Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone is well. Had a miserable evening last night. I had BPC at 7:30 am, then because we were working on wedding dress no lunch. A BPC at 4:00 pm & finally bacon, eggs, & cheese at 6:30. Was instantly nauseous which lasted several hours. Tried chicken boullion, bacon puffs, & pickle before going to bed at 9:00 (which is really early for me). Don't know if it was putting off eating, the thick smoke from forest fires (we're under respiratory advisory here), or stress. All I know is it was not a great evening. This morning am much better, but am definitely not skipping lunch. Have a migraine "hangover" tho, without the migraine. Go for labs Thurs., so am not taking any supplements til I get results back.
    @Janice, Karla, & Ellen. Excellent advice & encouragement.
    @Faith. I tried starting out at 1200 cals & had to bump up to 1300. One of the good things about this WOE is the acceptance you develop towards going over calorie goals. It becomes not a big deal & tomorrow is another day.
    Have a great day/evening all.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    cdpits wrote: »
    Good morning !! Well the pool is almost full! I am so excited, another rather sleepless night but on the upside, I don't find that I am any more tired during the day. Since this is unusual heat for where I live, no AC, only fans. I found myself sitting on the patio at 2AM looking at the almost full moon It was so peaceful and beautiful. I may try to figure out a slow setting on my camera and set a tripod up to try for a picture tonight :smile: Had a few dizzy spells yesterday not sure if it's the heat or what. Ate some blueberries and yogurt to up my blood sugars and carbs. Feel great this morning down another LB so we will see if it made a difference or if it was just the heat.
    Hope to be having a few laps in the pool this afternoon, maybe it will tire me out more !! Have a wonderful day everyone !!

    You were the 1,000th post Cindy, congratulations!!!

    It always seems funny that we share the same phases of the moon. David says we're getting a blood moon in Sept. I'm sorry about the dizzy spells and hope you don't get then again. The pool sounds beautiful.

    Other answers in a minute, as best I can before bedtime is declared ;)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Firstly, thank you so much everyone for your beautiful support, understanding and words of wisdom regarding my in-law situation, it really helped. Apparently Albert was cheery today when David rang, and my cousin went to visit and reports that they were both bright and happy in person too. The sting of his anger, and my silent indignation, have faded for me through today, and I know that I have massive fear of anyone who is angry and that is *my* problem that I have to deal with, not necessarily the fault of the person who is angry.

    @Kathie Gosh, you sound sooo busy. I do hope you remain peaceful and well during, and after all of this. I’m so sorry about your nausea. Hope it was a one-off. And that you stay same from the forest fires – we had a lot of those this summer and a couple were far too close for my liking. Hope your labs are all good news.

    @Janice Sounds as if you have your mother, and her games, all nicely sorted. I am very happily coping with mine by never being alone with her. Been doing that for about a year now and it completely removes her power and forces her to *be* the kind lady she makes herself out to be har har!!! You are calling the shots beautifully with yours :)

    @Karla glad you’re not feeling fatter and heavier and I think that’s a great sign. I’m so sorry about the migraine and vomiting though. Do get fully well soon!

    @Faith as the others have said; be gentle with yourself as you settle into the new routines of this WOE. And I eat 2 decent sized meals a day, sometimes with a tiny snack around midnight (which is still 2 hours before bed time). My daily calorie goal is 1450, which is around my BMR, but more times than not I eat around 1200. On the occasion that I’m hungry or eat more I don’t worry about it. I didn’t eat red meat for nearly 30 years, though I ate seafood, chicken and bacon, so I understand how hard it is for you to get the meat in. I can eat tender roast pork now. It’s a slow re-introduction and I’m not ready for beef, lamb or game yet.

    @Ellen no definitive answer from me I’m afraid, and I usually eat less than mine. I don’t lose weight if I eat my BMR calories per day.

