100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Bad news on i tune cards - not good on apple products - only music, music sub, apps, movies or i books. 20% hit online if I sell them - that is if anyone wants $500 of those products.

    Really low energy day - trouble breathing. Gonna go read and maybe take a nap.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger - - actually tired of sitting by the computer!! rebuilding contacts is gonna be a project. Had a horrid coughing jag a6t 2 am - had to sleep rest of night sitting up on the couch, without my CPAP - solve 1 problem, create another.

    Talked to a few of my deep pocketed friends who may be able to help take these itune cards off my hands as one is wanting a mac book, another an iphone. We'll see - they're in play.

    Fans will be $25 total. Turning computer off to give it a rest - don't usually do that.
    Bad news on i tune cards - not good on apple products - only music, music sub, apps, movies or i books. 20% hit online if I sell them - that is if anyone wants $500 of those products.

    Really low energy day - trouble breathing. Gonna go read and maybe take a nap.

    Hi Shirl
    It sounds like You are having a tough day. I hope it gets better for You tomorrow.

    $25 is not a bad price for 3 computer fans. FWIW I always turn my computer off if I am not needing it for several hours or more.

    I am sorry to hear about Your bad luck with the Apple cards. It figures, Apple!

    Have a Good Afternoon and Evening

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I Went out walking earlier today, 5:21AM, It was better than yesterday, Whew!

    several blocks from the house a Walking Appetite AKA Deer ran out of a front yard on down the side street heading towards the brook over that way. We suspect that they live in the brush and trees along the brooks here in town.

    I see that I have a NS Shipment out for delivery today or tomorrow, that answers my question will anything ship before the Holiday. It did not indicate what is out for shipment unfortunately, Frozen, Shelf Stable or both. I seem to only get a email on whichever of them is the first to ship :)

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Puter fixed - learned how to enlarge scans and stream. Went to an alum lunch, toured my old Senior Dorm and the new Student Center - fab lunch - quiche and salad. Then visited with an old friend for quite a while.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was walking this morning, Ended up walking Three miles & 6 Cents due to having to change routes on the fly. We have not had to much lawn mower noise lately, Most of the lawns are a nice brown due to lack of rain :)
    Some leafs have been falling already too, possibly the same root cause.

    Whee, My Delivery is out for delivery today, I will find out what it is when it is delivered, SS, Frozen or both.

    Have a Great Day
    From Here: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/552048/Brisk-20-minute-walk-each-day-could-reduce-risk-early-death
    Daily walk adds years to your life: Just 20 minutes a day is enough
    A BRISK daily 20-minute walk could reduce the risk of an early death by almost a third, a new study shows.
    By Mark Reynolds
    More by following the Link :)
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Puter fixed - learned how to enlarge scans and stream. Went to an alum lunch, toured my old Senior Dorm and the new Student Center - fab lunch - quiche and salad. Then visited with an old friend for quite a while.

    Hi Shirl
    It Sounds as if You had a Productive day, Congratulations

    I hope You and everybody else have a great Holiday, Are we all ready?
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Happy Labor Day Weekend all! To all genealogists out there - both Ancestry.com and American Ancestors are offering free weekends - Ancestry started yesterday and ends Monday. Wills & probate (mostly Chicago), births, deaths, marriages. Filled in quite a few blanks here and there.

    Had eye appt today - 3 hrs - he was way behind and we were way early. Came home to a call that DH didn't have to go with me - bummer!

    Eye normally takes a month to heal. I'm ahead. All folks don't have 2 drops the first week - I did as he also gave me an antibiotic as he saw some irregularities and was concerned about possible infection. Dropped that drop - normal course is 4x, 3x, 2x, once a day. I'm skipping 3x and going straight to 2 times a day with just the steroid. Vision is where it should be tho I'm reporting more clarity and less blurriness than expected - every person is different - they don't want to give any false hopes, so predict on the less hopeful side - I'm doing really well. Roger, got nothing to do with any suit. Lens is for the rest of my life. May fog - if it does they laser fog off, will only mess with the lens if it goes off center - which is quite unusual. Having lifting restrictions for another week - can get my hair cut, etc. Will see him at the end of the month for glasses Rx. Thankfully - the diabetes and all my other health problems didn't negatively affect this.

