100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Sorry I've been mia... Someone took my bank information and cleaned me out so I've been dealing with that. Found out I'm a stress eater.. Had a few cupcakes the other day :x still managed to lose weight though. My nutrisystem shipment should be here including a nutribear so that's exciting.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Oh Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear that. What a headache. I hope you can recover what was taken. Do you know how or who???

    Hi Roger, I MUCH prefer walking my dogs, playing with my kid, taking a nap...compared to work. But, I MUCH prefer work to sleeping on a sidewalk and eating out of trash cans. So, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to work!

    Hi Shirl, I started to research cataracts. I'm 51 and two eye doctors told me I have them, but so far I can't tell. Sigh. So, I bought Leutine (with something else) that is supposed to slow cataract growth. But, then I was thinking...if my current lenses lasted 51 years, and I get them replaced now...would the artificial ones last another 51 years? (That's the next Googling question I'll look into).
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Progress photos. First one shows 25# loss, second one shows 56# loss. I have no clue what I'll look like after I lose another 50#.

  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Val: you look amazing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed the luetine helps with everything! Artificial lenses?! So like a knee replacement type deal but for your eye where it's something they cut out and replace?

    As far as the card.... Someone was using it in Miami... I live in Indiana so not sure who... I had the physical card.. Officer who took my police report said more then likely (since I don't shop online) said it was someone who has this device that if they get within 5 ft of you.. This scanner/reader device picks up numbers from people wallets or purses. So he said the only way to prevent that is to get a card from a bank that has a microchip because the chip generates a new number each time it's used. So even if someone walked by me again.. They'd pick up a number that wasn't any good the next time the card was to be used. That they'd have to have the physical card in order to use it. So of course that meant I had to switch banks since the credit union I have/had didn't have that option. Just been a lot of running around trying to get stuff changed.

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Daisy - what a pain! I hate criminals and the mischief they make. Wish they'd get a more productive life - not by stealing ours.

    Val - wowza girl - way to go! You're looking fab. As for the cataracts - was told a while a go that I had them - don't remember when. When I lost right eye vision due to clot hitting it - eye guy said cataract surgery would help. That week I was out at night and couldn't see the road - rain storms also make it hard to drive - other than that really not sure. I remember when mom had her cataracts removed in the late 60s that she cried when she saw her "clean" house - I thought I had it clean, she disagreed. They didn't put lenses in back then - she had to lay flat for days and use sandbags to keep her head steady.

    Apparently - I may crab alot about my health - but don't dwell on how bad it actually is. You'd think after being told no anesthetic and having surgery without it, having 2 other surgeries in the big OR when they're normally outpt surgical procedures, that I'd catch on. Diabetes is always a pain, sleep apnea messes with both your heart and breathing, asthma is a breathing issue, and heart failure - well that's the engine that keeps all of us going. Doah!

    Looking back I initially didn't tell my hubs nor my big boss that I had to have heart surgery until just prior when it actually landed on the radar. Just read that spouses often don't share when they're ill - so as not to worry their partner. I never consciously chose not to share - I know I shared with my friends - but not those closest to me - go figure.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Val: you look amazing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed the luetine helps with everything! Artificial lenses?! So like a knee replacement type deal but for your eye where it's something they cut out and replace?

    As far as the card.... Someone was using it in Miami... I live in Indiana so not sure who... I had the physical card.. Officer who took my police report said more then likely (since I don't shop online) said it was someone who has this device that if they get within 5 ft of you.. This scanner/reader device picks up numbers from people wallets or purses. So he said the only way to prevent that is to get a card from a bank that has a microchip because the chip generates a new number each time it's used. So even if someone walked by me again.. They'd pick up a number that wasn't any good the next time the card was to be used. That they'd have to have the physical card in order to use it. So of course that meant I had to switch banks since the credit union I have/had didn't have that option. Just been a lot of running around trying to get stuff changed.

    I agree with Shirl. I hate criminals. About a year ago a woman in Skokie IL took out a credit card in my name, then stopped making payments. Found out when I went to buy a car. My police wouldn't take a report, so I called her credit card company. They took my info and were going to forward the bills to my correct address. I was not agreeable! After a few more calls and my thestening to go to Skokie to confront this wins they finally "believed me" cancelled her card n took it off my credit report. I was lucky...just a major nuisance.

    You can buy RFID-blocking wallets or even just the credit card sleeve. I bought an RFID-blocking passport holder for when I travel abroad (they can scan your passport and make a duplicate and by the time you find out you can't get back in the US. For my credit cards I nsde my own blocker out if aluminum foil and duct tape!

    For cataract surgery, they remove the cloudy lens from your eye (it's behind the iris n pupil). Then they insert an artificial lens in its place, but I haven't researched how long the artificial ones last.

