Low carb doesn't work for everyone



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Darn! I guess I'm one of them. I was so hopeful too.

    I have been feeling more and more like an engine trying to run on an empty tank so I need to look for something else apparently-- and I think it will be much more restrictive (like an autoimmune diet).

    I just want to let everyone know that this has been the most delightful experience being in this group. The support and caring is beyond awesome.

    Anyway thanks so much to everyone who had responded to my questions-- and not even that-- who have responded to any questions. I've learned so much from all of you. I probably will hang out and lurk since I just love this group even if the LC WOE isn't really working for me.



    I would agree with Sabine about going slower like Med diet. This doesn't mean I disagree with anyone else on the thread. I think for some people one way is the way an if you lurk the threads and get to know people and what tools they use you may find the most successful people employ many tools. Success and the path someone takes isn't for all so keep reading and learning. Continue to explore options and decide how to go about your plan.

    I was listening to Herm Edwards the other night(an NFL player, coach, and commentator) and he spoke of players coming to him and saying "Coach, I have all these goals!" He would look at them and say "Great!" "What is your plan?" A goal without a plan is a dream, So, write out your goal, make a plan, be flexible, get frustrated, learn, and grow. Last thought- - - > is a very good book by Charles Duhigg where he discusses habits and willpower. It has served me well. Best of luck.

    Good post. :+1:
    The book sounds interesting.

    The keys to success on ANY WOE are: consistency over time (developing good habits) and good planning.
    And being stubborn as h*ll and refusing to let life mess with you. :p

    Those 3 things are what have gotten me here, will get me to my goal, and will keep me healthy long-term. The diet choice was just a tool. It's essential to choose the right tool for your job to begin with though. And if the tool stops working, get a better one. :smile:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited August 2015
    Been on the road using the tablet is not working out so well to type.

  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I LOVE this group!!!

    It is obvious lower carbs are the answer since especially sugar was a taking a huge hit on my health. But maybe they are too low. I didn't realize 150 was still considered low carb. I've been at around 30 to 60 most days.

    I just want to be able to continue to improve, be able to function (think clearly at work so I don't lose my job and have enouugh energy to take care of my pups) and lose weight. I stalled out at 10 pounds down and am not able to exercise except walking on the "good" days and usually for small amounts like 10 minutes at a time. I feel like instead of making progress I'm going the other way-- less energy every day.

    I just had a thought-- I wonder if it's a magnesium deficiency. I have overlooked taking that recently. I just took 3 mega pills so hopefully that will help get me to the market and back home today.

  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I truly don't know the answer either about keto flu-- I know this doesn't feel the same as when I first started LC but it still could be a "flu" effect.

    If it's helpful, I consider myself low carb at about 100 carbs a day and I sometimes go a little over. I still feel very much a part of this group and contribute freely when I feel like it.

    I do not exercise and have no immediate plans to begin any sort of routine.

    I'm losing 8 to 10 pounds a month, but that's because I count calories. Eating or drinking grand amounts of fat or oil just makes me feel nauseous, so I don't do that.

    The pain in my hands, feet and joints is mostly gone. Anxiety and chronic low mood continue to improve by the day to the point of being barely noticeable on most days. No more constipation. No more sinusitis. Lung inflammation greatly reduced. Cystic acne not completely gone, but on it's way out. I know it will take 6 months to a year to accomplish this. I require much less sleep. I have become ambivalent about food. I can take it or leave it. My compulsion to eat huge amounts of food, or even strong feelings that I need my meal RIGHT NOW is gone. I have the energy to do whatever life requires of me, including work hard on my feet at my job.

    You don't need ketosis or anything close to it to reap the wonderful health benefits of giving up grains and grain products, legumes, starchy vegetables and added sugar.

  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    I also stay around 100. I love it. I have a friend that has lost 100 lbs eating 25-28 carbs per meal 5 times a day. It does work. Maybe at a slower pace. My race my pace.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    If you are so much better now than a year ago, why not keep at it ? I know that after an initial weight loss, I felt stalled for quite a while, but it is perseverance which is keeping me going. And if anything, my brain fog has much improved or disappeared with under 30g carbs daily. I have never felt better, and I wish the same for you.

