Starting JM's Body Revolution July 13th



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I have an impossible time with Stork and the Statue of Liberty moves. I use the couch to help with the former (standing leg braced against the arm of the couch) and a wall for the latter (extended arm grazing fingertips on the wall). I haven't fallen and that's all that matters.

    Can't do any jumping ever because of my osteoarthritis so I have to modify all of the plyo moves. I know my heart rate is never getting as high as it would if I were jumping but I'm willing to sacrifice the one (high HR) for the other (protecting my delicate joints).

    I know I enjoy the Cardio 2 more than the Cardio 1. Even if I can't be as explosive, I definitely work up a sweat!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    So far, so good.

    I was having my doubts about my ability to progress but, at this point, I am seeing the pattern of progression. Just when I think I have a handle on the workout and maybe can even increase my weights on some of the moves (which I actually did today, using 5 lbs instead of 3 lbs sometimes), it's going to change on me and I'm going to feel sore and incapable all over again. I've watched workouts 7 & 8 and I know I'll have to modify the plyo moves and I am already giving myself permission to do all of the push-ups and such from my knees. At least the first week. Maybe by the second week, I'll be ready to try to do more full body push-ups and planks . . . and then I'll be moving onto Phase 3 because Jillian Michaels doesn't want me (or any of us, obviously) to get comfortable with her workout.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I admit, this thread in the group had me scared:

    I started 7 & 8 this week and I honestly don't feel like it's significantly more difficult than the others. I mean, weeks 3 & 4 are absolutely harder than 1 & 2 but then 5 & 6 are harder than 3 & 4. I have to do all of the push-ups from my knees, unfortunately. I bet if I were to work through this program two or three times, I'd be off my knees the entire time. But I'm not there yet.

    The hardest thing for me to do is the Warrior III in workout 8. My balance makes it nearly impossible. But I try. If I simply have to touch my toe down, I make an effort to get back up. I must be doing something right because my glutes were so sore today.

    That is one of the things I like about the program. Just when I'm feeling comfortable or beginning to feel less sore, we advance to a new and more challenging workout. I don't expect I'll stop being sore until I am on vacation and not doing JMBR every day. In the meantime, I'm keeping up.

    I see the orthopedist tomorrow to see what's wrong with my ankle (and hopefully find out why it's been hurting since late April). Fingers crossed, I won't be told to stop exercising.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Doctor's orders. I have to stay off my foot. No squats or lunges or anything where I'm standing. Not even a downward dog push-up.

    So Jillian Michaels et. al. shall be returned to the shelf. I'll give the program a try someday in the future. For now, I have to redirect my fitness plans to avoid injuring myself. Darn darn darn!