    Cataracts usually grow slowly, and leutine is believed to make it even slower. So there's no way to really tell if it's working, but at least I can try to do what i can.

    I was surprised at how different my pics look. I'm losing faster in my face n chest and slower on my belly n bum. But I'm losing! I'm very glad to be here and working on making me as healthy as I can.
    Thx, Val
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Yikes! Thankfully my police department handles fraud reports fairly often... Or not thankfully I guess? But they take the report and forward it to their investigations and go from there. He said since it was used in Miami, they doubt anything will come of it like it would have if they were local. He also said if I was able to, use credit for everything and then pay it off at the end of the month because they hit my checking account, I'm out all of my money until the investigation is done. Where as if they got my credit card, I'd still have my money. It's just a pain. Froze my credit and everything. I just bought my house and a new car a year ago so I don't plan on needing to open a loan any time soon
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    I also am proud to present Pound! I am 5.2 pounds away from the next bear... So I'm going to go for two bears in my next shipment :) be 15 pounds for the month if I do :)

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Congrats on your first bear!!! At first I was wishy-washy about the idea of the bears...and subsequently, I LOVE them. It helps to have a visual reminder of how far we've come.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was walking this morning 2.8+ miles. I picked up my Coffee at the Quick Chek, Then went over to the Pathmark Grocery Store for Bananas and a Bag of frozen vegetables, I was not impressed by the price on the frozen vegetables, It was much higher than at the ShopRite Grocery Store. I can see why they are struggling. The selection did not impress me either.

    Have a Great Day
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Sorry I've been mia... Someone took my bank information and cleaned me out so I've been dealing with that. Found out I'm a stress eater.. Had a few cupcakes the other day :x still managed to lose weight though. My nutrisystem shipment should be here including a nutribear so that's exciting.
    Oh Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear that. What a headache. I hope you can recover what was taken. Do you know how or who???

    Hi Roger, I MUCH prefer walking my dogs, playing with my kid, taking a nap...compared to work. But, I MUCH prefer work to sleeping on a sidewalk and eating out of trash cans. So, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to work!

    Hi Shirl, I started to research cataracts. I'm 51 and two eye doctors told me I have them, but so far I can't tell. Sigh. So, I bought Leutine (with something else) that is supposed to slow cataract growth. But, then I was thinking...if my current lenses lasted 51 years, and I get them replaced now...would the artificial ones last another 51 years? (That's the next Googling question I'll look into).

    Hi DaisyLee
    Your Experience is one reason both my brother & I avoid Debit cards. If They gave me any type of card with a a RFID device I would have to physically disable that.

    BTW Never use a debit card on the Internet, You have much less fraud protection that using one anywhere.

    Good Luck
    Progress photos. First one shows 25# loss, second one shows 56# loss. I have no clue what I'll look like after I lose another 50#.


    Hi Val
    What a nice difference, And what a great idea taking the photographs holding the bears rdb.gif

    Daisy - what a pain! I hate criminals and the mischief they make. Wish they'd get a more productive life - not by stealing ours.

    Val - wowza girl - way to go! You're looking fab. As for the cataracts - was told a while a go that I had them - don't remember when. When I lost right eye vision due to clot hitting it - eye guy said cataract surgery would help. That week I was out at night and couldn't see the road - rain storms also make it hard to drive - other than that really not sure. I remember when mom had her cataracts removed in the late 60s that she cried when she saw her "clean" house - I thought I had it clean, she disagreed. They didn't put lenses in back then - she had to lay flat for days and use sandbags to keep her head steady.

    Apparently - I may crab alot about my health - but don't dwell on how bad it actually is. You'd think after being told no anesthetic and having surgery without it, having 2 other surgeries in the big OR when they're normally outpt surgical procedures, that I'd catch on. Diabetes is always a pain, sleep apnea messes with both your heart and breathing, asthma is a breathing issue, and heart failure - well that's the engine that keeps all of us going. Doah!

    Looking back I initially didn't tell my hubs nor my big boss that I had to have heart surgery until just prior when it actually landed on the radar. Just read that spouses often don't share when they're ill - so as not to worry their partner. I never consciously chose not to share - I know I shared with my friends - but not those closest to me - go figure.

    Hi Shirl
    I tend to be much the same way and not let Family know about any health issues too.

