Daily Check-In



  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    TonyTrink wrote: »
    Had a "sort of" yummy dinner tonight. I've been wanting to try out this recipe for using an avocado instead of mayo to make a chicken salad. Well, sadly I got out of work late tonight and just wasn't in the mood to cook some chicken and make a chicken salad, and the avocados at the store weren't all that ripe, they need a day or two sitting out. :( So, instead, I bought some pre-made chicken salad and some packet guacamole and mixed them together. Not as good as I imagine the real home made version will be, but it was enough to satisfy the itch I had tonight for it. :) I'll try the full monte this weekend when I've got the time to cook and the avocados are ripe.

    If you eat dairy and just want to avoid mayo, try greek yogurt in chicken salad. My sis made it with a little bit of champagne but you can do anything with it (curry, tarragon, dill, etc.) depending on your tastse.
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    annemmr wrote: »
    I had an all day dentist appt yesterday so we went out for dinner! Stayed under calorie but was way short on protein so back to the basics today.

    After an all-day dentist appointment I think my dinner would be vodka in a straw!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Got up the nerve to wear one of my vented t-shirts to the gym, and of course there is a guy there with absolutely SICK arms that made mine look like balloon animals.... oh well, you're only in competition with yourself... right????
  • annemmr
    annemmr Posts: 27 Member
    balloon animals, vodka through a straw, I think we will get along just fine....
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    annemmr wrote: »
    The scale is moving in the right direction but we will see if I am losing fat or muscle in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed!

    @annemmr - how do you know whether you're losing fat or muscle? I'm losing about 1/4 kg per week, maybe a little less, and I have no idea whether it's fat or muscle!
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    I didn't know this thread was here but I like the idea, so I'll try it out. Here I am. :)

    I've got chronic illness stuff going on of a vague and unhelpful nature, and the past few days have been something like a flare-up? So I've had to sleep in the day a lot, and I've not been able to move around much. 1,000-3,000 steps per day, according to Fitbit. :( But of course I still get hungry, so I've been quite far over on my calorie goals for about 5 days. I am looking forward to getting a bit back to normal, but goodness knows when that will be.

    On the plus side, I am doing way better with my protein goals, and I can really tell the difference. There is a particular kind of tired that I get if I keep not getting enough protein, and that particular kind of tired hasn't shown up in a while.

    I wish I knew what was causing this phase of sleep-requiring exhaustion. It's been almost a week now. >:( I want to kick its *kitten* and carry on like before!
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    shiftynj wrote: »
    Got up the nerve to wear one of my vented t-shirts to the gym, and of course there is a guy there with absolutely SICK arms that made mine look like balloon animals.... oh well, you're only in competition with yourself... right????

    Competition with myself....that must be why I suck in my gut every time I pass someone on my walking route, I'm certain that's the reason!

    Speaking of which, I'm out the door for a quick morning walk before work. Not looking forward to any walks this weekend, the weather channel is calling for 900 million degrees this weekend. :( Guess I'll be walking through Nazareth for 40 years this weekend, blah.....
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Lottiotta wrote: »
    annemmr wrote: »
    The scale is moving in the right direction but we will see if I am losing fat or muscle in a couple weeks. Fingers crossed!

    @annemmr - how do you know whether you're losing fat or muscle? I'm losing about 1/4 kg per week, maybe a little less, and I have no idea whether it's fat or muscle!

    This is always a puzzle... how are clothes fitting? If they are getting looser, is it in the areas where you have fat to lose? This is simple enough for a guy (sort of) but may be more complicated for women.

    If you have access to a competent personal trainer they may be able to measure it for you, but the caliper method is highly subjective to the method and location of measurement (best to always have the same person do it because technique varies) and the displacement method is the most accurate, but rare and expensive.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    @shiftynj Ahhh, so it's not a very easy question to answer for an individual then. I'm not a woman but I've got a lot of oestrogen, so I'm guessing there would be a lot of similarities for me with women when it came to measuring whether it's fat loss or muscle loss or both.

    For me, I have noticed that my arms and legs are both slimmer, and I did have fat to lose there. I noticed my arms being slimmer this morning because I have a little more muscle definition, and it gave me a bit of a confidence boost in making me feel like lifting weights might help me look better. So that's a mark on the "fat loss" column, I guess. The slimmer legs part is a mystery. I've been walking more, so I'm hoping that's kept my muscle tone at least the same as it was before.

    I'm gonna be a bit more diligent with taking progress photos. A big part of my problem is I can't remember what my body looked like last month!

