
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    It seems I got a little bit lost on the way and have just been wandering in the woods for a year or so... But, I'm back now and over the last week I have wracked up 26.4 miles, putting me at 313.4.

    Looks like I stopped to camp and am following a wide shallow curvy valley.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    23.5 miles since leaving home. I've almost walked a marathon! The road just goes up and down and up and down and up and down. Pippin talks too much. I'm hungry.
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    I am just 17 miles into my adventure, but I'm determined to get to Rivendell.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    Did another 18.1 miles this week, now I'm at 331.5 and continuing in the valley, almost five days from Weathertop.
  • pahanda48
    pahanda48 Posts: 12 Member
    63.8 miles, I reached Farmer Maggot's house~
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I did 21.1 miles since my last tally, so I'm at 352.6. I'm continuing in the valley. I've almost reached camp.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    33 more miles. 385.6: I set up camp, returned to the Great East Road, crossed the River Hoarwell/Mitheithel, enterded the lands of the Trollshaws, camped in the hills, climbed through the hills, got rained on, and camped by a stony shelf by a shallow cave. It's been a busy couple of weeks.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    39 miles since leaving Bag End. We're in a wood of ancient oaks and hiding inside a large tree.

    Two days ago we had a horrifying experience! A rider dressed all in black was on the road behind us. The air felt wrong and we felt we should hide off the road. The creature (for it was no man) slowed down near us and sniffed the air. We were afraid to breathe! It screeched and moved on. I'm still waiting for my blood to thaw after all that fear and evil.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    6-1/2 more miles for 45 total miles.

    I got to see elves! I've heard stories but never seen them before.
  • AmeliaJ92
    AmeliaJ92 Posts: 586 Member
    241 miles in means I've made it to Weathertop! Watch out everyone. There are Nazgul here. I guess I better hurry on down the road.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Six and a half more miles. Pippin says we've gone too far South. He's such an insufferable know-it-all.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    59.3 miles.

    I can see Farmer Maggot's fields up ahead. Do you think he'll notice if a few of his cabbages and carrots go missing?
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    305 miles

    After getting Nazgul wounded (dropped out) and wandering around a bit, I've returned. Determined to get to Rivendell, I've found the road again and set out.

    Please "friend" me, and we can walk together.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    AmeliaJ92 wrote: »
    241 miles in means I've made it to Weathertop! Watch out everyone. There are Nazgul here. I guess I better hurry on down the road.

    You've made such progress! Good job!
  • Magseye
    Magseye Posts: 58 Member
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Finally getting back to this after falling off the wagon for a while...

    Mile 229: Reached foot of the Weather Hills. Camped there. Follow path south toward Weathertop: path is cunningly hidden and is edged with stones where land is open. Sam recites part of "The Fall of Gil-galad."
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Mile 240: Climb to top of Weathertop and enter the ruins of the watch Tower of Amon Sûl. See Black Riders on road below.
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Mile 241: Return to dell. Camp there. Attack of Nazgul at night. (Ack!)
    Injured, Frodo is carried on pony. Head south from dell.
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Mile 251: Cross Great East Road and enter thickets on south side. Land slopes south.
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Mile 260: Camp in thickets.