KISS: Keep It Simple September



  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    9-1 3325 steps
    9-2 5301 steps :smile:
    9-3 5056 steps :smile:

    9-4 5391 steps :smile:

  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Back to basics for me

    Lots of animals ate the last few days.

    Lifting hard for 3 days and riding 3.

    There is something to the intense exercise that spins up my metabolism and overall energy level/aggression for life.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Not so much progress this week, but did keep the two fasting days this week. Weight bounced around and ended up with a zero weight loss, but my fasting blood sugar has been in the 80's several times, which is an amazing win. Foods were pretty simple, meat and non-starchy vegs with extra butter.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Week 1: I already broke my promise to only have 1 bag of pork rinds/day. But I've been able to keep it to max 2 :o

    The only thing I weighed was almonds for the homemade almond milk. Hurrah. But I feel a bit frustrated not logging the food I eat. Have had bad dreams of losing control almost every morning. Duh, could there be any correlation ?

    I have written up what I ate on 2 days. It feels itchy to get a hole in my data. But I realize this is MY challenge, and that this is a journey. I felt totally overstuffed yday, so I caved in and did a rough calorie count: 2180- 887 (exercise) = 1293 kcal. Really high intensity always makes me less hungry. So my hunger cues are so way off and contextual :(

    Moving forward, I will allow to write down what I ate, without weighing as a compromise, maybe the bad dreams will subside. Stepping stones.

    Couldn't find a strength class that fitted schedule, but I tried a Barre class on Fri. Fooled around with kettlebells, did some rowing and spinning on Sat and did Ashtanga-ish yoga today. Daily avg steps so far is 10 950 steps.

    There's a lot of stuff going on atm. I try to not get too overwhelmed. One bite at a time.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,056 Member
    Hi everyone. I am late to post since I am transitioning to my plan for KISS, to Keep it Simply Savage, and get back to Zero Carb. The trouble is that I still have veggies in the garden to pull out, and pickled beets to make! So I won't realistically be able to devote all my calories to meat until mid September. Also have 3 more parties to attend soon. I do watch what I eat when out, but alcohol and carbs are bound to be consumed in moderate quantities.

    This is a good time to get back to basics for me. I also renewed my vows to commit to IF, and have now seen all my post vacation weight gain and new weight gone, so I'm hoping by getting back to both basics, ZC and only eating when hungry will keep the scale numbers coming down.

    It feels exciting to me to have survived the summer and vacation away quite well. I have been able to make good choices and mitigate potential damage, and I am so proud of myself! But it also feels good to be able to focus on weight loss again and get more aggressive yet simplified with my approach. This is all about me and what feels good! More meat, and hopefully more kissing!
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    pondsbb wrote: »
    My KISS
    Put the scales away for the month
    Add a stretch/yoga routine three days a week
    Eat simpiler..things like steak, broccoli and butter and things that don't take a lot of prep
    Prep snacks on weeked for entire week like boiled eggs, celery sticks, carrot sticks, dip.

    Goal- to end the month feeling rejuvenated and hopefully weigh end of month with a loss.

    Good luck all. Hope your week goals go better than mine.

    I have already missed my yoga this week because of camping and boating. It is hard to yoga on water.

    I did get in exercise. Water skiing.

    My food choices have been a labor day week mess.

    The only thing I prepped was some bell peppers and dip and hubby ate half of that in one day.

    The only thing I have managed is not weighing. I haven't had time.

    So far my rejuvenation is legs that feel like rubber from the skiing. I'm a bit dizzy too.

    Hopefully next week will fair better.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Well I have had a great week with my KISS plan. I decided to also simplify a few days a week by IF and I am super happy to report that I lost 2lbs last week after not losing for almost a month!
    It was difficult to wait until weigh in day because I felt like I may have had a decent loss (or just really hoped) and I wanted to confirm it so bad! But since weighing once a week is part of my KISS plan, I muddled through.
    Lastly I cut back on artificial sweeteners in my coffee by 1 whole pump from my Davinci dispenser. I've measured how much is in a pump a few times and it's about 1Tbls. So I'm still using 2.5 Tbls. I think that's too much for each cup! I will be cutting back even more this week.
    Congrats to everyone else on completing the first week! :)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,458 Member
    edited September 2015
    My KISS: September 8th update

    Get back to basics: meat, eggs, veg, minimal dairy. Cut the bread and other sugary stuff back out.

    I went over 20 carbs (gross, not net) once, with baked fries leftover on the tray after the kids ate. Otherwise, great adherence.

    Stick to my calories.


    Get at least 5k steps per day, preferably 7.5k.

