New members - tell us about yourself



  • RuefulRabbit
    RuefulRabbit Posts: 42 Member
    Hello, I'm the Rueful Rabbit. Took my moniker from a series of books on bridge (the card game) which is one of my passions. I'm a 53 y/o guy who drives a desk for a living. I'm sedentary by nature and occupation, and I'm a comfort eater. I joke that I'm allergic to exercise - the truth is that I don't enjoy it at all. I walk a bit on my lunch hour, and I have started parking at the far end of the parking lot at work.

    I'm not very good at logging food or exercise, but I am becoming more aware of what I eat, and recognizing when I'm making bad choices. I'm also beginning to see when I'm eating for comfort (or boredom) rather than because I'm actually hungry. I've started being more careful about portions, cutting down rather than cutting out. I have one or two sodas a month rather than almost every day. I'm trying to cut down on processed foods and do more of my own cooking.
  • traceyinottawa
    traceyinottawa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not new to MFP but am new to the discussion boards. I'm in Ontario, Canada and just about to retire. I want to lose weight, but more than that I want to eat healthily. I'm just getting back into exercising after a long recovery from a back injury.
  • SteveMayer831
    SteveMayer831 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I'm Steve.
    I started working out at age 59 to try to get more fit.
    I wasn't losing weight, even though I was walking and working out and decided to track my caloric intake as well. I'd done Weight Watchers with my wife before, but didn't want to count points, when calories are what I eat. Since downloading the App, I've tracked my calories, and use the ongoing calories remaining to modify my intake or increase my exercise to achieve my daily goal.

    I've lost 31 lbs since beginning this journey, and plan on staying at 180 +/- a pound or two.

    My other goal for this year is to run a few 5Ks. I'm doing the C25K app to help me build strength and stamina for that.

  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Ms. Rabbit, it is an eye opener when we start logging, wonderful that you are being mindful of what you eat. Leo, sounds like you know what to do. Tracy, welcome back to the fold. Steve, I started working out at 59 also, (I was a lifelong couch potato). I did the c25k and have done several 5k's, not fast and not always running the whole thing, but I did them. I am 63 now and feel better than I did at 58.
  • RuefulRabbit
    RuefulRabbit Posts: 42 Member
    *whispers* It's "Mr" Rabbit.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Hi - I'm Sara. Should I just cut and paste from my Profile to tell you about myself?
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member

    My name is Sara and I am a legal secretary in New York City, right across from The World Trade Center.

    I have been a member of Lucille Roberts, the New York Sports Club, and Blink Fitness, where I took 6 - 12 classes a week & also used the elliptical, rowing machines, Battle Ropes and the Stairmaster. When my favorite trainer from Lucille went out on his own, I signed up for unlimited classes with him which I really loved. As he grew and expanded, I rounded out my exercise repertoire with online Groupon type deals for exercise classes and that way I've gotten to try new-to-me classes like aqua zumba, strip tease, etc. After 3 years, I decided to return to the gym experience and joined The Equinox which is truly posh and makes working out almost a spa experience.

    My husband is in his 50's and gluten free, dairy free and sugar free, my kids are in their 20's and probably should be eating that way as well, and I try really hard to make healthy and nourishing meals for us. It's often a losing battle !!!

    Why I want to get in shape

    I was thin my whole life, until I approached my 40th birthday when my weight had spiraled from the low 120's to 139 lbs in a matter of a few months. I was on my way to becoming borderline obese & had a hard time climbing stairs. I thought that was part of being middle-aged, but my doctor diagnosed me with an underactive thyroid, put me on Synthroid, and insisted that I lose the weight I gained, if at all possible.

    I had been active my whole life, dancing and running track in high school, and doing aerobics in college. As my kids got older, I took step aerobic classes at night, then bought a recumbant bike and did exercise tapes at home. I couldn't believe that my thin days were over ....

    Anyway, my doctor called me every so often to make sure that I was doing okay on the Synthroid, exercising, and not stuffing myself (his words, not mine). It took me five long months of hard work, exercise and eating right, but I went from 139 to 113 lbs. I then packed on another 10 lbs of muscle and ended up right where I started, low 120's. (I was so grumpy that my kids thought I had gone through menopause but I guess that's a different discussion.)

