Lab Results?

m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
Has anyone seen their lab results (cholesterol & glucose) go the opposite direction with this diet? Specifically those that were not big meat eaters prior to starting LCHF. I know some people have lost an exorbitant amount of weight and their numbers have improved. Awesome! But mine did not, err, improve. I did not expect them to improve but I didn't expect them to get worse, either. Interested in what other people have experienced to see if this happens or if maybe this is just a difference in age. I'm 30 pounds lighter than I was the last time I had blood work done but I also ate very little red meat and lots of vegetables at that time.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My glucose didn't change much, went down a tiny bit, but my LDL went up. My trigs went down and HDL went up, but I know all kinds of things go wonky on bloodwork during "active weight loss." So if you aren't at a steady weight, depending on how bad, I wouldn't worry overly much, depending on comparisons. I posted my numbers a while back. I'll see if I can find them. Feel free to PM and we can compare if you want.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    First test in years was Aug 2014 Second July 28,2015. Started VLC March 2015 weight loss since then has been 25 pounds on top of the 19 pounds I lost doing moderate low carb high fat. Doctor said he did not want to do the test for LDL particle size when asked.
    Cholesterol 254 to 283
    Direct LDL 157 to 191
    HDL Cholesterol 36 to 50
    Triglycerides 417 to 258
    VLDL Cholesterol not available due to triglicerided over 400 and now 52 CHOL/HDL RATIO 7.1 to 5.7
    Glucose 97 to 95

    I have not seen the doctor yet but he noted on results he wants me to go on Statins. OH Hell NO I say. When I look at this I see improvement. This was a non fasting test and I have three eggs every morning. I am hoping when the next 45 pounds are gone making me at goal the results might read a little bit better and also hoping he will agree to test particle size. At this point he has no idea I have lost 44 pounds since I last saw him and maybe one more by the time I DO see him next week. I am on the edge of this happening.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Gotta ask for them to test the large particle and small particle sizes. Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) test or the Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) test. Without testing that, knowing if your cholesterol is high is next to useless, source: Fathead movie.

    My doc has agreed to test me for them. If my doc said no, I'd say "bye".
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Dang I do not see Edit. I just wanted to add I am under 5 carbs a day. So 99% of my foods are meat eggs fish butter.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Gotta ask for them to test the large particle and small particle sizes. Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) test or the Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) test. Without testing that, knowing if your cholesterol is high is next to useless, source: Fathead movie.

    My doc has agreed to test me for them. If my doc said no, I'd say "bye".

    See, I needed to write down the specific tests I needed. I didn't actually see the doctor. I went in, waited an hour and then the nurse popped her head in to tell me he was stuck in the hospital and I could wait if I wanted. Then I said I needed some things and had to quick rattle them off and she put in the order. Seriously, I'm pretty sure had I said, "I'll also take Adderall and Xanax" she would have been like "ok! I put it in!" It was too on the spot for me to ask for the right tests. Maybe when I actually see him I can be more specific.

    My results are not at all bad. I did not post them because I feel like I might get torn apart. They just aren't what they were prior to LCHF. I forgot to do the ratio though... going to do that now.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Gotta ask for them to test the large particle and small particle sizes. Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) test or the Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) test. Without testing that, knowing if your cholesterol is high is next to useless, source: Fathead movie.

    My doc has agreed to test me for them. If my doc said no, I'd say "bye".

    Thanks for this. I need to ask him again to do this. He is a so by the number book kind of guy and he is so young to be so closed minded. Oh well. I guess if he refuses to do it it does not matter because I am NOT taking his statins. I can be just as stubborn. I am feeling fantastic. Most of my thyroid issues have resolved. And I KNOW he is going to be shocked about my weight loss. His nurse transposed numbers on my weight last time I was there making me GAIN 20 pounds instead of losing 20. I did not know this had happened. So now he will really be surprised. Appointment is Aug 10.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    edited August 2015
    Dang I do not see Edit. I just wanted to add I am under 5 carbs a day. So 99% of my foods are meat eggs fish butter.

