 month calendar. They take our 10 weeks of summer and spread them out throughout the year. I like it a lot! I get 1 to 3 weeks off every 6 weeks or so. It's nice as an empty nester. Russ and I can take weekend trips, mid week trips, or I can just be lazy, productive, whatever!

    Isaac is so cute! He looks very huggable!

    Ang- I can't imagine you aren't a hard worker. You seem very dedicated and responsible. Is your new boss moody? I just wonder because he won't talk to you when you ask to have the discussion and puts it off until later. Is he reactive to things that get on his nerves and over reacts? Stressful work environment.

    I don't know how to post pictures on here. I've done some in the past but can't remember how I did it. I'll see if I can at some point.l

    Russ and I went Nordic walking yesterday. My knees are hurting so bad these days. I just persevered through the walk since I need exercise. I'm living on tylenol and advil so I'm sure my kidneys and liver will go next. I need to see the ortho doc again but I don't have high hopes they can help me at this point. The shots didn't last more than 1-2 months and I don't want them if they won't be longer than that.

    Well relaxing now so more tomorrow. Retirement party for two good friends from work on Thursday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,895 Member
    Shirley - Isaac is so cute! Glad you get to spend time with him regularly.

    Ang - sorry things at work are so rough. Pursue some new doors and you will find the better fit. I wish I could say I know it will get better but sometimes things don't - persevere and move on to something better. Hugs.

    Jenny - it is soooo rainy here too. Not long ago it was serious drought now we are floaty, floody. Not sure the status of golf this morning - it has poured and poured - maybe they play anyway since it's not lightening - but who knows - still getting the hang of this awful schedule. I hope you find some relied for your knees!

    Amy - glad you figured things out with your hub - I have a really bad tendency to hold on to things. Not healthy.

    Very busy, very busy - as I blipped in my feed it is golf and weights everyday for Zach, soccer for Caleb - two nights of ball (work for Zach and games for Caleb) and all week of VBS. I got very angry with my hubs when he informed me he was taking a day off to go sit with my Buick at the service dealer while it got worked on. What the what? Why can't you get a loaner and go to work and help me with activities? You won't take time off to help me with activities but you will to SIT AT A SERVICE DEALER AND WHAT THEM WORK? That just pisses me off. And of course that's what he uses as an excuse for not taking my vehicle in the next time. Because I got angry this time. bite me.

    Work is not great because I have to keep slipping in and out - but I don't really have a choice until I can figure out some shared rides I just have to suck it up - fortunately I have over two days of vacation from last year that I am able to use to fill the hours I have to sneak out -

    carry on lovies!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good Morning ,

    Not much going on here except work ,work and more work ugh . I'm so tired .

    Marla, I don't let go easily sometimes . I still am a little angry - nothing that a bit of I'm sorry and hugs and kisses couldn't cure - but I'm up here and he's there, that's when it's hard .. I'll have one day in Anchorage with him before going to Louisiana and only one day back before I come back up here to work again . That makes it hard to make up really well , especially since we weren't connecting very well this time home anyhow . the funny thing is that I get irritated now when he post anything at the cabin hahaha It's just like last year where I feel like he's got all this great time off and I'm always working and he was so against me taking the town job just all makes it worse you know . however I am easily forgiving if he had time to be nice you know .. So I'm sure things wont go back to normal for us until July . Hahaha just like you get mad when your hubs takes time off to sit at the dealers hahaha. I think I make too much money if my husband can afford to work only Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday ! Seriously !

    Jenny , I know what you mean about taking time off here and there. That always feels good instead of every week on and on all year . I'm sorry to hear about your knees still giving you trouble . My brother in law just got his knee fixed with a metal plate so that it would stop degenerating. I hope that works . I wonder if there's anything they will do for yours?

    Shirley how's the baby ! I'm sure it was a great visit ! I can't wait to meet mine .

    Oh I have a cute story about my youngest grand baby - my step daughter was bringing him to visit my husband at the cabin ( sigh, where he hangs out while I'm working away ) and she told Jayse he was going to see pawpaw and he said "maw maw ? "
    isn't that adorable ? they cry when they leave my house I love it !

    hi Anj , I hope your day is going great !

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Wow it is Thursday already! I've been busy at work and when I get home I'm beat due to the pain in my knees. I just get lazy and take a nap while Russ cooks dinner. Luckily he's such a good sport. I just got home from the retirement party for my two good friends/coworkers. They are so lucky they get to retire and enjoy their grand kids and life in general. 5 more years if my knees last that long!

    I'm trying to decide if I go see a rheumatologist(sp?) or the orthopedic doctor regarding my knee pain and arthritis. I haven't seen a rheumatologist in years and the last one was an arrogant jerk. Most of these doctors blow me off when they see the xrays show arthritis. No cure, too bad, so sad, deal with the pain with advil and tylenol, blah blah blah... So maybe it is time to go back to a rheumatologist and see how they would manage the pain. Or maybe they would refer me to a good orthopedic doctor that can make a plan with me regarding timing for knee replacements. I've lived with this pain far too long and now it is daily. I'm worn out. Thanks for listening!

    Marla- you sound busy with the boys going different directions with their activities. Why doesn't Bernie help you out more often? You sound frazzled and frustrated. Is work piling up since you have to leave to transport the boys to their activities?

    Amy- You have a challenging work schedule and are on the go a lot. I hope you get time with hubbie to reconnect. When do you leave for LA?

    Ang- hope your week has gotten better.

    Well I'm tired and off to bed to read and fall asleep. I'll try to check in tomorrow eve or Saturday.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,895 Member
    Jenny - I hope you do try another doc - sometimes you have to wade through several before you find a keeper. And no Bernie isn't a ton of help - he is doing better about helping out at night which I should be more appreciative of - I just am so frazzled during the day - work is busy and it's hard to be gone - but I do have the more flexible schedule so flex and run I do until I can't then who knows.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post so I will make it brief. :s

    We spent two days with Isaac and he is 14 lb 13 oz and is 9 weeks old today. We had a great time but I gained 1.6 lbs
    when I got home. Still trying to get a handle on my weight. Ever since Dave retired my eating has been out of the window.
    I have been back to South Beach again so fingers crossed. I did get a 12 mile bike ride in today so that should help.

    I hope all is well with everyone and will comment another time.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Busy these past two days. Friday was a beautiful, perfect weather day. Work went well and I was out of the office until the end of the work day. Russ and I went out for Indian food when I got home. He loved it, his first time eating it. Same restaurant I went to a couple of weeks ago when I went to the play with my friend.

    Today I vacuumed and mopped the floors, washed bedding and sprayed my mattress for microscopic critters that may be hiding in mattress, read my book, went to a graduation party (pig roast/Hawaiian theme) and then to 6 pm church service. All in all a good but very quick day.

    Russ and I are going to take a 6 week yoga class through community education. He's never done it and it has been a long time for me. He's been very interested in trying it for his tight muscles, back pain and foot pain. I'm hoping it will help all my areas of arthritis. It did in the past. It will be one time per week on Thursday evenings. If we like it we will look for something more frequent possibly. There are a lot of yoga places around here.

    Shirley- Isaac is so big! What a cuddly guy! It must be so much fun for you and Dave.
    Marla- it's hard when we get behind at work. Creates too much stress... take care of yourself and enjoy some of your summer. Do you get any vacation time?

    Well time to read my book. I love the story so can't wait to see how it ends.

    More later,
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