    Thanks for the info, @shiftynj. :)
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    ryanp_942 wrote: »
    My gym buddy's arms have been getting noticeably bigger than mine in the last couple of weeks & i've been struggling to keep up so I invested in some matrix whey protein that I saw cheap on groupon. Eaten well within my goal today and don't feel too hungry, if only every day was like today! :)

    How do you guys compare size-wise, and how many calories are you eating on average?

  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Lottiotta wrote: »
    @shiftynj Ahhh, so it's not a very easy question to answer for an individual then. I'm not a woman but I've got a lot of oestrogen, so I'm guessing there would be a lot of similarities for me with women when it came to measuring whether it's fat loss or muscle loss or both.

    For me, I have noticed that my arms and legs are both slimmer, and I did have fat to lose there. I noticed my arms being slimmer this morning because I have a little more muscle definition, and it gave me a bit of a confidence boost in making me feel like lifting weights might help me look better. So that's a mark on the "fat loss" column, I guess. The slimmer legs part is a mystery. I've been walking more, so I'm hoping that's kept my muscle tone at least the same as it was before.

    I'm gonna be a bit more diligent with taking progress photos. A big part of my problem is I can't remember what my body looked like last month!

    Thanks for the info, @shiftynj. :)

    Yes photos and how your clothes are fitting are two ways to compare. Don't be upset if your weight goes up until you know what's causing it... by volume muscle weighs more than fat so you could be slimming down and still gaining pounds.
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Holy crap! Not only did NOT turn out to be 900 million thousand degrees out today, it's actually only around the mid 80's, which means I actually got to enjoy my walk today, but also, I managed to break through my 3.5 mph barrier and hit 4 mph! Now I'm completely drenched and can't wait to jump in the shower, but I'm pretty damn proud of myself! :)
  • acstl
    acstl Posts: 32 Member
    Way to go, Tony!
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm back from vacation! Not doing so well with food, but I've gotten right back to exercising as much as I did before. Progress is glacial as usual, but then again I started out with basically no upper body strength at all, and any progress is better than no progress. Plus I really need to get more protein in general...

    Yesterday I went for another pathetic attempt at running, and I got lots of encouraging smiles from random passersby, which was nice. (I tell myself that no they were not feeling sorry for me...)
  • CompM
    CompM Posts: 47 Member
    Howdy. Took an unplanned rest day, probably because I overreached in training on a really hot day. Lethargic and cranky, but crappy pizza helped a bit. Was within my calories, too!
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    I was taken into an office to be told that I have been promoted which is fantastic news.

    What?? Congratulations man! That's awesome :-D
  • robbie_1982
    robbie_1982 Posts: 21 Member

    What?? Congratulations man! That's awesome :-D

    Thanks mate - it was a nice surprise, just seem to have put in an extra hour a day since!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member

    What?? Congratulations man! That's awesome :-D

    Thanks mate - it was a nice surprise, just seem to have put in an extra hour a day since!

    Congratulations I'm sure it was well-deserved.

  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    shiftynj wrote: »
    ryanp_942 wrote: »
    My gym buddy's arms have been getting noticeably bigger than mine in the last couple of weeks & i've been struggling to keep up so I invested in some matrix whey protein that I saw cheap on groupon. Eaten well within my goal today and don't feel too hungry, if only every day was like today! :)

    How do you guys compare size-wise, and how many calories are you eating on average?

    I'm eating ~1800 cals & we're both fairly medium build - he's slightly taller and eating a lot more calories since he's not trying to lose weight at the same time as build muscle, which is a little tricky :/
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    For the past week I have been feeling really down, and using sweet treats as a lure to get me out of the house. Good for the whole fresh air and exercise, not so good for the calorie goals. ;) I'm also investigating my inability to ignore sweet stuff in my cupboard, since I have excellent discipline in every other aspect of my life. It will not surprise anyone to know that it looks like it has roots in my upbringing!

    Today is looking to be the second day in a very long time when I've not gone wayyyyy over my goals, so that's good. Plus I had a nap when I got tired, which is also good.

    I'm recovering from a shoulder injury so no shoulder-based workouts right now but I'm thinking about getting some of those resistance band thingies. I do have some weights but my main problem is my short attention span. I get so bored that I stop after a couple of sets at best! I'm wondering if I can do my workouts while watching TV, since that's how I knit and make zines and do my nails too and it works really well. It seems TV is the key to getting me to sit still and really *do* something. My cardio involves making a 30 minute playlist of awesome songs and dancing to them really hard, so something equivalent for strength training would be great, but I don't think just music on its own would work.

    So if anyone with an equally short attention span has any tips on how to not get bored while strength training, do alert me! :)