    @Karen Oh dear, that ice cream in your house is very badly behaved isn’t it? ;) But if you’ve lost weight and you feel well…

    @Jane - missing you. Hope Ramadam is going well and you can soon get back to normal hours. <3
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    cdpits wrote: »
    Good morning !! Well the pool is almost full! I am so excited, another rather sleepless night but on the upside, I don't find that I am any more tired during the day. Since this is unusual heat for where I live, no AC, only fans. I found myself sitting on the patio at 2AM looking at the almost full moon It was so peaceful and beautiful. I may try to figure out a slow setting on my camera and set a tripod up to try for a picture tonight :smile: Had a few dizzy spells yesterday not sure if it's the heat or what. Ate some blueberries and yogurt to up my blood sugars and carbs. Feel great this morning down another LB so we will see if it made a difference or if it was just the heat.
    Hope to be having a few laps in the pool this afternoon, maybe it will tire me out more !! Have a wonderful day everyone !!

    Any chance you've been sweating more than usual in the unusual heat? Pickles are our friends, if so!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi gals, just checking in - major thunderstorms here the past couple of nights because it's been so stinkin' hot - 36C. Problems with storm drains downtown and the bark mulch being rain-pounded out of the big cement planters scattered around the streets. Lots of serious fork lightning with 4 direct hits on the mountain just above us that I witnessed last night, but no fire thanks to the 25 mm of rain in 1.5 hrs. It makes for an uncomfortable patrol though, as it is so humid in the vehicle and I really can't get out and walk far in this. I'm hoping tonight's dies down before it's time to head to work at 9pm. I was up a few lbs yesterday but back down 1.5 today. No worries, 'it all comes out in the wash' as my DH's Grandpa used to say.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    We have some of your smoke from the forest fires in Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories @Kathie. It seems to be a bit better today. We first saw the haze 2 days ago on our way home from the beach, and had the advisory starting yesterday. The sun is having a hard time peeking through.

    It's Canada Day tomorrow !!! I love Canada Day. I will likely walk to the park where they will have entertainment all day long on the outdoor stage. I wore my Team Canada Olympic T-shirt from the last winter Olympics today at work. Go Canada Go ! I couldn't fit into the shirt when I bought it, but it fits now ! If I can figure out how to get a picture I took with my phone into the computer, I'll try to post a picture.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member

    Twibbly wrote: »
    [Any chance you've been sweating more than usual in the unusual heat? Pickles are our friends, if so!
    I have definitely been sweating a lot more. I have dogs in kennels outside and my priority is keeping them cool and watered in the heat, cleaning kennels and power washing everyday LOL Yeah, lots of sweat, unfortunately I don't like pickles :(
    @Kitnthecat , I am Canadian too, have a Happy Canada Day !!

    @canadjineh Stay safe during those storms !!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Janice. Actually had water bomber s loading every 9 mins at lake 10-15 miles away on Sun. Daughter is camping a ways north from us. Have to admit I'm a little worried. No cel service. Hopefully they have enough sense to get out if smoke is too bad.
    No fireworks for us this year due to fire bans, but ball t'ment still on. Looking forward to a great day. Happy Canada Day everyone! (Say it now cause planning on being out all day tomorrow).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Wow, it sounds as if life in Canada is one extreme or the other at the moment. Keep safe girls <3

    I had a rather unexpected loss today. A really tiny one, but sufficient to put me into a new kilo bracket so I was excited about that.

    My MIL is being discharged tomorrow, but we must find a long-term care home for her. FIL is worried sick about caring for her. She must be kept seated or laying so she doesn't fall, for fear of her banging her head. She's on strong warfarin. How is he supposed to get any sleep? We're all going to be working hard to try to find somewhere they both can stay, and sell the house, or somewhere really close to their home just for Enid. We're all stunned the hospital has discharged her before we've found a care facility. And FIL rang just now and apologised for 'not listening very well just now'. I assured him that nobody expects him to. I've always loved him to bits, and that's probably why it hurt so much when he was angry with us. All over now.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you are all well.
    AT LAST!! Finally got some time to sit down and read everything and have the time to reply! Sorry if I'm long winded again. :#

