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  • justinpc18
    justinpc18 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Justin and I am 32. I am married and have to daughters ages 4 and 6 months. I love everything outdoors. I have lived in beautiful northern Michigan most of my life. I have struggled for years with my weight. I need to lose around 50 lbs. for health reasons and just to be a happier person. I would love any motivation that you can give me. I am also a great person to help you out in your weight loss journey. Good luck everyone. Together we can do this!
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everyone, I've been around here for awhile but never properly introduced myself. My name is Becca, I'm 31, live in Minnesota, ridiculously single, and have an admin-esque job at a children's hospital. In my free time I play in a community band year round and do a lot of volunteer work with Girl Scouts every spring.
    I like walking (A LOT) and am considering taking up running. I'm signed up for a 5K walk/run in the fall with my work, so that'll be a good goal to work towards if I decide to actually run. I'm hoping to do some hikes this summer in the various parks around my city.
    I've lost about 65 pounds since my heaviest back in the beginning of 2008, but I'm still 20 pounds heavier than my lightest weight in recent history which happened a couple years ago. I am, however, right around my high school graduating weight, which is kind of nice compared to several years ago.
    Best of luck to everyone in this group for working towards your goals!
  • get_rucked
    get_rucked Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I am 31 and have just signed up to MFP as I work towards a 38lb weight loss target. I'm really looking forward to hearing other people's stories and hoping that having a group of people on a similar journey will help keep me inspired and motivated!

    I have been trying to eat clean, which is a big challenge for me. I have terrible eating habits - I order a lot of take out for dinners because I'm too lazy to cook (and my kitchen is frustratingly tiny!). Lunch is a sandwich at my desk and usually a diet soda and 'treat', like a chocolate bar or packet of chips....fruit is a rare feature in my shopping cart. Breakfast is forsaken in favor of an extra 10 minutes in bed!

    So for me, getting up and going to the gym will be the easy part - it will be the eating part that I will struggle with.
  • L0veM3
    L0veM3 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello, new to the group and trying things out one more time.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I'm 31, not married yet but in a relationship. My motivation comes and goes but on the plus side I'm almost at goal! Nope that doesn't mean I will go back to my old habits, I mention that because people are almost constantly asking that. For me, one food group you don't wan to get in the way of me getting is fruit. When I first started with my boyfriend I said to him one day "I love you more than I love fruit." At first he didn't understand the impact of that statement although he understood I loved him. Now as time has passed, and he's seen my diary, he understands how strong that love is for him.
  • amyjanowitz
    amyjanowitz Posts: 19 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just joined the group and saying Hello! Soon to be 31 and living in the Los Angeles area... Would love to have some motivational buddies on MFP
  • paskinsj
    paskinsj Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Jeremy. I'm 36 as of this spring. I'm dropping the weight and getting healthy for my wife and little girl. Dropped 23 pounds already, in about two and half months. Makes me really wonder how many calories I was eating.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello, I'm Faith.

    I'll be 31 this Thursday. I'm 6 months into my weight loss journey, and I'm down 82 pounds. I've got 38 to go!

    @Ldbg289 I feel the same way about fruit! A couple weeks ago I was craving some and filled my shopping cart with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas, pineapple, watermelon, raisins, and dried figs! Strawberries are my favorite though. :smile:
  • ngwarujm
    ngwarujm Posts: 1 Member
    good morning folks from east Africa Tanzania :-) my name is Ngwaru am 33 been using this app for a while now, i've lost about 20 pounds so far...can't complain its going great :-) looking for new buds from all over for support n friendship. right... please feel free to say hello n add me as a friend... one
  • dpirtle21
    dpirtle21 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Dustin. I'm 35 as of this month. I'm dropping the weight and getting healthy. I've dropped 35 pounds already, in the last two months. My goal is to lose a total of 90 pounds. I've been doing very well with my new lifestyle. However, I have been experiencing frustration. Starting to feel like I'm not going to make it to 90 pounds.
  • cnebesnik
    cnebesnik Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Colleen 35 and a married mom of 3 girls. I'm trying to lose the last ten pounds that put me in pre baby weight. I figure the only way to do it is to track everything thing I do and eat and I think mfp is awesome. I'm looking for ladies in the same boat to be motivational buddies. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • otter_kat
    otter_kat Posts: 11 Member
    Kate, from Missouri, age 33. Librarian, mom, redhead, fast food eater, 5'2" 280lbs.

    In the past 4 yrs. I've had 2 kids, pregnant fairly close together, so gains with each kid, but no loss in between. These two were my 2nd and 3rd children. After having my first who is 13 now, it took 2 yrs. to lose that and lots of money on group weight loss challenges at the gym, personal training and eating basically chicken breasts, wok veggies and salsa. I don't have the money or time to spend like I did with just one. Looking to focus more on simple clean foods and kick the fast food habit.

    Also have hypothyroidism that developed sometime in the last 6 yrs. Meds aren't leveled, but working on it.

    Started with Jillian Michaels app, as I love her but found this one to be more comprehensive for food logging. For years I used myfooddiary.com

    Right now i am ticked off because my weight is such that I am having trouble with working out and foot pain. Got great new Saucony running shoes for over pronation and some great inserts and still having lots of trouble. Mad at myself for the weight causing these problems which also affect my ability to lose. It seems like the uphill battle is already hard enough...

