A promise to myself.



  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    checking in for the beginning of another day.
    Yesterday was a success. My weight this morning was on target. Today should be ok, too.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    another busy day, and another day within my calories.
    some minor temptations, but I was ok.

    My current 'challenge' is not to avoid binge-eating - that seems to be ok at the moment.
    My challenge is to not go back to my old ways and regain all the weight I lost.
    I guess on some level I wasn't truly prepared for the fact that I would have to watch what I eat so diligently.

    This isn't easy !!!
    but I am determined.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I see so much of myself in your posts. You're definitely not alone, especially about honestly just enjoying eating. I am nodding along while I read your thoughts.

    You're doing great!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2015
    I see so much of myself in your posts. You're definitely not alone, especially about honestly just enjoying eating. I am nodding along while I read your thoughts.

    You're doing great!

    Thank you for your words of encouragement.

    One reason I write these posts is the hope that it will help someone else who reads it.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    59 lbs lost.

    a little bit :( but not really all that bad :smile: . I'm back on track, and that's the main thing; plus I'm familiar enough with daily weigh ins to know that fluctuations are normal. My maintenance aim is that even with those fluctuations I will stay above that magical 60lbs lost number. So I'm setting my deficit to 250 calories per day to get back in that zone. (I'm actually happy with my current weight but for some reason that 60lbs loss mark is just a psychological victory - I like seeing it at the top of my page. no worries - it'll be back soon.)

    Being back on track doesn't mean that this its all smooth sailing. Being back on track means that I'm in the frame of mind to overcome the difficulties.

    This is a lifestyle; but that doesn't mean it becomes easy.
    It's a lifestyle of consistently overcoming challenges that arise; and keeping on going no matter what.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »

    Hi there! I hear you so much on maintaining weight is being so diligent all the time. I thought I had a few years ago, but it doesn't take a lot to get off track and then it seems to take SO much to get yourself back on track. Or at least it does for me.

    If you don't mind...I might come into this thread and hang out with you from time to time.

    I am moving out of the weight loss phase and transitioning into the maintenance phase. For me that is when binging tends to show up and taunt me. When I am in the weight loss phase, I am so focused on losing that I can pretty easily shut off that part of my brain. It's a strict, always NO. However when I am adding more food and working on maintaining...it gets a lot harder.

    My maintenance range is 150 - 155 lbs. I am currently sitting right at 160 lbs. I am starting the slow process of adding calories back each week and that is really a scary time for me.

    So, I want to commit to weighing myself weekly....logging my food everyday and eating what I logged.

    Welcome !!!
    What you described is exactly why I'm here.
    I'm hoping that being aware of whether I'm on track or not will help me catch any wobble before it becomes a fall.
    When I start to wobble, I post here often. This forces me to be aware of myself - my actions and my thoughts; and to think about what I really want - which is to look after my health and weight.
    As I get back on track I post a little less often. It seems to work (for me).

    Look forward to succeeding in maintenance together :smiley:

    If anybody else wants to post here to stay on track with something, then please do !
    We can motivate and support each other.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    thank u for your inspiring posts, I've read them but didn't want to post here
    it helps me when I am reading them
    since december I had lost all I wanted, and I wanted to maintain this weight
    but since the maintenance period began I had two days per week I binge .
    very strange as @shell1005 I succeed to lose weight and have restrictive way of eat, and now I can't avoid
    binge eating...
    but again thank you for your post I've read them every day, feel less lonely against the binge monster
    (sorry I don't speak English very well, I am french :) )
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    sothgo wrote: »
    thank u for your inspiring posts, I've read them but didn't want to post here
    it helps me when I am reading them
    since december I had lost all I wanted, and I wanted to maintain this weight
    but since the maintenance period began I had two days per week I binge .
    very strange as @shell1005 I succeed to lose weight and have restrictive way of eat, and now I can't avoid
    binge eating...
    but again thank you for your post I've read them every day, feel less lonely against the binge monster
    (sorry I don't speak English very well, I am french :) )

    Thank you for your reply. (and your English is fine :smiley: )

    For me, succeeding at maintenance is just as big a challenge as losing the weight in the first place. But in some ways its harder to have that same determination when there is no end to focus on.