    Never quite hit 7.5k and missed 5k one day where I spent 12+ hrs fooling with an assignment.

    Drink at least 12 cups water daily.


    Try to get a minimum of 6hrs sleep every night.

    Done, surprisingly. Barely, a couple nights, but done.

  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    I've been meaning to post here since it first went up. Sorry for my lateness. I've been on an egg fast since Sunday, because I'd let things get out of hand and when I replaced my scale batteries I saw the weight going up a tiny bit. Simplicity is good!

    KISS Goals/Plan:
    1) Simplify my eating by continuing the egg fast on workdays and regular LCHF on weekends, focusing primarily on meat, eggs, vegetables, and a little dairy on my non-egg-fasting days.
    2) Drink at least 96oz water but preferably 128oz (I have a 32-ounce water bottle and try to empty it 4 times a day).
    3) Take my supplements every single day.
    4) Declutter my finances. I won't go into detail on this.

    Expected results:
    1&2) I don't expect to lose as much weight on subsequent egg fasts as I did this first time (I am down 5.6 lbs over 5 days of egg fasting), but I will be happy with a couple pounds a week on average.
    3) Have more energy and fewer undesired symptoms (like muscle cramps, etc.).
    4) To begin to see the light at the end of a very long tunnel and to not be in constant crisis/stress mode, which should substantially improve my relationship with my husband.

    Starting Weight:
    September 1 Weight: 189.4
    Today's Weight: 187.4
    I also took measurements yesterday and will be tracking them to see my progress.

    1) Okay, so I ate a normal LCHF diet over the long weekend and regained so that this morning's weigh-in was 189.4, exactly what it was on September 1. That is not encouraging, but I did have a net loss around 3.5 lbs for the 5-day egg fast, after accounting for the gain over the weekend, so it's still a loss. Today I'm back at work, so I'm also back at the egg fast. Breakfast was BPC and two eggs fried in butter with 1 oz of cheddar cheese. Lunch consists of a 3-egg omelette cooked in 1 Tbsp butter and filled with 1 oz cheddar and 1 oz cream cheese.
    2) I have my 32-ounce water bottle on my desk filled with filtered water and ready to go!
    3) I forgot to take my supplements over the weekend. :( But I remembered last night and will do my best to keep up with them from here on out. It would help if hubby and I could keep that section of the counter cleared off so I can see them in plain view--then I wouldn't forget as readily. So that's my mission for this week--to keep the counter uncluttered.
    4) I'm still working on this, but so far things are looking up! :)

    ETA: I decided to further simplify my September by prepping cheese for the week. It sounds as crazy as it looks in my refrigerator. I buy cheese in 16-ounce blocks from the grocery store, so usually I slice some off as I need it and estimate how much I think it is to enter it into my diary, but last night I pulled out the food scale and measured out 1-ounce portions into individual ziploc sandwich bags, put all the baggies into a plastic food container, and put it on the top shelf of the fridge. I didn't explain to hubby what I was doing, so I'm sure he's going to think it's crazy, but it sure makes my morning food prep easier and takes the guesswork out of logging my cheese intake. :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,956 Member
    KISS Goal:
    • Stop driving myself bats weighing every day. It does nothing but get me wound up when the scale is being an idiot. And then I act like an idiot. Stop it!
    • Cut the alcohol. All my husband buys is rotgut bottom-shelf vodka. Sure it feels nice being all relaxed for a short period, but I sleep terribly and am a grouchy, hung-over jerk the next day. What is this benefiting me? It blows out my calories. I feel awful. I don't need booze to have a good evening. Stop it!

    Sept 8th update:
    So far so good. Not a drop of booze. I weighed-in last week at 159. Didn't weigh until this morning. And I'm up 2lb to 161. Which isn't surprising in the least since I made a bit too liberal with carbs the past 2 days and I believe TOM is lurking ready to pounce. I really got kindof depressed yesterday since the "holiday" is over. Homeschooling burns me out pretty regularly. (Wait until winter... when I'm stuck in the house for days due to snow...hooboy.) I spent most of the evenings of our camping trip running the 4 kids back to town for soccer practices (45min drive one way) and to the house after to feed the kitties, and the rest of the time roasting to death and getting pissed off by the in-laws. I really wanted a I ate a half-bag of semi-sweet choc chips instead. Not the best decision ever, I must admit.

    I also need to add cutting down on the artificial sweetener to my monthly goal. I've been suspicious for awhile about this. It turns out if I have too much aspartame, and/or ace K, in a day, TMI alert, it causes me kidney and bladder pain. Feels like I have a UTI, and I'm running to the bathroom feeling like I need to pee constantly (when my bladder isn't even close to full.) So it may not cause me cancer or poison me, but it is the devil in another way. So I need to make sure to keep the diet sodas to 1 or less per day.