    If I could wave a magic wand one of the first things I would do would be cure criminals of any ability to do crime :)

    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Yikes! Thankfully my police department handles fraud reports fairly often... Or not thankfully I guess? But they take the report and forward it to their investigations and go from there. He said since it was used in Miami, they doubt anything will come of it like it would have if they were local. He also said if I was able to, use credit for everything and then pay it off at the end of the month because they hit my checking account, I'm out all of my money until the investigation is done. Where as if they got my credit card, I'd still have my money. It's just a pain. Froze my credit and everything. I just bought my house and a new car a year ago so I don't plan on needing to open a loan any time soon
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    I also am proud to present Pound! I am 5.2 pounds away from the next bear... So I'm going to go for two bears in my next shipment :) be 15 pounds for the month if I do :)


    Hi Again
    One tip, if You earn two bears for one shipment, Only the higher one will arrive, You will have to call them and then they will ship the other bear separately.

    Good Luck
    Congrats on your first bear!!! At first I was wishy-washy about the idea of the bears...and subsequently, I LOVE them. It helps to have a visual reminder of how far we've come.

    Hi Val
    I like getting them too. I have them all over the house for encouragement not to cheat!

    Have a Great Day
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks for the heads up about the two bears! You'd think gets include both so they wouldn't have to pay shipping.. That's just silly. I keep my bear on my little table in my living room so every time I see it when I get up to pass it on the way to the kitchen to remind myself to make healthy choices. Too bad they don't weigh 10 pounds each so every time you pick them up you can feel how much you lost
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, 2.75 miles. So far the days weather is OK, Humidity is starting to rise and temperatures are going up. It was comfortable however as I was out before the sun came up and home before it had much heat to it.

    Then I Loaded the car and We made the recycle run with Shredded Paper, Shredded DVDs etc. More stuff to shred now that I have a new shredder replacing the Dead one. Why Shred DVDs? They have old data backups on them or Software that was bought over the internet and saved with the Product Key Email.

    Have a great Weekend
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Thanks for the heads up about the two bears! You'd think gets include both so they wouldn't have to pay shipping.. That's just silly. I keep my bear on my little table in my living room so every time I see it when I get up to pass it on the way to the kitchen to remind myself to make healthy choices. Too bad they don't weigh 10 pounds each so every time you pick them up you can feel how much you lost

    Hi Daisylee
    You have a chance to try something that I thought of after the need for it was past. When Your order is due to process You could call customer support and ask them to make sure both bears are included in the shipment instead of just the one bear. That Way You do not have to wait for them to ship it later.

    I keep a bear on the Table by my recliner in the living room sitting alongside the lamp to remind me to eat my dessert and to not eat off plan. I find it is fairly easy to under eat after being on NS for a while, My Body and brain have adjusted to eating properly :)

    Having the bear weigh 10 pounds is a nice idea but I suspect the shipping could be a bit expensive as it is based on weight.

    Want to see how it feels? Next time You go shopping pick up and carry a 10 pound bag of potatoes or if You have lost 15 pounds pick up 15 pounds of potatoes and carry the entire time You shop :) That will show what You were carrying all day long :)

    Gave a good weekend

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi all -

    Roger - thanks for all your security tips - you really stay on top it seems.

    Today isn't going as planned. My CA friends arrived so late last night they stayed at the airport as they couldn't get a car til this morning. They went to the Rock hall on their own (no great loss to me) - ate at a famous corned beef place, are now at a 90th bd pty in my berg, will check into their planned hotel after 3, and we'll prolly get together tonight - I have nothing yummy to feed them, so if they come here we'll have to order or do KFC - if we go out - we have a few suggested places - but on Sat eve - who knows.

    Yesterday I did my mystery trip. Thought we were headed to Columbus - went to PA instead.

    Meadville - Allegheny College and Balwin-Reynolds Mansion. Then off to Conneaut Lake Park for lunch at the hotel overlooking the water, and either a carousel or train ride - one couple did the rickety wood roller coaster. Next to a winery - 6 wine tastings - bought 2 bottles - princess sweetwater and a red - you could request by #. Then to the Pymatuning Lake Spillway - where a ton of huge carp wait to be fed - now joined by ducks and gulls. We each got a loaf of bread to feed them - which goes quickly! Final stop - an ice cream stand. A med cone - cake, waffle or sugar with either custard - vanilla, choc or strawberry, or one of their many ice cream selections - I got peach - they served the cone with a spoon - it was 2 huge scoops! Left home at 7 - bus left at 7:30 and got back at 7 - so was gone all day! Didn't feel well when I got home. My bus seat was broken and kept reclining on it's own - so the folks behind me took an empty seat and I moved to theirs - but was achey and stressed anyhow.

    Glad that I didn't have to do Rock Hall this morning. Working out well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Walked again today, The Temperatures are climbing as is the humidity, I survived it. 2.75 miles and 11 cents, at this rate I'll be rich in 100 years :)

    Have a Really Good Sunday
    Hi all -

    Roger - thanks for all your security tips - you really stay on top it seems.

