Introductions! (Can we re-introduce ourselves in light of recent events?)



  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    Just like my MFP name, I am Carol. I am old(er) lol. I have been on and off of every diet that ever was. is all I can do to count calories and or Weight Watcher's Points. I have found out, I am not as hungry on my 1200 calorie diet, when I eat less carbs. So I am interested in learning something new here. :)
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    Love reading these. :)

    I'm 57, two kids (20 and 23), one husband, one dog. :) I was your typical eat-anything-and-stay-thin type of person when I was younger. Until I had my kids....never did lose that "baby weight" and then I kept gaining. I'm 5'7" and 207 pounds when I started this weight-loss thing again (although I've lost a couple of pounds already, yay!)

    Some years ago I lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers but then it just gradually crept back on. I'm sure many of you can relate to that.

    Then a few years ago I suddenly developed all sorts of intestinal "issues" -- indigestion, bloating, other tmi things. :o A friend of mine suggested I try going off gluten, so I did. I cut out all bread, pasta, etc. which I had been eating a lot of. I discovered Udi's bread but I ate quite a bit less of it than I had been eating of regular bread because Udi's is so expensive. My symptoms disappeared completely. woo-hoo! So gluten had to be the culprit, right?

    Fast forward to about a year ago. I noticed that I was again getting indigestion and bloating (although thankfully not the other tmi symptoms) even though I was still gluten-free. I was on a celiac/gf message board and a lot of people there mentioned that they'd developed other sensitivities, especially to corn because of all the corn products that are used in gluten-free things. I went to my doctor at that time and she just told me to take antacids.

    Then a few months later we changed insurance plans which meant I was able to go back to a wonderful doctor who I'd had years earlier. Her first advice was to give up all grains for at least a week or so, see how I felt, then add them back in one at a time so we could see if there was one in particular that was bothering me. After blood work she also told me that my A1C was high in the range of "pre-diabetes". Her prescription was to lose weight, and exercise (she said just walking would be good, since I am not the "sporty" type, lol).

    So I went grain-free. In two days I felt like a new person! Seriously. omg. No sudden shaky kind of hunger mid-morning. No afternoon falling-asleep-at-my-desk, no morning headaches, no joint pain. Seriously, gone! Then I started reading some information that the doctor had given me and one thing it said was that indigestion and bloating can be one sign of pre- or actual diabetes. Who knew? Certainly not that first doctor I'd been to. ugh

    So now I'm very careful to pair carbs with protein, and I've cut out all processed white carbs -- bread, pasta, cookies, etc. And guess what? I can eat wheat without any symptoms! Guess it wasn't the gluten after all, but was just an overdose of carbs when I was developing pre-diabetes.

    Well, that was long, sorry. I'm just happy to have found this group and all the resources here, because I want to make more changes in my diet since I've just started understanding it all. I want to incorporate healthy smoothies (good way to get those leafy greens that I really don't like as a cooked veggie), and learn more about eating more protein, etc.

  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm K; just joined this group 2 days ago. I'm 28/F/5'6/161lb and a vegetarian keto-er. I used to live in South Africa (hence the name k-in-rsa) but now I'm in rural Ghana. It's very, very hard to do low carb in rural Ghana, but I'm looking forward to moving back to the US in a few months.

    About 2.5 years ago I was very healthy, using mfp, and still living in South Africa. Then I found out I was being transferred here suddenly instead of spending another 4 years in SA like I'd expected. I was really upset about it and in my interim 6 months in the US I pigged out and gained about 40lb, which I just couldn't seem to get rid of. It's hard to exercise in rural Ghana too, because there aren't any gyms and my go-to standard, running, can only be done very early in the morning or right at dusk (jungle humidity, yo) when I'm more likely to get malaria. :/

    I started keto almost 3 weeks ago and I've lost 14lb since then, and 27lb overall. I'd like to lose another 26lb before I go back to the US in mid-September, but I have a vacation to South Africa coming up in August so I'll have to see how far I get. The overall goal is to get to 130lb by next April when I'll be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada.

    I'm also a lurker, but I've enjoyed reading the posts here so far.
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    kinrsa wrote: »
    I'm in rural Ghana. It's very, very hard to do low carb in rural Ghana, but I'm looking forward to moving back to the US in a few months.

    About 2.5 years ago I was very healthy, using mfp, and still living in South Africa. Then I found out I was being transferred here suddenly i
    kinrsa wrote: »
    I'm in rural Ghana.

    The overall goal is to get to 130lb by next April when I'll be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico .

    I worked in Accra for 3 weeks in Aug, 2012. I loved it, such a gorgeous country. I can imagine how difficult it is to eat LCHF. I remember a lot of rice.