    So...weekly take-away: I need to not be a dumbarse and make sure I have the Tension Tamer tea and light a lavender candle in the evenings or something so I can zen out enough to stay out of the choc chips.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,956 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    My goal: To engage in social-based physical activity at least once a week. Go walking with someone (other than the dog), go to a yoga class (instead of a private instructor)... some type of exercise in a group setting.

    Background: I have Asperger's and I'm an introvert. It took me a year of reading the message boards just to post. I exercise alone, I work alone, hell, I practically live alone because hubby is an introvert too. Social stuff, plainly, scares the everlovin shyte outta me. Chichat is impossible.

    So, the "simple" part of this is to let go of the anxiety once a week and do the exercises I love with others who love them too. I don't know if I can sustain it, but I can try.

    My little sis has Asperger's. She's now a college prof and about to finish up her PhD. I would never in a million years have guessed she'd end up teaching classes full of college kids! But she's been doing it for years now.

    Good luck! You can do this. :+1:
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Maintaining weight after fun weekend. Have been lifting harder and definitely getting more vascular. So there is a bit of fat for muscle swap going on over the last month that is starting to show up

    This is really about looking better naked. Clothes hide lots. Trying to have less to hide.

    I know the last 10-15 is the toughest so keeping it simple and keeping focus is exactly what I need

    Shooting for 3 lbs per month loss. Does not seem like much but it is tough.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Had one day where I decided to have a piece of that stupid zucchini bread (backstory: made the recipe not realizing it was only gluten free and sugar free, but NOT low carb!) with my husband, but other than that I've been sticking to my animal products only.

    I watched the Fathead video all the way through, finally, on Saturday and let it convince me to keep dairy in my diet (combined with FIT_Goat's interview mentioning he saw little to no benefit from cutting it out). However, to limit my dairy intake (specifically via cream) I have been drinking my cold brew coffee black in the mornings and only making a quarter pot of coffee in the evenings to drink with cream (comfort food, not the worst thing I could pick).

    But it's pretty much been steak, eggs, and bacon around these parts! Oh, and vodka. Vodka's a pork product, right? :D
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    KISS Goals:
    1. Make myself a higher priority by maintaining my recently increased physical activity and taking care of basics like postponed appointments, getting more sleep etc.
    2. Just concentrate on keeping the carb numbers where they belong. May try and incorporate a few egg fasts to kick start my motivation.

    I am pleased to report that I have been maintaining daily physical activity. Might not be extremely strenuous every day, but it a concentrated effort to formally be active! I have been going to bed a bit earlier, but the quantity of sleep hasn't actually increased yet (why is it easier to sleep once the alarm goes off!?).

    I have both a physiotherapy assessment (knee) scheduled, a regular physician checkup which is likely overdue by a few years (I guess I should be thankful that I am relatively healthy) and my massage therapist is back from her medical leave, so I have a few appointments scheduled for that too.

    Regarding food.... I ate fairly on track last week. Didn't do an actual egg fast, but most of my suppers fell into those guidelines. I was feeling the benefits. Hosted a houseful of company over the weekend and made decent food choices, but there were too many cocktails and desserts. I am suffering the sugar repercussions. Back on track today. No scale movement, but happy it didn't go up.

  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    LuizH wrote: »
    I'm just back from holiday with an extra kilo of carb-weight in tow from letting my diet slip quite a few times over the week.

    My goal for September is back to basics:
    - Get back to proper keto eating again including using my keto-strips once a week
    - Do some form of exercise EVERY DAY in September. Keeping it simple so it doesn't matter what the exercise is as long as it raises my heart rate for at least 30 mins per day

    I'm a bit late checking in for week 1 but I'm pretty pleased with myself so far.
    I got back to keto nice and easily. I have very simple meals of meat with veg or meat with cheese, I would happily eat like this for the rest of my life! My keto sticks were pink again after 2 days so I have put them away for a while, I know that once I'm in ketosis it's easy to sustain just by watching my carbs. I've also been really good with my vitamins which I'd not been taking as frequently as I should.

    I'm kind of IFing because I don't eat breakfast so my first meal of the day is generally around 12-1pm, but I'm not calling it IF because I don't want to put that pressure on myself. I just see it as a way to earn more butter for my steak later in the day ;)

    I have exercised every day so far in September apart from last Saturday which I took as a rest day, although I spent the day school-uniform shopping with my kids so it was hardly restful!

