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  • omom459
    omom459 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed about a month or two ago, type II, on Metformin. A1C was 7.2. I had gestational diabetes about 8 years ago. Trying to get the fasting numbers under control, and up the exercise. It's overwhelming trying to navigate it all. Does anyone else get really hungry at night? I am wondering what snacks I could have, that won't give me a reading in the 140's in the a.m. if anyone has any advice? I would like to add some new friends here if anyone would like to add me. Thanks for listening!
  • akweelife
    akweelife Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to everyone. I was diagnosed Type 2 over 15 years ago. But health care issues and personal issues left it untreated for several years. I use Lantus at night. My Metformin was discontinued because I could not tolerate it and it was raising my Creatinine level. I am trying to get better at exercising more often and with more dedication. Thank you.
  • BaitTheHook
    BaitTheHook Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I am Dustin. I am a 37 yr old husband and father of three boys. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes as well as high cholesterol two months ago. My A1C was 8.5. I have made significant changes to my diet and begun exercising each day. I am down 10 lbs and have my cholesterol number under goal with help of medication. Hoping to see significant improvement to the A1C number in the coming year.
  • silentkisses05
    silentkisses05 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm Leah, I'm 29 married with no children... I was diagnosed around 2002 with T2... However, I haven't had health insurance since I was about 18yrs old. This made it hard to see the doctor and when I would see them they would scold me for not coming and therefore running out of medicine...
    I was a workaholic until December of 2013... Back in June of 2013 I started a new job cleaning condos and with the new uniform shoes and with my lack of knowledge (that new shoes should be broken in before extended wear) i developed a blister on my right foot... It wouldn't December of 2013 I finally went to urgent care who told me I had an ulcer. I didn't even know what an ulcer was! I ended up having to pay out of pocket for 3 months of weekly podiatrist visits! Which was really hard because I was also pulled out of work for 2 months! Then I started seeing a new primary care physician and he made it clear that he was an old dinosaur who could care less about me! Then the ulcer healed but from walking on crutches, I developed another ulcer on my left big toe! Because my doctor was terrible, I stopped going again.

    In may I finally got health insurance and got a great new primary care physician! I'm still struggling to keep the ulcer on my left foot closed bc I put so much pressure on that area whenever I walk. My new doctor has put me on a 1200 calorie diet... It was hard at 1st but I'm usually pretty good at keeping my calories in check. I do struggle with keeping calories AND carbs in check though... Currently I am on 2000mg/day Metformin & 20mg Glipizide ER... I also take 10mg of lisinopril with 12.5mg of the diaretic stuff (hctz?) in it for high bp & 600mg 2 times a day of Lopid for high cholesterol... Hopefully my cholesterol has come down by August whenever I'm retested bc it was very high last time and she wants to change my diabetes meds once she gets the cholesterol down. My start weight on 5/7/15 was 233 and I'm already down to 215!!! My short term goal is 200 and my high goal is 175...
  • Texaslyn56
    Texaslyn56 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Lynn. I'm 58 years old and was diagnosed with Type 2 DM approx 18 months ago with a Hgb A1C of > 11!! Pretty scary. I was initially put on Janumet and did ok, however due to a change in my insurance I was switched to Metformin 1000mg twice daily and Actos 30 mg daily. Prior to the switch, Glimepiride 1 mg daily had been added. I was slowly losing weight, my A1C was hovering at 7. Then, a couple of months ago I began stress eating over numerous other issues and gained back the 20 pounds I had lost. I went to the doctor this week, having decided enough was enough. (Although, strangely, my A1C and blood pressure were both great) After discussing possible treatment options, we decided to add Victoza 1.2 mg to my daily regimen. I started today. I also joined MFP today, my daughter joined approximately 9 months ago and has lost 55 pounds! I have bought some scales and a tape measure, about to go document all measurments. I dug my food scale out of the back of the cabinet. And I bought some healthy food while I was out. I know better than to try to stop all bad habits at once, but I think being aware of my caloric intake will be helpful. I will be more diligent about monitoring my blood glucose levels, I was instructed to discontinue the Glimepiride if the levels dropped too low. We shall see how this goes.
    Do you feel checking a fasting blood sugar daily is enough, especially at first, with a new medication AND lower caloric intake? Should I also check 2 hours post prandial in the evening?
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    My doctor only wants me to monitor pre-meal/-snack levels, and that's plenty of times to be poking myself, thank you very much.
  • greatgran141
    greatgran141 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Lou, and I'm new to this site. I have Type 2 diabetes and for the first 2 or 3 years have been in denial, because things were going well on meds. I take Janumet and at first it did a great job! .. too great, I guess, since I thought I could do (or not do) anything I wanted and still be all right. Well, surprise (not to any of you, I'm sure). It caught up with me and my doctor tells me I need to be on "more medicine" unless I lose some weight. I asked to give me 3 months to lose it. Well, it's been a month and not one pound has come off. I thought I was eating sensibly, certainly leaving off some of the things I'd been consuming, but no, that was not working. My granddaughter has just introduced me to MyFitnessPal, and I have high hopes that this is going to be the help and inspiration I need. I know I have some bad habits I need to break, like snacking whenever food is present; using food as comfort when I'm down and discouraged; eating too late at night, etc. Any suggestions will be appreciated. ps. I've started some weight training but know I need to do more. A plus is that I will now be inspired to do more housework and track that to offset some of the calories. o:)
  • mikey803
    mikey803 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Mike. I was diagnosed with mild Type-2 diabetes, November 2012. When I was diagnosed, I was put on Metformin 2x/day. My weight, at the time, was 330lbs. I was also put on Atorvastatin (I think that is spelled right) 1x/day. Since then, I weigh about 248. I am kind of stuck there for the last 5-6 months. I walk about 2.5 - 3 miles a day, during my lunch break. I workout with weights in the morning before leaving for work in the morning. My Metformin and Atorvastatin dosages were cut in half. I am looking forward to talking more with you here and hopefully we can be a blessing to one another.