    I have wanted to hike the PCT ever since I read the book Wild a few years back. What an adventure. Good luck!
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok I'm not that great with the quote function, apparently!
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    I worked in Accra for 3 weeks in Aug, 2012. I loved it, such a gorgeous country. I can imagine how difficult it is to eat LCHF. I remember a lot of rice.

    Oh yeah, plenty of rice, yams, cassava, and tinned tomato concentrate. Accra is great. It reminds me of Johannesburg. I'm about 6 hours away from there now but I go down to get cat litter every 2 or 3 months. I was going to go last week for litter and cheese- oh how I miss cheese- but there was a massive flood there and all of the roads were under water.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Kinrsa: low(er) carb vegetarian is my ultimate goal, I think.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm May, 58 years old (not for much longer), wonderful husband of 40 years (marriage, not his age), sons 35 and 32, grandchildren Georgia 9, Andrew 7, Emma 5. I was English born, but have lived in Perth, Australia since I was 15.

    I was last naturally slim when I was 11 years old and have been on some **crazy** diets in my time. Aged 17 I was having a cup of black tea for breakfast, a tomato with a little salt for lunch, and a pig out at Hungry Jacks for dinner. Did that for about a month. Counted calories so many times my head hurts trying to recall half of it, and always longed for that mythical creature 'goal weight' so that I could go back to the way I was eating before. Obviously not as bright as I think I am :wink: Truthfully, food was my emotional comfort for a lot of years, which led to a sugar/carb addiction and I've only broken that for the first time since going keto on 23rd January this year.

    My heaviest weight was 100 kgs (220 lbs) at 5' 5" tall, but I have a solid, muscular body type and people said I didn't look that heavy. Maybe they were being polite, bless them.

    Sedentary until age 50 I now love jogging on the treadmill or rowing on our new rowing machine. I try to do some body-weight or dumbbell exercises as often as I remember, or the 100 squats as per the challenge thread. I used to jog outdoors but have ear-damage balance issues and fell a few times. Grandmas sprawled on the footpath is not a good look so I stick to my tready now.

    Amazingly, I am fit and healthy despite all those years of food abuse, but well aware I have many apologies to make to my body and need to treat it well from now on.
  • aspiedude
    aspiedude Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm Ethan, aka aspiedude. 29 year old man. 5'5.5 " 170 lbs. High weight 281. Low weight 138. Goal around 160 with about 10% body fat. I've studied psychology and like to continue to learn as well as craft and play with my cat. Aspiedude refers to my having Aspergers Syndrome aka Autism Spectrum Disorder. Proud to be weird! Wouldn't mind being taller but I think it's too late for that. ;)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    keemra wrote: »
    ... About 2 months ago, I came across research by Terry Wahls, and started on her protocol. It is essentially a primal way of eating, utilizing ketosis in the 3rd stage. I have been unwilling to give up dairy, but 5 weeks ago, I finally did. My skin is better, my digestion is better, my joint pain is almost completely gone, and even my hot flashes are less severe. I have also lost 15 pounds. I am not new to Fitness Pal, but am new to the forums. I look forward to getting to know you. the heck do you get 9 cups of veg in per day? That's my current sticking point with her diet!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hi, I'm Twibbly, been hanging out here for a while, have dietary restrictions out the wazoo (seriously...chicken. Who reacts to chicken? Other than me), finally behaving and eating what I'm supposed to for...16 days? 17? All sorts of weird little things are fixing themselves.
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    Kinrsa: low(er) carb vegetarian is my ultimate goal, I think.

    I didn't believe it was an option until recently. So many vegetarian options are so carb heavy. But lately I've been reading the vegetarian keto sub over on reddit and there are so many things I can't wait to try when I get back to the US.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello to all you new, new beautiful people!
    I'm Karlotta (or Karla, thank you mother for two names, lol!), I'm 47 and have been married almost 23 years. We have an 18 year old son who just graduated from high school on May 21st and began his college career on May 27th. I am an RN, but haven't worked in ten years due to physical inability (if you can't do CPR without hurting yourself it's time to stop putting patients at risk) from Fibromyalgia and neck issues from a car wreck 18 years ago. So, I don't work a job, but am thinking about signing up to be a substitute teacher at our high school. I'm gauging that decision on how I continue to feel.