    I joined MFP to lose weight, and had 'total determination' (hence my user name) to do so.
    I knew all along that this was to be a lifestyle change, not a diet; but I still had a target weight in mind.
    I have now achieved that goal.

    In a way I am now starting a new process - a lifelong one - to maintain my weight.
    Its a new beginning, and I am trying to start this process, with the same total determination that I had for the last one. Its quite refreshing to see this as a new goal, whose focus is subtly different.

    So this is my goal, now. This is what I have to do. This is what I am going to do.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have been weighing daily, and my weight has been in my maintenance zone for the last 2 days.
    I will continue on 250 cals deficit until I get to the bottom of the zone. I have a couple of events coming up in the next month for which I will probably go over so its good to have a buffer, anyway.

    Even though I have a target weight in mind, this is still part of my 'maintenance' goal. You know, that life long goal.

    I'm trying to get my head around this goal and to create the determination to achieve it. But because of a couple of things going on in my life at the moment, its a bit difficult. Actually I wouldn't chose to start now - maybe in a month or 2, but not now.
    The thing about maintenance is that you can't chose when to start. It starts when weight loss ends - that's kind of the point. Which makes things a bit tricky for me.
    Its often said that people will start a weight loss program 'when they are ready'. I wish I had that option for maintenance. That I could say 'hold on, I'm not ready for this, just yet. Can I start next month ?'.
    I don't *feel* ready - the 'rest of my life' is such a long time. I feel I really want to prepare for something that big.

    So I had an idea.
    Whilst losing weight, people often set mini weight loss goals along the way to reaching their target.
    I'm going to do the same for maintenance.
    So my mini-goal is to maintain my weight until the end of 2015.
    To me, that is so much more achievable. So much less overwhelming.
    My main goal is still a life time of maintenance. But that's at the back of my mind. My mini-goal is 6 months.

    It feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders, and I can breathe a sight of relief. I ate at a deficit for a year. Eating at maintenance for 6 months should be easy.
    I can definitely do that.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    it's a good idea and a well goal, I'm sure you will suceed
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thank you both for your encouragement :-)

    I managed to eat within my calories over the weekend, and was within my target range for both weigh-ins.

    The thing about maintenance (and I know I've said this before) is that I didn't really expect it to be this hard - I didn't think I would have to make such an effort, for 2 reasons

    1. So many people (who don't have weight problems) manage to maintain their weight effortlessly. How on earth do they get the CICO balance right ? Surely if they can do it do easily, then so can I ?! Obviously not.

    2. I honestly can't imagine having to make such an effort for the rest of my life. Though if the alternative is gaining weight then of course I will. But I really just can't imagine it.

    I know that one of the principles encouraged on MFP is not to do anything that you can't see yourself doing for the rest of your life. But I can't see myself being on MFP for the rest of my life !!! so where does that leave things ???

    It was a real effort to eat within my calories over the weekend. It just wasn't easy. Am I really going to have to deprive myself like that forever ? (The only thing I am deprived of is being able to eat freely. I'm not hungry nor am I missing any specific foods.). But it feels like deprivation.
    I can do it for 6 months. I can do it for a year. but forever ? Its just not a great way to live. But being obese is an even worse way to live (for me). So I know that I have to find a way. I'm just struggling to accept that.

    Its my expectations that are the problem - I want this to be easy. Or to put that another way, I don't want to have to make an effort. Well, at least, I didn't expect that I would have to.

    I'll focus on the next 6 months, for now, and at the same time try to make my expectations more realistic.

  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Calories are good, weigh-in was good. Still on track :smile:

    @shell - great weigh-in news !
    thanks also for your suggestions. I especially like "Feeling like something is forever can be overwhelming, so why don't you just say...I'm logging for now. Hopefully someday I will be okay not logging, but that isn't right now, that isn't today." - that's a great way to think of it. Thank you.

  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    eating still good.
    weight still good.

    its still hard, but I am not thinking about 'forever' any more - just about 'today', but with no end date in site.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    yeah good point, keep staying focus on the present day, every day passed without bingeing is a victory
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    still within calorie budget (its an effort every day, but one that I am capable of making)
    and so weigh in is good.
    sothgo wrote: »
    yeah good point, keep staying focus on the present day, every day passed without bingeing is a victory
    yeah - when its too hard to think beyond the present then its best not to try !
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Wow shell, great update!