    I am 50 pounds lighter than 11 months ago. I have tons of even energy throughout the day and a clear mind. I have improved flexibility and physical endurance. I am happier ! I think high fat helps.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best !

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My goal is "under 100g". Usually I am more like in the 40-70 range. When I feel like I cheated a little, I am still under 100 most of the time.

    I would give it some more time. It sounds like you have some health issues that may be preventing the quick losses that many people report. Perhaps your body needs some more healing and recovery time. You did lose 11 pounds and that is something. You didn't gain or stay the same.

    And long term, some version of LC is a lot healthier than the alternatives, and I think will make a big difference health wise over time.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Ketogenic diets work great. Until they don't anymore. Some people just do better doing other things at different points in their journey.

    Thanks for sharing that baconslave. :) You're in good company too; Tom Naughton and Peter Attia both have added more carbs to their diets.

    No one should ever feel bad for eating as many carbs as their health, activity level and plain old preference allows. Low carb is just a tool... a miraculous, life changing tool for some but still just a tool. If it stops working it would be foolish not to switch it up and find your new best way to eat.
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    This is a great thread, and I have learned a lot about low carb just from reading this one thread. I was tempted to give up due to really low energy during and after my run yesterday but will stick with it and find what works for me.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I am VERY thankful Baconslave shared her story..we are all so jacked up on how successful LCHF can be that when there IS a snag we blame ourselves.

    Just taking a beat..breath..and keep trying, not stressing, reduce tha Cortisol..and continue.

    as others have said there is no better alternative….

  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    Wow I'm completely overwhelmed. Thanks for all the advice and kind words and caring.
    I don't actually seem to be feeling better with higher carbs so maybe lots more salt and take that magnesium every day. Oddly enough I started a kind of meditation yesterday (Sahaja- very very cool) that seems to be giving me quite a bit of energy. So with those 3 things maybe I'll be OK! I think I will eventually do more of an autoimmune diet but I don't feel like jumping into that all at once right now.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    aprueitt wrote: »
    I also stay around 100. I love it. I have a friend that has lost 100 lbs eating 25-28 carbs per meal 5 times a day. It does work. Maybe at a slower pace. My race my pace.

    ^^ this! Just look at my weight loss graph, see how long it took me? but I am still keeping it off a year later. kcko! at whatever grams of carbs you can handle. It works!
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Ketogenic diets work great. Until they don't anymore. Some people just do better doing other things at different points in their journey.

    I lost all but the last 10lbs (that's 92 so far) doing keto, (<50g carbs total). But the past 6 months or so I've really been struggling with the chronic fatigue popping up again that had plagued me since I was 19. I've tweaked all kinds of things, more fat, more protein, more calories, been keeping the electrolytes on the up-and-up, cutting out artificial sweeteners, even carb-cycling. But I was still tired. I'm also always hungry all the time. Keto lost it's satiating effect for me. I've started upping my carbs over the ketogenic threshold. I've randomly checked my blood sugar after carbier things (like a banana) 2 hrs pp and it hasn't been over 95. So no worries there. I'm still LCHF, I'm just staying out of ketosis. It's nice to have an apple. And a little bit of roasted carrots in my stew. I can have some chili sometime. :mrgreen: And I have found in just the 2 days I've been doing this that I'm not having any trouble staying under 100. I don't think I broke 85 yesterday. And I had a small bowl of popcorn! Which I ate because I wanted it and because I was afraid I wouldn't be high enough to stay out of ketosis. I haven't had anymore carb-mares at night so far (those of you who have them know what I mean. Mine are very intense and stressful and I wake up stressed.) I don't care about the couple pounds of water weight. I'll still get to goal eventually. I'm also having less trouble hitting my calorie goal now. So my macros look a bit like: 20% carbs, 25% protein, 55% fat.

    Intellectually, I feel like a traitor to the keto-cause. But I'm really not sorry. I'm quite happy to have more veggies in my life. I'm making almond flour crackers and bread sometime this week. In the trenches, it's every gal for herself. We got to discover our sweet spot for best health. It WAS keto for me. Now it may be something else. No shame in finding what's best for you. That's smart. This is all a huge experiment in progress.