    I've been heavy since puberty at age 12. I'm 5'8 &1/2". Five years ago I had a gastric sleeve after ballooning to 318 pounds. I lost to 208 (for a day and a half) and proceeded to regain to 267. My excuse? I ate the same food after surgery that I had always eaten and justified it by the fact that I couldn't eat much of it, but I was sick too. At four months post op I began to throw up bile. It would happen anytime, wake me at night mostly, and was always nauseated. One good thing is that I learned to love myself, even though I felt awful. They removed my gallbladder and did every medical test that could be done, but could never fix the bile issue. Through testing with another surgeon I finally found out that surgeon number one had not done the surgery correctly (IKR?!!!!). So, in January, 2015, I was converted to a gastric bypass (weight was 231 on day of surgery) and have felt better since then. Decided to use MFP after for logging my food and found this amazing group. Through reading I found this woe and transitioned to LCHF as my diet progressed post op and haven't looked back! Have been at ZC since May 1. I've found that fibromyalgia pain is greatly improved! Not gone completely, but so much better (pain a constant 5+ is now 0-5 as long as I don't overdo). Still have headaches from the wreck, but feel my body is working on those too. The healing my body is undertaking has the scale bouncing but on a good day I'm 194.4! So, I'm sticking with that for now!

    Without MFP, and this amazing group of people, I wouldn't be here changing my life! In the beginning I just jumped in and never told my full story, so there it is! I love all of you for helping me! The path that was laid for me, by the committed, longer-term folks, has made this an amazing ride so far! I look forward to seeing where this new life takes me!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Hi. I'm 54, 5'1". I was thin and active (98-120) most of my life. I got married at 38 to an abusive man and the weight started piling on. I have my wonderful son, but put on 60 lbs. during the pregnancy and I was virtually raising him alone even though I was still married and working a full time job. While DH would disappear, then reappear to scream, yell, hit, calling me old, fat and tired, a fat pig, and more emotional, verbal, physical abuse. I went on every kind of program, WW, JC, Nutrisystem, Advocare, trying to lose, but the scale would go up and down and I couldn't sustain a "diet" with all the stress and starvation. I finally ended it when he started abusing our son. Then we went though a 5 year divorce. More abuse of process, more weight gain. In December 2013, it all ended and I was finally free to move onward. At my max 185, I decided to find me again. CW-167 and losing gradually and steadily (.5-1 lbs. week). I'm being more active, going out with friends, eating lo-carb (20-30 carbs), it all has made me happier and healthier than I've been in a long time. Our son is doing great now, he still see's his father 50/50, and I think removing him from the battle zone was the best thing for him. He's also older now and defends himself better against his father. I have more energy today, this woe is sustainable, and things are getting better every day!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am Goat. Every group needs at least one fundamentalist extremist. I fill that role here. :wink:

    It's hard to describe who I am. I am a strict carnivore (no plants except my cup of coffee and occasionally some seasoning for my meat). I am way out in left field when it comes to a lot of things. I'm anti-restriction, anti-sweeteners, anti-faux foods, anti-veggies, anti-fruit, anti-supplements. :lol: Don't worry too much about that, though. I know we're all on different paths. If your carb goal and tolerance is higher than mine, I'm more than happy to support you in making it work for your goals. If I can pry that Diet Coke out of your cold, dead hands. . . you know, it doesn't hurt me if you love Diet Coke. I just say it because I come from a different perspective than most here. I've found success not through calorie restriction, but from removing the foods that caused me problems. Once they were gone, my body took care of things on its own terms.

    I'm a short guy. I'm only 163 cm (5'4") tall. At my heaviest, I weighed between 102-105 kg (225-230 lbs). I'll save you from the BMI math. That puts me at just a hair under 40. I did lose weight from calorie restriction, but it was miserable and I had to eat really small amounts thanks to my height. I dropped to around 75 kg (165 lbs) at my lowest and could not get lower. On top of that, I eventually reached a point where it started reversing because I couldn't keep it up any more.

    I officially started keto at a weight of 92.5 kg (202.5 lbs) although I had already been losing some weight with a primal moderate carb approach up to that point. I probably hit 98 kg (215 lbs) before I decided to try the low(er) carb approaches. I had been very anti-low-carb for years. It had to be bad for you. Anyway, the weight came off steadily. Not super-fast, but it did come off. My version of keto was 99% plant-free. I was eating them because I thought I had to or I might get sick. Eventually, some reading convinced me that wasn't the case. I stopped all my supplements and eating plants. I've been that way pretty much ever since.

    I am currently under my original goal weight of 74 kg (163 lbs). Why 74 kg? Two reasons. First, it put me under the lowest I could reach by cutting calories, and, believe me, I don't restrict calories these days. Second, it put me under a BMI of 28. That's the old cutoff for a healthy male BMI before they lowered it to 25 back in 1998. I might never get below 25, it would be nice but I am not trying to lose any more weight. If some more weight comes off, it's because my body decided to take it off. It won't be because I tried to lose more. I'm currently around 71 kg (156 lbs) and a BMI of 26-27. I would need to get down to around 65 kg (143 lbs) to reach what the government thinks is a healthy weight. I don't think that would look that good on me. My profile picture is what I currently look like. Is there some chub that could still come off? Yes. Is there 13 pounds of it? I don't know. I'm more focused on general fitness and letting the body work itself out.