    Happy Labor Day weekend. Air show here - got to see some of the planes practicing and can hear them periodically going over our home. Just remember - have a taste, then step away from the table! The boys are planning our meal - so we'll see.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking this morning, I stopped at the 7Eleven, No lids for the extra large coffee cups so I suggested pulling the empty cups until they have lids, It was done right away. Why it did not occur to the clerk, I do not know?

    Yesterday after the bank opened I walked up there, 4 blocks each way in addition to the morning walk. Then my BBB came and I spent some time checking it in and marking it. I marked it with a delivery number and calorie count on each item. This way I can look in the cupboard and pull a balanced days foods. Thus if I have a High calorie dinner I can look at a low calorie Breakfast or lunch. This works for me since I lay out my food ahead of time

    I am getting ready to head off to CostCo for Frozen vegetables and Dannon L&F greek Yogurt 16 pack and maybe Fruit.

    Have a Great Friday
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Happy Labor Day Weekend all! To all genealogists out there - both Ancestry.com and American Ancestors are offering free weekends - Ancestry started yesterday and ends Monday. Wills & probate (mostly Chicago), births, deaths, marriages. Filled in quite a few blanks here and there.

    Had eye appt today - 3 hrs - he was way behind and we were way early. Came home to a call that DH didn't have to go with me - bummer!

    Eye normally takes a month to heal. I'm ahead. All folks don't have 2 drops the first week - I did as he also gave me an antibiotic as he saw some irregularities and was concerned about possible infection. Dropped that drop - normal course is 4x, 3x, 2x, once a day. I'm skipping 3x and going straight to 2 times a day with just the steroid. Vision is where it should be tho I'm reporting more clarity and less blurriness than expected - every person is different - they don't want to give any false hopes, so predict on the less hopeful side - I'm doing really well. Roger, got nothing to do with any suit. Lens is for the rest of my life. May fog - if it does they laser fog off, will only mess with the lens if it goes off center - which is quite unusual. Having lifting restrictions for another week - can get my hair cut, etc. Will see him at the end of the month for glasses Rx. Thankfully - the diabetes and all my other health problems didn't negatively affect this.

    Happy Labor Day weekend. Air show here - got to see some of the planes practicing and can hear them periodically going over our home. Just remember - have a taste, then step away from the table! The boys are planning our meal - so we'll see.

    Hi Shirl
    3 Hours, Bummer!
    I remember the drops form a family member, Must be a nuisance!
    I am glad You had a good outcome. That Darned Diabetes is a real pain. One side of the family all seemed to develop it later in life. It must be hard to puncture the finger all the time and then the insulin injections too. Fortunately I seem to be able to get by with checking the FSB now and then. Thanks to the weight loss and NutriSystem I managed to avoid Meds.

    Have a Great day and upcoming Weekend
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Roger - what a great idea you have about marking your NS items. Hadn't heard that one before.

    Scanning on my agenda today - think I'll start with books as it makes the most impact - haven't talked myself out of saving recipes - darn it! Honestly, will I ever seek any of them again.

    Hot already - 90s predicted for the next week.

    Happy weekend - planes going over more requently now. We must be the exibition route.
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Glad to be back on track the past few days.. I had gained about 5 pounds in the week I was at my brothers eating horribly or not at all some days. Was just hard to be out of my routine and feeling like I'm imposing on his and his girlfriends life. Especially since I'm a package deal with two very large dogs and one of them a 11 month old hound puppy. Hounds and their loud personalities aren't for everyone.

    Am finally back down to just below where I was when I went over to their house! Losing fast so I'm assuming most of it was bloat and I'll probably walk away with a loss still. It's hot... Need to mow, weed and shape the bushes in the planters out front. Probably start that tomorrow early morning before it gets to hot out
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I've been AWOL. I was in a lazy funk for three days, but I'm back! On one of those days I ate 4 nutter butter cookies so I skipped dinner.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi All
    I was out walking again, Later today a recycle run, Need to check and see if they are open first. It is cooler this morning than yesterday, still feels a bit humid however.