    I hope you start feeling better soon, Kerin. <3

    I have also seen that I sleep better keeping above 50 grams. Like you say it is very easy to stay under 100.

    It seems harder for me to stay over 50. I find myself , like you, looking for a last minute carb. Last night it was a small amount of blackberry ice cream.

    Good to know this group is all about finding what is right for you and not forcing a certain program on everyone.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am VERY thankful Baconslave shared her story..we are all so jacked up on how successful LCHF can be that when there IS a snag we blame ourselves.

    Just taking a beat..breath..and keep trying, not stressing, reduce tha Cortisol..and continue.

    as others have said there is no better alternative….

    Sorry I haven't responded to your PM, yet. Tuesdays and Weds are super busy for me. Appts and running errands.

    Keto is great. It's amazing! Some people never have my problem. But some people do. It was really awesome for me for a long time. It just isn't working as well for me any more. I'd be a dummy to keep banging my head. Each individual has a different arrangement of DNA and, in addition, our diets can change our bodies. So naturally, if our bodies change, what works can change. Nothing is forever. And nothing is perfect for everyone. It's up to us to customize our intake to fit our particular situation and needs.

    If I posted my story on r/keto, I would have been downvoted so low so quick that the devil would be waving down at me. I'm not interested in popularity. I'm interested in truth and actually helping people. That's why I'm here and helping to mod the group in the first place. I still believe in keto. I think I've just out-grown it. I'm not going carb nuts, though. I still haven't touched 100g. And I'm not interested in eating crap. I still believe LCHF is THE THING for me. Ketosis was just stressing my system too much for some reason. I may go back to it here and there.

    Who knows. It's all an experiment in progress.

    I'm pretty much following our general low-carb recs. Stay under 100g. Eat enough protein for my body. Fill the rest with fat. Customize as necessary. :smile:
    It's working for me right now. I'll stick with it until it doesn't anymore.

    pondsbb wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Ketogenic diets work great. Until they don't anymore. Some people just do better doing other things at different points in their journey.

    I lost all but the last 10lbs (that's 92 so far) doing keto, (<50g carbs total). But the past 6 months or so I've really been struggling with the chronic fatigue popping up again that had plagued me since I was 19. I've tweaked all kinds of things, more fat, more protein, more calories, been keeping the electrolytes on the up-and-up, cutting out artificial sweeteners, even carb-cycling. But I was still tired. I'm also always hungry all the time. Keto lost it's satiating effect for me. I've started upping my carbs over the ketogenic threshold. I've randomly checked my blood sugar after carbier things (like a banana) 2 hrs pp and it hasn't been over 95. So no worries there. I'm still LCHF, I'm just staying out of ketosis. It's nice to have an apple. And a little bit of roasted carrots in my stew. I can have some chili sometime. :mrgreen: And I have found in just the 2 days I've been doing this that I'm not having any trouble staying under 100. I don't think I broke 85 yesterday. And I had a small bowl of popcorn! Which I ate because I wanted it and because I was afraid I wouldn't be high enough to stay out of ketosis. I haven't had anymore carb-mares at night so far (those of you who have them know what I mean. Mine are very intense and stressful and I wake up stressed.) I don't care about the couple pounds of water weight. I'll still get to goal eventually. I'm also having less trouble hitting my calorie goal now. So my macros look a bit like: 20% carbs, 25% protein, 55% fat.

    Intellectually, I feel like a traitor to the keto-cause. But I'm really not sorry. I'm quite happy to have more veggies in my life. I'm making almond flour crackers and bread sometime this week. In the trenches, it's every gal for herself. We got to discover our sweet spot for best health. It WAS keto for me. Now it may be something else. No shame in finding what's best for you. That's smart. This is all a huge experiment in progress.

    I hope you start feeling better soon, Kerin. <3

    I have also seen that I sleep better keeping above 50 grams. Like you say it is very easy to stay under 100.

    It seems harder for me to stay over 50. I find myself , like you, looking for a last minute carb. Last night it was a small amount of blackberry ice cream.