    Today isn't going as planned. My CA friends arrived so late last night they stayed at the airport as they couldn't get a car til this morning. They went to the Rock hall on their own (no great loss to me) - ate at a famous corned beef place, are now at a 90th bd pty in my berg, will check into their planned hotel after 3, and we'll prolly get together tonight - I have nothing yummy to feed them, so if they come here we'll have to order or do KFC - if we go out - we have a few suggested places - but on Sat eve - who knows.

    Yesterday I did my mystery trip. Thought we were headed to Columbus - went to PA instead.

    Meadville - Allegheny College and Balwin-Reynolds Mansion. Then off to Conneaut Lake Park for lunch at the hotel overlooking the water, and either a carousel or train ride - one couple did the rickety wood roller coaster. Next to a winery - 6 wine tastings - bought 2 bottles - princess sweetwater and a red - you could request by #. Then to the Pymatuning Lake Spillway - where a ton of huge carp wait to be fed - now joined by ducks and gulls. We each got a loaf of bread to feed them - which goes quickly! Final stop - an ice cream stand. A med cone - cake, waffle or sugar with either custard - vanilla, choc or strawberry, or one of their many ice cream selections - I got peach - they served the cone with a spoon - it was 2 huge scoops! Left home at 7 - bus left at 7:30 and got back at 7 - so was gone all day! Didn't feel well when I got home. My bus seat was broken and kept reclining on it's own - so the folks behind me took an empty seat and I moved to theirs - but was achey and stressed anyhow.

    Glad that I didn't have to do Rock Hall this morning. Working out well.

    Hi Shirl
    It sounds as if most of the day went enjoyably, except for the end of it. A long day too

    have a Nice Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Yesterday I helped a work friend move from a 2nf floor apt to a different property 3rd floor apt. Fitbit says I climbed 84 flights of stairs! Knees hurt during, plus heat got to me a couple times. But she n her bf were seriously impressed w my energy level. She's 1/2 my age, and does not have a weight issue. But, about 2 hours after I fell asleep I awoke screaming as it felt like someone took a baseball bat to both shins. Freaked out my dogs. I crawled to tub, and soaked in hot water, which stopped me from screaming. Bengay n leg elevation...and I'm feeling good today!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yesterday I helped a work friend move from a 2nf floor apt to a different property 3rd floor apt. Fitbit says I climbed 84 flights of stairs! Knees hurt during, plus heat got to me a couple times. But she n her bf were seriously impressed w my energy level. She's 1/2 my age, and does not have a weight issue. But, about 2 hours after I fell asleep I awoke screaming as it felt like someone took a baseball bat to both shins. Freaked out my dogs. I crawled to tub, and soaked in hot water, which stopped me from screaming. Bengay n leg elevation...and I'm feeling good today!

    HI Val
    I am sorry to hear that, It sounds like a delayed reaction to the stair climbing, I am glad it is better today.
    I took my little wrist unit that takes BP and pulse at the press of a button. The results were better than I expected, I took several readings once the Sun came up enough to read the screen. I just ran the figures and the average taken towards the end of the walk was 134.5 over 84.75 and Pulse of 84.5. I think those are OK? If anybody knows for sure?

    Thank You
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Text book blood pressure is 120/80 for an adult just to be sitting and existing... Pulse is anywhere from 60-100 for a normal heart beat
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today another 2.85 Miles and 19 cents :) Humidity and Temperatures are up today and going higher as the week progresses, If You want to consider getting more humid and warmer progress :)
    I have finished Breakfast and am working on my water.

    I lucked out getting my McDs coffee. They locked up after me due to computer problems. I suspect I got mine as I keep exact change on hand for the coffee. $1.07

    Walking back home I saw a Blue Egret fishing in the brook, I do not know if it is the same one I have seen in a different brook or the same one moved to a different location.

    Have a Great Monday
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Text book blood pressure is 120/80 for an adult just to be sitting and existing... Pulse is anywhere from 60-100 for a normal heart beat

    Hi DaisyLee
    Thanks for the information, since that average was 1.5 hours into the walk they sound pretty fair to me.

    Have a Nice Day
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Val - that sounds like shin splints to me - youch! Used to play softball in my 20s - experienced that pain then. Good on you being able to do that many stairs! You go girl.

    Roger - you're so inspirational with all your walking. Good on the coffee too.

    Watering back yard trees - mid 80s - little rain all month - looking ragged.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm so glad the shin pain did not resurface. I took the dogs out walking...they wanted to jog and I held them back. I did jog a little and no pain, but I didn't want to push it.

    My kiddo starts school on Wednesday...so now my schedule will get even tighter. But I am firmly on my priority list.