    One day, I walked by a gym near my office, and a little voice in my head said JOIN. And I did! I met friends with similar goals, love wearing cute exercise clothes, and have tried activities I never thought i would enjoy, like boxing and bellydancing.

    My goal is to keep building muscle and keep my bodyfat low as I age. So far, so good.

    My Inspirations
    •I inspire myself. Because I'm vain. :)
    •The thought of dancing around barely dressed is enough to get me to the gym !!!

  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Sorry Mr. Rabbit, I did see that you are a guy, typo.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I haven't been a part of this group for more than a week but I'd still like to welcome all the new people, some new to MFP and some new to the group. It's nice to see so many of us close to, or over 50, taking care of ourselves!!!

    Lots of inspirational stories here so thanks!!!
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    Welcome to all our new members. Thank you for sharing your goals etc with us.
    We very much look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • sillymetwo
    sillymetwo Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Sharon and I am 62 years old. I live in rural Alaska with my husband of 26 years, no children, but we do have 9 goats, 3 dogs and chickens. I have been trying for the past couple of years to get motivated to lose weight and exercise. I have about 55 lbs. to loose and I am getting so tired of feeling like I have sacks of potatoes tied around my waist weighing me down.

    Anyway... I am so excited to have found your group and can't wait to get to know everyone.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Welcome Sharon! You can do this. It takes planning, patience and perseverance, but it can be done. We are all in this.
  • grandmakathy58
    grandmakathy58 Posts: 7 Member
    57 yo married with two children 34 and 31 - 3 grandchildren - 6, 4 and 2 and another one on the way. Currently on meds for HTN, thyroid, and Type 2 Diabetes - I've always been heavy but now I need to get healthy. It seems the more I try, the more my other half tries to derail me. Unfortunately, with just the two of us at home its really hard to not get derailed. I'm tired when I get home from work.... I know I need to plan better and get motivated, I'm having a really hard time with that. Makes it even more difficult. Exercise is an issue - Zumba once a week, but the rest of the week isn't so good. I need some motivation and I know it needs to come from within. My legs and feet swell - I know if I lost weight it would certainly help.... the older I get, the harder it gets. I do much better when the grandkids are around.... who doesn't? My husband has health issues and doesn't do much to try and fix them, but that's more his problem than mine, except the stress that goes with it. I'm hoping that joining this group will help give me some of the motivation I need. I look forward to getting to know all of you
  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Loved reading the above. What a great bunch of people. It’s nice to see a group of age-related participants facing similar struggles.

    As Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
    “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. “

    Best wishes to all for nothing but success! :)

  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for the quote NiconPal. I'm working on trying to live up to Oliver's words.
  • AlecB62
    AlecB62 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi, I'm Alec, I'm 52. Live in Woking in Surrey in the UK.
    Looking to shift some weight and get generally fitter to help my skateboarding.
    Been a member on mfp for just over a month and have lost a bit but still some way to go.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Welcome everyone! There are a lot of inspirational folks on here. Whenever I think of some excuse for eating something I shouldn't or not exercising, I think of some of the issues with which some of the people on here have to deal and it motivates me to do better.
  • Janice4945
    Janice4945 Posts: 39 Member
    I am 70 years young and been on MFP a few years off and on. I have lost weight and regained so many times. My last time I lost 50 lbs on WW and kept it off for over two years but now have gained 30 back and very unhappy with myself! I have decided to use MFP and count calories and see if I can lose this once for all! I am married 52+ years, have 3 grown children, 8 grandchildren and 1 ggrandchild. We live in FL after moving here after retirement 13 years ago. Home was in Illinois. We travel to see our kids often. In fact will be leaving Sunday for a 3 1/2 week trip to the midwest. It will be hard for me, but I am determined to get this weight back off. Glad to have found this group. Feel free to add me as friend to encourage each other. Hope I am not too old for this group! I have back and leg problems so dont do much exercising except some walking.
  • RuefulRabbit
    RuefulRabbit Posts: 42 Member
    Hello new folks! I'm relatively new here too. We *can* do this!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    Never to old Janice. We all do what we can. Welcome.