    I asked the clerk at the Quick Chek, Who gets stuck working Monday? His answer, Everybody, No Holidays here.

    Have a Great Weekend and Holiday
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Roger - what a great idea you have about marking your NS items. Hadn't heard that one before.

    Scanning on my agenda today - think I'll start with books as it makes the most impact - haven't talked myself out of saving recipes - darn it! Honestly, will I ever seek any of them again.

    Hot already - 90s predicted for the next week.

    Happy weekend - planes going over more requently now. We must be the exibition route.

    Hi Shirl
    I also did this delivery in Red, The last Delivery was in Black. I work on using the old ones first and having them color coded makes that easier too.

    When You Scan recipes, What I would do and did with recipes form the Old Forums is create a Directory called Recipes, Then Under that one Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack directories and give each recipe a separate file and a descriptive name. so in My Documents I have a Folder called "Recipe Center Recipes" Under that I have
    The files in this case are the web pages from the NS forums. This system would work with Documents or PDFs too.

    Enjoy the Planes, Lucky You, All I get are Commercial Jets, Single engine and Helicopters.
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Glad to be back on track the past few days.. I had gained about 5 pounds in the week I was at my brothers eating horribly or not at all some days. Was just hard to be out of my routine and feeling like I'm imposing on his and his girlfriends life. Especially since I'm a package deal with two very large dogs and one of them a 11 month old hound puppy. Hounds and their loud personalities aren't for everyone.

    Am finally back down to just below where I was when I went over to their house! Losing fast so I'm assuming most of it was bloat and I'll probably walk away with a loss still. It's hot... Need to mow, weed and shape the bushes in the planters out front. Probably start that tomorrow early morning before it gets to hot out

    Hi DaisyLee
    You could drop by and join the challenge, it is open to all to join at any time, Next one will start on the 14th and will be advertised in this one.


    I find that one cheat meal and I retain tons of water. That tells me how much salt is in restaurant foods.

    Congratulations on getting back down and not letting it derail You.
    Hi everyone, sorry I've been AWOL. I was in a lazy funk for three days, but I'm back! On one of those days I ate 4 nutter butter cookies so I skipped dinner.

    Hi Val
    A traditional American pound cake would contain one pound each of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. Compared to that 4 Nutter Butter cookies is not too bad :)

    Good Luck
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Val - I'm actually impressed that you stopped at 4, and skipped dinner! Hard to do.

    DaisyLee - also impressed - that's what you gotta do, or you know the consequences.

    Roger - Thunderbirds are in town - finally fell across that info. They trade off, different teams on different years.

    Feeling a bit better today so far. Scanning more today. Decided to change it up a bit as I'm getting incredibly bored with endless paperwork projects - that's what I get for putting it off and not doing it originally! Planning on focusing on crafting over typical weekends - that should change it up.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking & 5Cents, Temperatures around 56 Degrees when I started out. On my return to the house and opened a front window and a back window to get some fresh air. After Breakfast I cleaned the Grill and Filter on the Living Room Wall mount AC. I still need to call or Email NutriSystem. The NutriChocolates in my BBB were melted together and the Latest Bear has a big open seam where the head joins the Body in the front. Since they did not substitute for the Granola Cereal Now I wish I had not lowered the quantity :)

    Have a Great Holiday Weekend
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Val - I'm actually impressed that you stopped at 4, and skipped dinner! Hard to do.

    DaisyLee - also impressed - that's what you gotta do, or you know the consequences.

    Roger - Thunderbirds are in town - finally fell across that info. They trade off, different teams on different years.

    Feeling a bit better today so far. Scanning more today. Decided to change it up a bit as I'm getting incredibly bored with endless paperwork projects - that's what I get for putting it off and not doing it originally! Planning on focusing on crafting over typical weekends - that should change it up.

    Hi Shirl
    I have had times when I put things off to long and then get depressed when I see the mound of work to do and lose the inspiration to do it in the past.

    I am glad You are feeling Ok.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out walking this morning a hour before Sunrise, a little warmer than Yesterday but still comfortable.