    @ May. Oh sweety so sorry to hear that you are being put through the wringer in so many ways! Is Coyotee's partner ok? You didnt say but I'm assuming they must be as you didnt say anything else. Glad to hear the in laws have bounced back again and everyone has given such good advice about dealing with parents/in laws etc that i cant really add anything! I have the advantage at the moment of having a huge distance between mum and I and it gives a false sense of security in that I actually want to go and see her then hubs reminds me that within an hour we will have said everything and the niggles will begin!! lol. Good to be reminded sometimes. I dont understand why your fil gave you the silent treatment??!! Surely he knows your situation but maybe he was just projecting?? If you are anything like me(LOLOL we know you are!) its the injustice of the situation and treatment that would really get to me. I cant stand injustice of any kind let alone directed at me!!! I think a lot of us with problem parents have to deal with the 'injustice' of their treatment towards us. Maybe we should start a support group..Problem Parents and injustice against kids!! lolol
    NO RASPBERRIES OR STRAWBERRIES!! OMG! Thats sacrilage. I mean, we get everything here in Dubai, imported yes, but.....is it the OZ obsession with anything being imported that might introduce foreign bugs and disease?? As seen on Border Patrol (or something like that) about the customs etc at Oz airports!lol
    Hopefully this week things have calmed down again and you are getting your sleep and nice routine back again.
    I get the feeling you cant wait for your trip to the fairy tale cottage away from everything except 'the HUNK'. :) Not long to go now. Sooooo glad to see some movement on the scales for you again...please pass it on to me!!

    @Karla, Janice and Ellen....soooo nice to see how positive you all are about gains and not losing and are concentrating on the health benefits you are seeing. You are all so amazing, maybe we should all write our journeys down and have them published! Be wonderful encouragement and support for others.

    I have a question that I have been mulling over for those of you who have done ZC then had gains. While the ZC effect of losing is nice you have all added in carbs again and then had the gains. If this is changing from a diet into a lifestyle so it can be maintained is going ZC a wise thing to do as its obviously not sustainable and you would keep ending up in a cycle of lose on ZC, add in carbs and gain, struggle to lose agian. Personally I want to keep on keto but eating things I like within that so that dreadful feeling of deprivation that you get on other WOE doesnt crop up. Isnt there a danger of that going ZC???

    I totally agree with Ellen....we must try and find a DR who is experienced on this woe but more importantly in weight loss in our age group! i have no idea where we would strat looking but maybe May's idea of asking Prof Tim Noakes is good and.....maybe we should all send in the same question...lol...will that get a response do you think on his podcast(what is a podcast??? :/ )

    @Deb(oxley) hi! another 58 year old. Whens your birthday? I used to be 5'9" but have shrunk(I claim under the weight,lol) to 5'8" If I weighed 152lbs I'd be ecstatic!!! I am about 202 and struggling to break through into the 100's. You must be skinny already!! Jealous!!

    @ Faith....I agree with everyone else....ditch the carbs and go cold turkey! You sound like you are stuck on the 3 meal/2snack regime we have been fed for so long. Eat a very goof high fat and protein breakfast and you will find you dont even want a snack. You can use those calories for more satisfying main meals. I only eat twice a day main meal with the possibility of a snack available should i want it....or a low carb treat! It does get easier....we all promise!

    @ Kathie....you are doing so well with all your prep. Can you please take some 'YOU' time. The last thing we want to hear is that you have had a Hashicrash the day after. Pace yourself and treat yourself with love or the crash may happen before!!! You are the link everyone is circulating around...look after it! Btw, love your suggestion of making goodies and sending them out.....dont think they would arrive in very good condition from here though,lol. If a letter takes 10+ to get anywhere what would raspberry cheesecake be like!! Eeeewwwww. Wish I could though!

