When do you start feeling great on Keto?



  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    Coconutty, I've been so worried about you these past several days. Very glad to hear things are turning around a bit for you. :)
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Still think maybe you should get tested for Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). It's an antibodies test. The antibodies attack the thyroid & only definitive test is the antibodies one. My blood work comes back hypo & next time hyper. Sometimes low end of the ranges, sometimes high (that's the way this stupid disease affects me). I had majority of same symptoms as you. Am now on synthroid (for 16 yrs) but doses get changed regularly. With meds & this woe I am feeling much better. Hope this helps & hope you feel better soon.
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    I was under the impression that you didn't need to get very dark readings on the sticks, any reading at all is good because you're making excess and more excess isn't necessarily more beneficial. I don't know though, maybe I missed something.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    JustMe2C wrote: »
    Coconutty, I've been so worried about you these past several days. Very glad to hear things are turning around a bit for you. :)

    Aww *hugs* - i was worried about me too! But im a fighter! LOL. I knew deep down that i wasnt any different biologically from any other human being, so if the majority of folks were getting great results and feeling pecker then i figured i HAD to at some point. It was getting close to the point where i was doubting it, but you guys helped me to stay positive and battle through those horrible days.

    Oh and guess what? It WAS worth it b/c this morning ive lost 1 pound! Woohoo! Not much but its huge to me b/c its the 1st loss ive seen in almost a month. Things are definitely looking up! x

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    Still think maybe you should get tested for Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). It's an antibodies test. The antibodies attack the thyroid & only definitive test is the antibodies one. My blood work comes back hypo & next time hyper. Sometimes low end of the ranges, sometimes high (that's the way this stupid disease affects me). I had majority of same symptoms as you. Am now on synthroid (for 16 yrs) but doses get changed regularly. With meds & this woe I am feeling much better. Hope this helps & hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks Sk8Kate, i'll definitely look into it. For the past couple of days my symptoms have been much much better, so im thinking it was/is food related, but i'll get checked out just incase.

    Im really glad you're feeling better on this WOE - im hearing so many great health benefits regards keto, which is wonderful, as i find most 'diets' make you feel a whole lot worse. :)
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I was under the impression that you didn't need to get very dark readings on the sticks, any reading at all is good because you're making excess and more excess isn't necessarily more beneficial. I don't know though, maybe I missed something.

    That's reassuring. It would be nice to see a darker color just for reassurance but as long as im losing im a happy camper! (amazing how 1 pound lighter on the scale can make you feel so wonderful! - Today is a very good day!)

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I wonder if it was the BPC for breakfast yesterday that kept me going til 3pm that's got the scale moving down? Maybe theres something in this IF business b/c nothing else was seeming to work.
    Mind you, ive only being doing keto for a very short time so it could just be keto in general that has started to work for me. Hmmm... i wonder.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    I'm so happy for you, @CoconuttyMummy! Especially because we were experiencing some "low carb flu" symptoms at the same time, I Have been reading your posts with great interest.

    Congrats on getting the scale to budge! Have you been measuring yourself too, to see if you're losing cm/inches?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    Still think maybe you should get tested for Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). It's an antibodies test. The antibodies attack the thyroid & only definitive test is the antibodies one. My blood work comes back hypo & next time hyper. Sometimes low end of the ranges, sometimes high (that's the way this stupid disease affects me). I had majority of same symptoms as you. Am now on synthroid (for 16 yrs) but doses get changed regularly. With meds & this woe I am feeling much better. Hope this helps & hope you feel better soon.

    I would too. My sister tested negative for Hash for a few years and then BAM did she ever test positive for it.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I'm so happy for you, @CoconuttyMummy! Especially because we were experiencing some "low carb flu" symptoms at the same time, I Have been reading your posts with great interest.

    Congrats on getting the scale to budge! Have you been measuring yourself too, to see if you're losing cm/inches?

    Ahh, thanks sweetie. How are you doing? Are you starting to feel a little better too? I really hope so.

    Yup i measured the other day and ive lost 1 inch off my waist and 1 inch off my hips, along with the 1lb weightloss i got this morning, so im really hopeful that things are moving in the right direction.

    However, i had my BPC without chia seeds this morning and i was hungry by 11am, ate lunch then, hungry again at 1pm snacked then, and i'll be darned im still bloomin' hungry at 1.30pm. Not good. But im seeing my Dad, who lives 150 miles away, and my Aunt tonight so i dont want to feel yuck and out of energy, so i'll probably eat agaaain soon. Im hoping as long as i keep the foods strictly LCHF med/low protein and my carb macros remain below 20-25g these 'feed up' days hopefully wont have a negative impact, particularly as they seem to even out with low hunger days to follow. Hope im not kidding myself but i just feel like your body tells you when it needs more sustainance and maybe its OK to listen? Who knows. The scale will tell tomorrow i guess. So, good days and bad days satiation-wise, but i feel good in my self.

    Tell you what might be making me hungry today - TMI, but my TOM just started very heavy, so maybe the hormones have an effect on hunger/cravings/?

    And im definitely sticking with the chia seeds or hemp hearts in my BPC from now on, like in those Rocket Fuel Lattes for women. It might be a coincidence but i felt 200% more satiated and more level in mood, energy etc.

  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    I always thought I drank a ton of water throughout the day until I actually started tracking. I downloaded a free app called Water your body. It's very simple, yet effective. I found I greatly underestimated my hydration levels. If you are as active as you say you are, you will need even more. So my first piece of advice is to track your water.

    Secondly, I would up your carbs to 20g NET. Make sure you are deducting fiber.