    Good to know this group is all about finding what is right for you and not forcing a certain program on everyone.

    That's our goal. :mrgreen:

    I know I'm good for ketosis up until about 65g net. I get full before I hit 85g total now. Fiber knocks it a little too close sometimes. Sheesh. Having trouble getting enough carbs...considering I was 20g total for a long time...well it's just hilarious and a little surreal to have that problem now.

    I'm glad you are finding your sweet spot. It makes things a whole lot easier. :smile:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I find drinking a few ounces of heavy whipping cream (36% butter fat milk) right before bed addresses my looking for a last minute carb and is good for my stomach without really having carbs.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I find drinking a few ounces of heavy whipping cream (36% butter fat milk) right before bed addresses my looking for a last minute carb and is good for my stomach without really having carbs.

    Gale, I can't remember if you are insulin resistant, but if you are - do you find that this triggers your insulin reactions? I read somewhere that not snacking at all after meals is the best way to allow your insulin process to restore to normal. I've been working on that - if I have a snack/sweet treat, I try always to tie it to the middle or end of my meal. I'm just wondering if you've had any experience with that?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I do not know if I am insulin resistant beyond what is naturally caused by LCHF. The last fasting reading I took was 93 after 12 hours of fasting and right before I ate breakfast.

    I did find the below interesting about eating fat.


    Sometimes I do cottage cheese at bedtime but prefer a slug of heavy whipping cream for the stomach.

    I need to read more on the subject.
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I LOVE this group!!!

    It is obvious lower carbs are the answer since especially sugar was a taking a huge hit on my health. But maybe they are too low. I didn't realize 150 was still considered low carb. I've been at around 30 to 60 most days.

    I just want to be able to continue to improve, be able to function (think clearly at work so I don't lose my job and have enouugh energy to take care of my pups) and lose weight. I stalled out at 10 pounds down and am not able to exercise except walking on the "good" days and usually for small amounts like 10 minutes at a time. I feel like instead of making progress I'm going the other way-- less energy every day.

    I just had a thought-- I wonder if it's a magnesium deficiency. I have overlooked taking that recently. I just took 3 mega pills so hopefully that will help get me to the market and back home today.


    also may I suggest potassium supplements? I was feeling awful for way too long, bought some potassium supplements and also some "Lo Salt" which has less sodium but also has potassium and I use this on everything. I do feel better since I started taking these. I also take a multivitamin and a magnesium and a probiotic everyday. Hope this helps :)
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    I'm not sure how much salt or potassium I should be taking. Eating really salty food is harsh (I've been adding a lot of salt lately yuck) but salt tablets sound much more doable. Does anyone take those? How much are you taking? What about potassium-- how much do you take of that a day?

    Any recommendations on brands and dosages would be awesome. I will order those salt tablets right away and I have some potassium already.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I'm not sure how much salt or potassium I should be taking. Eating really salty food is harsh (I've been adding a lot of salt lately yuck) but salt tablets sound much more doable. Does anyone take those? How much are you taking? What about potassium-- how much do you take of that a day?

    Any recommendations on brands and dosages would be awesome. I will order those salt tablets right away and I have some potassium already.

    I just add salt to taste to food and then try to eat something extra salty when possible. I like salt on tomatoes and can tolerate more on them than other foods. So I have a little tomato a few times a week. And olives, pickles are a favorite of mine.
    I only get potassium from NuSalt (salt substitute) and tomatoes are high in it too. Also chicken. I'm sure lots of other stuff also. I think I noticed it was pretty high in romaine lettuce and I actually love salad to death so I have no problem eating a few cups of that every day. I even salt my salad. I will put a little NuSalt and regular salt on everything. And I have added both to water for when it's hot or I'm walking because I'm so thirsty then that I don't care if I can taste it. Other times I will add it but in lesser amounts and then add some water flavor drops too. Can't taste any salt that way.
    Sometimes I record this stuff and other times I don't. Idk how much I'm actually using each time because my scale is stupid and doesn't seem to be able to register 1 gram as a measurement even though it's supposed to.