    @Cindy, I'm glad someon else mentioned about sweating etc. I was wondering if it was more likely your electrolyte balance than blood sugar. Take care all of you struggling in the heat. I know we have it here but at least we are equiped for it. Hows the poo? Are you enjoying it? We have a flat roof and hubby bought one of those pools with and external framwork and put it up there. Then we realised that even though the construction is concrete and rebar the weight of water in an 18ft pool thats 6 feet deep would be too juch so....i just gaze longingly at next doors pool which rarely gets used! What a waste!!

    @ krazyforyou...lolol. I wish I fitted into a pint of ice cream! Glad your weight hasnt gone up from it anyway.

    I expect by now you have realised that my darling husband has such faith in my ability to recreate anything in a low carb form ( I wish) that he thinks nothing is beyond me!11 hahahah. This week he asked for something with a flaky kind of pastry! I had to gently explain yet again that without gluten nothing becomes flaky....except me!! He is an ice cream lover and we used to eat it very frequently. I told him I had found recipes for low carn ice cream but that its just a lot of work with out and ice cream machine. His answer....we will buy one!!! Great except that in a country that never goes below 25C(77f) in the day and spends 6 months of the year at 40C+(104F) we cant find one!!! I cant believe it...none of the stores have one! Freezers full of ice creams in the supermarkets, gelato shops and Marble slab and frozen yoghurt stores everywhere but.....no ice cream machines! Mad!LOL. Needless to say he is very disappointed. Poor thing, heheh.

    Take care all of you. Wish I could get online more but busy time here.

    Oh, I forgot, I read yesterday that on thursday and friday this week 75,000 residents will leave for their summer break! They are warning everyone to get to the airports in good time. Then after another 2 weeks when Ramadan finishes the next lot will go and after that all the local citizens will go for their summer breaks! Not us!lol. We stay in the AC and go in winter to enjoy the frost and snow! Mad...maybe but the UK has 30C+ temps and no AC's! At least in winter you can dress up! At least the roads will be quieter! :)<3:)<3B)

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh May, I hope they find a care home soon for your MIL and maybe FIL as well. If they were living here, she would likely be admitted straight from hospital. As you know, I work in long term care and no matter how most of us want to avoid having to live in a long term care facility, I have seen many lives improved after admission.

    All of a sudden, you have many people in continuous shifts caring for the individual, instead of one exhausted spouse and some extended family members. I am sure that the worry factor is much reduced for all involved. Where mobility issued are of concern at home, a facility has many hands to help as well as equipment to improve safety. Where individuals are isolated socially at home, their emotional well being often improves around others they can relate to. We saw this in my grandmother ( Baba) who was very isolated at home after her husband died. When she was admitted to a care home, she met many ladies she could relate to, converse with, have coffee or walk with,and we saw her blossom. But most importantly, she was safe, since her memory grew increasingly worse and she could no longer care for herself without supervision. All of a sudden issues like meal preparation become stressfree. For many people, nutrition improves greatly. This was how we noticed that Baba needed more help, since we found out that she wasn't cooking but also wasn't eating properly.

    I would venture to guess that your FIL's quality of life would improve as well May, since your MIL's care would be taken care of. He could visit as often as he wished, or perhaps you could find somewhere that would be appropriate for both of them. I don;t know what kind of facilities you have over there, but here in Canada, we have many different versions of homes which range between seniors' housing on the fancy end which can include meal plans but no personal nursing care, right to personal care homes where all care needs are met. I know of some which have both, i.e, a seniors apartment type place for independent seniors who can care for themselves, attached right to a personal care home.

    I wish you the best of luck with this. I imagine it must feel like some of the pressure will be taken off.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    I have a dumb question ! I was wondering about electrolytes also as @jane mentioned above. What does everyone drink to replenish them?? I have Mio sport but don't like the artificial sweeteners in them.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    @cdpits, I'm sorry could you tell me your name again ? I know you mentioned it, but I don't know how far back I have to read to find it... And where in Canada are you ? ( Your hammock set up looked beautiful to me, btw. ) I'm in Winnipeg. The smoke is still in the air, but the sun is trying to peek out, kind of hazy.