    This is all working for me so far, since 1st September I've lost over 2 kilos (although the first one was holiday weight and probably just water retention from eating too many carbs while we were away). KISS seems to be the way forward!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Ok I'm late to the game but here are my KISS goals for September:
    1: Drink at least 3 litres of water a day
    2: stop weighing in every day. Going to try once a week. THis will be hard for me. I'm a bit obsessive. :#
    3: start my C25K again, got to week 6 last time. Determined to finish this thing!!

    thats it for me. wish me luck!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    The plan is working

    Yesterday was a chill day and I took an easy ride. Felt very strong.

    Had many segments over 24 mph

    Had personal best of 28.8 mph

    The basics are good for me

    Eat good, rest, give it hell...
  • keokagal
    keokagal Posts: 25 Member
    No alcohol for the month, started yesterday. Walk 3-4 times per week for 2-4 miles. Keep carbs 20-50.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    I've done well with my not tracking calories--just sticking with things I know fit my plan and eating until satisfied. Going well so far.

    However, I have cheated on my no weighing until the end of the month goal. Twice... Was feeling a little out of control, since I'm also not tracking calories. I weighed in earlier this week at 153.4 (that's about 2 pounds down from my 9/1 weight, I think). Then, this morning, I decided to see if that was just a fluke, and weighed again (152 this time). I'm satisfied, for now, so no more weighing!

    I also got some ketostix over the weekend (see, I told you I need to feel more in control), so maybe that will help me avoid the scale...

    Hopefully, my mind will stay at ease and I can avoid the scale until the end of the month from this point forward. At least I'm not weighing daily any more...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    KISS Goal:
    1. Get back to basics. Lately, I have been trying too many faux foods (almond flour is so NOT my friend), letting my quantities creep (not even carb foods, just in general), eating too much of keto desserts to the point of getting sick or eating way too much, stopped eating basic foods/depending on weird stuff.
    2. Focus on my water. I haven't hit a single water goal in a month. SAD.
    3. Work towards getting more sleep. I had gotten up to getting nearly 7 hours a night (up from 4.5 average), and then I added in some mindfulness destressing, which took up far more time than intended, and I'm back to 4.5-5 hours a night... I just can't do that! And if something prevents me from sleeping when preferred (insomnia or life, etc), work on getting more self care in - it's relaxing and needs to become routine.

    Implementation Plan:
    1. Focus on meal prepping for my breakfast. Eggs, sausage, cheese, etc. Batch cook on weekends/evenings so I can just reheat in the mornings. Stop experimenting. Get back to individually portioned fat bombs and fat bombs that agree with me more. Repeat: eggs, meats (not generally processed), and the veggies I love. Have the majority of my daily intake be real food, not some fill in item that "fits the fat macro" but has no other nutritional value.
    2. Drink a water bottle fully before getting out of bed. Retool my reminders on my water tracking app to be more value-added. Make it a habit again.
    3. Going to start tracking tomorrow night, then work to add a minimum of 10 minutes per night until I'm over 6 hours of sleep. Target is 7 hours, as I just don't know if 8 hours is feasible, as going to bed at 9 pm means dinner then bed - no couple time, which is essential to both of our sanity. The first and last 30 minutes of my day should be all about me, rejuvenating and relaxing. I have a few new things I'm hoping to put in the rotation this month.

    Expected results:

    I want to get that scale and those sizes trending downward again. I've been kind of stuck in a "transporter loop" of my own making. I've looped past this low weight at least twice, and it is my intention to make this time the last time. All of these items above will add peace and quality of life to mine. My primary focus is on my health, and I want to make some more good strides before my next check ups in October.

    Update (5/10 - a little late)...
    1. Basics - Still haven't kicked the dessert portion habit. I've gotten lazy in not wanting to prepare fat bombs and desserts in batches, so am going for the easy stuff that has carb creep. But I've intentionally run myself out of a few easier ingredients, so working that angle. (EEEK - ran out of breakfast stuff. Must make tonight!)
    2. Water - I'm getting closer, but still no cigar. Since I'm mostly avoiding the scale, today was the first day I finished my water bottle before getting going. Was great, but slowed down my other morning water...
    3. Sleep - I'm THANKFULLY back up to about 6 hours per night as my average, up from under 5 hours, so I'm going to stick with that and work on adding more. Not stepping up evenly, but any time I make it to bed before midnight is great. Also got up 15 minutes earlier today.
    4. Blogged today about feeling stuck and all. Had a rough day yesterday due to a personal unniversary...but didn't go off plan... Oh, and been knitting or coloring nearly every night. It is definitely helping with better sleep.