  • keishac
    keishac Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all! I am 34. Married for almost 14 years and have 2 wonderful kids. I am not at my heaviest weight, but I have been creeping back to it. I am determined to loose some weight but most of all get healthy and feel good about myself. I want to wear a swimsuit without a complete dread! But, to lose 50 pounds would be wonderful!!!!
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Summer, I turned 31 in February. I am a stay at home mom to 4 great kiddos. We have 3 boys and 1 girl. Our oldest will be 9 in a few months, our second is 5, our third will be 3 next month and our baby girl turned 1 in April. I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 12 years as of January and will have been together 16 years this fall.

    As for my weight I have always struggled with it. I ran track and played volley ball in school but was always the bigger girl in class. The smallest I can remember being was at 15 and I was a size 9/10. I was a size 18 when I got married in 2003 and was put on steroids for PCOS I gained 100 lbs in 1 yr and couldn't shed it. In August 2006 I gave birth to our first son, I gained 75 pounds and my weightweight just wouldnt come off. In August 2008 at 398 pounds and a size 26/28. I was FAT I was UNHEALTHY and I was MISERABLE. My husband was deployed and I decided to take that time to get my *kitten* in gear. I took ALLI for 3 months and ran on a treadmill in my home 4-5 days a week for 10 months on top of being a "single mom" of a very active 2 year old for that year my husband was gone. I lost 138 lbs and got down to a size 16/18 but it did not last as 1 month after my husband came home I got pregnant with baby #2. I was 300 lbs at his delivery in April 2010 and struggled to loose the baby weight I had gained. After a year I finally got back down to a size 18 only to again get pregnant with baby #3 who was born July 2012 and I was 313 at delivery. Again the baby weight stuck around and then some due to a very traumatic event that happened in my life that caused a deep depression in which I went from not eating anything for days at a time to binge eating carbs until I puked. It royalty screwed up my metabolism and it took a toll, I hovered at a size 20/22 then surprise I was again pregnant with baby #4 she was delivered in April 2014 and I was 298 at her delivery. I lost down to 225 by the time she was about 6 months. It has now been 1 year since her birth and between having my tubes removed in July 2014 and her weaning from nursing 2 months ago after nursing for 12 months I have gained back 35 lbs even though I eat less now then while I was nursing. So here I sit 260 lbs, a size 20 jean and 2x top. I have joined our local Anytime Fitness gym as of last night. My goal is to ultimately be healthy for myself and my four children but weight/size wise I would like to hit 160. I also have a LOT of toning to do and I can't wait to get started!!
  • vabniullga
    vabniullga Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jen and a single mom of a daughter. I have been here before but fell off the wagon. However, after recent blood work, I have returned with a new desire and need to get healthy.

    I hope to get to know a lot of u and help each other thru it all. Its a journey and I would love to have some fellow "travelers" join me!!
  • AshleyDylanBuddy
    AshleyDylanBuddy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! My name is Ashley and I will be 31 next month. I have a wonderful 5 year old son and a amazing husband:) I have lost 30 pounds (over a period of time) and would like to loose 5 more, although I am at a bit of a stand still! I love walking and my job gives me a lot of exercise (work with race horses) but my down fall is I love food and have very little will power!!! I have been using mfp for a long time but have never reached out to any of the communities. I'm hoping for some motivation! There are sure a lot of inspiring stories
  • sassywolf2013
    sassywolf2013 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello All. I am 37 and a mom to 8 girls (ages ranging from 27 to 15). Still a newlywed (married May 2014) to a wonderful man and loving father. He supports me in everything I do. He constantly tells me I am beautiful and that he loves me just the way that I am (pudge and all). I work full time and my family is my life. We have 3 teenage daughters that still live at home full time and 1 teenage that comes homes on weekends. (other 4 girls are grown). I love to try new recipes but have to make sure they are some I can eat. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with gastroparesis (stomach doesn't empty correctly). Its been a trying time, but I am determined to get back in shape and tone what I have. I know I will never be a skinny minnie or a size 9 every again, but I would like to not have the thick thighs and muffin top. I don't have much to lose but every pound is an accomplishment. Good luck ladies and I will support you in every way that I can.
  • RichyZG
    RichyZG Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 35, have 2 daughters a wife and 3 dogs. I am a vegetarian joined MFP after I got a misfit watch (its like a fitbit but it also shows the time, i like it much better than the fitbit i had) and I'm hoping to better myself and my weight/muscle mass. I wouldn't mind getting some new friends to help me keep my goals and hopefully I can help others keep theirs as well!
  • cdeonn
    cdeonn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Im 33 and finally feel motivated to get on the ball and start my journey again. I did pretty well on MFP about a
    year or so ago however for one reason or another fell off the wagon. Looking to lose about 50lbs plus and can use all the encouragement I can get!
  • leanNmean10
    leanNmean10 Posts: 4 Member
    Feels like an AA introduction. 35. Ohio. Trying hard to really stick too diet and exercise but motivation is lacking. I work ridiculous hours so getting on a schedule is impossible. Hoping you all can keep me straight lol
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