    I have read all kinds of posts about electrolytes on MFP, but never knew much about them. I do salt food however, and take a magnesium supplement most nights, Natural Calm. I was kind of worried about my potassium level, but I shouldn't worry as it turns out. When I got my blood results back from the DR, it turns out that my electrolytes are fine, even potassium which I have never supplemented. Everything is right in the perfect range, so I am pleased.

    Can I ask why you think you should supplement ? Has your blood been tested ? Do you use salt ? For potassium, I rely on eating spinach and avocado, but must admit that I haven't touched those in a month and I feel fine.

    I myself wouldn't touch anything with sweeteners in them. Not only do I not like the taste of most sweeteners, some of the products that use them have other questionable ingredients too. I haven't looked at the MIO ingredients though, so can't say for sure. I just like to know what I am ingesting and try to go as natural as possible. I also highly suspect that when I have anything sweet tasting, I crave more food, so try to avoid that. I even gave up my beloved Pur gum that is sweetened with xylitol, and so far I am coping well.

    So I guess I supplement with salt in various forms...plain sea salt, celtic sea salt and my favorite, Herbamare, also Natural Calm daily, and avocado and spinach a couple of times per month.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh Jane, I didn't recognize you, you look beautiful !
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    @kit I am Cindy LOL ! I am on the west coast about 1 1/2 hours east of Vancouver.I have been getting dizzy spells while working around the property and was just trying to figure out if it was the heat as I overdue stuff a lot when outside , or maybe lacking replenishment of nutrients. I salt my steak and my butter is salted, I did have a couple shots of Mio yesterday just because I don't really understand where electrolytes come from hahaha!! Also need to shop today and will be grabbing some avocados for potassium. I have Chili/garlic seasalt and pink himmalayan sea salt, I was a non salt user for many years till lately as I suffered from immense water retention. This woe seems to have remedied that so I have added it back in with no adverse affects.
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello dear ladies. I just finished reading the entire thread. It took me 3 days. I feel like I know all of you a little bit. I'm going to jump in into a couple of the questions that have been posed throughout the thread and with a little bit of introduction.

    My name is Paula. I chose my username because my mother's name was Wilma. My nickname is always been Pebbles. The MDA part comes from the fact that I spent 4 years blogging on Mark's Daily Apple website and I wanted my friends there to be able to recognize me when they came here. 67 is my birth year. My birthday is August 25th. I my favorite food is probably steak or shrimp, or both together.

    I am a wife and a mom of three sons. I am a high school Spanish and social studies teacher in New York State. My hobbies include geneology and local community musical theater. I am currently in the musical Carousel as an ensemble cast member and am playing the role of the "heavenly friend". This role is normally played by a man, but we do some strange things in the theater.

    I am not quite 50. I'll be 48 this August but I do struggle. I think my struggles are a little bit different than yours. I am able to lose weight, the problem is keeping it off. I am in perimenopausal hormonal hell. I became primal/ paleo in the fall of 2010 and had great success but it is always been tempered by the fact that I have a binge eating disorder that flares periodically. Last June (2014)I hit an 80 pound loss and actually hit onederland for the first time in 20 plus years.

    I immediately started to gain weight. I would have a few clean days then I would binge. I was able to keep it within a 20 pound range up until December 24th 2014. In the last 6 months I have gained 45 pounds. My binge eating disorder has many factors. Some of it is nutritional, some of it is habitual and some is emotional. I had studied binge eating extensively and have a lot of experience and knowledge to share with the group if anybody needs help in that arena.

    I am currently doing a ketogenic experiment for the summer. I hope that very low carbohydrate eating will help cut my binges down. I am attempting to keep my carbohydrates under 20 grams most days but max 50 grams. I have experience doing low carb and ketogenic eating. Most of my primal weight loss was done under a hundred fifty grams of carb.I am following the clean food paleo guidelines. I am mostly dairy free, grain free, legume free, no processed foods, no sugar. I use stevia sometimes.