    Have a Great Holiday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    On that one day, I was good and stopped at 4 nutter butters and skipped dinner. Um but yesterday I went way way way off the deep end: 12 nutter butters, and a bunch if other stuff. So bad I stopped logging what I ate.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    edited September 2015
    I wrote a bunch more, but it deleted that. Today totally back on plan with healthy eating and exercise! Dreading going to office tomorrow because some people are total jerks. But I should be able to work from home rest of week!
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Val - it's impossible to always be on the straight and narrow path - just get back on and keep moving forward!
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    If it makes you feel better Val.. I've been off for the past two days cause of Labor Day. Wasn't too horrible, but there might have been a slice of cheesecake somewhere in there... Back to the grind tomorrow... Next slip up will be thanksgiving... But I'm okay with that. One day won't hurt us ;)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi All
    I got out walking early, 5:23AM, It was a little warmer and a little more humid than Yesterday, however there was a gentle breeze for most of it that kept it comfortable. 2.88 miles & 25 Cents :)

    When I came back home I had a burst of inspiration and decided to do a quick whip around through the house and cleaned out stray trash to go to the garbage can so it will be ready for our garbage pickup.

    I ordered some Shredder Bags from Amazon they make it so much less messy when shredding Discs and paper. Just pull the bag, close & toss it. I found out about them when the new shredder came with a sample pack in the bin.

    I made these, Chocolate Peanut Cluster, Counts as 1 Dessert + 1/2 Power Fuel
    Review and recipe here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10213619/chocolate-peanut-cluster-counts-as-1-dessert-1-2-power-fuel

    Have a Great Tuesday
    On that one day, I was good and stopped at 4 nutter butters and skipped dinner. Um but yesterday I went way way way off the deep end: 12 nutter butters, and a bunch if other stuff. So bad I stopped logging what I ate.
    I wrote a bunch more, but it deleted that. Today totally back on plan with healthy eating and exercise! Dreading going to office tomorrow because some people are total jerks. But I should be able to work from home rest of week!

    Hi Val
    I deleted stuff this morning. I over highlighted some text and did not notice before I hit the delete key, Oops.

    It is sounding like Nutter Butters is a trigger food for You :)

    OTOH at least You are still working and have not joined the ranks of those whose unemployment has run out.

    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Val - it's impossible to always be on the straight and narrow path - just get back on and keep moving forward!

    Hi Shirl
    So True, Don't let it depress You since we are all Human and can err.

    Have a Good Day
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    If it makes you feel better Val.. I've been off for the past two days cause of Labor Day. Wasn't too horrible, but there might have been a slice of cheesecake somewhere in there... Back to the grind tomorrow... Next slip up will be thanksgiving... But I'm okay with that. One day won't hurt us ;)

    Hi DaisyLee
    Should I look and see if I can find a recipe for on plan Cheese Cake? I might anyway since it sounds good to me :)

  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow - really weird things happening on my puter. Good non vocal music started while clicking on your post Roger - did you embed anything? Then a paypal screen popped up and the fitness equipment below. Wiped this post. Roger - so nice that you walk and get paid for it daily! I'm totally impressed by the fact you're awake and out that early. I really need a shower to wake fully - so when I used to walk in the morning I kinda dragged a bit - but couldn't justify taking 2 showers.

    How do these shredder bags work?

    I've scanned about 18 inches of paper that needs shredding - DH decided we're gonna put it in our firepit with wood and cover and burn it instead - I'm good with that. Sure fine ash will still escape, but shouldn't be too bad. Then we'll try to stay more on top of it.

    Didn't do much today - finished a book, ordered some new tops from Warriors in Pink - tired of wearing my Cleveland Clinic T-shirts and giving them free advertising - they gave us at least one per year that I worked there so I wear them a lot. DH also has quite a collection. Donated to Pink Foundation - they use donations to help with living expenses while person has breast cancer - think that's a great idea, hadn't considered til now. My granddad died from breast cancer, 4 females in mom's family have had it, as well as my SIL at 40 - first mammo. She's 9 yrs out and still having problems due to the changes in her brain from chemo and radiation. Crummy that you beat it, but it still doesn't take a hike.