  • gpeach52
    gpeach52 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Linda and was diagnosed in June. I'm not taking any diabetics meds but I am taking Lisinopril for kidney protection and Atorvastatin for cholesterol. My AC1 is 7.0 and so far I have attended 2 of the classes with 1 more to go. I'm going to need you guy support because I have no clue to what I'm doing.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member

    I am Working my way out of T2. Had a two year period that started out with a BG of 300+ on a dr visit. Did lots of diet and exercise and A1C was 5.4 in March

    I'm supposed to keep on and monitor. Supposedly always will be able to get it back.

    I'm just enjoying life and trying to turn back the clock a bit

    I love the food log on MFP. I eat a moderate carb diet and like working out and cycling.

    I pop a metformin daily as a diet aid per my dr.

    I'm just trying to ease into maintenance.

    Not going out eating doughnuts or anything, still watching out for sugar!


  • Maddox84
    Maddox84 Posts: 113 Member
    Hello! My name is Kristin and I was just diagnosed with T2 this week. I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor to make a plan as far as medication and such. I am 30 years old and have also had PCOS for over 10 years. I am scared but know I can beat this if I take the right steps. I have already started watching my Carb/Sugar/Calorie intake as well as exercising more. I won't know what else I need to do until my appointment. My A1C was 12% with 298 average. I want to be healthy and happy and would appreciate any advice and support.
  • shoequeenhealthy
    shoequeenhealthy Posts: 1 Member
    Greetings All,

    My name is Michelle and has diagnosed with T2D last week. I had blood work about 3 weeks ago, and when I reviewed my results I knew what my fasting glucose number meant, and immediately started taking steps to change my lifestyle. By the time I got into the doctors office to hear what my A1C (10.5) was going to confirm, I had lost 9 lbs., purchased a glucometer, and had been logging my blood glucose numbers and food intake.

    I'm not going to get to meet my Endocrinologist and CDE for at least another week and a half, so I've been reading everything I can find on T2D diets, recipes, and managing this disease. I have remained pretty positive throughout, and have viewed all of this as "my new normal".