    The government says this is over-weight. They also tell you that vegetables are good for you. "Hogwash!" I say, "Absolute hogwash!"
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kinrsa wrote: »
    Kinrsa: low(er) carb vegetarian is my ultimate goal, I think.

    I didn't believe it was an option until recently. So many vegetarian options are so carb heavy. But lately I've been reading the vegetarian keto sub over on reddit and there are so many things I can't wait to try when I get back to the US.

    I had read about "eco-atkins" a while back... it's intriguing. It would be easier, since hubs is a vegetarian.
  • jillo67
    jillo67 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to the group, but have been doing LC for almost 2 months now. I'm 48, 5'7" & weigh 160, down from 180 when I started. I'm a mom with 2 sons. One is 8 years old and my (step)son. Is almost 21. My first grandchild (also a boy), will be arriving in about 6 weeks. :) I am a nurse practitioner in a very busy ICU and work long hours.

    LC is the only way I can lose weight since I hit 45. I had been pretty steady at 140 - 145, but chronic gastric issues led to several months of highly starchy foods (easier to digest ) & my weight skyrocketed. I was on 3 different meds for the gastric problems and felt terrible all the time. I never had any energy and just watched my 8 year old play. After having a bad case of the flu in late February, I couldn't walk around the unit at work without wheezing. So I decided I had to make some changes for myself and my kids.
    I started LC dieting & started walking every day. In 2 months, I've lost almost 20 lbs and have gone from barely being able to walk around the block to walking 3+ miles & occasionally even jogging. Even better, the LC diet has improved my gastric problems & I've dropped 2 of the meds that I've been on. I still have 20 lbs to go, but want to maintain this way of eating for the health improvements. I have so much more energy and feel like a different person. I take karate with my 8 year old and am now an active volunteer with his cub scout group. I love hiking with them and spending active time with my son.

    I would love to get meal ideas and recipes from others. I would also love to provide support and encouragement to others that are walking thus road with me. I'm excited to be part of this group!
  • sass_hole
    sass_hole Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm Heather. Trying to play around with keto/LCHF because my body hates sugar. I have PCOS and am working on getting my insulin resistance under control.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I'm Wab, and I'm a carboholic.

    I've never been obese, and I didn't really consider myself fat (but I was). I'm 6'1" and my top weight was around 220lbs. High school weight was probably around 170lbs, so I slowly added an average of less than 2lbs per year (current age is 53).

    My doc noted that my heart disease risk had been increasing even though I was "weight stable." At one point, my triglyceride levels were crazy high -- around 700 mg/dl.

    So I developed a theory about my condition -- some people suck at making new fat cells, and I might be one of those people. I ate a LOT. I'd eat an entire large pizza when the family ordered pizza. I snacked all the time. Girl Scouts loved me during their cookie sales. I should have been obese. Instead, my fat cells appeared to be full and overflowing.

    High TG is also associated with low HDL. And full and overflowing fat cells appears to be associated with insulin resistance, so my fasting blood sugar was slowly increasing as well. I was officially diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome, which isn't a disease as much as a collection of symptoms associated with insulin resistance.

    10 years ago, I tried a low-carb diet with no interest in weight loss -- purely to get the high TG under control. It worked amazingly well, and my TG dropped from 700ish to about 170. Over the years, I let the carbs back in, and my TG went back up to 300ish.

    Last year, my doc threatened to start me on statins due to my elevated heart disease risk, so I went back on a low-carb diet, but this time with the dual goals of losing weight and improving my blood tests.

    After a few months, I lost 20lbs and had my blood retested. ALL metrics improved -- I had NONE of the markers for Metabolic Syndrome.

    I've now dropped about 30lbs -- I'm at the top range of a "normal" BMI. And I feel fantastic. My only goal at this point is to avoid backsliding and to stay low carb for life.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Ali, 30 years young. Before keto, was 165 and finding it impossible to lose eating the way I was. Decided to give keto a go at the suggestion of my husband(who now thinks I'm going to die of a heart attack because of the high fat aspect. Weird). The lowest I got was 134, but the holidays came last year and I went off-plan for a bit. FINALLY getting my head back in the game and am 142.2 as of this morning. For the past couple of weeks I was grazing here and there. Have cut that out, so I think that was what was making me stall. So hopefully I will reach my goal of 130 by the end of the summer. I want to be there and maintaining by Halloween, which is my 2 year wedding anniversary!