    Third, make sure you are hitting your protein goal every day. That is incredibly important. The rest of your calories should come from fat (and the 20g net carbs, of course).

    I make my own version of "gatorade". I found Lite Salt at Walmart. Its 50% potassium and 50% sodium. I put 1/2t into 16oz cold water with a good squirt of lemon juice. You can also use Mio Sport for some added electrolytes. Shake it up and drink it before it gets cold. It always makes me feel better. Once you get over the weird feeling of drinking salty water, you will tend to crave it.

    I love this forum, and I also find fantastic advice on reddit keto. Those people know the scientific stuff behind all of this. I suggest popping over there as well.

  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    Docs aren't trained in nutrition. Find somebody who is (e.g., Registered Dietitian). A lot of your symptoms sound diet-related.

    Ummm, maybe. My highly educated RD and nutritionist (paid for by my insurance) knows all the answers according to the current SAD and US Food Pyramid. She knows very little about applying this knowledge to her patients and their individual needs. An RD is a good idea, just do your research and find one who is both educated and open minded to changing science.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2015
    I always thought I drank a ton of water throughout the day until I actually started tracking. I downloaded a free app called Water your body. It's very simple, yet effective. I found I greatly underestimated my hydration levels. If you are as active as you say you are, you will need even more. So my first piece of advice is to track your water.

    Secondly, I would up your carbs to 20g NET. Make sure you are deducting fiber.

    Third, make sure you are hitting your protein goal every day. That is incredibly important. The rest of your calories should come from fat (and the 20g net carbs, of course).

    I make my own version of "gatorade". I found Lite Salt at Walmart. Its 50% potassium and 50% sodium. I put 1/2t into 16oz cold water with a good squirt of lemon juice. You can also use Mio Sport for some added electrolytes. Shake it up and drink it before it gets cold. It always makes me feel better. Once you get over the weird feeling of drinking salty water, you will tend to crave it.

    I love this forum, and I also find fantastic advice on reddit keto. Those people know the scientific stuff behind all of this. I suggest popping over there as well.

    You mention hitting your protein goal - what exactly is your protein goal? (By grams and percentage would be really helpful).

    Im wavering between 20% protein anywhere up to 30% protein and not sure where to rest. Im around 20% atm, 60g (im 5ft1, 131 pounds).

    Im liking your Gatorade recipe, and i think i will look out for the lite salt. Not sure if we have it in the uk but i'll check it out.

    Ive upped my potassium supplementation to 1g a day. Im hoping that is sufficient for now? (its 5 tablets).

    Thanks for the heads up re Reddit keto - ive never been on Reddit, so i'll take a look.

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Oh my gosh! - i just had my 1st keto-related compliment!

    I just went out to the bin and my neighbour came over and said "You're looking very healthy lately. Are you on some new health kick or something?".

    Woohoo! Healthy is not what id say i look like (grotty, usually, is closer to the mark), but the weirdest thing is i didnt have a scrap of makeup on (and trust me when i say i am not one of those natural beauties that can go *anywhere* without makeup... well, not without the risk of scaring small children!), so i was in the raw. How unlikely that anyone would ever say i look healthy without makeup on! Haha, THAT'S a novelty! And this guy is not the type to give out compliments willy-nilly, so i guess i can presume that keto really is making me look healthier. Who'd have thunk it?! Good, hey?! :smiley:
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    My protein goal is 90g. I aim for 1550 kcal per day. I do 5% carb, though, and am taller than you are. Someone upthread posted a link for the keto calculator. Thats the one I used. I've read that with keto, 20g carb is most important, then meet protein goal, then fill the rest with fat.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    My protein goal is 90g. I aim for 1550 kcal per day. I do 5% carb, though, and am taller than you are. Someone upthread posted a link for the keto calculator. Thats the one I used. I've read that with keto, 20g carb is most important, then meet protein goal, then fill the rest with fat.

    What percentage of protein does your 90g work out at? Im wondering if my 20% figure is about right - i feel like it is better now than when it was higher, and 20% is recommended by the Bulletproof Diet guy.

    How many grams of carbs does your 5% come to?

    I find it really interesting to see how other people are dealing with their macros.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My protein goal is 90g. I aim for 1550 kcal per day. I do 5% carb, though, and am taller than you are. Someone upthread posted a link for the keto calculator. Thats the one I used. I've read that with keto, 20g carb is most important, then meet protein goal, then fill the rest with fat.

    What percentage of protein does your 90g work out at? Im wondering if my 20% figure is about right - i feel like it is better now than when it was higher, and 20% is recommended by the Bulletproof Diet guy.

    How many grams of carbs does your 5% come to?

    I find it really interesting to see how other people are dealing with their macros.

    It depends on your calorie goal. A person who has a higher calorie goal would have correspondingly higher grams associated with whatever %.

    I'm aiming for 100 grams protein and that is 26% of my daily calories. For someone eating like 1200 calories, that would be around 30%.
  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm so glad things turned out well for you!! I have been going through re-adaptation and was doubting myself, too while I was feeling poorly. Today I'm doing much better and over the hump ( added salty homemade bone broth and just gave it more time). Best wishes as you see continued health improvements and pounds lost!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I only adjust the percentages to get close to my grams. I'm set at:

    20-25 grams carbs
    70-140 grams protein (depending on day and what my body tells me it wants)
    125-200 grams fat (again, depending on need, balances with protein - higher protein days usually are lower fat days)

    I'm 38, 5'4" tall, female, currently 240 pounds. I think my calories are set around 1750, though I haven't been tracking in a long while. I kind of keep loose count on my carbs, but the rest I'm giving my body a chance to speak up again. So far, so good.