    I hope that I can lose the weight, get that A1C down, and continue to live a long healthy life.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello, my name is Gail.
    I have been lurking around here for over a year, I don’t remember if I have posted here yet or not…. ( : / sorry, I am at that age. LOL ) In case I haven’t, a little back ground … 55 years young and I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes 2 . I have been struggling with weight issues from a super strong carb / sweet addiction with little to no exercise. Seeing my fasting numbers crawl up every year at our work health fair, I knew I was eating my way to a D2 diagnosis . A1C is at 8.1 My Dr. put me on Metformin , several different times, but every time I took them, it was a race to see if I could get to the restroom in time… I won, but just barely. : / So I would quit taking them until the next A1C check…and so on… Just recently I heard about the extended release type and seem to be having a better time with them so far…2 weeks in… I am hopeful they will continue to work well and my numbers will come down.
    I joined the Low-carb group, lurking there also. I am trying to watch my carb intake most days. Sugar has been the easiest to cut back on… skipping sweet drinks for water is easy with a few slip-ups....habits are hard to break when ordering out, sometimes.
    From reading many posts, I realize I may have Dawn Phenomena ….I attribute mine it to overeating along with too many carbs.…. a big problem I have at night..
    I have over 75 lbs to lose at 238lbs 5” 7 . Carbs are the toughest for me to cut back on and I am hoping exercising, by riding the gym bike for 30 minutes on a 10 tension at 10 -14 miles per hour with heart rate around 120-135 will help.. Does this seem like enough exercise to help with my numbers?
    ( Some days I ride two 30 minute sets.)
    From reading your posts, I know I need to also start keeping my carbs under 45 meals / 15 snacks.
    Thanks so much in advance, for any help or suggestions.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Scorpin64 wrote: »
    I'm new, so not sure if this is where I start. If not, if someone could please advice. I'm T/2 taking metformin & Glipizide. I hate it and I really hate Diabetes. I'm retired after many years of being a Long Haul Truck Driver. I'm married and my wife and daughter who is a RN nurse. I at the point, I don't know if life is worth living anymore. Anything and everything I go to eat I get hollered at. I feel like I'm alone. I was put out on disability early because of T/2. My social security isn't enough to support me and with no pension, I feel like I screwed. I hate this Diabetes thing. My wife and daughter tell me the reason I keep getting so angry is my PTSD. Yes I'm a vet and yes I have some real issues after 2 years spent in Viet-nom as a marine. But that didn't cause my diabetes. My wife and daughter tell me I need to loose 50 pounds. I'm 6ft large frame and weigh 250 lbs. Now I love my wife but she 5ft 2 and weighs 225lbs and she on me 24/7 about eating to much and the wrong thing. I sorry folks obviously I'm very mad and just venting but how the hell do you put up with this 24/7.

    Hi, Scorpin64, I am new to this group and T2D. So I am not the most informative person but I do know that this life IS worth living. You didn't mention exercise, but are you able to go for a walk? Seems like it would be good exercise and also helpful with your stress levels. Might be something you and your wife could do together, so she would see you are trying to do the very best for yourself. Hoping the best for you.
  • tattooed65
    tattooed65 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Mark 49 and i have had t2 since '95 . I never really took care of it and just did pretty much as i pleased till jan this year when i needed rotator cuff surgery. My preops showed fasting 419 and 13.9 a1c my bp was 160/110 weighed 384 lbs... this was my wake up call.. i have since lost 85 lbs cut my a1c from 13.9 to 6.1. Fasting bs 70-90 BP was 101//65 this morn at the doc. My goal is to get off the meds totally and get to 200lbs. Work in progress :)
  • CheleBelle49
    CheleBelle49 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Michele. Diagnosed T2 in May. Learning on my own. Found a certified diabetes educator program, and am waiting on a referral from my primary care physician. May be looking for a new doctor.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    Got diagnosed with Type 2 three years ago. Lost weight and was healthy for a while, but weight crept up again and now am on metformin. Started exercising and loosing again, hopefully for good this time. Need to lose about 30 pounds.
  • jimbarb44
    jimbarb44 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi My name is Barb and I have known I had pre T2 or T2 for several years but my a1c stayed in the well controlled group but this last winter my whole lifestyle changed drastically and my a1c jumped from 6.3 to 7.5 so am now taking metformin and have lost 18 lbs and my BG stays between 87 and 126 however I feel yucky all of the time. I saw a dietician and she said I was not eating enough. I am really trying to keep and carbs down but all of my feel good foods are carbs. I am an IceCream junky and IceCream must have cookies right. I have been just avoiding them all together but feel really put upon, cranky and deprived. Poor sad me. Any tricks you might have would be immediately put into use!
  • acrylicsteak
    acrylicsteak Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is liz, I am new to myfitnesspal and diabetes. My was recommended to MFP by my pharmist during a medicine review, and I have to say I really like, the depth of info far exceeds any previous health app I tried. Anyhow back to diabetes; I am a newbie, diagnosed T2, suspected steriod medication induced diabetes only a week ago, been on metaformin for 7 days now, so early day. I am still to see the diabetes nurse as there booked up to Sept 4th, which is not ideal but my local pharamist kindly went to a bit more depth about diabetes and metaformin, and gave me a little bit of better understanding. Which I was so greatful for. I have Lupus SLE and boat load of bolt on conditions, now with diabete added to mix, I struggling with my weight and really keen to get it to better place, I have quite alot of weight to lose. Thank you in advance for this group
  • kel_vs_diabetez
    kel_vs_diabetez Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Raquel and I have just been diagnosed with diabetes type 2. I live so Cal and work for behavior health. Currently I am at a1c. Gonna be a crazy journey!