    Move your pointer towards the upper right hand corner of your post. A gear will turn on click it and edit away. You have an hour after you post to make an edit.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you KenSmith. That is very helpful.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    Thank you KenSmith. That is very helpful.

    My pleasure. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Gotta ask for them to test the large particle and small particle sizes. Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) test or the Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) test. Without testing that, knowing if your cholesterol is high is next to useless, source: Fathead movie.

    My doc has agreed to test me for them. If my doc said no, I'd say "bye".

    Thanks for this. I need to ask him again to do this. He is a so by the number book kind of guy and he is so young to be so closed minded. Oh well. I guess if he refuses to do it it does not matter because I am NOT taking his statins. I can be just as stubborn. I am feeling fantastic. Most of my thyroid issues have resolved. And I KNOW he is going to be shocked about my weight loss. His nurse transposed numbers on my weight last time I was there making me GAIN 20 pounds instead of losing 20. I did not know this had happened. So now he will really be surprised. Appointment is Aug 10.

    There are labs and places where you can go and have this tested without insurance or with it in independent labs, depending on where you live. My latest lab work was to have an out of pocket of $600 AFTER insurance. I'm still waiting to see what is up with all that. But again, if you are actively losing weight, this test may show bad stuff too right now during the transition.

    There were some fabulous videos and articles posted on the truth about cholesterol stuff and how there is ZERO PROVEN LINK to HEART DISEASE.... You need cholesterol to get glucose to your brain. Period. As long as my HDL is improving, my trigs are steady or up/down but a moderate amount (the ratio between these two is considered the most important ratio), I don't give a fig about my total numbers until I've maintained my weight without change for at least 6 months.

    I'm hoping the links to those videos and articles are in the launch pad...
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member
    I've read on other forums, maybe this one also, that as you lose weight those numbers can go up. When your weight stabilizes is the time to get your blood tests done. One of the more seasoned people on here can correct me if I'm wrong.
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    It's the triglycerides that matter. The gold standard for heart attack risk is the coronary artery calcium score. It is a CT scan of the heart.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    So the fact my Trigs are under 100 is great, considering they were over 200 a couple years ago?
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    yes. See this talks about the cholesterol/triglyceride ratio
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    Remember though, that half of the people that had a high cholesterol had normal cholesterol levels. Cholesterol has NEVER been shown to cause heart disease. the new thinking is that it is an inflammatory process cause by insulin resisitance.
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    half of the people that had heart attacks had normal cholesterol
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    I lost 22 lbs over 5 months. The final 4 months were on moderately low carb (~80-110 grams total carbs / day). The good news is that my A1C is now no longer in pre-T2D territory. However my LDL got worse. I've also read that LDL measurement is less meaningful while weight is decreasing. My doc said I could stay off statins for now, and re-evaluate after weight stabilizes.

    A1C: From 5.8 to 5.4 (this is the reason I tried lowering my carbs)
    Total Chol: From 230 to 275 (highest I've ever seen)
    Trig: From 64 to 49 (my trigs have always been low. Lucky)
    LDL: From 167 to 207 (worst I've ever seen)
    HDL: From 50 to 58 (best I've seen in decades)
    Total/HDL: From 4.6 to 4.7
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    pedidiva wrote: »
    Remember though, that half of the people that had a high cholesterol had normal cholesterol levels. Cholesterol has NEVER been shown to cause heart disease. the new thinking is that it is an inflammatory process cause by insulin resisitance.

    Which puts me at higher risk. I actually watched one of the videos someone posted about this lately... I just wanted to understand more about it... Apparently, instead of being the result of other issues, it seems like my IR caused, amplified, or contributed to my PCOS, my hypothyoidism, my high blood pressure, my high-ish cholesterol, my obesity, my difficulties losing weight, my inability to feel full ever which lead me to never have true hunger signals, etc., etc., etc.... Headed to save article down now.
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    Exactly, Knit. The treatment for insulin resistance is a LCHF diet. Check out
    Have you watched Peter Attia on youtube or Tim Noakes? Very good.
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    so when you see someone who is overweight--they are insulin resistant to some degree with too many carbs. It's the hormonal theory of obesity. the treatment is dietary LCHF.