July Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Me: 24
    Binge: 0

    A close call earlier in the week that I was able to control. It gets easier as time passes but it's so easy to slip.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    me: 22
    the binge: 2
    days binge free: 14
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 13
    Binge: 11
    DBF: 1
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    me :25
    the binge : 0
    DBF : 55
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    B: 0
    Bfree: 67
    I have been traveling and going to clebration after celebration...oof. I haven't done anything thay I would consider bingeing, but I definitely have been overeating. I have 3 more days with family...going to try to slow it down now... I am afraid I have undone a lot of my hard work.. changing it around Today..
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me - 23
    the binge - 1
    days binge free - 12
    definitely overate at a party last night after having 3 too many drinks but didn't binge. Today is my last day here so I will be home soon and able to have much more control over my eating.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I have had very few binges this month, at most I have had 4.

    But this week has been tough. Yesterday I binged and today I've exceeded my calories and it's only 9AM (it feels like it's been a binge day but I'm unsure of if I classify it as one or not)

    I see this binges as a warning that something needs to be fixed or resolved in my life, but I can't figure out the exact trigger.

    I think I am stressed because I have classes ending soon and new ones beginning. I'm going on vacation soon and I wanted to feel good before leaving (not bloated or having tight clothes from binges!) . Also work tires me (but what can I do about it?)

    Another possible explanation for the binges is my time of month, but I'm not sure how much that influences it. All I know is I usually feel more lethargic and bloated - when I feel like crap my eating habits follow.

    Just needed a spot to get out my thoughts. It's going to take commitment and mind-fullness for me to get through today. I'm really not happy with my behavior this weekend but I want to turn it around by focusing on my long term goals and doing what is needed to reach them.

    I do know things that help me with the stress... walks, relaxing, yoga, reading, music, etc... pretty much just stepping back and taking time for myself. I just feel like I don't have the time when I'm trying to balance school, work, and a social life. I will get better at this, I need to create a plan for this fall semester so I am taking care of myself and having me time.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    July 22

    Me: 14*
    Binge: 8

    Streak: 3
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 14
    Binge: 11
    DBF: 2
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    edited July 2015
    me: 23
    the binge: 2
    days binge free: 15

    happy not bingeing, because my husband is gone since Thursday , and at night I succeed to not binge (because I used to binge when it is not there );
    the day I am very busy with my two young daughters but in the evening when I'm alone I do not binge even if I have very stressed days.
    plus, two week without a binge is a great victory, such a long time I didn't do this!
    luck to everyone and stand firm!
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    me : 26
    the binge : 0
    days binge free : 56
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me - 24
    the binge - 1
    days binge free - 13
    This whole week has been a week of overeating. I'm happy to have avoided bingeing but I really need to buckle down and try to keep it healthier now that I'll have a little more control over my food situation. Looking forward to getting back to my routine
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    July 25
    Kourtney: 12
    Binge: 12
    Days binge free: 12

    The urge to binge was crazy yesterday. So I let myself eat a few different treats so I don't deprive myself too much and go into another 2 month binge. I ended up over my calories for the day and feeling a bit guilty but I have to realize that perfection is not the goal, staying in control is.
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    me : 27
    the binge : 0
    days binge free : 57
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    kge0891 wrote: »
    July 25
    Kourtney: 12
    Binge: 12
    Days binge free: 12

    The urge to binge was crazy yesterday. So I let myself eat a few different treats so I don't deprive myself too much and go into another 2 month binge. I ended up over my calories for the day and feeling a bit guilty but I have to realize that perfection is not the goal, staying in control is.

    Dont beat yourself up - Thats a great victory and step forward - well done :)

  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Well...I am not bingeing in secret or out of sadness or anger this time - but I would consider today a binge. My problem with binge-eating also happens in celebrations with family...the aftermath of guilt and frustration with myself is the same.

    Me: 25
    Binge: 1
    Binge-free: 0
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 14
    Binge: 12
    DBF: 0
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    me: 24
    the binge:2
    days binge free: 16
    definitely overeat yesterday's evening , but stopping when I felt I was too full, so that's ok for me.
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    kge0891 wrote: »
    July 25
    Kourtney: 12
    Binge: 12
    Days binge free: 12

    The urge to binge was crazy yesterday. So I let myself eat a few different treats so I don't deprive myself too much and go into another 2 month binge. I ended up over my calories for the day and feeling a bit guilty but I have to realize that perfection is not the goal, staying in control is.

    That's great! I feel like the key is to be able to treat yourself without the "all or nothing"mentality.
    me - 25
    the binge - 1
    days binge free - 14
    weighed in this morning too - only up a pound or so after last week which is better than I was expecting
  • SnackySnackPants
    SnackySnackPants Posts: 35 Member
    I'm new, so I haven't been counting before, so I'll start since I joined MFP.

    Me - 3
    Binge - 1

    I really hoped I would have made it longer than that :\