    Here's the thing ladies. The reason that I want to join this group is for support.I have been obese since the age of 9. Both my parents were obese. In January 2010 I hit a high weight of 280 pounds. I found Paleolithic eating in the fall 2010. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. Just after I started eating primally, I had a health crisis. I nearly died from pulmonary emboli. Small blood clots traveled from my right leg in clusters through my heart into my lungs where they nearly stopped my breathing. The doctors at that time and my RN husband told me that I was lucky to have lived. My numbers and the cat scan of my lungs were the kind of things that they would see in an autopsy. I figure at this point I'm living on gifted time. I am an coumadin therapy for life to combat my clotting disorder.

    About a year after my near death my mother died of ovarian cancer after a four year fight. She gained those four years through the supreme efforts of my husband and through working with me on a very low carb program. Due to the fact that my mother died of a female cancer my chances of getting a female cancer are greatly increased.

    Even though I know the health cards are somewhat stacked against me, I still have been unable to permanently control my binge eating disorder or even stick to a healthy eating plan.
    I am incredibly frustrated.

    Thank you for reading. Sorry it is so long, but remember, I'm responding to 35 pages of posts. I even left some things out.lol

  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @ Janice.... :):):);) Glad you got it!

    @ May, Im glad to hear this but like Janice have no idea of the facilities available to you there. At least Mil will be safe when you find somewhere and maybe Fil will relax then bless him. I too am surprised they discharged her before finding somewhere....do you have District/Community nurses there or 'Home Helps'...dont know what they call them these days! So happy that your Fil has enough awareness and love for you to realise he had hurt you and had the decency to call and apologise. How nice. Most wouldnt!

    @Cindy from what I have read time and again when we are on keto we pass a lot of electrolytes with ketones so we can become unbalanced. It can make you dizzy, thirsty and the thirst doesnt go when you drink, wee a lot and make you feel weak. A lot of people make bone broth and drink a bowl of that or drink bouillion cubes. I have no idea what Mio is but I have read that people buy zero gatoraid. I supplement magnesium following having a spell of being out of balance and it helps me sleep, I always use Lo Salt anyway which is 1/3rd sodium 2/3 potassium so I had to buy salt,lol so that I get enough sodium!!!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    @Cindy, and anyone else with "keto flu"

    I Ordered 1gram sodium chloride pills from Amazon. I take 1-2 a day to add to the salt I put on my food. This way I can avoid the msg etc. in most commercial bouillon. I do not always have time to make bone broth and it still needs to be salted. Table salt is only 60% sodium. The SC pills are just easier and pack a bigger salt punch. Most low carb experts say we need 3000-5000 mg of sodium while on this woe. I know, that level of sodium can be scary to think about. My personal experience is that the dizzyness, breathlessness and lethargy of keto flu is almost always tied to low sodium. I do, however, also supplement with 99 mg of Potassium and 400-800 mg of Magnesium citrate to keep a good electrolyte balance.

  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Hello Ladies, I went under my calories yesterday which result in a headache last night. I only had 800 calories all day it did not feel bad until I got the headache. So, today I will try for more calories getting bored with the same breakfast turkey bacon and eggs. Lunch is normally chicken and vegetable, just trying to make myself eat more. The doctor said I got in trouble bye not eating enough, so I really try to eat more. Thus far, I got in 760 calories today and I will really try to get the reminding calories for today. I think if I go cold turkey on carbs what oh what could I possible eat and remain on a 1200 calories. I am going to try fish and greens for dinner not sure it will give me all the calories I need. I made a great snack today celery with Nutkao spread and two almonds on each to create nut on the log.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    @jane and@pebbles, thank you both for your insights on this issue. I bought some lo-salt today which has a lot of potassium in it and will be seeing if that helps :) I didn't realize how much salt we needed on this woe !!